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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: September 5th, 2008 - Part I

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*Slated (n=[H] has joined #boycottnovellSep 05 00:46
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to SlatedSep 05 00:46
SlatedYesterday's Troll (cj): and photo: 05 00:53
*Slated has quit ("reset by beer")Sep 05 00:54
*libervisco_ ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 05 02:24
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*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 05 03:08
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*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 05 07:24
*ZiggyFish ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 05 07:26
schestowitzFrom the news: Grabbing Novell admin password at a school: 05 08:00
*ZiggyFish has quit (Remote closed the connection)Sep 05 08:00
*ZiggyFish ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 05 08:44
schestowitzWant to develop in Mono? Buy a Windows box, buy Visual Studio... 05 08:46
ZiggyFishOOo 3.0 Final  - Product release: September 16th, 2008 Sep 05 08:47
schestowitzIt's not a big step over 2.4Sep 05 08:48
schestowitzThey should have gone up from 2.4 and been stuck in 2.6 forever as a matter of principle, just like Linux.Sep 05 08:49
ZiggyFishlolSep 05 08:49
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*mib_jm8dfl has quit ( 05 08:59
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*MinceR (n=mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovellSep 05 09:00
schestowitzwasabi: are you connected with this chap < >? He said you are, IIRC.Sep 05 09:04
schestowitzThe headline makes some vague accusation that's not supported in the text. Moreover, if that matters as all, the author has admitted working on Microsoft software. He entered the IRC channel to plant bait, by his own admission that he made within seconds after entering. Why spend so much time attacking credibility of messengers? It's beyond me. Read the text, ignore this unsupported headline.Sep 05 09:05
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*ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) has joined #boycottnovellSep 05 09:10
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* gives channel operator status to ChanServSep 05 09:10
*kentma has quit ("Leaving.")Sep 05 09:14
*tessier (n=treed@kernel-panic/sex-machines) has joined #boycottnovellSep 05 09:14
*ZiggyFish ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 05 09:15
*[H]omer (n=[H] has joined #boycottnovellSep 05 09:15
* gives channel operator status to [H]omerSep 05 09:15
*ZiggyFish has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Sep 05 09:42
*trmanco ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 05 09:52
*moparx has quit ("leaving")Sep 05 09:59
*ZiggyFish ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 05 10:04
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trmanco 05 11:03
schestowitzHe's annoyed because something I submitted made the front page. Gary Stewart (pseudonym "Moshe Goldfarb", among hundreds more) is a Microsoft Munchkin. He's also the one that spread libel about me and others.Sep 05 11:05
schestowitz 05 11:06
trmancohe posts along various usenet groupsSep 05 11:08
trmancothe same messagesSep 05 11:08
schestowitzYes, he's crossposting. I'll write about such scummy things later today.Sep 05 11:08
*_Doug (i=c17a2f92@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellSep 05 11:36
*_Doug has quit (Client Quit)Sep 05 11:39
trmancothe troll is annoying :|Sep 05 11:51
trmanconot even on the M$ newsgroups he is welcome :|Sep 05 11:51
schestowitzNowhere. But the point of Gary Stewart is to ruin USENET and smear Microsoft rivals (products and individuals).Sep 05 11:52
schestowitzSome people want this Munchkin in prison: 05 11:54
schestowitzOther known Munchkins are then jumping to the man's rescue (you can see the trolls there).Sep 05 11:55
trmanco:|Sep 05 12:02
*mib_oxp40t (i=43f0d869@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellSep 05 12:08
schestowitzJust found some nice photos: 05 12:10
*_Doug (i=c17a2f92@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellSep 05 12:13
_DougYo .. peops with no girlfren ..Sep 05 12:14
schestowitzWhat's up?Sep 05 12:15
_DougNothing much .. I see Chrome has a few bugs :%Sep 05 12:16
schestowitzThere was a Microsoft shill here the other day.Sep 05 12:16
schestowitz"Consultant (Techical Writer/SDET) at Microsoft"Sep 05 12:16
