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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: November 2nd, 2008


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macabeBack in '68 part of our Ranger training included 2 weeks survival in Pensacola (everglades). The need to know hunger first hand.Nov 02 00:00
macabeAnd how to deal with it or let it beat you.Nov 02 00:01
schestowitzThat's an ordealNov 02 00:03
schestowitzGreater than grilling from the Judge or even a pie in the face. Ah wel...Nov 02 00:03
schestowitzI particularly liked this video of BillG: 02 00:04
schestowitzHe talks to the justice authorities as though he owns them (well, he does not... own the DoJ using cronies they planted there in the last 90s)Nov 02 00:05
macabeHe's condescending, real squiggly, and the last part (the rocking); grandpa always said to me, "Whenever you see a person rocking back and forth, when talking to you, pay close attention. It's a sign of mental instability".Nov 02 00:13
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 02 00:18
schestowitz[OT: the death of professional journalism: "Linux" "Kill" "Die" "War" And someone found the troll noteworthy for InfoWeek and therefore news aggregations... ]Nov 02 00:18
schestowitzBillG cried in July.Nov 02 00:19
macabeWhat day in July? Maybe the lobbyists can push for a national holiday.Nov 02 00:25
schestowitz 02 00:26
schestowitzWikia shrinks and Wales speaks. Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales expects internet downturn but no 'bloodbath' < >Nov 02 00:30
schestowitzSun's damage control. Half-full glass analogy again.. Understanding Sun's Business - Q1 Results < >; The Sun Model < >Nov 02 00:31
macabeChair throwing, Crocodile tears. Used car salesman as CEO. Too bad Gates didn't really retire.Nov 02 00:36
schestowitzSun should really rely on their software spreading as widely as possible, so Sun should consider giving a properly-licensed ZFS to Linux and 'seed' the market. It didn't work out too badly for some guy called Linus. Morton objected to an OpenSolaris merge, but ZFS alone makes more sense. Look how much value MySQL gained by giving its wares away.Nov 02 00:36
schestowitzmacabe: no, he didn't retire.Nov 02 00:37
schestowitzI've always viewed this CNET (Paul Allen-backed) as image building for Microsoft. "Let's show a sentimental side..."Nov 02 00:37
schestowitzSmears against Obama dissected: Anatomy of a Smear < > "We've got our "October Surprise". IMO the Republicans behind this are bottom-feeders. No, maybe worms that eat dead bottom-feeders."Nov 02 00:40
macabeOK, minute of sentiment over.  Been using ZFS fuse on IBM T61, I guess because of fuse, didn't really see a difference. I heard Sun was going to open the source for ZFS.Nov 02 00:41
schestowitzI asked Simon for it. :-) Not that I matter much, but maybe if enough people ask for GPL-only, then it'll happen.Nov 02 00:42
schestowitzSun is hurting, which is s shame. They have a very cure Web site with good fonts.   2008 Corporate Social Responsibility Report < >. We need to help Sun. We **need** them...  for Java, for OOo...Nov 02 00:43
schestowitzHehe. Search Google for "novell" < >, get Boycott Novell in page 1 again. We used to be further up near the top though.Nov 02 00:49
MinceRgnNov 02 01:07
schestowitz...Why do professionals use a kiddie thing like Twitter? ... What's next? MySpace for CEOs?Nov 02 01:09
*moparx has quit ("leaving")Nov 02 01:24
schestowitz*LOL* "Founded in 1975, Microsoft is the worldwide leader in bribery, extortion, blackmail and customer abuse."Nov 02 01:41
macabeWhy does it need a proprietary drive?Nov 02 01:49
schestowitzMicrosoft faces uncertain financial future as it looks to the cloud < > "Ozzie, a software pioneer known for creating Lotus Notes, joined Microsoft in 2005. " So first they "tilt him into the death spiral" and now they hire him?Nov 02 01:50
schestowitz macabe ZFS?Nov 02 01:50
twitterWhen you ruin a company, you can pick up the assets for pennies on the dollar.  Ozzie was an asset, it seems.Nov 02 01:51
schestowitzThey snapped a key Java guy recently.Nov 02 01:52
macabeMS paying Sun for ZFS?Nov 02 01:52
schestowitzCrispin Cowen from Novell too.Nov 02 01:52
schestowitzmacabe: no, they pay Ozzie, having sabotaged his business.Nov 02 01:52
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 02 02:09
schestowitzRick thinks of abandoning KDE. :-( 02 02:10
twitterHmm, that would make Ozzie a different kind of asset.Nov 02 02:12
