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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: October 28th, 2008 - Part 1


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twitterLongsoon, that's based on MIPS, right?Oct 28 00:18
schestowitzI think so.Oct 28 00:18
twitterIt's about time we saw some nice cheap and free netbooks.Oct 28 00:18
schestowitzPrice-fixing era is kaput. The Chinese have done it.Oct 28 00:19
twitterDidn't we see this netbook a few weeks back?Oct 28 00:21
twitterCool, a camera.Oct 28 00:21
twitterIt sucks, but it's there.Oct 28 00:21
schestowitzYes, it's old news.Oct 28 00:22
schestowitzChina starts with 'cheap/poor copycats', but later they mature and beat the market.Oct 28 00:23
twitter12 W, that's nice.  I wonder why it's being covered again and where it will be on sale.Oct 28 00:23
schestowitzFirst they ignore you, then... you know the gig.Oct 28 00:23
twitterIt's easier than that.  Those who do are those who know.Oct 28 00:23
twitterThose who know and have resources can easily upset monopolies that retard the market on purpose.Oct 28 00:24
*[H]omer_ is now known as [H]omerOct 28 00:25
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to [H]omerOct 28 00:25
twitterWe treated the Chinese as slaves.  They learned all our tricks and then some.  Now they will return the favor.Oct 28 00:26
schestowitzYes, they deserve to get back at 'us'.Oct 28 00:26
schestowitzI reckon it won't come to the US at this price.Oct 28 00:26
schestowitzIntel will try an embargo or something with patents as ransom.Oct 28 00:27
schestowitzIntel is an aggressive and corrupt company. Don't be misled b its image.Oct 28 00:27
twitterThey already hit Longsoon with patents and trademark violations, which is why they are already not here.  That's over.Oct 28 00:27
schestowitzHa!Oct 28 00:28
PetoKrausi want itOct 28 00:28
schestowitzWell, I remember China complaining that Intel was monopolistic.Oct 28 00:28
schestowitzBut you know, Intel see it as its God-given right to make lots of money.Oct 28 00:28
twitterThey don't mind doing it with $300/month Chinese labor either.Oct 28 00:29
twitterThat's a game that can't last.Oct 28 00:29
schestowitzSo if you say "No" to Intel or start a charity to help kids, intel attacks and calls it "treason". I urge you to encourage people not to buy Intel chips... just as people are taught not to buy cigarettes.Oct 28 00:29
twitterIntel is usually the least efficient thing on the market but they are hard to avoid.Oct 28 00:30
schestowitzNot /too/ hard. They /would/ be hard to avoid if you keep buying from them, thus starving their competition.Oct 28 00:30
schestowitzAnd I think AMD pays its competitor (Intel) patent tax...Oct 28 00:31
MinceRgnOct 28 00:31
twitterMost of what I find on the curb is Intel.Oct 28 00:31
twitterEverything I buy is AMD, except Thinkpads.Oct 28 00:31
twitterOne of these low power MIPS devices would be a good replacement for my aging Thinkpad.Oct 28 00:32
schestowitzTalk to your vender. Ask them.Oct 28 00:32
twitterIt will be a while before I buy anything.  Need job.Oct 28 00:33
schestowitz*vandor. Ask it why they don't offer choice. Ask them why they support a convicted monopolist and offer no choice.Oct 28 00:33
schestowitzAsk the FTC if they prevent competition from overseas (those MIPS chips).Oct 28 00:34
twitterMIPS or old powerPC would make a nice replacement for my gateway.  Gotta put these old SCSIs in one high performance box that can stay turned off most of the time.Oct 28 00:34
twitterI want quiet.Oct 28 00:35
PetoKrausgo geodeOct 28 00:35
schestowitzAmerica /loves/ to portray countries like China (which it fears tremendously) as "intolerant", but given the direction of the abuse, it's all in reverse.Oct 28 00:35
PetoKraus 28 00:35
twitterChina is non free, a little worse than the US.Oct 28 00:36
twitterTrade with China came from selling out ideas for a fast buck.  The loss of US freedom was a given from there.Oct 28 00:36
twitterWars of aggression follow slavery.Oct 28 00:36
twitterSaying something like the above in China might get you thrown in jail and your organs harvested.Oct 28 00:37
twitterSaying it here will get you on watch lists.Oct 28 00:38
schestowitzWhat specifically?Oct 28 00:39
twitterIf I knew that ...Oct 28 00:41