_DougWhat fud did he inject ?Sep 05 12:20
schestowitzAsking questions about the Gates Foundation, pitching how wonderful Microsoft can be to FOSS, etc etc.Sep 05 12:21
schestowitzThen putting it up 'for display': 05 12:22
_DougAhh .. nice ..Sep 05 12:22
_DougGive me a mo to read it ..Sep 05 12:22
schestowitzHis friend, wasabi, is still here.Sep 05 12:22
_DougC.J. Collier, never heard of himSep 05 12:24
schestowitzGood for you. :-)Sep 05 12:26
_Doug"cj> I can’t say that I agree with either of them fully, but their end goal is positive and not self-serving"Sep 05 12:30
_DougHe's trolling you ?Sep 05 12:30
_Doug"< cj> they’ve invested heavily in my daughters’ hospital for one…"Sep 05 12:31
_DougOf course that most probably isn't even true, but the personal touch is nice .. :)Sep 05 12:32
_DougI'll msg you later on that .. but lets talk Open SourceSep 05 12:32
schestowitznpSep 05 12:34
schestowitzwasabi: your friend from Microsoft wrote: "oh, wassabi is another infiltrat0r, fyi" Are you here to spy like benJIman?Sep 05 13:01
benJImanWho said I was here to spy?Sep 05 13:02
benJImanI'm here because it's entertaining.Sep 05 13:02
_DougRoy: ask cj about the MS/Novell covenant and why they censor conversations about it on 05 13:15
schestowitzAny examples of censorship?Sep 05 13:16
_DougWell, they removed the posts when they 'upgraded' the site but google on 'emacsuser' and seeSep 05 13:16
_DougCan't find them, but there was a big blahoo about the OpenSuSE covenant, they seems to have all gone ..Sep 05 13:18
_DougAnd the emacsuser was banned and the IP address blocked ..Sep 05 13:19
schestowitzThey lost some posts during the migration.Sep 05 13:19
_Doug:)Sep 05 13:20
_Dougquote: "< cj> .. should vendors who sell Free software be banned from doing business with those who produce proprietary software?"Sep 05 13:21
_DougIf cj were here I would ask him why ?Sep 05 13:21
_DougWhat imaginary rule is he invoking here ?Sep 05 13:22
_DougFree software should remain 'free' that's al lis rqquired of a 'free software' companySep 05 13:23
schestowitz"cj: ad hominem? Where?"Sep 05 13:23
benJIman_Doug: the forum is mostly run by non-novell people.Sep 05 13:23
schestowitz"< cj> schestowitz: laughing and misquoting"Sep 05 13:23
schestowitzbenJIman: it hardly matters.Sep 05 13:24
benJImanThey do not allow all discussion.Sep 05 13:24
_Dougquestion: who runs the Novell forum ?Sep 05 13:24
benJImanThe mailing lists are less moderatedSep 05 13:24
schestowitzHe did not ask permission before quoting the IRC text, BTW.Sep 05 13:24
benJIman_Doug: is not a Novell forum.Sep 05 13:24
_Doug<benJIman>:  that's the question I didn't ask .. :)Sep 05 13:25
benJImanAFAIK only one person has been banned from the mailing lists.Sep 05 13:25
_Dougwho ?Sep 05 13:25
schestowitzbenJIman: is indepedent from Novell like CA's governor is independent from Bush.Sep 05 13:25
benJImanSomeone who was constantly attacking many contributors and posting from multiple email addresses.Sep 05 13:25
schestowitzIt's an illusion.Sep 05 13:25
schestowitzWho and why, benJIman?Sep 05 13:26
_DougNot relevent, I refered to censoring stuff on the Forum, not who runs it ...Sep 05 13:26
*benJIman tries to remember his name.Sep 05 13:26
schestowitzMarbux got kicked off the ODF list for threats.Sep 05 13:26
_DougWhat is relevent is the OpenSuSe do-not-sue-end-users covenant ..Sep 05 13:26
benJIman_Doug: Novell covenants do not have anything todo with openSUSE.Sep 05 13:27
benJImanschestowitz: Aaron KulkisSep 05 13:27
_DougAnd do-not-own-your-own work clause and do-not-work-on-it-in-company-time clause ..Sep 05 13:27
_DougViolations to be decided by Microsoft ?Sep 05 13:27
benJIman_Doug: Microsoft can do what it likes. openSUSE project did not sign any covenant.Sep 05 13:28
_Doug Deja vu  again benJIman, why did the lawyers type it up ?Sep 05 13:29
benJIman_Doug: type what up?Sep 05 13:29
schestowitzbenJIman: sure they have something to do with OpenSUSE.Sep 05 13:29
schestowitzWishful thinking on your behalf.Sep 05 13:29
_DougWhat's Novell doing recommending Vista, on their own website ? Don't they a have a desktop offering ?Sep 05 13:29
benJIman_Doug: Legitimate questions, but it still has nothing to do with openSUSE.Sep 05 13:30
_DougThe OpenSuSE covenent . .wait let me find it ...Sep 05 13:30
benJImanI assume you're referring to 05 13:30
schestowitzOpenSUSE pretending that the convenant does not affect it is like FOSS developers pretending they can totally ignore swpatents.Sep 05 13:31
benJImanschestowitz: Not all software developers live in the US.Sep 05 13:31