twitterGnome annoys me.Nov 02 02:14
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Nov 2 02:14:40 2008
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Nov 2 02:14:40 2008
schestowitzBecause of the founder?Nov 02 02:14
twitterBecause of how it is.Nov 02 02:15
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Nov 2 02:15:42 2008
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Nov 2 02:15:42 2008
twitterThe defaults are annoying.  File browsing, desktop switching, paging.  Things work, sometimes very well but the desktop environment always drives me nuts.Nov 02 02:17
twitterE16 works for me.Nov 02 02:17
twitterKDE's modularity lets me have E16 and the kicker to hold most of the KDE goodies.Nov 02 02:17
twitterThe split top bottom menu for Gnome was never something I really liked going all the way back to Gnome 1 in Red Hat 5Nov 02 02:18
twitterPidgin, gnome terminal, gedit, gnumeric and a few other things are all excellent but the desktop just drives me nuts.Nov 02 02:21
schestowitzGTK is still good.Nov 02 02:21
twitterI imagine it is for so many applications to work so well.Nov 02 02:22
twitterCompiz Fusion might rip me away from E16, but that's only because it has essentially the same features E16 gives me projected into 3D.Nov 02 02:22
twitterpagers become cubesNov 02 02:23
twitterIt requires 3d acceleration for things done well in 2d by E16Nov 02 02:24
twitterI cringe when I hear Konqueror may go the way of other dumber browsers.  I can't imagine that would be allowed to happen.Nov 02 02:26
schestowitzKonqueror stays.Nov 02 02:28
schestowitzDolphin just becomes default choice.Nov 02 02:29
twitterOnce upon a time, M$ funneled bad tools and advice onto their competitors at Lotus.  I see the Gnome people making the same mistakes.  Hopefully the KDE people will be smarter.Nov 02 02:29
twitterDefaults matter.Nov 02 02:29
twitterI can't judge Dolphin because I have not used it, but the open everything in tabs that can be split anyway you like is unbeatable.Nov 02 02:30
twitterOpening everything in separate windows is a stupid and confusing waste of screen real estate.Nov 02 02:31
twitterA cluttered desktop sucks.Nov 02 02:32
twitterI know you can change the defaults, but what a pain that is.Nov 02 02:32
schestowitzDolphon should get tabs too.Nov 02 02:33
twitterYes, I've read that the infrastructure is there for everything normal, it's just not exposed yet.Nov 02 02:34
schestowitzHmmm... BN in  SUSEForums?? 02 02:34
twitterKDE should not make itself into a copy of Gnome by default.Nov 02 02:34
twitterThat would eliminate a healthy choice.Nov 02 02:35
schestowitzGL seems to be declining if some numbers are anything to judge by.Nov 02 02:37
twitterWell, the SCO case is over.Nov 02 02:38
schestowitzYes.Nov 02 02:38
schestowitzNot quite though.Nov 02 02:38
schestowitzThe comments you see in FP says a lot.. 02 02:38
schestowitzIt used to be like 200-300 in each. Slashdot suffers a similar fate as so do other 'big' Linux sites because there are more and more blogs out there.Nov 02 02:39
twitterLet M$ launch a patent lawsuit and GL will get back up.Nov 02 02:39
schestowitzI like Phoronix. It's gotten big.Nov 02 02:39
twitterThe trolls may have left GL alone, that reduces comments.Nov 02 02:40
schestowitzhAl et al.Nov 02 02:40
twitterWhy would W.E. people bother with GL right now?Nov 02 02:40
twittergotta go, good nightNov 02 02:41
schestowitzOMGNov 02 02:42
schestowitzShills... Yankee and Gartner throw FUD at Android. 02 02:42
schestowitz ( Acer Forecasts Strong Holiday Season ); ( Acer Netbook Shipments to Beat Asus's Eee PC )Nov 02 02:54
schestowitz "just how such a database will be abused -- either by gov't officials or by hackers. It sounds like the bill still has a ways to go before becoming law, but this appears to be yet another move by a government to mistakenly assert that taking away people's privacy somehow makes them more secure."Nov 02 02:58
*dsmith_ has quit (Remote closed the connection)Nov 02 03:08
*GoblinRFD has quit (Remote closed the connection)Nov 02 03:19
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Nov 02 04:05
*libervisco has quit (Remote closed the connection)Nov 02 04:12
*ZiggyFish1 ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 02 05:57
*ZiggyFish1 lmaoNov 02 05:58