twitterCode Pink was put on an FBI criminal list.  They found out when they were not able to travel to Canada.  It could also keep them from getting a job, unlisted criminal offense will get you dropped like a hot cake or fired.Oct 28 00:42
schestowitzThey have code pink?Oct 28 00:43
schestowitzI thought they lack diversity. It's a binary condition... [terrorist|not terrorist]Oct 28 00:43
twitterCode Pink is a group opposed to the Iraq war.  The criminal database they were put on has nothing to do with terrorism and everything to do with political harassment.Oct 28 00:44
twitterDeath penalty opponents, peace protesters and others were put on a terrorist list in Maryland.  If the database in question was made for tracking terrorists but was expanded, immediately to political opposition.Oct 28 00:45
schestowitzPreditable.Oct 28 00:45
twitterThe "crimes" listed were absurd and might as well have included "voting"Oct 28 00:45
schestowitzPreditctable.Some people foresaw this.Oct 28 00:46
twitterI saw it right away when all the assholes came out of hiding on 9/11.Oct 28 00:46
twitterThe stock market crash of the late 90's was bad.  9/11 was insane.Oct 28 00:47
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Oct 28 00:47
twitterHivision movie is nice.Oct 28 00:48
schestowitzCall it resentment, but I want to see these low-cost machines reaching the masses and slaughtering corrupt companies like Intel. It would help digital education and ruin exploiters.Oct 28 00:52
twitterWanting good things for your neighbors is not resentment, it is charity.Oct 28 00:56
schestowitzThat's portrayed as dissidence by those who lose their might.Oct 28 00:57
twitterThey are criminals.  Punishing them is justice.Oct 28 00:58
schestowitzPunishing them is hard. You stand against a whole pyramid, not just one company.Oct 28 01:01
schestowitzLook how a boycott against Novell must also stand against $100 million cash infusions.Oct 28 01:01
schestowitzMicrosoft needs Novell alive just as it needed SCO alike (and gave it $86 million).Oct 28 01:01
twitterM$ needs to worry about keeping M$ alive at this point.Oct 28 01:07
twitterBut they are out of their minds with Windows 7 and Cloud based lockin.Oct 28 01:08
twitter 28 01:08
twitter 28 01:08
twittercrack pipe fantasy.Oct 28 01:09
*libervisco has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Oct 28 01:10
*libervisco (n=libervis@tuxhacker/libervisco) has joined #boycottnovellOct 28 01:11
twitterYou can just imagine their planning.  We have NBC/broadcasters on board, the content which we will wrap up in the cloudy silverlight.  Bwahahahah!  People will be drawn to our software for the content and drawn to the content by the software monopoly.Oct 28 01:13
schestowitztwitter: /. giving Microsoft lots of coverage this week?Oct 28 01:13
twitterIt's my hobby.Oct 28 01:13
twitter:)Oct 28 01:13
schestowitzMaybe the shills budgets is up a bit. The Firehose watercooler budget...Oct 28 01:13
twitterMeanwhile YouTube and 1E6 other services deliver music, movies and other stuff through reasonable standards.Oct 28 01:14
twitterShills, where?Oct 28 01:14
schestowitzNo, that's bad.Oct 28 01:14
twitterI'm confused again.Oct 28 01:14
schestowitzThey must de-commoditize those things.Oct 28 01:14
schestowitzWatch the Halloween Documents.Oct 28 01:15
schestowitzFormats and protocols everything can use = bad.Oct 28 01:15
schestowitzFlash works on GNU/Linux, so Microsoft can't let it be.Oct 28 01:15
twitterSure, M$ wants to do that but have failed again and again.  That's why their new venture is a pipe dream.Oct 28 01:15
twittertheora is going to replace flash.Oct 28 01:15
schestowitz.It must try to replace & discriminate & extend  & destoryOct 28 01:15
schestowitzNetscape vs ActiveX...Oct 28 01:15
schestowitzWhere the h* are the regulators?Oct 28 01:16
schestowitzThey used to hawk Silver Lie for the abuse it is.Oct 28 01:16
twitterRegulators got thrown out 8 years ago, remember?Oct 28 01:16
schestowitzBut then Miguel & Novell came along saying the regulators are foolish or whatever...Oct 28 01:16
schestowitztwitter: well, it's a corrupt system yeah... so regulators are paid better by bribes than by doing their job.Oct 28 01:17
twitterIf all M$ has to push their stack is Vista 2.0, aka Windows 7, they are screwed.Oct 28 01:17
schestowitzThey are appointed with the assistence of commerce.Oct 28 01:17
schestowitzThen serving as 'puppets', also known as insiders or cronies.Oct 28 01:17