benJImanAnd ignoring software patents is better than reasearching and becoming liable for triple damages.Sep 05 13:31
schestowitzbenJIman: you're missing the point.Sep 05 13:32
benJImanIf all microsoft has to do to "taint" a linux distribution is to say it won't sue users of that distro then it can destroy all linux distributions at no cost to itselfSep 05 13:32
schestowitzThat's like saying that the covenant affects OpenSUSE developers only if they are AmericansSep 05 13:32
_Doug<benJIman>: you just described the current situation .. :)Sep 05 13:33
benJImanopenSUSE developers did not ask for the covenant, they did not sign the covenant. It is completely irrelevant.Sep 05 13:33
schestowitzHoly molly. The fountain some OpenSUSE devs drink from must be filled with Redmond Kool-Aid.Sep 05 13:33
benJIman_Doug: So if microsoft issued a statement saying they won't sue users of ubuntu then you would boycott ubuntuSep 05 13:33
benJIman?Sep 05 13:33
schestowitzWhat a ridiculous way of posing things.Sep 05 13:34
schestowitzIt's not about Microsoft.Sep 05 13:34
benJImanschestowitz: It's exactly the same situation.Sep 05 13:34
schestowitzNovell CAME to Microsoft.Sep 05 13:34
schestowitzIt's Novell that did this.Sep 05 13:34
benJImanMicrosoft issued that statement.Sep 05 13:34
benJImanAnd openSUSE is not Novel.Sep 05 13:34
schestowitzIt wanted to "F* kill Red Hat", to use the words of Steve Bully.Sep 05 13:34
schestowitzOpenSUSE is funded by Novell, supported by Novell, guided by Novell.Sep 05 13:35
benJImanNovell cannot accept agreements on behalf of the openSUSE community, only on behalf of itself.Sep 05 13:35
schestowitzNovell uses the same codebase almost.Sep 05 13:35
schestowitzWhat is this 'community'?Sep 05 13:35
schestowitzIs it S.u.S.E, which no longer really exists?Sep 05 13:35
benJImanThat is irrelevant. The fact is that the openSUSE community has not agreed to any microsoft covenant.Sep 05 13:35
_Doug"<benJIman>: _Doug: So if microsoft issued a s" no if Ubuntu entered into an agreement with a third party regarding my legal rights to Ubuntu, then I would tell Ubuntu to get stuffed ..Sep 05 13:36
schestowitzNovell has a distro copy that's more accisible and has a bunch of people doing free labour for Novell.Sep 05 13:36
benJIman_Doug: But openSUSE has not entered into an agreement. Novell has.Sep 05 13:36
benJIman_Doug: So it is exactly the same scenario.Sep 05 13:36
schestowitzbenJIman: I didn't agree to many decisions politicians have made, yet I'm still bound by their stupidity.Sep 05 13:37
_DougGimme a minute .. I'll try and find the releven legalizeSep 05 13:37
MinceR153442 < benJIman> _Doug: So if microsoft issued a statement saying they won't sue users of ubuntu then you would boycott ubuntuSep 05 13:38
MinceRno, we would boycott it if there was a credible source saying that canonical paid for that.Sep 05 13:38
benJImanMinceR: Why?Sep 05 13:38
MinceRwhat microsoft or novell says has little credibilitySep 05 13:39
_DougOK, first we have "Microsoft's Patent Pledge for Non-Compensated Developers.",Sep 05 13:39
MinceRbenJIman: because that means they've bought into the microsoft/novell FUD campaign/patent racket.Sep 05 13:39
_Doug 05 13:39
benJIman_Doug: Again irrelevant, it was not signed by the openSUSE project.Sep 05 13:39
MinceRand that hurts FLOSS and the community.Sep 05 13:39
_Dougquating PJ: The pledge only holds for you writing software and then using your own software all by your lonesome, not if you distribute or share it. It doesn't apply to others using your work.Sep 05 13:39
MinceRalso, it hurts just about everyone except those holding a stake in microsoft.Sep 05 13:39
benJImanMinceR: Because their primary sponsor has doesn't mean the project has.Sep 05 13:40
benJIman_Doug: Again nothing todo with openSUSE.Sep 05 13:40
MinceRin that case, the project will disconnect from its primary sponsor.Sep 05 13:40
MinceRit's the responsible thing to do.Sep 05 13:40
_DougbenJIman>: can a project sign an agreement. ?Sep 05 13:40
schestowitzbenJIman: OpenSUSE has some Novell ownership. It's not 'an island'Sep 05 13:40
benJIman_Doug: The project leardership could.Sep 05 13:40
MinceR"some" novell ownership? :>Sep 05 13:41
schestowitzThis illusion that OSUSE has a "Switzerland status" is wishful thinking.Sep 05 13:41
schestowitzWho is project leader of OpenSUSE, benJIman?Sep 05 13:41
*schestowitz know the answer.Sep 05 13:41
_Doug<benJIman>: but it only applies to the people typing the codeSep 05 13:41
benJImanschestowitz: There is a board, which is in the process of being reelected at the moment.Sep 05 13:41