ZiggyFish1I wanted to see what they would say when I asked them about Linux support Silverlight. And the first line of the reply was 'Thank you for requesting support for Microsoft Silverlight for Mac. My name is Kendal and I will be working with you to resolve this issue.'Nov 02 06:00
*ZiggyFish1 has quit ("Leaving.")Nov 02 08:34
schestowitzAntarctica hit by climate change < >Nov 02 09:54
*trmanco ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 02 10:08
schestowitzCorruption in government: PM 'used crony to fix nuclear power inquiry' < >Nov 02 10:23
schestowitzGovernment coordinating propaganda: Government Agencies Pre-emptively Spin the Bush Years  [...] An e-mail went out last week to government agencies to get working on a project to lay out 'THE BUSH RECORD,'" reports Al Kamen. < >Nov 02 10:25
MinceRgeekingsNov 02 12:10
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 02 12:23
*kapipi (n=chatzill@ has joined #boycottnovellNov 02 12:29
schestowitz*LOL* Novell and Microsoft... 02 12:35
*kapipi has quit (Remote closed the connection)Nov 02 13:23
*moparx (n=moparx@pdpc/supporter/base/moparx) has joined #boycottnovellNov 02 13:41
twittergood morning.  /. has the ultimate M$ advertisement.  They give the soft a place to publish vaporware promises and push Silverblight this morning. 02 13:51
schestowitzheh.Nov 02 13:53
twitterpptx, that's M$ Office's version of their OOXML?Nov 02 13:53
schestowitzGiven what I've said about Slashdot selling out it funny to see "Karma: Excellent"Nov 02 13:53
schestowitzsame when I tossed dirt at Digg.Nov 02 13:53
schestowitzI was the most prolific commenter there when I said the site had lost its wayNov 02 13:53
twitter It's not a matter of tossing dirt as much as it is not being misledNov 02 13:54
twitterLooking at the pdf of Miguel's talk.  pdf looks like crap bit map conversion.Nov 02 13:56
twitterSponsored by Novell, Directed by Contributors.  That's true if you don't specify the type of contribution.Nov 02 13:57
twitter"ECMA specifications make it possible" LOLNov 02 13:57
MinceRpdf is crapNov 02 13:59
twitterpdf works fine if you use something sane like LaTexNov 02 13:59
twitterThe font differences on page 6, "APIs", make it look like "Third Party" is an afterthought.Nov 02 14:00
MinceRit's still an unnecessary and non-portable variation on postscriptNov 02 14:01
MinceRi have lots of pdfs that work differently in different viewersNov 02 14:01
twittermy ps thesis was about 300MB, my pdf thesis is about 4MB.  it's too bad people have made portability problems but those almost always have M$ at their source.Nov 02 14:06
twitterAt page 22 of 57, bullshit overflow, I'm bored, I quit.Nov 02 14:09
twitterSo is Miguel an Office 2007 user?  If so why?Nov 02 14:10
schestowitzWait.Nov 02 14:11
schestowitzI think there was something about him praising Excel.Nov 02 14:11
schestowitzMaybe it was in the blog of Joe Shaw.Nov 02 14:11
schestowitzBut it was partly a joke, IIRC.Nov 02 14:11
twitterHe obviously use Power Point to make that 57 page nasty.  Did he do it because he loves Power Point or because M$ gave him his outline?Nov 02 14:12
MinceRthis particular probability problem has adobe at its sourceNov 02 14:12
MinceRand you can gzip that ps if you need toNov 02 14:12
twitter"Here, Monkey Boy, use this slide show."Nov 02 14:12
MinceRs/proba/porta/Nov 02 14:12
MinceRhm, now we have two Monkey Boys.Nov 02 14:13
twittergzip won't get me 2 orders of magnitude.  There are many slaves in Redmond.Nov 02 14:13
MinceRand he must love powerpoint since he loves ooxml.Nov 02 14:13
MinceRhave you tried gzip?Nov 02 14:13
schestowitzMono BoysNov 02 14:13
MinceRit depends on the text that is to be compressedNov 02 14:13
twitterthe portability issue comes from fontsNov 02 14:14
MinceRand bad font handlingNov 02 14:14
twitterM$ has their own special fonts they won't let anyone else have anymoreNov 02 14:14
MinceRthey've probably neglected to specify how their own program handles themNov 02 14:14
twitterM$ fonts suck anywayNov 02 14:14
MinceRthis has nothing to do with m$ fontsNov 02 14:14
twitteryou don't think?Nov 02 14:14
MinceRand fonts are pretty much the only usable thing coming out of m$Nov 02 14:15
twittersays a lot about M$Nov 02 14:15
MinceRi'm pretty sure none of the fonts affected in my nonportable pdfs are from m$Nov 02 14:15
*libervisco (n=libervis@tuxhacker/libervisco) has joined #boycottnovellNov 02 14:15
MinceRwell, they didn't develop the fonts, just bought themNov 02 14:15
MinceRand since then i've already found that Charter looks better than Sylfaen anyway.Nov 02 14:15
