The GPL version 3 will take a few months more to come into effect. A March deadline has slipped and it is now looking like it may take until the final quarter of 2007 before the licence is formally ushered in.
This leaves Novell with a short fuse, especially now that both Linus Torvalds and Simon Phipps express satisfaction w.r.t. the new licence. SJVN, on the other hand, is very pessimistic. He believes the process of reaching a consensus might take years. Worth reading.
Seeing that the patent "industry" has turned to serious crimes (sometimes to cover up corruption) and seeing that the net negative is clearer for all to see, people who argue for abolition of all patents will have a field day is basically a pariah and parasite. It lessens the incentive to write real articles about "Linux" by generating fake ones to outrank the originals.