schestowitzIs there Novell money in the board, benJIman?Sep 05 13:42
schestowitzBTW, there is also a project leader.Sep 05 13:42
_Doug 05 13:42
benJImanI'm not sure what you mean by project leader.Sep 05 13:42
MinceReven if there wasn't, isn't opensuse using a trademark owned by novell, thus depending on novell not to sue?Sep 05 13:42
_Doug<benJIman>: what's OpenSuSe for ?Sep 05 13:42
benJImanThere is a technical lead, and there is a board chairperson who has a veto.Sep 05 13:42
benJIman(Which has never been used)Sep 05 13:43
schestowitzYou're escaping my Q.Sep 05 13:43
benJImanMinceR: Yes that is correct (regarding the trademark)Sep 05 13:43
benJImanschestowitz: What question? Novell money? There are board members who are employed by Novell.Sep 05 13:43
MinceRthat's a dangerous position to be in, unless the opensuse guys are comfortable following every whim of microsoft/novell.Sep 05 13:44
benJImanMinceR: The issue of changing the name has been raised, but not a priority at the moment.Sep 05 13:44
schestowitzbenJIman: thank youSep 05 13:44
_Doug<benJIman>: can you produce a list of OpenSuSE developers who didn't sign the 'Non-Compensated patent pledge' ?Sep 05 13:44
schestowitzSo Novell money is on the table of OpenSUSE decision-making.Sep 05 13:44
benJImanschestowitz: Novell does not require board members to enforce Novell policy.Sep 05 13:44
MinceRwhat about the issue of getting rid of board members on novell payroll?Sep 05 13:44
schestowitzbenJIman: "does not require" sounds like legalize.Sep 05 13:45
benJImanYou do seem to be trying to avoid the original point which was that the openSUSE project did not agree to any covenant.Sep 05 13:45
schestowitzI'm taking about common practice and interest,, not law and regulation.Sep 05 13:45
benJImanRegardless of whether Novell controls the board (which I dispute) - the board did not agree to the covenant anyway.Sep 05 13:45
_Dougcan you produce a list of OpenSuSE developers who didn't sign the 'Non-Compensated patent pledge' ?Sep 05 13:45
benJIman_Doug: Not a single one did.Sep 05 13:45
schestowitzbenJIman: don't run away back to the older point.Sep 05 13:45
benJImanschestowitz: I'm not running away, you havn't answered it yet, you are the one trying to run awaySep 05 13:46
_DougCan they say so, in their own words ... :)Sep 05 13:46
benJIman_Doug: If you ask them.Sep 05 13:46
benJIman_Doug: There's a list on if you want to.Sep 05 13:46
schestowitzbenJIman: did they sign something saying "no" and denouncing Novell like others did? If not, they should.Sep 05 13:46
benJImanI can tell you that I have not.Sep 05 13:46
benJImanschestowitz: That's an interesting possibilty.Sep 05 13:47
schestowitzI'd have more trust in OpenSUSE when the board issues a statement denouncing the Novell deal and excluding its mindset from it, formally.Sep 05 13:47
schestowitzAll other distros would do so, except Turbolinux and Xandros.Sep 05 13:47
benJImanSigning a statement saying that the openSUSE project does not accept the patent covenant.Sep 05 13:47
*FunkyPenguin (n=forcev@opensuse/member/FunkyPenguin) has joined #boycottnovellSep 05 13:47
schestowitzGetting crowded here.Sep 05 13:47
schestowitzCalled for backup, benJIman?Sep 05 13:47
benJImanschestowitz: Not recently.Sep 05 13:47
schestowitzFunkyPenguin is of the OpenSUSE project./Sep 05 13:47
benJImanORLY?Sep 05 13:47
_Doug<benJIman>: OK, where's OpenSuWE in the Novell firmament ??Sep 05 13:47
benJIman_Doug: I don't understand the question sorry.Sep 05 13:48
schestowitzbenJIman: OpenSUSE should fromally disengage from the deal/NovellSep 05 13:48
schestowitzI say this as personal advice because I see how bloggers respond to it.Sep 05 13:48
FunkyPenguinschestowitz: if you reckon 16 people is crowded you suffer from a bad case of claustrophobiaSep 05 13:48
_Doug"<benJIman>: _Doug: If you ask them.", I did ask there and got banned and the IP blocked .. :)Sep 05 13:49
schestowitzFunkyPenguin: smart answer, eh? :-)Sep 05 13:49
benJIman_Doug: I still don't understand the question.Sep 05 13:49
FunkyPenguinno not smart, sarcastic :)Sep 05 13:49
MinceRit all depends on the size of the roomSep 05 13:49
_Doug<benJIman>: wither OpenSuSE .. I really want to know .. and you do seem to know ?Sep 05 13:49
schestowitzFair enough, FunkyPenguin (Andrew wafaa)Sep 05 13:50
benJIman_Doug: Please be more specific.Sep 05 13:50
FunkyPenguinyes that is correct you have worked out the /whois commandSep 05 13:50
schestowitzI have a GUI. :-)Sep 05 13:50
_Dougquestion: who didn't sign the 'Non-Compensated' patent pledge and whySep 05 13:50