schestowitzIt's confirmed that Microsoft stuffed the DOj with them back in Netscape days.Oct 28 01:18
schestowitzAh well...Oct 28 01:18
schestowitzAt least in Soviet Russia, govt. controls commerce.Oct 28 01:18
twitterIt's amazing.  They had it all and flunked out.  Non free software development just does not work, even when you have it all like M$ did.Oct 28 01:19
twitterThe only thing I can imagine as a rescue is if they purchase Apple.Oct 28 01:20
twitterMac at least sort of works.Oct 28 01:20
twitterM$ would probably screw it all up but an OS conversion might keep them around and troublesome for a few years more.Oct 28 01:21
twitterThen again, Apple is making so much money these days, M$ probably can't touch them.Oct 28 01:22
twitterThat means game over without some new kind of government protection.Oct 28 01:22
schestowitzThey become patent trolls.Oct 28 01:24
schestowitzI believe that what we cover in BN is tomorrow's big debate.Oct 28 01:24
schestowitzMicrosoft has already lost the technical battle. It had inertia going for a while, but its share is eroding now. Web servers, desktop, embedded, mobille, consoles, you  name it...Oct 28 01:25
twitterI think you are right.  They already are patent trolls all that's left for them is to start the suits.Oct 28 01:26
schestowitzI'm off to bed now. GNOct 28 01:29
twittergood nightOct 28 01:30
*pombat42 has quit ("Leaving")Oct 28 02:14
schestowitzInflation up, interest.. well... "An economist in the UK is suggesting it might be necessary for the Bank of England to go to a  zero percent interest rate in order to save the economy." 28 07:46
schestowitzBritain may need zero per cent interest rate, says top economist Charles Goodhart < >Oct 28 07:47
MinceRin today's news, wired magazine loses all credibility: 28 07:53
schestowitzIt's a blog though... 28 07:54
schestowitzWhat you need to ask  your is, why did /Slashdot/ put the story up?Oct 28 07:56
MinceRto troll the readers. they need traffic :>Oct 28 08:14
MinceRit's a blog of an editor though, isn't it?Oct 28 08:14
schestowitzI think so.Oct 28 08:15
schestowitz 28 08:15
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 28 08:24
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 28 09:02
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Oct 28 09:24:29 2008
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Oct 28 09:28:27 2008
*Now talking on #boycottnovellOct 28 09:28
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: "Exploring the reality behind exclusionary deals with Microsoft and their subtle (yet severe) implications" [publicly logged]Oct 28 09:28
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Sun Oct 5 19:20:28 2008Oct 28 09:28
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelOct 28 09:28
*#boycottnovell :[freenode-info] if you're at a conference and other people are having trouble connecting, please mention it to staff: 28 09:28
-NickServ-You are now identified for schestowitz.Oct 28 09:28
*services. sets mode +e schestowitzOct 28 09:28
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzOct 28 09:28
*moparx has quit ("leaving")Oct 28 09:44
schestowitzMore DRM/Mono/swpats infection: "Soon, with the aid of Silverlight's integrated PlayReady DRM, Intel-based Mac users will be able to stream their chosen content." < >Oct 28 10:05
*tessier has quit (Connection timed out)Oct 28 10:10
schestowitzThe new article "Lenovo adds 'instant-on' Linux to netbook " vanished from Oct 28 10:20
schestowitzOther Tools Terrrorists Might Use: Voice, Pencils, Fax Machines, Email, Mobile Phones, Etc. < >Oct 28 10:43
schestowitzWhirlpool to cut 5,000 jobs by 2009 < >Oct 28 10:44
MinceRj0Oct 28 10:51
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 28 11:06
schestowitzIDG wrongly calls Shuttleworth a billionaire. ""We continue to require investment and I continue to be careful with my pennies in making those investments, but I consider this a good proposition," said the billionaire technologist. "Canonical is not cash-positive, but our offering is very attractive to those who want to pinch their pennies in the Linux space."" < >Oct 28 11:16
schestowitzPatent aggressor setback: (NetApp Cancels User Conference, Blames Economy)Oct 28 11:20
schestowitzSAP Profit Falls for Q3, Drops Sales Forecast < >Oct 28 11:21
