Samba Team Denounces the Novell Deal
- Shane Coyle
- 2006-11-13 17:20:39 UTC
- Modified: 2006-12-10 06:47:54 UTC
Here is a link to their full
announcement, but this excerpt summarizes it pretty well:
The patent agreement struck between Novell and Microsoft is a divisive agreement. It deals with users and creators of free software differently depending on their "commercial" versus "non-commercial" status, and deals with them differently depending on whether they obtained their free software directly from Novell or from someone else.
The goals of the Free Software community and the GNU GPL allow for no such distinctions.
Furthermore, the GPL makes it clear that all distributors of GPL'd software must stand together in the fight against software patents. Only by standing together do we stand a chance of defending against the peril represented by software patents. With this agreement Novell is attempting to destroy that unified defense, exchanging the long term interests of the entire Free Software community for a short term advantage for Novell over their competitors.
hi there
2006-11-13 23:29:23
2006-11-15 01:09:07
I agree with the Samba team, and this move seems to me a trap for the whole F/OSS community.
But let also do some more constructive initiatives:
Lets begin some consumer guerrilla warfare by helping and educating our neighbours and relatives: Speak with any one you appreciate who uses a computer about M$, their abusive business practices and the inferior quality of their products. Teach them about the freedoms the GPL provides to the users and how some tech corporations, leaded by Microsoft are trying to deprive users from them. Make sure they dont buy a new PC with Vista intalled for Christmas or afterwards, you can propose the shift to Linux as a cheaper way to renew their computer, educate them about forced obsoleteness and how Vista will consume more and more resources from their PC unnecesarily. Finally offer help to them at removing the Windos virus from their computers and install and teach them how to use a flavor of linux you like: Ubuntu,Debian,Fedora,MEPIS... Moreover teach them to do the same on their neighbours. Start a chain reaction. Further the effects of your actions by joining or creating a local LUG, and doing regular install parties: Proposed motto: "Fix your PC for free and get rid of viruses, trojans, spyware: Bring your computer and get Linux installed: For free!!!...etc more constructive ideas? Best regards
2006-11-15 20:17:00
As for computers bought with Windows on them and suggesting the shift to Linux, I'd suggest taking the computer to the retailer with receipt in hand, ready to demonstrate that you will not accept Microsoft's Windows tax, then seeing about getting a tax refund. If you can't get the refund on the OS, I'd suggest returning the computer in its entirety, or exchanging it for parts to build a computer, but making sure you don't get Windows. Harder to do with a laptop, though, I suspect.
2006-11-17 11:38:57