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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: December 1st, 2008 - Part 2


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_doughaaaaa ... DOH !Dec 01 15:19
_dougWhat is *this* doing in my inbox ?Dec 01 15:24
_doug"Ho Ho Ho! Microsoft Office 2007 - Still Jolly Good Value this Christmas!"Dec 01 15:24
_doug"With Microsoft Office Home and Student 2007 now available from as little as €79.99*"Dec 01 15:24
PetoKraus*?Dec 01 15:25
PetoKrausi proposed a few times to my bossDec 01 15:25
PetoKrausthat we should compile OOO with our brand name embedded inDec 01 15:25
schestowitzOnly  €79.99 as OOXML ransom?Dec 01 15:25
trmancoIs this's Firegull Moment?: 01 15:25
PetoKrausand sell it for like €£10 a disc to students :PDec 01 15:25
schestowitzCome in... relock your docsDec 01 15:25
trmanco80€Dec 01 15:26
trmanco:ODec 01 15:26
schestowitzMargins dying.Dec 01 15:26
schestowitzMicrosoft is like the mythical shopkeeper that goes insaneDec 01 15:26
trmancoI would rather spend that money on a FSF membershipDec 01 15:26
schestowitz"Take my wares! Please! No Google Docs! Fekchristsake, block"Dec 01 15:27
PetoKraustrmanco: i doDec 01 15:27
PetoKraus60$ a yearDec 01 15:27
PetoKrausi just dunno why i am member of FSF USDec 01 15:27
trmancoPetoKraus, I'm saving up some money to do thatDec 01 15:27
schestowitz## Microsoft Filter 1.0Dec 01 15:27
schestowitzALLOW MSN.COMDec 01 15:27
schestowitzALLOW HOTMAIL.COMDec 01 15:27
schestowitzBLOCK APPS.GOOGLE.COMDec 01 15:27
schestowitzBLOCK MOZILLA.COMDec 01 15:28
schestowitzBLOCK OPENOFFICE.ORGDec 01 15:28
schestowitzENDDec 01 15:28
PetoKrausimproper C# syntax :/Dec 01 15:28
trmancololDec 01 15:28
schestowitzERRDec 01 15:28
schestowitzFail.Dec 01 15:28
trmancowaitDec 01 15:28
schestowitzRebootDec 01 15:28
schestowitzIf no good, reinstall Win32Dec 01 15:28
PetoKrausyou know i always wonderedDec 01 15:28
PetoKrausWHY does driver need .net framework to install?Dec 01 15:29
PetoKrauslike, ATI drivers?Dec 01 15:29
PetoKrausis it actually written in .NET?Dec 01 15:29
schestowitzMaybe it needs it for technical reasonsDec 01 15:29
schestowitzBut dependencies can be made artificially.Dec 01 15:29
*trmanco after opening 1k Windows:Dec 01 15:29
schestowitzLike... require that Moonlight should have some Mono dependency for Poisonware injection.Dec 01 15:29
trmancoSTOP: 0x00000001 (ALLOW,BLOCK) APC_INDEX_MISMATCHDec 01 15:30
schestowitzOr Tomboy..Dec 01 15:30
_dougI've *never* subscribed to a MS newslatter, how did I get on their spam list, what's more the local spam filter lets it through ..Dec 01 15:30
_dougIt would be interesting as to how I got on the 'newsletter' list ?Dec 01 15:31
kentma1_doug: probably a troll deliberately subscribing you to things - to the 12-year-old mind, it's really funny.Dec 01 15:32
trmancoI still think you have to confirm the newsletter before your email gets subscribedDec 01 15:33
trmancoat least the last time I checkedDec 01 15:33
trmancothat was about 3 years ago btwDec 01 15:33
trmanco:|Dec 01 15:33
kentma1trmanco: I've been subscribed to things which require such confirmation.  One method might be to subscribe to a different address, then change the address later...Dec 01 15:34
schestowitz_doug: maybe Novell gave their partner a buzzDec 01 15:34
kentma1never underestimate the lengths to which the childish mind will go to achieve something utterly pointless.Dec 01 15:34
kentma1(in order to achieve, I meant)Dec 01 15:34
trmancokentma1, nice pointDec 01 15:34
trmancoI haven't thought of thatrDec 01 15:35
trmancothat*Dec 01 15:35
_dougthat account is only ever used for private communication, and I would imagine the MS subscription requires email confirmation ..Dec 01 15:35
schestowitz[fine print] *We may share your data with our partners.Dec 01 15:35
schestowitz_doug: maybe it's a faker.Dec 01 15:35
_dougNo, MS got hold of a spam list and is using it ..Dec 01 15:35
trmancoFixing Linux: What's Broken And What To Do About It: 01 15:35
kentma1_doug: see my remark of a moment ago on how that might be achieved...Dec 01 15:35
schestowitzDid you check the URL?Dec 01 15:35
