Techrights Should be Even Faster Now
ONE hour ago the network improvement work was completed (it took 4 hours*). Routing should be better now, reducing latency some more (it's already extremely low in the UK). This matters for IRC, not only Gemini and HTTP/S. We want everything to be responsive and almost immediate. Low latency fetishes aren't just for "gamers". There are practical benefits.
Requests can still take a long time from Japan and Atlantic US, but in the EU we're looking at around a tenth of a second to fetch a whole page (the hosting is done in the UK, but the company is EU-based**). To Australia there are many 'underwater' hops, so it can still take a couple of seconds. There's no workaround, not even CDNs would help much (it would not cover IRC).
Anyway, we managed to entirely avoid any downtimes or disruption throughout the maintenance window (for which I woke up at 10PM after only 1.5 hours of sleep).
We're now much better off. █
* 2AM: "Completed - The scheduled maintenance has been completed."
** There's no change of host but a merger. I've been with this host since 2004, a happy customer.