schestowitzSo, Bruce published some kind personal attack on me last Friday. I notice that Sam has put this into context (and no, I didn't have anything to do with this article): 28 11:47
schestowitz""Four days ago, an article purporting to analyse the raison d\'etre behind the website appeared on the site. The author, Bruce Byfield, who styles himself as a \"computer journalist\", however, failed to tell his reading public that the piece was just a thinly disguised and veiled attack on the person who runs the BoycottNovell site."Oct 28 11:48
MinceRwhat's Shuttleworth's financial status?Oct 28 11:49
schestowitzI think he sold for $700 million, but he must have had investors clinging onto most of it. He burned $20 million on a space trip and I'm guessing he has about $100ml. See his latest blog item about the ecnomy.Oct 28 11:50
MinceRicOct 28 11:54
schestowitz 28 11:54
MinceRisn't selling services just a way of making money from (among other things) the linux desktop?Oct 28 11:57
schestowitzAlaska Senator Is Found Guilty on 7 Ethics Counts < >. What's the name of that Alaskan politician running for VP position? :-)Oct 28 11:58
kentmamoney will be made from support as we go forward.  money from licensing is much less likely.Oct 28 11:58
schestowitzMinceR: yes, but he must be thinking about proprietary services.Oct 28 11:58
schestowitzIt's a razor and razor blades situation.Oct 28 11:58
*libervisco has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 28 12:13
*libervisco (n=libervis@tuxhacker/libervisco) has joined #boycottnovellOct 28 12:14
*libervisco has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 28 12:33
*libervisco (n=libervis@tuxhacker/libervisco) has joined #boycottnovellOct 28 12:37
schestowitzVery interesting post about blog going silent...(or not): On Blogging in 2008 < 28 12:42
schestowitzHere we go... "critical comments about the authorities" = 'child pr0n' "Conroy’s mandatory Internet filtering proposal caused a stir last week when it was revealed a member of his department had tried to censor severely critical comments made on the Whirlpool broadband forum by an Internode network engineer regarding the merits of ISP level filtering. "Oct 28 12:56
schestowitzMicrosoft Jack is attacking Linux again using myths and lies: 28 13:02
*_Doug (n=chatzill) has joined #boycottnovellOct 28 13:14
_Dougre: Watch how Microsoft’s CEO flirts with Gartner ..Oct 28 13:15
_DougSee him trashing Google Apps .. personally I use portable apps and google .. the OS has become irreverent ..Oct 28 13:15
schestowitzGartner doesn't like Google.Oct 28 13:15
schestowitzI never see them even mention Google.Oct 28 13:15
kentmathe os is, in fact, critical, to getting inexpensive devices suitable for on-line apps :-)Oct 28 13:15
schestowitzThey also tossed FUD at iPhone and other Microsoft rivals. You can easily tell who pays a lot of their bills.Oct 28 13:16
schestowitzAlexGr , AKA real name Jeff Gould, is once again pushing Microsoft agenda in Slashdot: 28 13:17
schestowitzHe always uses the same techniques and nyms. He attacks Linux and IBM while glorifying Microsoft's openness. Other people have noticed this too (independently).Oct 28 13:18
_Dougstudent charged for reporting security flaws ..Oct 28 13:19
_Doug 28 13:19
schestowitz 28 13:19
schestowitzThey should charge his battery... or bank account instead. He helped in spotting a bug, no? (haven't read it yet)Oct 28 13:20
_Doug"A University of Pennsylvania student was sentenced to three months in custody on Tuesday .. Ryan Goldstein, 22, .. would have faced a far tougher sentence if his admitted possession of child abuse images was taken into account"Oct 28 13:22
_Doug 28 13:22
_Doug"The judge took the unusual step of sentencing Goldstein alongside convicted child pornographer Derrick Williams, of Philadelphia, at the same hearing."Oct 28 13:22
twitter" schestowitz: Maybe the shills budgets is up a bit. The Firehose watercooler budget..."  It's about the same as always.  Here's an epic thread, none of it mine but the start.  Ask yourself who's making a mockery of Slashdot.Oct 28 13:23
schestowitzWhat did the server run?Oct 28 13:23
schestowitztwitter: the Gould shill doesn't go through firehose.Oct 28 13:24
schestowitzHe goes through the editors, also in LinuxToday. I wrote about it in BN before. 28 13:25
_Dougslashdot: it *is* odd what they consider tech news ..Oct 28 13:25