_dougYea, it's MS alright ..Dec 01 15:36
trmancoguess what is the first problem? Package ManagementDec 01 15:36
trmancotrollDec 01 15:36
schestowitzWell...Dec 01 15:37
schestowitzIt was put on Digg 2 minutes ago.Dec 01 15:37
schestowitzAnd I know the writer's historyDec 01 15:37
schestowitzHe's not a troll, but he's a GNU/Linux n00bDec 01 15:37
trmancoI caught it in my feedsDec 01 15:37
schestowitzHe was a Windows journalist until about a year agoDec 01 15:37
trmancookDec 01 15:37
schestowitzHe's not trolling muchDec 01 15:37
schestowitzTo his credit, he writes positive things too and the title is not *too* provocative.Dec 01 15:38
schestowitzAlex Wolfe is the troll in InfoWeekDec 01 15:38
_douga solution in search of a problem ..Dec 01 15:38
schestowitzHe even brought his trolling to COLA (USENET)Dec 01 15:38
_dougI only need the one distro to work with the one package management system ..Dec 01 15:38
schestowitz_doug: bingo!Dec 01 15:38
schestowitzOops.Dec 01 15:39
schestowitzThat bingo remark referred to " a solution in search of a problem"Dec 01 15:39
twitterbusy morning!Dec 01 15:39
_dougthe ultimate cross-platform package-management is to compile from source ..Dec 01 15:39
schestowitzLinux worked all right, but I need to write something that drawn in reader on an emotional basis and a "Linux is cool" article ain't such thing.Dec 01 15:39
trmancoSlackwareDec 01 15:39
twitterYou did a good write up about binary interfaces in the kernel recently.Dec 01 15:40
schestowitzSo let's digg down under the hood and find things to break apart.Dec 01 15:40
twitterut ohDec 01 15:40
schestowitztwitter: some people want your stalkers banned.Dec 01 15:40
schestowitzAs in... their comments deletedDec 01 15:40
twitterI saw the G. Michaels stuff.  Banning would be better than deleting.  It's a good record of harassment.Dec 01 15:41
schestowitz_doug: try to compile from soufce when your 'EXE' 'magic' stops working in FistaDec 01 15:41
twitterTagging would be good too.Dec 01 15:41
schestowitzWindows applications are not portable.Dec 01 15:41
_doug"Native file versioning .. Windows users have this in the form of shadow copies, but no default incarnation yet exists in the standard-issue Linux file systems"Dec 01 15:41
schestowitzNot even across archs.Dec 01 15:41
schestowitzKey word: default.Dec 01 15:42
_doug"the ability to roll back a file to a given point in time as a default piece of functionality isn't a frivolity."Dec 01 15:42
schestowitzhad he tried to research properly, he would realise that he's wrong.Dec 01 15:42
schestowitz_doug: good, so he should get the programs for it.Dec 01 15:42
_dougThat isn't such a problem in nix, as the latest 'service pack' don't bork the whole system :)Dec 01 15:42
twitterand file systems in GNU/Linux don't just blow up.Dec 01 15:43
twitterNTFS implosions tend to wipe out the "shadow copy" tooDec 01 15:43
_dougGoback: as you don't know what the latest upgrade is going to do to the file system .. a solution in search of a MS problem .. :)Dec 01 15:44
twitterIn 10 years of GNU/Linux use, I have never lost a file to file system corruption or system crap out.Dec 01 15:44
twitterEven when drives start to crap out, I have been able to get the information off.Dec 01 15:45
twitterIn related news, M$FT is back under $20 01 15:45
_doug'"Desktop" .. a graphical user interface that makes using and managing the system all the easier no matter what your level of technical expertise'Dec 01 15:46
twitterthat is part of a broader market flop of 5% this morning.Dec 01 15:46
_dougIs 'ease of navagation' the current FUD issue ?Dec 01 15:47
twitter"Ease of use" is an old M$ FUD issue that never dies.Dec 01 15:47
_doug"To that end, what's needed is a single steering committee for all GUIs that work on Linux, so that whatever GUIs are created ..  to have tight integration of features with the kernel, a la BeOS"Dec 01 15:47
_dougHey he mentions BeOS ..Dec 01 15:48
twitterYou would think the EEE PC, which stands for "easy easy easy" would have put it to rest, at least for commercially supported distros, but the M$ FUDsters have nothing to do with reality.Dec 01 15:48