FunkyPenguinyes and that is the front end to the commandSep 05 13:51
schestowitzOf course. programming interfaces. Gotta be modular. ;-)Sep 05 13:51
FunkyPenguinbtw schestowitzwhen speaking of openSUSE please use the correct spellingSep 05 13:51
benJImanschestowitz: Btw Novell already did formally reject microsoft's patent protection claims, but openSUSE has not, which might have been a good idea.Sep 05 13:51
schestowitzFunkyPenguin: I do.Sep 05 13:51
benJImanOn the other hand hardly anyone cares about it now, so there's not much point dredging it up again.Sep 05 13:51
schestowitzNovell had this conversation with the community before the deal.Sep 05 13:51
FunkyPenguinno you dont - (14:49:03) schestowitz: FunkyPenguin is of the OpenSUSE project./Sep 05 13:52
FunkyPenguinwrong capitalisation of the first oSep 05 13:52
FunkyPenguincommon errorSep 05 13:52
schestowitzI kept morphing and made a clarification. I've been consistent since the project started.Sep 05 13:52
benJIman_Doug: As far as I am aware no openSUSE member signed the patent pledge. But if you want to be certain you'd have to ask them all.Sep 05 13:52
schestowitzAKAIK, Novell said it should be "OpenSUSE", but that was a long time ago. Maybe it changes its mind later.Sep 05 13:52
schestowitz*changedSep 05 13:52
_DougCan't they won't let me play .. :(Sep 05 13:53
benJIman_Doug: How did you try?Sep 05 13:53
_DougTry it for yourself go over to the forum and say GPL .. :)Sep 05 13:53
schestowitz*LOL*Sep 05 13:53
MinceRactually the GUI is a frontend to the WHOIS irc protocol message, not the /whois irc client command. :>Sep 05 13:53
MinceR(if we've got to be pedantic)Sep 05 13:53
benJImanschestowitz: I don't believe it was ever OpenSUSE. There has been S.u.S.E Linux -> SuSE Linux -> SUSE Linux -> openSUSESep 05 13:53
schestowitzI could try to dig up the article, but it would take me ages.Sep 05 13:54
schestowitzEarly 2006, IIRC. Back when I /advocated/ Novell and SUSE.Sep 05 13:54
benJIman_Doug: The forum is hardly a good medium for such discussionSep 05 13:54
benJImanEmail people or list.Sep 05 13:54
FunkyPenguinplease do, as I'd like to make sure i'm not correcting people on spelling erroneouslySep 05 13:54
schestowitzbenJIman: what's the differnece?Sep 05 13:54
_Doug<benJIman>: rember our last conversation here, and the 'stuff' I asked here, the same on the forum. All I want is a straight answer on the forum to the same question.Sep 05 13:55
_DougHAAA "<benJIman>: _Doug: The forum is hardly a good medium for such discussion" HAAASep 05 13:55
_DougIt's a discussion forum for c****t sake ?Sep 05 13:55
benJIman_Doug: I don't think you'll find [many of] the relevant people even read the forum.Sep 05 13:55
_Dougcome off it benJImanSep 05 13:56
schestowitzAnd mailing lists they do...?Sep 05 13:56
benJImanschestowitz: Yes.Sep 05 13:56
_DougIt is of course closely monitored .. in'it.. ;)Sep 05 13:56
benJImanopensuse-project mailing list is where official project discussion happens.Sep 05 13:56
_DougWell alI can say is thank god for multiple IP ranges .. :)Sep 05 13:57
FunkyPenguin_Doug: define closely monitored?Sep 05 13:57
benJImanWeb forums are just not suitable for such things. For one they're pull not push so people don't tend to keep up with them as much. For another they allow "modifying the past" which makes important discussions impossible.Sep 05 13:57
_Dougallow "modifying the past" .. :)Sep 05 13:58
FunkyPenguinvery much like blog postsSep 05 13:58
benJIman_Doug: You can edit posts you've made.Sep 05 13:58
benJIman_Doug: plus even if you couldn't, the administrators could.Sep 05 13:58
_DougWhere ?Sep 05 13:58
benJImanemails are sent and then everyone has a copy.Sep 05 13:59
_DougbenJIman: what's openSuSE for, who is it directed at ?Sep 05 14:00
schestowitz*LOL* modifying the past.Sep 05 14:00
schestowitzSounds like Novell.Sep 05 14:00
benJIman^_^Sep 05 14:00
_DougWhat market, niche .. there is a desktop beign offered with it pre-installed, somewhere, I forget .. ?Sep 05 14:00
benJIman_Doug: Anyone.Sep 05 14:00
schestowitzbenJIman: people can have a copy of old blog posts and forum posts too.Sep 05 14:01
_DougBut in relation to SLED .. come on .. this isn't a track question ..Sep 05 14:01
benJImanschestowitz: They can. Doesn't mean they will.Sep 05 14:01
_Dougtrick ..Sep 05 14:01
schestowitzAre toy suggesting that Novell like revisionism?Sep 05 14:01
schestowitz*likesSep 05 14:01
benJImanAnyway the point was that the openSUSE forums are not [currently] used for official discussion of any form.Sep 05 14:01
