IBM Layoff Rumours, Large-Scale Implementations Weeks Ahead (in March 2025)
Hours ago: "Heard from a few ppl in CIO to relocate or take a 3 month package. And so the wheels keep spinning on RTO! Ugh!"
Also a few hours ago:
THE above threads help confirm that IBM is cutting Consulting, as some people had said this past week before it happened. The more important points are, they use RTO and relocations to try to cause people to resign (no severance pay); failing that, "[l]ayoff will certainly happen in March or April," one person said, "it is irrevocable." There are some people corroborating. It's not staged. This is office gossip, sure, but some people saw actual proof. At the start of January, before two large waves of layoffs, we learned that Microsoft managers were anxious and worried; they knew what was coming.
Remember that at the end of last month IBM's CEO said that layoffs in 2025 will be roughly the same as last year, so we're looking at something of the order of 10,000 people. The remaining IBM workers are subjected to psychological abuse like PIPs (Performance Improvement Plans). Some will simply resign and IBM won't replace them or pay them anything. "Headcount" is a lie. Morale suffers as a result and IBM loses its appeal as an employer. It ends up hiring only cheap and unskilled labour. █