MinceR(not to mention Melior/ZapfElliptical711)Nov 02 14:15
twitterbought them and put them under a rock.  "true type" is one of their last sticking points, no one else wants that obsolete crapNov 02 14:16
*trmanco has quit ( 02 14:16
*logger_bot has quit ( 02 14:16
MinceRand Bitstream Vera Sans/DejaVu Sans looks better than Verdana if the font hinting is set properlyNov 02 14:16
MinceR(otherwise they're kind of ugly)Nov 02 14:16
*trmanco ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 02 14:17
*logger_bot ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 02 14:17
twitterthere are hundreds of good fonts made by the LaTex people.  A lot of Bitstream fonts have been liberated.Nov 02 14:17
twitterM$ will go their own way, as usual.Nov 02 14:17
twitterOOXML will look like ass, even if you do have a translator because of font issues.  It's the M$ way.Nov 02 14:18
twitterbreakage of pdf is a bonus for them.Nov 02 14:18
twitterBecause there are hundreds of high quality, royalty free fonts, none of that has to happen.Nov 02 14:19
twitterSource:  Redmond.Nov 02 14:19
MinceRin any case, a non-portable format shouldn't have "portable" in its name.Nov 02 14:21
MinceRand adobe should have closed shop after developing postscript because nothing good has ever come out of them since.Nov 02 14:22
macabeGuys thanks for getting into fonts. I'm running gnu-sense on eeepc 1000 need to make fonts look better. don't want MS fonts.Nov 02 14:23
MinceRnpNov 02 14:24
MinceRi got Eurostile and ZapfElliptical711 at , but i'm still not 100% sure it's legal for all uses :)Nov 02 14:25
macabeCurrently using the usual plus added Liberation. Lib Mono very nice for me at term.Nov 02 14:27
twitterapt-cache search fonts will give you a list.  the LaTex people have additional fontsNov 02 14:31
twitterNice Novell/SCO article on BN front page.Nov 02 14:32
macabeWill try that, Euro & ZAP, thanks.Nov 02 14:32
MinceRi can also recommend DejaVu Sans and DejaVu Sans Mono (identical to Bitstream Vera Mono and Bitstream Vera Mono Sans but with more characters)Nov 02 14:33
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Nov 02 14:34
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 02 14:34
*PetoKraus has quit ("The purpose of IRC is to...IDLE...")Nov 02 14:39
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 02 14:49
*PetoKraus has quit (Client Quit)Nov 02 14:52
twitterThere's been a spurt of Wintel "Vista is Dead" articles.Nov 02 14:56
twitterThis one from June 1st, 02 14:57
twitterFollowed last week by Joe Wilcox and Channel Web 02 14:58
twitterThese had a few echos and there may be more.Nov 02 14:59
twitterDing, dong, the Vista bitch is dead.Nov 02 14:59
twitter:)Nov 02 14:59
twitterVista 7 will do about the same but faster, despite journalist policing.Nov 02 15:02
schestowitztwitter: no.Nov 02 15:05
schestowitzThere's lots of disinfo about Vista 7Nov 02 15:05
schestowitzMicrosoft bribed journalists and bloggers whom it gaver Vista 7 laptopsNov 02 15:05
schestowitzI shall write about it in a moment, but to make a long story short, they used the same old tricks to create anticipation  for another MojaveNov 02 15:06
schestowitzIf you, can please accumulate posts and article about Vista 7Nov 02 15:06
schestowitzI happen to collect some and post them in BN occasionally, but I have no index for them.Nov 02 15:06
schestowitzIf you can build up and prepare a details list with one-line summaries of flaws, that would be a great attack vector when Vista 7 approaches release.Nov 02 15:07
twitterI've started such a beast, but basically it's Vista 2.0. 02 15:08
twitterI'll be looking around.Nov 02 15:09
twitterVista 7 does not launch till 2010Nov 02 15:09
twitterThat will make 9 years since they pushed out XP, which was itself an intrusive flop people resisted.Nov 02 15:10
schestowitzAdd to the list the "critical" flaw.Nov 02 15:11
twitterWhich one?Nov 02 15:11
schestowitzIt could already be breached without user intervention.Nov 02 15:12
schestowitzMicrosoft will try to flog Vista 7 as most secure ever (because they can argue anything when the produce does not yet exist)Nov 02 15:12
twitterAh, security flaws.  That's a given.  I'll have to put that in there.Nov 02 15:12
twitterI'll also have to quote the SLOG.DOC about vaporware.Nov 02 15:13
schestowitzTo add: "The more than 6,000 attendees who will be walking away from the sold-out  event with the Windows 7 operating system software in hand could have been vulnerable to an attacker exploiting the security hole."Nov 02 15:14