MinceRJeff Goa'uld!Oct 28 13:25
schestowitz_Doug: they also seem to blindly accept everything Matt Asay sends them... Asay did an interview with Malda a while ago, so I sense a conflict of interests.Oct 28 13:26
_Doug" Sometimes I wonder whether Ubuntu is really an open source software company any more", AlexGOct 28 13:27
_DougI kinda recognise the style .. like it's written by the same team of fudsters .. :)Oct 28 13:28
schestowitz_Doug: he attacked them like this before.Oct 28 13:28
_Doug" the Ubuntu distro is sponsored by a traditional for-profit company" for shame :]Oct 28 13:29
schestowitzHe tried to incite people against them. Don't read him and consider dropping /. too. It's 'tainted'.Oct 28 13:29
twitterHe did come from the firehose on that article.  The editors quoted Red Hat and left Alex's gibberish out.  Still not newsworthy.Oct 28 13:29
schestowitzMaybe the 'Turfers' gave this one a boost then.Oct 28 13:30
_Dougit's shit like that that have trashed slashdots reputation as a real tech siteOct 28 13:30
twitterThat's probable.Oct 28 13:30
_Douginstead of being a glorified advertising horadingOct 28 13:30
schestowitzIf Perens is anything to go by, those Microsoft-sympathetic PR messages I see there in the comments are no ordinary readers.Oct 28 13:30
schestowitzThose in Slashdot who mercilessly point out the truth about Microsoft get buried out of site, maybe driven away from the site through abuseOct 28 13:31
schestowitzit's getting to be more like this in Digg as well.Oct 28 13:31
_Dougshame on you Malda ..Oct 28 13:31
twitterBRLUG people gave up Slashdot comments about six years ago, when M$ got obvious about stinking the place up.  It's been a long slog against Slashdot.Oct 28 13:32
twitterNow that they think they rule the comments entirely, they have turned their attention on guiding the stories.Oct 28 13:33
_Doug"What's comical though is the blatant, almost Orwellian contradiction between their hard-nosed desire to make money and the grandiose Ubuntu philosophy:"Oct 28 13:34
_Doug"It's a clear sign that Mark Shuttleworth – who has been funding Ubuntu out of the half billion dollar fortune he earned from closed source software back in the 90s"Oct 28 13:34
twitterSome people don't understand free software.Oct 28 13:35
_Dougsneering c**t ..Oct 28 13:35
twitterThe easiest way to combat that is to say that you don't have to be unethical to make money.Oct 28 13:35
twitterM$ screws their customers.Oct 28 13:35
schestowitz_Doug: I never click on link to his site.Oct 28 13:35
schestowitzIf you could find out more about his relationship with Microsoft, that would be great.Oct 28 13:36
schestowitzHe's like another Enderle, just less prolific.Oct 28 13:36
_Dougpossiblly very tenious .. most probably gets funded studies from some third company ..Oct 28 13:37
_Dougit's curious how these one-man-band consultancies keep coming out of the ?Oct 28 13:38
schestowitz_Doug: yes, or consulting contracts.Oct 28 13:39
_DougI consult you some revenue and you tell lies about my competitors :)Oct 28 13:39
schestowitz$Pundit sucks up to $company, gets the word around, $company approaches $Pundit with some $$ for consulting/jobOct 28 13:39
schestowitzWatch what happened with Peter Galli for example.Oct 28 13:39
_Dougit's also curious as before their lernered prouncments on 'Linux', I never heard of them before, and I've been following 'Open Source' for a good while now ..Oct 28 13:42
MinceRhm, didn't he earn his fortune from a service (that is, Thawte)?Oct 28 13:42
_DougIt's also curious as to how they don't actually ask anyone working in the field, before trashing it ..Oct 28 13:43
schestowitzYes, service.Oct 28 13:43
_DougI stand corrected, it's a three-man-band ...Oct 28 13:43
schestowitz"She planted the story... we got the Okay from BrianV"Oct 28 13:43
_Doug 28 13:43
schestowitzTough economical times.. people sell out for their homes/Oct 28 13:44
schestowitzIs Microsoft listed among the clients, _Doug?Oct 28 13:44
_Dougdunno .. wait ..Oct 28 13:44
schestowitz 28 13:45
_Doug"Peerstone, Computer Reseller News (CRN), VARBusiness and ChannelWeb have teamed up"Oct 28 13:45
schestowitz 28 13:46
schestowitzIt does not seem too 'incestuous'.Oct 28 13:46
_Doug"neither Windows Server nor Linux can currently offer the same scalability for database applications as Unix"Oct 28 13:47
schestowitzThis may be true.Oct 28 13:49
