Germany's 'Share' of GNU/Linux Rises to All-Time High Based on This Surveyor
Many public services have made the move to GNU/Linux
In Germany, many people quit "Twitter" (now "X") and it's not hard to understand why. "Twitter" is a destabilisation platform weaponised against the EU, just like TikTok. Likewise, many public sector organisations seek to distance themselves from that social control network, now controlled by nazis and Islamic radicals. Businesses that came to depend (or feel like they depend) on "Twitter" for traffic observe that fewer people still use "Twitter", so they too disengage. We recently gave BMW as a prominent example. There are many more, but they keep quiet about it to avoid negative reactions, especially from the chief troll/nazi, who is now suing companies for boycotting him.
Not only "Establishment" politicians in Germany recognise the seriousness of the situation; the general public does too, sans some radicals. As The Atlantic has put it this month: "Alienating allies and partners that the U.S. desperately needs means that “America First” will be “America Alone.”"
Many in Europe - not just in Germany - also adopt this “America Alone” mantra; they don't believe that cooperating with the US is something they can rely on anymore. Thus, blindly adopting American "tech" companies (like GAFAM) makes no sense anymore. They're not even doing well financially*. Common sense and laws get discarded [1, 2].
When it comes to Microsoft, there are woes in Germany and many leave Windows (see screenshot above; it shows GNU/Linux rising to record highs this year). That's not limited to Microsoft though; except in the EPO, which illegally outsourced to Microsoft, many public institutions plan or already implement a plan to leave Microsoft for good. Some leave Google too. Amazon AWS? Replace that, as well.
Remember that Microsoft backs the dictator no less than the saluting MElon backs him. Microsoft even gave a bribe for last month's inauguration. Microsoft represents and profits from bigotry. "Microsoft Deutschland loves Deutschland" like "Microsoft loves Linux". █
* An associate says that "tipping the recession into a depression seems to be an apparent goal".