benJImanRegardless of whether they would be suitable for doing so.Sep 05 14:01
schestowitzbenJIman: Novell tore down Web pages that criticise Microsoft, you know? Sep 05 14:01
schestowitzMany of them in fact, right after the dea.Sep 05 14:01
schestowitz*dealSep 05 14:02
benJImanschestowitz: I wouldn't like to comment unless you gave an example.Sep 05 14:02
schestowitzHold on.Sep 05 14:02
_Dougofficial discussion: I asked the peopel posting there on a) the conenant and b) the GPL .. someone sure don't want them talked about ..Sep 05 14:03
_DougPersonally after the ad hominems and abuse I recieved there, I moved on . .that's after months of contributing to technical discussions there ..Sep 05 14:03
benJImanThe forums havn't even existed for many months.Sep 05 14:04
_DougOH, bollix .. before they moved ..Sep 05 14:04
benJIman_Doug: Well they were split into several then, which are you referring to?Sep 05 14:04
schestowitz 05 14:05
_DougAnd after, with a new IP of course . .why ban a whole range of IP addresses .. it only pisses off people ..Sep 05 14:05
benJIman_Doug: In any case, if you have a legitmate question bring it up on the mailing list.Sep 05 14:06
FunkyPenguinschestowitz: question for you, obviously no guarantees or anything here but - if Novell ended up placating you and succumbed to all of your requests and demands re the MS deal and any other burning desire you had, then what? would you contribute to openSUSE?Sep 05 14:07
benJImanschestowitz: Ah you're talking about Novell pages.Sep 05 14:07
benJImanThat may be.Sep 05 14:07
_Dougbit ot: Novells bottom line isn't where it should, they recently got another cash-infusion from MS. Where do you see Novell going in the future, financial wise ?Sep 05 14:08
FunkyPenguin_Doug: you'd need to ask one of their shareholdersSep 05 14:09
_DougHow about them merging with an OEM and selling their own high-end multi-media solution ?Sep 05 14:09
FunkyPenguinif you noticed the trend their open platform business division grew very well last quarter and that is without the MS cashSep 05 14:10
_DougFunkyPenguin: why does Dells Linux desktop cost more than the Windows desktop. Is Windows causing entropy to go into reverse, eg negative revenue ?Sep 05 14:10
FunkyPenguingood question and one a lot of people are asking them, HP and IBM can make the numbers work the opposite way, as in linux is cheaperSep 05 14:11
_DougThere's big-buks in multi-media .. ask billg .. subscriptions services .. closed protocols .. a penny for every bit transfered through the tUbes .. :)Sep 05 14:11
FunkyPenguinpart of that could be down to the support mechanism that the respective companies haveSep 05 14:12
schestowitzFunkyPenguin: I don't expect it to happen at this stage. Novell has already done a lot of damage to GNU/Linux, in virtualisation for example.Sep 05 14:12
FunkyPenguinschestowitz: how has it damaged linux in virtualisation?Sep 05 14:12
schestowitzbenJIman: yes, these are the Novell pages. What's surprising about it being about Novell?Sep 05 14:12
*FunkyPenguin isn't aware of the virtualisation issueSep 05 14:13
schestowitzFunkyPenguin: Novell is dying financially. You are incorrect on that point.Sep 05 14:13
FunkyPenguinum no, i think financially they are actually growingSep 05 14:14
FunkyPenguineven Matt Asay agreesSep 05 14:14
schestowitz_Doug: Dell pays Microsoft some 'Linux tax'. It had Novell to usher its way to Microsoft back in May 2007.Sep 05 14:14
FunkyPenguinand he has been one of Novells biggest critics since he left the companySep 05 14:14
benJImanschestowitz: From the context it sounded like you were saying Novell were censoring pages by other people.Sep 05 14:14
_Doug"dying financially" not so .. it may be undervalued . .but the core technologies are worth big-bucks .. if deployed correctly .. not doing business with your most dangerous cenemy and alienating your own potential partners, for instance ..Sep 05 14:15
schestowitzFunkyPenguin: Novell helped Microsoft exclude GNU/Linux distros in virt. It made 'approves' and 'unapproves' guests.Sep 05 14:15
schestowitzThere are other things too, e.g. Xen. I'll post about it later.Sep 05 14:15
schestowitzFunkyPenguin: Asay was brainwashed by Novell. I asked him,.Sep 05 14:15
*mib_xgg8lu (i=5496cca5@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellSep 05 14:15
*taq (n=taq@ has joined #boycottnovellSep 05 14:16
schestowitzThose that just parrot Novell PR need to be ignored.Sep 05 14:16
schestowitzBTW, Asay used to work at Novell.Sep 05 14:16
FunkyPenguinduh yeah i know he did and he never hid that fact when laying into novellSep 05 14:16