twitterthanksNov 02 15:15
twitterI'm amazed.  The article was updated to say M$ patched the flaw a week before PDC but did not fix their DVDs!Nov 02 15:33
twitterI'm not sure if they did that because they were too cheap to redo the DVD or they know M$ security is a lost cause.Nov 02 15:34
twitterThere, that looks better 02 15:39
twitterLooking at the SLOG.DOC.  ha ha.  Ozzie got through step 12 of the Slog, " Victory.  The developers, marketers, and managers of the competing technology give up the sinking ship, and interview for positions at Microsoft."Nov 02 15:43
schestowitzJust got an interesting E-mail: "I've been grinding through my list of things to do from the spring / summer.  One item was to approach the MS problem as white collar crime."Nov 02 16:11
schestowitz"I spoke with a few law enforcement people and criminologists during my visit this summer.  None are really prepared to take on "technology" so that has been a solid cover for a lot of crime. I've begun reading one of the recommended books on the topic: "Trusted Criminals: White Collar Crime in Contemporary Society. David O. Friedrichs.  Wadsworth Publishing.  (1995)""Nov 02 16:11
schestowitz"The first chapter, where white collar crime is defined, is almost a word-for-word description about how MSFTers operate."Nov 02 16:11
twitter 02 16:21
twittervia 02 16:22
schestowitzJobs nobody needed anyway... ( Symantec layoffs coming )Nov 02 16:31
twitterFriend of Foe, M$ crushes them all.Nov 02 16:33
schestowitzWe all pay the price. 1 Trojan + 3 years = 500,000 online financial accounts < >. The cost and burden is shared by everyone who has  a bank account.Nov 02 16:34
schestowitzGot to love Google's sense of humour! Google jokesters ward off zombies < >Nov 02 16:34
schestowitzMicrosoft, despite its rave about R&D, is last among the pack.. always behind in the Web... 02 16:37
*_doug (n=_doug) has joined #boycottnovellNov 02 16:55
_dougkeeping the campaign clean .. "Lawsuit Challenging Obama’s Birth Place"Nov 02 16:57
_doug 02 16:57
schestowitzArnie...Nov 02 17:01
schestowitzbbkNov 02 17:01
schestowitzbblNov 02 17:01
*darkness ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 02 17:02
*darkness has quit (Client Quit)Nov 02 17:04
_dougMS indefinitely loans 2.4GHz 3GB dual-core ..Nov 02 17:07
_doug 02 17:07
_douglaptops ..Nov 02 17:08
_dougBomb-proof bins comming to London ..Nov 02 17:29
_doug 02 17:29
twitterFrance drops off the free net 02 17:41
_dougMicrosoft's Linux killer? ..Nov 02 17:42
_doug 02 17:42
_dougthe Age of Open Source ideas ..Nov 02 17:51
_doug 02 17:51
_dougOpenSUSE opens up to non-Novell employees ..Nov 02 18:06
_doug 02 18:06
_dougbenJIman: would you tell us why you hang out on this channel day-after-day without contributing anything ?Nov 02 18:08
_dougping benJIman: what's your opinion on the '1st openSUSE Board Election' ?Nov 02 18:11
*moparx has quit ("leaving")Nov 02 18:13
_dougopenSUSE Elects Community Board ..Nov 02 18:18
_doug 02 18:18
_dougbenJIman: any thought on the subject ?Nov 02 18:18
_doug"the Software may Not Be Sold, Transferred, or further distributed Without prior written authorization From Novell"Nov 02 18:22
*PetoKRaus ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 02 18:23
_dougNovell Pre-Release Software License Agreement ..  EULA.txt.Nov 02 18:23
*PetoKRaus has quit (Client Quit)Nov 02 18:23
*pk_ ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 02 18:23
*pk_ is now known as PetoKrausNov 02 18:23
_dougPetroKRaus: OpenSuSE opens up to non-Novell employees ..Nov 02 18:24
_doug 02 18:24
_doug"You may make and distribute unlimited copies of the Software outside Your organization provided that: 1) You receive no consideration"Nov 02 18:25
_doug 02 18:25
*PetoKraus has quit (Client Quit)Nov 02 18:28
_dougmovie quote quiz ..Nov 02 18:37
_dougme first :]Nov 02 18:37
_doug"I like the French .. they taste of Chicken"Nov 02 18:37
_douganswer .. ?Nov 02 18:38
_douglast chance ... ?Nov 02 18:39
_doug................Nov 02 18:39
_doug...............Nov 02 18:39
_doug...............Nov 02 18:39
_doug...............Nov 02 18:39
_doug...............Nov 02 18:39
_doug...............Nov 02 18:39
_doug...............Nov 02 18:39
_doug.............Nov 02 18:39
_doug..........Nov 02 18:39
_doug.......Nov 02 18:39
_doug........Nov 02 18:39
_doug..Nov 02 18:39
_doug.Nov 02 18:39
_douganswer: Hannibal LecterNov 02 18:40