schestowitzAnyway, I am usually careful about naming people in this way, but the detractors seek comments in places like IRC channels. I notice that Groklaw's detractors (e.g. Alexander T) are stalking comments too and use them against the site. We need to become more careful over time. BTW, I have no idea why Bruce tried to drag Groklaw into his BN smear.Oct 28 13:49
_Dougwas maybe true ..Oct 28 13:49
schestowitz_Doug: there's a response to that smear... nothing to do with me though. I was going to post one of my own.Oct 28 13:49
schestowitz_Doug: scaled-up machines run Linux these days (mainframes, HPC).. that's why IBM sinks so money into it.Oct 28 13:50
schestowitz "In Nigeria, Microsoft proposed paying $400,000 last year under a joint-marketing agreement to a government contractor it was trying to persuade to replace Linux with Windows on thousands of school laptops."Oct 28 13:51
schestowitzit's not a bribe, it's "marketing help"... like 'gifts' to politicians, laptops for bloggers, consulting contract for sellouts, $15000  for Mac bloggers to diss Apple...Oct 28 13:52
schestowitzMicrosoft has found a raft of creative names to cast bribery as something else.Oct 28 13:52
_Dougdon't you mean consulting fees ?Oct 28 13:55
_DougMS black-nag-screen-of-death ..Oct 28 13:56
_Doug 28 13:56
_DougFOSS pioneered new technologies ..Oct 28 13:58
_Doug 28 13:58
schestowitz_Doug: why link to spinsoft? Watch what the press says.s.Oct 28 14:00
schestowitz'Only' $30 in China... let them eat cakes, meanwhile we shall poke them with B[lack[SOD stick.Oct 28 14:01
_DougOptaros Open Source Directory ..Oct 28 14:03
_Doug 28 14:03
schestowitzhaven't heard of it for ages.Oct 28 14:05
schestowitzIt's a decent site, but not many people visit it, I think.Oct 28 14:06
schestowitzNetscraft rank?: 470000th. Groklaw is 1200thOct 28 14:06
_Dougfame at last ..Oct 28 14:07
_Doug"BoycottNovell: just another website pushing a point of view"Oct 28 14:07
_Doug 28 14:07
schestowitzYesOct 28 14:07
schestowitzSomeone left a comment in BN to tell about it this morning.Oct 28 14:07
_Dougback later ..Oct 28 14:09
*ZiggyFish1 ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 28 14:12
ZiggyFish1Linux still impresses me all the timeOct 28 14:13
ZiggyFish1So I mounted the ISO image via the loopback, copied the kernel and initrd files to the hard drive, created a grub entry capable of booting off the ISO (root=iso:/dev/XXX:/path/to/lfslivecd.iso) as per the LFS instructions, and booted into the LFS LiveCD from the ISO image.Oct 28 14:13
ZiggyFish1from 28 14:13
schestowitzYes, I posted it this morning.Oct 28 14:14
schestowitzDoug just posted examples of Linux INNOVA~1Oct 28 14:14
schestowitz ... Live CD.Oct 28 14:14
ZiggyFish1lolOct 28 14:15
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 28 14:23
_DougMicrosoft Battles Linux in Africa ..Oct 28 14:25
_Doug 28 14:25
schestowitzYes, seen that. I'm writing a post about it at this very moment.Oct 28 14:28
ZiggyFish1intersting articleOct 28 14:29
schestowitzI began posting to COLA just once a day (or something like that). It's less noisy then before.Oct 28 14:29
schestowitz*thanOct 28 14:29
schestowitzI don't trust WSJ. They did the coverup work for Intel after they had sabotaged OLPCOct 28 14:29
schestowitzThe white-collar press still has its collar tied to the leash of the monopolists. No coverage there of Freedom/Free software except in extreme circumstances.Oct 28 14:30
schestowitzWhie at the airport I also read the paper version with a full-page article beatifying the image of Intel and Otellini, downplaying (not mentioning) their corruption. It's just a Wall Street fan press. Buy , buy, invest, make money, fight at all costs.... Freedom?? What's that?Oct 28 14:31
_DougLinux May Be Worth $10.8 Billion, but Is It for Everyone?Oct 28 14:38
_Doug 28 14:38
*kentma has quit ("Leaving.")Oct 28 14:38
schestowitzECT. Flamebait.Oct 28 14:40
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 28 14:40
schestowitzWhy only SUSE...   ??Oct 28 14:41
_Dougis it open SuSE or SLES ?Oct 28 14:42
_Doug"Microsoft to open up 'M' language"Oct 28 14:44
_Doug 28 14:44
schestowitzThe news appeared a while ago.Oct 28 14:45
schestowitzProbablt made /. too, no? I'm guessing.Oct 28 14:45
_DougSCO Finantial Fiduciary Largess & WagnersOct 28 14:47
_Doug 28 14:47
_Doug:)Oct 28 14:47
_Doug 28 14:47