_dougThis is a curious co-incidence, ReverseDRT, on this channel, mentioned precicly this, the lack of navagibility in the Linux GUI, he mentioned BeOS ..Dec 01 15:49
twitterThey make impossible and irrational demands that have nothing to do with the perceived problem.  The only real problem free software has is with uncooperative OEMs and broadcast content owners.Dec 01 15:49
twitterAll sorts of trolls mention BeOS.  It's something most people don't know about, so they can pull it out of their ass and look smart.Dec 01 15:50
_doug"If Linux will continue to draw regular PC users away from Windows, it'll need to have many of the same features as Windows"Dec 01 15:51
twitterNo list of features?Dec 01 15:51
twittertypicalDec 01 15:51
_dougremote backup ..Dec 01 15:51
twitterdone better with grsyncDec 01 15:51
_dougpersonally I run a script that backups to a local box under NFS ..Dec 01 15:52
_dougElse I FTP to a remote server ..Dec 01 15:52
twitterrsync uses OpenSSH and is more secure.Dec 01 15:52
twitteryou could drop it into your script if you wanted.Dec 01 15:53
_dougYea, the script uses rsync, and creates incrimental backups ..Dec 01 15:53
_doug"Windows and Mac users have endless choices: the native file- and system-level backup "Dec 01 15:54
_dougbreaking news: the lack of backup tools under Linux :)Dec 01 15:54
twitterWindows and Mac users have endless needs.Dec 01 15:54
twitterI'm not sure about the lack of tools.Dec 01 15:55
_doug"integration with a commercial backup provider for regular users is what's missing"Dec 01 15:55
twitteryou can do rsync with almost any remote host serverDec 01 15:55
twitterthe question is why you would do that rather than buy a $100 external drive.Dec 01 15:56
_dougNow here's a business oppurtunity, how about the ISPs offering such a backup service, paid for by subscriptin .. ?Dec 01 15:56
twitter" apt-cache search backup | wc" returns 135 linesDec 01 15:56
_dougresponseto Serdar Yegulalp: technically Linux posesses the tools to do the job. What's lacking is people commercialising the product.Dec 01 15:58
twitteropportunity, yes.  need, no.Dec 01 15:59
_dougRoy: isn't there a Linux desktop usability project going somewhere ?Dec 01 15:59
twitterEvery Window Manager is a usability project.Dec 01 15:59
_doug Aug 2003 ..Dec 01 16:01
_dougot: did anyone see Spooks last night ?Dec 01 16:03
*schestowitz doing some reading and writing about Shannon's entropy today. :-)Dec 01 16:04
schestowitztwitter: watch out for a post later... about OEM coercion (since you mentioned it)Dec 01 16:05
_douganswer required !!!Dec 01 16:05
schestowitz_doug: yes, there is also a usability project for KDE.Dec 01 16:06
schestowitzUsability is another word like INNOVA~1. BUZZ.Dec 01 16:07
_dougisn't there a council or something .. the Gnome usability project ?Dec 01 16:07
schestowitzI used Metisse while I was on vacation.Dec 01 16:07
*schestowitz goes nowhere without a Mandriva CD anymore.Dec 01 16:07
schestowitz_doug: yes, there is. I have many refs on GNOME and usability.Dec 01 16:08
schestowitzUSABIL~1Dec 01 16:08
_dougspooks, anyone see it ?Dec 01 16:16
_doug 01 16:16
_dougspooks: at 17:59, this renegade MI5 operative points a electronic-immobiliser gun at a paparazzi on a moterbike, causing him to swerve under a truck ..Dec 01 16:25
_dougThe electronic-immobiliser he got from the manufacturers by forging a signature and getting caught on CC TV ..Dec 01 16:26
_dougWouldn't it have been simpler to throw the paparazzi off a roof ? :)Dec 01 16:26
_dougwho writes these scripts ?Dec 01 16:27
_dougThe scripts are cring-worthy of a high order .. especially the bits that mention 'computers' ..Dec 01 16:28
_dougOh, by the way, the paparazzi had compromising photographs on a USB device, that the kid decoded in four seconds . :)Dec 01 16:28
schestowitzMI5 must be busy these daysDec 01 16:31
_dougIs it wise to make an electronic-immobiliser gun, that looks like an assault rifle .. :)Dec 01 16:31
twittercausing an accident remotely is much better than beating up your victim or doing anything else that leaves evidenceDec 01 16:32