twitterVista and Vista 7 are M$'s M$ killerNov 02 18:41
_dougwhat's the question ?Nov 02 18:41
twitteris Vista 7 a GNU/Linux killer?Nov 02 18:41
twitteryou askedNov 02 18:42
twitterthe world already answeredNov 02 18:42
_dougmovie quiz #2:Nov 02 18:44
_dougin what movie did both 'Christopher Walken' and 'James Gandolfini' appear in and they both 'sang' ?Nov 02 18:44
_doug30 seconds ..Nov 02 18:44
_doug20 seconds ..Nov 02 18:45
_doug10 secondsNov 02 18:45
_doug+ or - :)Nov 02 18:46
_doug5 secsNov 02 18:46
_doug4Nov 02 18:46
_doug3Nov 02 18:46
_doug2Nov 02 18:46
_doug1Nov 02 18:46
_doug0Nov 02 18:46
_doug-1Nov 02 18:46
_dougjust kidding ..Nov 02 18:46
_douganswer: 'Romance & Cigarettes'Nov 02 18:46
_dougChristopher Walken as Cousin Bo: Roe... was my first love, I traced her name in cow shit, she was my first, my last, my everythingNov 02 18:47
_dougCousin Bo: Only with Roe. With other chicks, I'm Barry White... I go to the meat marketNov 02 18:47
_doug:]Nov 02 18:47
_dougwanna see something really weird .. ?Nov 02 18:49
_doug'Eddie Izzard' does an impression of 'Christopher Walken'Nov 02 18:50
_doug 02 18:50
_dougWalkenTheWalk .. 02 18:52
_dougmovie quote quiz #3: "a special tree qrows hidden, the tree of life, they say whover drinks of its sap will ive for ever"Nov 02 19:08
_douglast chance ...Nov 02 19:10
_doug 02 19:10
_douggtg .. it's been interesting .. about as interesting as watching your toenails grow ...Nov 02 19:11
*_doug has quit ()Nov 02 19:11
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 02 19:14
*PetoKraus has quit ("The purpose of IRC is to...IDLE...")Nov 02 19:49
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 02 19:50
*Touchie (n=pirchxp@ has joined #boycottnovellNov 02 20:06
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*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Nov 02 20:13
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 02 20:14
schestowitzI'll do a quick post about Microsoft + Vista 7 laptops. _doug seems to have gotten frustrated...Nov 02 20:17
twitterthanks, _doug did not have much to sayNov 02 20:23
twitterThere's a confused article about EEEPC in Slashdot.  One thing is sure, Asus and or Xandros have been screwed. 02 20:25
twitterAsus is shipping 7 XP netbooks for every 3 Linux netbooksNov 02 20:25
twitterGood luck finding and buying a GNU/Linux EEEPC now.  M$ choice is always buy M$ or nothing.Nov 02 20:26
schestowitztwitter: he's impatient.Nov 02 20:33
schestowitzMicrosoft gives Windows away..  almost for free now... it can't keep up with Free software this way. It needs income and Office is under similar threat of margins going slim, due to SaaS and F/OSS.Nov 02 20:36
schestowitzMicrosoft seems to have disseminated Vista 7 only among its fans. 02 20:45
twitterAh the gift of Vista.  Anger too is a gift.Nov 02 20:46
schestowitzMore FUD from the Vole.Nov 02 20:48
schestowitz"The cross-platform reach of .NET and Silverlight development does not natively extend to Linux clients, which Microsoft says are too limited a niche to warrant dedicated development." Nov 02 20:48
schestowitzToo limited, eh?Nov 02 20:48
schestowitzLike... they can run on thousands of processors?Nov 02 20:49
schestowitzThey are used by Hollywood studios and on mission-critical desktops?Nov 02 20:49
schestowitzFurther it says: "Microsoft has outsourced that effort, offering technical support to the open source Mono and Moonlight projects headed by Miguel de Icaza and sponsored by SuSE Linux vendor Novell."Nov 02 20:49
schestowitzSource? Microsoft press, of course: 02 20:49
twitterWhere does that Infoweek article say anything about only giving Vista 7 to friends?Nov 02 20:50
twitterI read something about 6,000 people paying their ticket for a DVD with critical flaws.Nov 02 20:51
schestowitztwitter: I got the impression that early builds were given to Microsoft's slected one.Nov 02 20:53
schestowitzAlthough I think an alpha is out there in torrent now. Either way, it's mostly Microsoft blogs that spread the word about Vista 7. That's not impartial.Nov 02 20:53
schestowitzTheir aim is to raise expectations so that business do not depart from Windows altogether.Nov 02 20:55
twitterAll of that is par for the course.Nov 02 20:56
schestowitzThe audio here is good: Worth blogging about (or one for your journal)... it busts myths.Nov 02 20:57
twittercoolNov 02 21:00
schestowitzNo charges but US may never release Guantánamo Chinese < >Nov 02 21:04