schestowitz:-)Oct 28 14:48
_Dougdoes anyone here think Russell Brand or Jonathan Ross are remotely funny ?Oct 28 14:49
_Doug 28 14:49
twitterSpent some time looking at AlexGr  and Jeff Gould.  You are right, the relation between them both and Slashdot is very strange. 28 15:00
schestowitz"An audience of two million Radio 2 listeners heard Ross and Brand leave a series of answerphone messages for Mr Sachs, 78, in which they joked that Brand had slept with the actor's granddaughter."Oct 28 15:00
twittergotta go for a whileOct 28 15:01
schestowitzUpdate the ZooOct 28 15:01
*mib_7lga66 (i=44e62112@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellOct 28 15:07
*mib_7lga66 has quit (Client Quit)Oct 28 15:07
*ZiggyFish1 has quit ("Leaving.")Oct 28 15:11
*mib_p6q6lw (i=4ea07694@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellOct 28 15:15
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*tessier (n=treed@kernel-panic/sex-machines) has joined #boycottnovellOct 28 15:19
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Oct 28 15:37
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 28 15:38
schestowitz "This hacker was happily gathering Yahoo users’ account details enabling access into Yahoo Mail – the user doesn’t even need to type in their user name and password for the hacker to accomplish this, visiting the malign URLs on can be enough."Oct 28 15:38
PetoKrausberanger is really starting to get annoyingOct 28 15:44
schestowitzIs he talking about Linux/FOSS again?Oct 28 15:45
PetoKrauswell, that Shuttleworth commentOct 28 15:46
PetoKrausand he also said that Mint is rubbishOct 28 15:46
PetoKrausafter two weeks of hypeOct 28 15:46
schestowitzI ignore his Linux rants. This one is decent: 28 15:47
PetoKraushe doesn't know what he wants, but he wants someone to provide him with something which he needsOct 28 15:47
schestowitzPetoKraus: he wants material to trash, that's all... but it's better when he trashes the patent system, not GNU/Linux.Oct 28 15:47
schestowitz"Such over-optimistic views were typical in the '60s. Nowadays, only morons still dream of a wonderful future on planet Earth..."Oct 28 15:48
MinceRa wonderful future on planet earth is possibleOct 28 15:49
MinceRone simple way of achieving it starts with eliminating the human speciesOct 28 15:49
schestowitzWell, true, but... well, sadistic.Oct 28 15:50
schestowitzThe apes would take over.Oct 28 15:50
MinceRthey can'tOct 28 15:51
twitterI have a wonderful present and imagine a wonderful future.Oct 28 15:51
schestowitzMinceR: the apes will have a change to do another round of evolution. ;-)Oct 28 15:52
MinceRperhaps this time they'll get it right.Oct 28 15:52
schestowitzThink about it. Assuming they reproduce, take over our abandoned cities after many evolutionary cycles do some excavation work. ;-)Oct 28 15:52
_Dougthat's the plot of a movie ..Oct 28 15:53
schestowitzWill you direct it?Oct 28 15:53
schestowitzI always knew that Ballmer wanted to take over the planet :-))Oct 28 15:53
_Doug 28 15:53
twitterGet your filthy paws off me, you damn dirty ape!Oct 28 15:54
twitteror something like that.Oct 28 15:54
schestowitzAhhhh... the Mono desktop... It's the beast.. it's Ubuntu 8.10Oct 28 15:54
_DougHave you forgotten your scripture, the thirteenth scroll? "And Proteus brought the upright beast into the garden and chained him to a tree and the children did make sport of him."Oct 28 15:55
_Doug:)Oct 28 15:55
_Dougbetter than the remake ?Oct 28 15:55
_DougI guess the religious parody had to be toned down in the current climate ?Oct 28 16:00
_Doug"Beware the best man, for he will make a desert of his home and users"Oct 28 16:01
*pombat42 ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 28 16:04
_Dougsomeone would of course write the 'The Sacred Scrolls' ..Oct 28 16:04
_Doughttp://planetoftheapes.wikia.c...Oct 28 16:05
schestowitzThe chap's  (chimp's) suit looks like it's made out of chocolate.Oct 28 16:07
_Dougis there a dictionary of imaginary books ?Oct 28 16:14
_Douglike, books mentioned in other books ..Oct 28 16:14
_Dougor movies ..Oct 28 16:14
_Douglike 'Donnie Darko' referencing 'The Philosophy of Time Travel'Oct 28 16:16
_Doug 28 16:17
schestowitzWhy would anyone assemble such names?Oct 28 16:21
schestowitzIt's like Kevin Bacon Numbers.Oct 28 16:21
_Doug Kevin Bacon Numbers ?Oct 28 16:30