schestowitzAfter the Mumbai terrorism, the second great depression that leads to radicalism (BNP et al)... can't be easy...Dec 01 16:32
*kentma1 has quit (Remote closed the connection)Dec 01 16:32
PetoKraustwitter: it dependsDec 01 16:32
PetoKraussometimes you just wanna punch someoneDec 01 16:32
twitterno, I never feel that way.Dec 01 16:32
schestowitzPetoKraus: So you join the poiceDec 01 16:32
PetoKraus:)Dec 01 16:33
schestowitzThey get new toys now.Dec 01 16:33
PetoKrausi was thinking about joining army thoughDec 01 16:33
schestowitz 01 16:33
_dougLook up the episode where the FSB tries to hack into the financial sector, through the fiberoptic link under the northsea.Dec 01 16:33
_dougUsing a nuclear submarine, only MI5 uses a reverse-hack and disables the sub :)Dec 01 16:34
schestowitzOnly in Bond filmsDec 01 16:34
schestowitzBTW, that's glorification of sercret servicesDec 01 16:34
twitterand murderDec 01 16:34
_dougthis *is* the British Broadcasting Corporation ..Dec 01 16:34
schestowitzBy coincidences I have some Bond sountrack music  playing...Dec 01 16:34
schestowitzAmazing what music is made available for free out there!Dec 01 16:35
schestowitztwitter: no, not murderDec 01 16:35
PetoKrausschestowitz: yes, all the music on torrents...Dec 01 16:35
PetoKraus:DDec 01 16:35
schestowitzYou'll see sparks and splinters all around Mr. BondDec 01 16:35
_douglast word: for a bunch of spooks, they do seem to chatter on their mobile phones lot ?Dec 01 16:35
schestowitzBut he's got like.. well, some sort of gravity shield. They always miss himDec 01 16:35
twitterok, it's glorification of extrajudical homicideDec 01 16:36
schestowitzCorollary: if you are the Good Guy(R), you are invincible.Dec 01 16:36
twitterGood Guys only murder in self defense.Dec 01 16:36
twitterThey have cool tools to do this and never get dirty/hurtDec 01 16:36
schestowitzPetoKraus: this one is a man's rendition on keyboard/synthesiser, I think.Dec 01 16:36
schestowitztwitter: this reminds me of politics.Dec 01 16:37
schestowitzI've watched a lot of political videos recently.Dec 01 16:37
schestowitzAbout exploration of hyporcrisy in the west, as told by westerners.Dec 01 16:37
schestowitzBrainwash culture too.Dec 01 16:37
_dougThe 'real' news reads like a Bond plot .. simple sound-bytes and easily identifiable good-guys and villians :)Dec 01 16:38
twitterI saw a black helicopter fantasy called "shooter" the other day.  It was like a special forces recruitment video.Dec 01 16:38
_dougIt's interesting seeing just who spooks consider the villians.Dec 01 16:39
schestowitz_doug:  that tooDec 01 16:40
schestowitzRead Schneier recently?Dec 01 16:40
_dougThe FSB + Chetan rebels + Al QaedaDec 01 16:40
schestowitzHe talks a lot about things like "security theatre"Dec 01 16:40
schestowitzAnd "movie plot" threatDec 01 16:40
twitterCode Pink has an interesting "war is not a game" initiative that tells parents to avoid "war toys" as gifts.Dec 01 16:40
_dougI'll go take a look .. back in ten ..Dec 01 16:40
schestowitzAs in... the security 'dinosaurs' think of all sort of fictional stuff from Hollywood as /the/ threatDec 01 16:40
schestowitztwitter: they have some pro-military songs right now.Dec 01 16:41
schestowitzIt's disguised as a gentle thing about heroism and love,.Dec 01 16:41
twitterDisgracefully, a US Supreme Court member recently stood up for torture, he's also a fan of some silly TV show.Dec 01 16:41
schestowitzBut really... it's means for having people think of becoming 'heros' by carrying guns and going abroad, IMHODec 01 16:41
schestowitzChange of one's mode of mind... amazing what things we get exposed to can doDec 01 16:42
schestowitzComputers games that are violent are even encouraged -- in the form of funding -- by the US army.Dec 01 16:42
*kevin__ ( has left #boycottnovell (""byebye everybody!"")Dec 01 16:53
*kevin__ ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 01 16:54
kevin__helloDec 01 16:54
kevin__does anyone here use the distro "nimblex"? I'm interested in using it on a usb drive, but there's just one problemDec 01 16:54
kevin__after reading the features included on the website, it says that it "also includes software to skip encryption on PDF's"Dec 01 16:55
