After answering several simple questions and making a cuppa, The Acer eventually restarted to display the Linux desktop. Everything on my previously slothful Acer not only worked, it worked much faster. System windows literally sprung open, and starting an app didn't result in endless hard drive activity or hour glass pointers. In short Suse looked good and, compared to Windows Vista on my same notebook, ran like greased lightening.
In October, Shenzhen China-based HiVision will ship a MIPs-based Linux mini-notebook for $98. The company is currently offering a similar machine for $120, according to a video blog report from the Internationale Funkausstellunga (IFA) consumer electronics show in Berlin this week.
Pardus is a very good distro, and should really be much higher on the Distrowatch rankings. They really do know what beautiful is Smile and includes a plethora of applications. I highly recommend this distro if you are just starting out using Linux or want to introduce Linux to someone else.
As KOffice is supposed to be a lightweight office suite, I figured it would be nice to see how well it would run on maemo based devices. Thanks to Thomas Zander who replaced a lot of the double usage in koffice with qreals it was quite straightforward to get koffice to compile and packaged. Well, for the most part that is, I didn't manage to get kspread to link as apparently the old gcc version I'm using has some problems with inner classes in templated classes and duplicate symbols. After fixing some trivial issues, I could install koffice on maemo and run it...