It seems that Novell will position their award-winning distribution as a complete desktop replacement, rather than just a complement to Windows after all.
Novell will be unveiling a new website that will be comparing Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 and Microsoft Windows Vista (early version here, apparently) on Friday.
The company is set to launch, on Friday, a web site that puts its SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 in a series of head-to-head comparisons versus Vista. The tag line: "SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 is the compelling alternative to Windows Vista."
A Novell spokeswoman emails to say, "Ultimately, the website will focus on these four key benefits of SLED 10: Lower Cost, Strengthened Security, Improved Usability Increased Flexibility."
2007-01-19 11:29:03
2007-08-10 07:36:49
Novell did it again, I like the way novell helps user save money.