kevin__as someone who lives in a nation owned by large companies, i don't want to risk having the Nazis sent after me for obtaining software that *could* be used to violate the DMCADec 01 16:56
kevin__so do you know if that particular pdf software is included by default, or if it is an add-on module?Dec 01 16:56
kevin__i looked around the site for a wile and couldn't seem to find a package listDec 01 16:57
kevin__this distro is cool because it is about 200 megs, includes KDE, Compiz, media players, web browsers etc... perfect for a flash driveDec 01 16:57
schestowitzHeyDec 01 16:58
kevin__heyDec 01 16:58
*schestowitz was on phoneDec 01 16:58
schestowitznimblex is lots of everything,but master of none, AFAIKDec 01 16:58
schestowitzOne Romanian guy  makes it.Dec 01 16:58
kevin__i used to use slaxDec 01 16:59
kevin__it was nice, but the list of modules isn't as big as it once was (from 5.1)Dec 01 16:59
schestowitz*LOL* ( New terror guidelines on photography ) .. never mind if there was never evidence of terrorists using photosDec 01 16:59
schestowitzkapipi: encryption of PDF is removed in Go-OO (Novell)Dec 01 17:00
kevin__well, it has always been illegal to take pictures of govt buildings right?Dec 01 17:00
schestowitz 01 17:00
kevin__i personally avoid PDFs like the plagueDec 01 17:00
schestowitzkevin__: my eyes are a cameraDec 01 17:01
schestowitzI am lethal!!Dec 01 17:01
schestowitzI can draw things from memoryDec 01 17:01
kevin__lolDec 01 17:01
schestowitzThey erased the photos from phones of Boycott Novell protesters in IndiaDec 01 17:01
kevin__seriously though, people are afraid of MS screwing up free software by way of software patents, but what about DRM/DMCA?Dec 01 17:02
schestowitzI suppose you read about that.Dec 01 17:02
schestowitzThey manage to restore some photos afterwards and post them online.Dec 01 17:02
schestowitzACTA is worse.Dec 01 17:02
kevin__what does that stand for?Dec 01 17:02
schestowitzI would like the see the media cover this white-collar crime.Dec 01 17:02
schestowitzIt's like Bilderberg and G8... unspeakable... no-go area.Dec 01 17:03
schestowitzTo ISO and Microsoft, the BRM in Geneva was the same.Dec 01 17:03
schestowitzNobody is allowed near the venue where crime (white collar and all) is taking placeDec 01 17:03
schestowitzAnti-counterfeiting trade agreement, IIRCDec 01 17:03
schestowitzPut ACTA in WikipediaDec 01 17:04
schestowitzIt's a bad article though... I was told when I linked to it.Dec 01 17:04
schestowitz 01 17:04
kevin__perhaps i should e-mail the author of nimblex and ask him if he could take out the circumventing PDF software and give me a copy of the distro... but then i feel like i'm asking for chocolate milk in a bar :)Dec 01 17:05
schestowitzPanda attacks man who wanted a cuddle < >Dec 01 17:05
kevin__yikesDec 01 17:06
schestowitzThe power of brainwash... they give pandas to kids, so these bears must be cuddly, right? :-)Dec 01 17:06
kevin__lolDec 01 17:06
schestowitzWatch the image in all In Iquirer pages today, e.g.: ( Baidu bribed to allow unlicensed medical services )Dec 01 17:06
schestowitz 01 17:06
schestowitzkevin__: it's not infringing (the PDF thing). I don't think it is.Dec 01 17:07
schestowitzMillions of people have that.Dec 01 17:07
kevin__there is a radio show where i live that does segments called "bad news over happy music"... that panda story reminds me of itDec 01 17:07
schestowitzMaybe even tens of millions.Dec 01 17:07
kevin__i read about a guy once who got nabbed by the FBI. He wrote PDF circumvention software... his name was Dimitri Sclirov (i'm sure i spelled that wrong)Dec 01 17:09
schestowitzIsn't that old news?Dec 01 17:10
schestowitzAnd he /wrote/ it, not just used it.Dec 01 17:10
kevin__yep... it happened years agoDec 01 17:10
schestowitzYesDec 01 17:10
schestowitzThen there's DVD JonDec 01 17:11
schestowitzThere is another guy with a similar storyDec 01 17:11
schestowitzPhil Zimmerman got the spooks on his back for making PGP (or gnupgpDec 01 17:11
kevin__i know they were looking for the guy who cracked wmaDec 01 17:11
schestowitzYou know who they should look for?Dec 01 17:11