schestowitzbenJIman: no, but that was never the point. Look back at the script.Sep 05 14:16
_DougI would snap Novell up, and allign it for the next multi-media revolution, on the servers, the desktop, content. What they used to call 3G, telephone, television and Internet, all in the one box that I can buy in the high street computer shop.Sep 05 14:17
schestowitz_Doug: Novell doesn't like to have rivals like DebianSep 05 14:17
FunkyPenguinschestowitz: you still havent answered my question thoughSep 05 14:17
schestowitzIt would rather pay some money to Big Mike (the Bully) to kick those other kids in the knees.Sep 05 14:17
_DougInternet television, it;s like ... television and the Internet + adveertising .. ohh the innovation  !!!Sep 05 14:17
schestowitzFunkyPenguin: which Q?Sep 05 14:18
schestowitz_Doug: I'm sure someone had entire huge patents (and pools) on it by now.Sep 05 14:18
schestowitzGoogle recently got whacked over AdSense (targetting I think).Sep 05 14:18
_DougI must step away for a few moments ..Sep 05 14:19
schestowitzBlame the US Pee Tea Oh!!!!Sep 05 14:19
FunkyPenguinschestowitz: if Novell ended up placating you and succumbed to all of your requests and demands re the MS deal and any other burning desire you had, then what? would you contribute to openSUSE?Sep 05 14:19
schestowitzWhat requests?Sep 05 14:20
schestowitzThe requests were made in 2006.Sep 05 14:20
schestowitzNovell is far too deep in it now. OOXML, Mono, Xentrix....Sep 05 14:20
taqwhat is that cj thing?Sep 05 14:20
taq 05 14:20
schestowitztaq: give me a moment.Sep 05 14:20
schestowitzI'll post about it in 2 minutes.Sep 05 14:20
taqkSep 05 14:21
taqI'm still reading it ...Sep 05 14:21
schestowitzI post a quick response to it.Sep 05 14:22
schestowitzIt's not one incident. 05 14:25
taqlet me see ...Sep 05 14:27
schestowitz"C.J. Collier, long-time Free Software supporter..." You mean... "a Microsoft consultant," right? (from )Sep 05 14:27
schestowitzTypical example of Microsoft moles in the clothing of FOSS people. It makes them seem credibility-worthy.Sep 05 14:28
FunkyPenguinso your jihad is as all jihads are an ideological one and not one of measured response? you forget that Novell is a business that has to report to share holders. if they dont see a return on their investment they pull that money and go elsewhere. unfortunatly business of Novell's nature very rarely mixes well with community wants and wishes straight away.  This is an unfortunate reality and even one that the likes of IBM Sun and Sep 05 14:28
schestowitzJihad?Sep 05 14:28
schestowitzThat's Microsoft terminology < >. I don't use Microsoft's religious terms.Sep 05 14:29
FunkyPenguinno it's actually and isalmic term not MSSep 05 14:29
FunkyPenguinif one prefers im happy to use crusade insteadSep 05 14:30
schestowitz Microsoft adopts it to teach marketing peopleSep 05 14:30
schestowitzCrusade is also religious.. cross.Sep 05 14:30
FunkyPenguinas do many people as it is a well understood term for an irrational war of idealsSep 05 14:30
FunkyPenguinindeed it isSep 05 14:30
schestowitzIt's a search for truth, nothing religious or violent.Sep 05 14:30
FunkyPenguincertainly idealogical thoughSep 05 14:31
schestowitz 05 14:31
FunkyPenguinthe truth is not always what you wish it to be though, quite often it is ugly and painfulSep 05 14:31
schestowitz"the body of ideas and beliefs of a person, group, or nation"Sep 05 14:31
schestowitzI think, therefore I amSep 05 14:31
FunkyPenguinyesSep 05 14:31
FunkyPenguini never said it wasnt. please pay attention to what im sayingSep 05 14:32
schestowitzIf people disagree, they read other blogs.Sep 05 14:32
FunkyPenguinindeedSep 05 14:32
taqFunkyPenguin: agree, that's why we need to always ask for answers and not have some blind faith on somebody who called Free Software an enemy and on a couple of years say it's a friend and everybody believe on thatSep 05 14:32
FunkyPenguinif people dislike a product they choose a different oneSep 05 14:32
schestowitzSome do, some don't. Some people agree that Microsoft and Novell steal their work and betray them.Sep 05 14:32
taqI think it's amazing people trust microsoft now when they say so.Sep 05 14:33
FunkyPenguinthere are many reasons to trust someoneSep 05 14:33
taqyes, and to not trustSep 05 14:33
taqhistory show us a ugly picture of what they done on the pastSep 05 14:33
mib_xgg8luschestowitz: Who says that Microsoft and Novell steal their work and betray them?Sep 05 14:33
FunkyPenguinkeep your friends close, but your enemies closer is also a good reason for trustSep 05 14:33
