All in all, Vector 6.0 is very promising. The software selection is reasonably well rounded, if a little network-top heavy, system management is a breeze with Vector's control centre and GSlapt package manager (Vector has a long, proud Slackware-based heritage), and while the installer is still being polished for that final release, it shows great potential.
Fedora, the Linux-based operating system, gives users a peek at what they can expect to see in future Linux distributions from Red Hat and other vendors. The latest version, Fedora 10, offers a broad security framework and new audit capabilities, and gives Linux enthusiasts and good way for upgrad-ing from Fedora 9. However, for those who use the Linux-based OS, don’t ex-pect any support from Red Hat.
If you use Fedora and you want to be able to do useful things like play MP3s or DVDs you need to add an external repository like FreshRPMs or Livna. This is because MP3 playback is covered by patents in the United States, libdecss may be illegal to distribute, and a license agreement is required to playback DVDs. Ever since I tried Debian, I liked their way of doing things. The nonfree packages are in the official repos; they’re just disabled by default.
Despite the recent turmoil in the financial markets, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is on track to roll out its Universal Trading Platform in Europe late this year. The platform will create a single market exchange for equities, cash, derivatives and other commodities for the U.S., Europe and, potentially, other regions..
I may install Ubuntu on it, as I'm standardizing on Ubuntu for all of the older PCs around here.
An alpha-stage "social" media center distribution is bringing Netflix video downloads to Linux desktops for the first time, says an industry blog. The Boxee software offers a unified gateway to a variety of social and media networking services, says Boxee.
What I have learned from this experience is that tough as it may be, Linux can really be a substitute for MS Windows if you are willing to spend the time learning how it works. Every application I have on my Windows PC has the same or equivalent Linux counterpart, including My Dropbox and Skype, etc. The only application I could find for Linux is the PCSuite for my Nokia phone. Hello Nokia?
Cybersource is proposing a variation of a model adopted by French schools , where students are issued with a 2-4 GB USB key that contains a self-booting Linux operating system ‘and all the core applications they need’.