schestowitzLinux hater talks about LinuxHater: 02 21:09
schestowitzMatthew Garrett: 02 21:22
twitterITWire, "I firmly believe that Windows is the better choice for most people today."  ?!!!Nov 02 21:26
twitterThis has to be satire, " Windows is easier to install, easier to use, has the widest range of consumer, business and gaming software, has the widest hardware compatibility and much nicer people to help you when things go wrong. "Nov 02 21:26
schestowitzIt's not a satire. He hates Linux.Nov 02 21:30
twitterThat's not hate, it's ignorance.Nov 02 21:30
twitterThere's one thing the SLOG.DOC reinforces more than anything else.  M$ is dead without community support.  Their whole business model is about harvesting the work of others.Nov 02 21:32
schestowitzYes, that predates the Slog Doc.Nov 02 21:32
twitterIf community makes software worth while, the community might as well chose software that's free.Nov 02 21:34
schestowitzMy post number 4441 < > possibly explains the white-collar crime with an example. The developers wish to share the loot with the criminal org. It's like fish attaching themselves to a shark.Nov 02 21:41
schestowitzMicrosoft needs developers and user lockin. That's why they possess medical data now. Think SGI. Bankruptcy protection.Nov 02 21:42
schestowitzA friend of mine wrote earlier: "So basically the hypothetical threat is that, should MS go under, all of MS data format specifications become assets tied up in court while debtors fight against each other.  I'd expect they'd unite from time to time to prevent someone else from using these 'assets'.  Yet another reason why open standards, like ODF, are a good strategy."Nov 02 21:42
*GoblinRFD ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 02 22:09
GoblinRFDhello, everyone! Roy it was a great article today.Nov 02 22:11
*trmanco has quit ("I just hit the close button :)")Nov 02 22:12
schestowitzHey there.Nov 02 22:14
schestowitzGoblinRFD: which one?Nov 02 22:14
schestowitzThe last one was crap. I wrote it quickly with juvenile language.Nov 02 22:14
GoblinRFDI liked it! (maybe thats my mentality!)Nov 02 22:15
GoblinRFDthe MS laptops scam oneNov 02 22:15
schestowitz "Item: Companies don’t hire people. People hire people." < > "Ozzie, a software pioneer known for creating Lotus Notes, joined Microsoft in 2005. "Nov 02 22:15
GoblinRFDHave you heard, over here in the UK the BBC is looking at an open source project for delivering DRM free material?Nov 02 22:16
schestowitzThey lied about DRMNov 02 22:20
GoblinRFDDId they?Nov 02 22:20
schestowitzThey got slammed so badly that they ra away to Flash, which was a compromise. Suddetly, the need for DRM became a lie.Nov 02 22:21
GoblinRFDah.Nov 02 22:21
schestowitzThere's lots about it in BN. 02 22:21
GoblinRFDI should have known!  I am happy though that they are giving more exposure to the open source scene.Nov 02 22:22
GoblinRFDLOL, is there any subject related to MS/Novell or opensource you havent covered!!!!!! - Its a sweet site!Nov 02 22:25
schestowitzI am looking at past things these days.Nov 02 22:27
schestowitzPrior to the deal.Nov 02 22:27
*PetoKraus has quit ("The purpose of IRC is to...IDLE...")Nov 02 22:27
schestowitzGroklaw does the same, looking at SCO/Caldera in the 90s.Nov 02 22:27
schestowitzI'm finding some interesting Microsoft/Novell stories at the moment, inc. blackmail, corruption, money laundering, etc.Nov 02 22:28
schestowitzNow it's the time to 'do some old laundry'... or bring back old sins.Nov 02 22:28
GoblinRFDIll look forward to them!!!Nov 02 22:29
GoblinRFDIve got many of my collegues interested at work in your blog.Nov 02 22:29
GoblinRFDUnfortunately at work I am tied to using MS packages.Nov 02 22:29
GoblinRFDHome is 100% MS free though.Nov 02 22:30
schestowitzMicrotIAA sends out the hounds: "In a recent crackdown, BSA (Business Software Alliance), representing business software publishers in 65 countries, swooped down on a large business concern that was using illegal software, and fined them a whopping Rs3.5 million."Nov 02 22:30
schestowitzThat's the minor stuff. I ahev uglier ones.Nov 02 22:31
schestowitzOne thing that needs doing is chronological organisation of items (by topic). With 4000+ posts, it's hard to find a good archive.Nov 02 22:31
GoblinRFDyeah agreed.Nov 02 22:31
schestowitzOne thing that would be helpful..Nov 02 22:32
schestowitzIf ever you do some reading of old posts, then you can put the URLs in a sensible order that tells a story and send them over to build an indexNov 02 22:32