kevin__wow i hadn't heard about that story... i'll have to read about itDec 01 17:11
schestowitzThe people who crack the law with these conspiracies.Dec 01 17:12
kevin__agreedDec 01 17:12
schestowitz“DRM is nearly always the result of a conspiracy of companies to restrict the technology available to the public. Such conspiracy should be a crime, and the executives responsible for it should be sentenced to prison.” -- Richard StallmanDec 01 17:12
schestowitzIt's another case of the hyporcrisy I mentioned earleir.Dec 01 17:12
schestowitzExample:Dec 01 17:12
schestowitzIraq: poor country, US: bigDec 01 17:12
schestowitzIraq: bad; US: goodDec 01 17:12
schestowitzInvading Iraq? GoodDec 01 17:12
kevin__but i also think it is partly the citizens' responsibility not to buy that stuffDec 01 17:13
schestowitzWhy? Good country rescues people from bad people.Dec 01 17:13
schestowitzLikewise.Dec 01 17:13
schestowitzWhat we have here is MPAA/RIAA/Ballmer/etc.Dec 01 17:13
schestowitzVersus who?Dec 01 17:13
schestowitz"Pirates"Dec 01 17:13
kevin__when someone buys a dvd they are just feeding themDec 01 17:13
schestowitz"Thieves"Dec 01 17:13
schestowitzCode word for "clients"Dec 01 17:13
schestowitzOne if a responsible elite, aka ProducerDec 01 17:13
schestowitzThe other is a lousy consumerDec 01 17:14
schestowitzPassive wordDec 01 17:14
schestowitzSo they are the good forcesDec 01 17:14
schestowitzThe customer is evilDec 01 17:14
schestowitzAlways trying to scre those billionairesDec 01 17:14
schestowitzHow dare they?Dec 01 17:14
_dougPolice forces will be remotely searching hard drives ..Dec 01 17:14
_doug 01 17:14
schestowitzSo they sey up a conspiracyDec 01 17:14
_doug:)Dec 01 17:14
kevin__i think if consumers were educated, we wouldn't be in this situation right nowDec 01 17:14
schestowitzLet's arrange it such that Vista has DRMDec 01 17:14
schestowitzMacBooks likewise.Dec 01 17:14
schestowitzPeople will buy stuff repeatedly.Dec 01 17:15
kevin__as long as it's shiny and has a nice adDec 01 17:15
schestowitzPeople produce via peers... so just kill effective communication portsDec 01 17:15
schestowitzSpsonsor and subsidize those who are involved in trend-makingDec 01 17:15
schestowitzThey are called the "copyrights cartel" even by notable authorsDec 01 17:15
kevin__then there are people who know about drm and stuff but buy into it anyway... like leo laporteDec 01 17:16
schestowitzThey sees it as a privilege to be sole producers for a negligible crown of mere mortals.Dec 01 17:16
schestowitzWhich is a form of arrogance that ancient Greece considered a sin.Dec 01 17:16
kevin__one second they are complaining about it, the next they're pushing it on people :)Dec 01 17:16
schestowitz_doug: re HDD, hardly surprising.Dec 01 17:16
schestowitzThey collaborate with the VoleDec 01 17:17
schestowitzThey get back doors.Dec 01 17:17
kevin__case in point, audibleDec 01 17:17
schestowitzNow it's just out in the openDec 01 17:17
schestowitzPeople can no longer own PCsDec 01 17:17
schestowitzThey /share/ PCs with babysitters (adults too)Dec 01 17:17
schestowitzThey don't buy contentDec 01 17:17
schestowitzThey /rent/ contentDec 01 17:17
kevin__yepDec 01 17:17
_dougnew Cloud browser operating system ..Dec 01 17:17
_doug 01 17:17
schestowitzJust seen it. ;-)Dec 01 17:18
schestowitzDo your friends know DRM?Dec 01 17:19
kevin__not reallyDec 01 17:19
schestowitzIf you say DRM, do they go like "what?"Dec 01 17:19
schestowitzIt's disgraceful.Dec 01 17:19
kevin__some of them just circumvent it, which doesn't help the situation anyDec 01 17:19
schestowitzThey are not teaching people about it on TVDec 01 17:19
schestowitzAs though it's teaching people about crackingDec 01 17:19
schestowitzOr the making og a bombDec 01 17:19
_dougEurope rejects stem cell patent ..Dec 01 17:20
_doug 01 17:20
schestowitzSo the only way to inform people about DRM is stuff like blogs, E-mail, word of mouthDec 01 17:20
schestowitzThe media is apathetic, probably by design.Dec 01 17:20
_dougDRM is also usefull in monitoring what peopel are watching ..Dec 01 17:20