schestowitztaq: Microsoft rewards people for love.Sep 05 14:34
taqand if you read some fresh reports coming from there, they still believe Free Software is a menaceSep 05 14:34
schestowitzI say this based on what I hear from people.Sep 05 14:34
schestowitzschestowitz: are you with OpenSUSE?Sep 05 14:34
FunkyPenguintaq: that is most likely due to a cultural thingSep 05 14:34
tessierWow, I guess you got under cj's skin. :)Sep 05 14:34
schestowitztaq: they called FOSS the biggest threat 2 months ago (Ray Ozzie).Sep 05 14:35
mib_xgg8luschestowitz: Then this makes me wonder why they released their work under a license which makes that possible instead of choosing one which forbids it.Sep 05 14:35
taqit's ok you have a menace to your business, but the way microsoft (and - let be honest - a lot of other megacorporations) fix this is unbelievableSep 05 14:35
schestowitzBut hey! They figure they can tell you they love FOSS and then warp it to become a Microsoft cash cow.Sep 05 14:35
schestowitztessier: I didn't realise that [H]omer kicked himSep 05 14:35
taqI'd be very happy if their solutions were not on the political and economic fieldSep 05 14:35
taqbut after vista, will be hardSep 05 14:35
schestowitzI saw it after I had woken up.Sep 05 14:35
schestowitzVista was a catalyst for the May 2007 attacks, I reckon (in part)Sep 05 14:36
taqdudes, if you don't give a **** on the way some politicals and companies act those days, this discussion is irrelevantSep 05 14:36
schestowitz 05 14:37
taqbut personally I'm tired of this kind of ... pardon me, "capitalist way of life", where companies are allowed to do everything they want.Sep 05 14:37
taqnot saying that capitalism is a bad thing, pleaseSep 05 14:37
wasabiI like it. I seem to be well fed and entertainedSep 05 14:37
schestowitzCarelessness of convenience (because OpenSUSE is together in the mud with Novell's reptation)Sep 05 14:37
schestowitzwasabi: who are you with? Microsoft, like CJ?Sep 05 14:38
taqbut it's a disgusting situationSep 05 14:38
schestowitzIt says Ubuntu member, but CJ says otherwise.Sep 05 14:38
wasabiYeah. I get a pay check from MS twice a week.Sep 05 14:39
schestowitzGood for you.Sep 05 14:39
schestowitz:-)Sep 05 14:39
taqwasabi: that's not a bad thing if you're not trying to screw somebody else. ;-) you know what I meanSep 05 14:40
taqscrew with hidden and dirty gamesSep 05 14:40
wasabiWhy is it a bad thing period, again?Sep 05 14:40
taqthe following rowSep 05 14:41
wasabiand yes, i'm an ubuntu member.Sep 05 14:41
taqas I said, hidden and dirty games. that's horribleSep 05 14:42
taqif it's a fair competition, at least for me, it's okSep 05 14:43
wasabioh. why?Sep 05 14:43
taqI was saying about this above. for me it's disguting how some problems are solved these days.Sep 05 14:43
wasabiI dont really see how today is any different from the past, except better.Sep 05 14:44
taqwasabi: I think today we're here and maybe we can make a differenceSep 05 14:44
taqmaybeSep 05 14:44
schestowitztaq: a word of caution. "sj" came here along with wasabi  and wrote ""oh, wassabi is another infiltrat0r, fyi"Sep 05 14:44
wasabithis is all very non specific.Sep 05 14:44
wasabiwhat sort of difference?Sep 05 14:44
wasabiwhat does that even mean, infiltrat0r?Sep 05 14:45
schestowitzDo you know CJ?Sep 05 14:45
wasabiYes.Sep 05 14:45
tessierSomeone here for the purpose of trollingSep 05 14:45
schestowitzHow?Sep 05 14:45
tessierNot helpingSep 05 14:45
wasabiI read his blog every now and then, he's on planet gnome... or monologoue... one of the two.Sep 05 14:46
wasabiand i talk to him in #mono every now and thenSep 05 14:46
taqa difference about how things were on the past and how they are today. if I can talk about how bribery and political games are not a way to solve technical problems, I can do that. and I'm free do to that on the same way you're free to disagreeSep 05 14:46
wasabiwhat?Sep 05 14:46
taqwhat what? :-)Sep 05 14:46
wasabii have no idea what you just saidSep 05 14:47
_Douggtg ..Sep 05 14:48
taqwell, you asked "what sort of difference"Sep 05 14:48
*_Doug has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Sep 05 14:48
wasabiand you didn't have a difference in there. you said something about you had a right to disagree?Sep 05 14:48
wasabii'm asking what sort of difference you're trying to make... not whether you're allowed to disagree.Sep 05 14:48
taqok, you mentioned the past, right?Sep 05 14:48
wasabiof course you're allowed to disagree.Sep 05 14:48

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