schestowitzI have a picture in my head, but for people who are new to this, the picture is not complete.Nov 02 22:32
GoblinRFDyeah Ill give it a go.  I have a little time on my hands monday, Ill make a start, and if its ok, Ill continue on.Nov 02 22:33
schestowitzCool, thanks.Nov 02 22:34
schestowitzI need to make better search facilities too.Nov 02 22:34
schestowitzOK, I've just added a Google search bix. 02 22:38
schestowitzTwo wide though, I'll rescale the box.Nov 02 22:39
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 02 23:00
*libervisco has quit ("Remember, remember the fifth of november...")Nov 02 23:10
*libervisco (n=libervis@tuxhacker/libervisco) has joined #boycottnovellNov 02 23:13
benJIman'quite frankly, I really find the whole notion of Linux as being "against Microsoft" to be silly and wrong-headed.'Nov 02 23:38
benJIman[Linus]Nov 02 23:38
MinceR"Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely unintentional side effect."Nov 02 23:46
schestowitzLinus is disguised regarding some issue. He's beginning to catch up with non-technical issues though (e.g. swpats)Nov 02 23:47
MinceRi'm waiting for him to catch up with GPLv3Nov 02 23:48
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 02 23:51
schestowitzAlax Cox already has. 02 23:51
schestowitzBS%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fschestowitz.c om%3BFORID%3A1%3B&hl=enNov 02 23:51
schestowitz 02 23:51
MinceRgoogle says it doesn't existNov 02 23:52
MinceR( Island Not Found in the Pirate language.)Nov 02 23:52
*libervisco has quit (Remote closed the connection)Nov 02 23:52
schestowitzTry this: 02 23:53
schestowitz[It's a good way to watch many posts based on topic/name]Nov 02 23:53
MinceRicNov 02 23:54
MinceRthat's good newNov 02 23:54
MinceRanother issue is the flame regarding full disclosure.Nov 02 23:54
MinceRs/new/news/Nov 02 23:57
schestowitzWhich disclosure?Nov 02 23:57
MinceRthere was a flame on some mailing list that got publicity (even on /.) where linus said (iirc) that it's a goal not to allow simple grepping of changelogs or whatever to reveal security-critical patchesNov 02 23:58
schestowitzWhen was that?Nov 02 23:59

Recent Techrights' Posts

Crossbow tragedy, bigger than Kyle Clifford, social media culture
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
Transcript of Richard Stallman's Interview With Manuel Cuda News in Italy (Debunking Fake "AI")
A rough draft, but checked by two people
Microsoft Collapses While GNU/Linux Rises in Bulgaria, According to statCounter
Microsoft is losing across all sectors
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In a nutshell: there's a massive conflict inside the OSI and the OSI stooges (staff serving Big Sponsors like Microsoft) try to hide it
Paraguay: GNU/Linux Surging to New Usage Levels (7%), According to statCounter
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Microsoft's Entryism as Mortal Risk/Danger: The Example of the Open Source Initiative (OSI)
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FSF Amicus Brief: Aspose.PDF for .NET 24.2.0, OOXML (.docx), and Microsoft Word (Proprietary)
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IRC Proceedings: Monday, March 03, 2025
IRC logs for Monday, March 03, 2025
Thorsten Glaser & Open Source Initiative (OSI) resignations due to AI whitewashing
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
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We need to focus on Software Freedom
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South Africa and Egypt are strategic in Africa
After Fund-raising Campaign the Free Software Foundation Still Raises About $13,000 Per Week (Without Campaigning for New Donors/Members)
Richard Stallman in the Board is not a liability
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The New Series About the Open Source Initiative (OSI) and the Microsoft Entryism in OSI is Closely Related to the SLAPP Against Techrights
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Over at Tux Machines...
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IRC logs for Sunday, March 02, 2025
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According to statCounter, Windows Falls Off a Cliff in Maharlika, GNU/Linux Surges to 5%
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Last month it was 5%
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