schestowitz"Fighting patents one by one will never eliminate the danger of software patents, any more than swatting mosquitoes will eliminate malaria." --Richard StallmanDec 01 17:20
kevin__but if the law was enforced, it would also helpDec 01 17:21
schestowitz“Staff at the European Patent Office went on strike accusing the organization of corruption: specifically, stretching the standards for patents in order to make more money.” 01 17:21
schestowitz_doug: yes, that tooDec 01 17:21
schestowitzDRM is black-boxing.Dec 01 17:21
schestowitzMedia+'authorised' playerDec 01 17:21
kevin__it's also a way to turn consumers' old hardware into literal garbageDec 01 17:22
schestowitzSomeone showed me a site the other day -- one that encourages not to buy new h/wDec 01 17:22
kevin__even if said hardware could still be useful in some manor, like the xboxDec 01 17:22
_dougI hereby patent all GTCA base pairs .. :)Dec 01 17:22
schestowitzI proably ought to give away my spare PC at home... it's quite powerful.Dec 01 17:22
schestowitzIf only I could give up on the need for backup uinit.Dec 01 17:23
schestowitzkevin__: the world will wake up when Africans come banging on our door.Dec 01 17:23
schestowitzIt's human crime what's done here.Dec 01 17:23
schestowitzAll the trash is transported for others to choke and die on.Dec 01 17:23
schestowitzBut.... that's "Them" (R), so it's 'OK'Dec 01 17:24
schestowitzIf it were the other way around (Africans using Europe as its dumpster), it would be a different storyDec 01 17:24
kevin__yes, going back to the whole OEM licensing, those companies are anti-recyclingDec 01 17:24
PetoKrausgoshDec 01 17:24
PetoKrausi'm just reading about the Megan caseDec 01 17:24
schestowitzRecycle? Oh gosh!Dec 01 17:25
PetoKrausbloody fucking hell, are people nuts, or what?Dec 01 17:25
schestowitzWhat would *THAT* contribute to the ecnomy?Dec 01 17:25
kevin__"don't recycle, but a new one!" :)Dec 01 17:25
kevin__buy*Dec 01 17:25
PetoKrausWhat the hell are they doing in the States?Dec 01 17:25
schestowitzWhere economy doesn't not mean 'economy' (green) but means money.Dec 01 17:25
schestowitzPetoKraus: yes, I know.Dec 01 17:25
PetoKrausit's aggravatingDec 01 17:26
PetoKraushonestlyDec 01 17:26
PetoKrausthis is exactly the moment when you want to take baseball batDec 01 17:26
PetoKrausand mash up their faces for being so stupidDec 01 17:26
schestowitzPetoKraus: [sarcasm] send her to Guatanamo bay for some water boarding.Dec 01 17:26
kevin__that was a rape case right?Dec 01 17:26
kevin__that megan one?Dec 01 17:26
schestowitzThough shalt not do online mischiefsDec 01 17:26
PetoKrauskevin__: not reallyDec 01 17:26
PetoKrausgirl commits suicide because of myspace bullylingDec 01 17:27
_dougIntellectual Ventures (IV) buy into Transmeta ..Dec 01 17:27
_doug 01 17:27
schestowitzYuckDec 01 17:27
schestowitzDo they buy Linus too?Dec 01 17:27
PetoKrausand the person who bullied her goes into jail for thatDec 01 17:27
kevin__oh ok, i was thinking of megan's law which i though had something to do with rapeDec 01 17:27
kevin__thought*Dec 01 17:27
schestowitzPetoKraus: I hope noone whom I criticise in BN commits suicide.Dec 01 17:28
schestowitzYuck, _doug, you're feeding the Sys-con MonsterDec 01 17:28
kevin__we've all heard of "digital restrictions management" but what do you think of "dominate/manipulate consumers act" for the DMCA?Dec 01 17:31
schestowitzMcKinnon's fate decided on Obama day < >Dec 01 17:31
kevin__does it sound any good?Dec 01 17:31
schestowitzIt's corporations becoming the govt.Dec 01 17:32
schestowitzPeople need to fight against it.Dec 01 17:32
schestowitzDon't ask me.Dec 01 17:32
schestowitzAsk anyone who observes how the so-called 'elites' take control until the point of unrest of collapse.Dec 01 17:32
PetoKrausschestowitz: well it won't matter for youDec 01 17:33
PetoKrausafter all, you write your terms of serviceDec 01 17:33
_doug"William P. Tai informed the Board .. of Transmeta .. that he plans to retire .. fulfill .. commitments at Charles River Ventures, a venture capital firm .."Dec 01 17:33
_doug 01 17:33
_dougIntellectual Ventures ..Dec 01 17:33
_doug 01 17:33