_Doughow can people be so gullible ..Oct 28 16:32
_Doug 28 16:32
schestowitzI'm away for a while.. g2gOct 28 16:36
*pombat42 has quit ("Leaving")Oct 28 16:51
*kentma has quit ("Leaving.")Oct 28 16:59
_DougMS innovates Google Apps ..Oct 28 17:05
_Doug"Ever since Google Apps arrived on the scene, Microsoft has been dogged by the question of when it might release browser-based versions of its Office apps"Oct 28 17:05
_Doug 28 17:05
*_Doug has quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0.3/2008092417]")Oct 28 17:22
*trmanco ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 28 18:06
schestowitzDid you see this? 28 18:49
*moparx (n=moparx@pdpc/supporter/base/moparx) has joined #boycottnovellOct 28 18:49
schestowitzMicrosoft enoucraged some of these lawsuits against Google. And Microsoft's book search was shut down months ago.Oct 28 18:50
PetoKraushehe, i was watching the 100$ laptopOct 28 18:50
PetoKrausthe HD videoOct 28 18:50
PetoKrausman, the guy doesn't know how to do stuffOct 28 18:50
schestowitzThere's a $98 laptop now.Oct 28 18:50
PetoKrausi wouldn't pay him a pennyOct 28 18:50
PetoKrausyeh, that's the one i am talking aboutOct 28 18:51
schestowitzOhOct 28 18:51
PetoKrausactually, he played around with the $120 oneOct 28 18:51
PetoKrausthe journalist, man, that was terribleOct 28 18:51
schestowitzThe $100 usually is synonymous with OLPC XOOct 28 18:51
schestowitzGot a URL?Oct 28 18:51
PetoKrausit looked like it's the first time he saw linuxOct 28 18:51
PetoKrausit's quite big, but gimme secOct 28 18:51
PetoKraus 28 18:52
schestowitzYou know what's interesting? The US media shelved it away. it got no coverage.Oct 28 18:54
schestowitzSo I ask myself if Wintel/patents are to blame. China envy, phobia... anyway it won't survive with heavy taxing if exported to the west.Oct 28 18:54
*pombat42 ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 28 18:57
*jose ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 28 19:09
josehey, schestowitz and everyone else.. 28 19:09
jose"At issue is Windows Genuine Advantage, a tool Microsoft uses to assess, over the Internet, whether a PC has one of the pirated copies of Windows that flourish in developing countries. The tool was developed after Windows XP was released, but has since been added to updated copies of the operating system."Oct 28 19:10
jose>> "It's a crime," said Beijing lawyer Dong Zhengwei, who filed a complaint against Microsoft with the Public Security Ministry. The ministry hasn't responded. "The black-screen plan implies that Microsoft can hack all its users, not just the pirates," Dong said. "That's not fair."Oct 28 19:11
schestowitzHey, jose Oct 28 19:11
joseheyOct 28 19:11
josethe best way for microsoft to keep people from revolting is to avoid giving certain impressions.. like that they can control your pc however they wanted if they wantedOct 28 19:12
schestowitzIt's good, isn't it?Oct 28 19:12
schestowitzMicrosoft is advocating Free software now.Oct 28 19:12
jose?Oct 28 19:12
schestowitzI wrote a couple of posts about it.Oct 28 19:12
josewhat link are you talking aboutOct 28 19:12
schestowitzMicrosoft is hungry for $$.Oct 28 19:12
schestowitzThis was predictable.Oct 28 19:12
schestowitzI said about a year ago that Microsoft won't let profits be dropped without a fight... against its customers.Oct 28 19:13
schestowitzFirst came the force-feeding of Vista (despite demands to keep XP alive), not this..Oct 28 19:13
schestowitzLinks as in BN ones?Oct 28 19:13
josei posted a link but it had nothing to do with ms advocating fossOct 28 19:14
PetoKraus:DOct 28 19:16
schestowitzI was being cynical.Oct 28 19:16
schestowitzMicrosoft flexes its muscles to show that Windows is not free.Oct 28 19:17
PetoKrauswell, i don't careOct 28 19:17
PetoKrausit used to be quite easy to disable WGA updateOct 28 19:18
twitterit seems that it was easier still for M$ to enable it.Oct 28 19:18
jose:)Oct 28 19:19
schestowitzMicrosoft makes Windows easier to obtain for free, assuming you won't buy it.Oct 28 19:21
schestowitzI could find the exact quote from Gates but it goes something like... "if they are going to steal, we want them to steal from us." That was circa 2006/7...Oct 28 19:22
schestowitzPublished seconds ago is this item about the patents system being stolen by lawyers and monopolists: 28 19:23

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