schestowitzNow with the depression it'll get worse cause they'll sweep up all the small companies and centralise further.Dec 01 17:33
schestowitzWhat's  Charles River Ventures?Dec 01 17:34
kevin__i would have thought it would get better because people wouldn't be buying as much DRM-infected contentDec 01 17:34
schestowitzOh, I see... Dec 01 17:34
schestowitzCharles River Venture -> Charles River Venture -> Intellectual Ventures > Gates/nathanmDec 01 17:35
_dougIs a company started by a former Transmeta board member, just after IV invested in his company and Transmeta ..Dec 01 17:35
schestowitzSpread the loadDec 01 17:35
schestowitzIsn't that shell of Gates also a subsidiary?Dec 01 17:36
schestowitzAnd then there's Acacia.Dec 01 17:36
schestowitzUmbrella under another umbrella.Dec 01 17:36
schestowitzMicrosoft could separate R&D, make is a separate company, say... INNOVA~1soft, then sue companies and say "well, we have no products" and we have nothing to do with that Macrosift thingie.Dec 01 17:37
schestowitzSay goodbye to Google Earth? 01 17:38
schestowitzKitchen knife... weapon of terrorismDec 01 17:39
kevin__that would sure be sadDec 01 17:39
schestowitzTwitter... weapon of terrorismDec 01 17:39
schestowitzVoice... weapon of terrorismDec 01 17:39
schestowitzVirtual globe... weapon of terrorismDec 01 17:39
kevin__hahaDec 01 17:39
kevin__yes, where does it stopDec 01 17:39
schestowitzNowhere.Dec 01 17:39
schestowitzIt's stupid.Dec 01 17:39
schestowitzHad they not have GE, they would have used another set of imageryDec 01 17:39
schestowitzThat also debunks that whole "no photography" policyDec 01 17:40
schestowitzHeck.Dec 01 17:40
kevin__people write software to steal money and the like too, so perhaps they will outlaw compilersDec 01 17:40
schestowitzIf I want  a photo of something, I go to Flickr and broser a billion or so.Dec 01 17:40
schestowitz*browseDec 01 17:40
_doug"Charles River Ventures, a venture capital firm"Dec 01 17:40
_doug 01 17:40
kevin__or make trusted computing mandatoryDec 01 17:41
schestowitzBWHWHW... I must be planning to attack Eiffel Tower...  "We found 387,225 results matching eiffel." < >Dec 01 17:41
schestowitzYou could probably find every little nut and bolt on that thing.Dec 01 17:42
kevin__there's a fantastic video on youtube about trusted computingDec 01 17:42
schestowitzBut if you wear a mask and take photos you'll be removes from the scene. Well, it keeps the cops busy... make them feel like they do something.... "movie plot" threatDec 01 17:42
schestowitz_doug: good business for "Charles"Dec 01 17:43
schestowitzThe economy is trillions in debts... no exports... time for some imaginary export.Dec 01 17:43
schestowitz"Haallo... Mr. Lee... ya, ya... would you love to buy some of my IP?"Dec 01 17:44
kevin__you mean rent? :)Dec 01 17:44
schestowitzYes.Dec 01 17:44
schestowitzBut patents expireDec 01 17:44
schestowitzNo-one knows when.Dec 01 17:44
PetoKraushalf the pictures of eiffel tower on flickr are violating that immensely stupid copyrightDec 01 17:44
schestowitzLike copyrights...Dec 01 17:45
PetoKrausthe good thing is, the pictures themselves are copyrightedDec 01 17:45
_dougMS newsletter spam:Dec 01 17:45
schestowitz20 years ago it would have expired in the 90s... then they corrupt the law... and VOILA! 95 years!!Dec 01 17:45
kevin__as far as i'm concerned, copyrights never expire, because by the time they do i'll be long gone... what is it now the life of the author plus 50 years?Dec 01 17:45
PetoKraus"you have to ask me to use my photo", no, you have to pay license to publish this photo in the first place, MORONDec 01 17:45
_dougX-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.2.5-deb (2008-09-06) onDec 01 17:46
_doug***.***.***Dec 01 17:46
_dougX-Spam-Level: *Dec 01 17:46
_dougX-Spam-Status: No, score=1.0 required=4.5 tests=AWL,DNS_FROM_RFC_ABUSE,Dec 01 17:46
schestowitzI use Stock Exchange.Dec 01 17:46
schestowitzBased in HungaryDec 01 17:46
_dougWhy didn't my spam assasian catch that MS spam ?Dec 01 17:46
schestowitz 01 17:46
schestowitzBN uses lots from there. It's great for the price.Dec 01 17:47

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