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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: January 25th, 2009


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schestowitz "US "democracy" is not an intellectual exercise. Each team attempts to get the highest score, the winner gets control over the world's most powerful army and secret services for four years, and the right to steal as many dollars as they can transfer to off-shore bank accounts through fraudulent contracts with their friends' companies."Jan 25 00:00
schestowitzRe: Obama... Some early signs that I see suggest that Change is sometimes applied in the opposite direction.Jan 25 00:04
schestowitzBallmer: Still Interested in Yahoo’s Search Business < >Jan 25 00:05
schestowitzThey have the right 'plant' in place, inside Yahoo!Jan 25 00:05
*ushimitsudoki1 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Jan 25 00:10
*Casperin has quit ("Leaving")Jan 25 00:19
schestowitzTechDirt says the same thing as me about MSBBC exaggerations... ""Wife murdered for Facebook status," screams the headline on the BBC News site. "Jan 25 00:30
schestowitzMicrosoft should have made deeper cuts, analysts contend < >Jan 25 00:52
*trmanco has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Jan 25 01:26
MinceRgnJan 25 01:42
schestowitzApple's jesusphone (cartoon): 25 01:47
*trmanco ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 25 01:49
schestowitzMicrosoft is killing lots of servicesJan 25 01:53
schestowitzI look forward to posting these to COLA.Jan 25 01:53
schestowitzit sets them up and shoots them down... along with the laid off employees that occupies them (as well as contractrors)Jan 25 01:54
schestowitz "Obama has ordered the closure of the CIA's secret prisons. This is starting to look like real progress, on the imprisonment issue."Jan 25 01:57
twitterclosing prisons - about time.Jan 25 01:58
schestowitzGlobal warming increasing death rate of US trees, scientists warn < >Jan 25 01:58
schestowitztwitter: more prisons = more innovations ;-) Like patents...Jan 25 01:59 is downJan 25 02:01
schestowitz*tallmanJan 25 02:01
twitterSee The End of AmericaJan 25 02:02
twitter 25 02:03
*kapipi has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Jan 25 02:05
schestowitzAmerican or US? /me looksJan 25 02:06
schestowitzI see.. just "US", not "America". "Failed state"?Jan 25 02:07
twitterAmerica in the metaphorical sense of escape from European tyranny.Jan 25 02:07
twitteror just plain tyranny.Jan 25 02:08
twitterShe applies it to the US.Jan 25 02:08
twitterOther new world states had similar constitutions and notions of independent freedom.Jan 25 02:09
schestowitz;-) Comply or die... Britannica assimilates. 25 02:09
schestowitztwitter: yes, as if international laws don't apply to them.. seclusion and vanity.. they killed Iraqi kids with napalm, didn't they?Jan 25 02:10
schestowitzLook what the MSBBC covers now: 25 02:11
twitterto become the monster you fear, that is the worst of nightmares.Jan 25 02:12
twitter"1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy"  If Obama scuttles the "war on terror," I can go from paranoid and looking for a place to run back to vigilant and hopeful.Jan 25 02:14
schestowitzObama is run by similar people thoughJan 25 02:15
schestowitzHe went to and attended the same university and secret societies as others like himJan 25 02:16
twitterso we might expect another false flag event.Jan 25 02:16
schestowitzFrankly Speaking: For Microsoft, the pain is just beginning < >Jan 25 02:16
twitterI'm a Deke like GWB 1 and 2.  I don't subscribe to torture and other evil shit.Jan 25 02:17
twitterMost of my friends did not either.Jan 25 02:17
schestowitzMicrosoft should have made deeper cuts, analysts contend < >Jan 25 02:17
twitterI've had people tell me that the "war on terror" combined with domestic spying and other abuse reminded them of Austria in the 1930s or under the Soviets.  They know real tyranny and their warnings are alarming.Jan 25 02:17
twitterM$, big brother's file clerk.Jan 25 02:18
schestowitzMicrosoft works with the NSAAJan 25 02:18
schestowitzApple likewise (*NSA)Jan 25 02:18
schestowitzMicrosoft Kills Its Game Studio! < >Jan 25 02:19
schestowitzSavour the demise... maybe Change in IT.. Microsoft to Kill Project Popfly? < >Jan 25 02:19
schestowitzLess Mono/.NET junk.. Microsoft Postpones Iowa Data Center < >Jan 25 02:19
twitterChuckle, M$ is no IBM.Jan 25 02:19
twittertoo stupid.Jan 25 02:19
schestowitzIBM is /FAR/ biggerJan 25 02:22
schestowitzEvil too, potentially. Needs an eye on it......Jan 25 02:22
schestowitzMish Shedlock: “Microsoft, An Aging Gorilla” < >Jan 25 02:24
twitterBishop says ->   Parakh noted that its estimated fiscal year operating expenses of $27.4 billion mean that second-half spending will be more than $14 billion -- up from the roughly $13 billion in operating expenses reported by the company in the first half of the fiscal year.Jan 25 02:24
twitterThat means they will have to cut more and soon.Jan 25 02:25
schestowitzThere is a mistake here. Microsoft has close to $0 in the bank now, having blown it all away (buybacks and takeover). Had Microsoft bought Yahoo, it would have been over $20 bn in debt now.Jan 25 02:26
schestowitztwitter: yes.Jan 25 02:27
schestowitzPropagate the mythology that Microsoft won't be there some years from now, so betting one's business on Microsoft is dangerous. Microsoft is trying hard to counter this perception, which is true.Jan 25 02:28
twitter"2009, the melt down turns into a death spiral." 25 02:29
schestowitz1929 again.Jan 25 02:30
twitterAll things come to an end sooner or later.  M$ is no exception.  Windows and windows development are broken and so is the M$ business model.  They must change or die.Jan 25 02:31
schestowitzThey try, but it's not possibleJan 25 02:31
schestowitzIt's an investor dilemma or something, can't recall the exact phrase from the literatureJan 25 02:32
twitterIt's not possible because they are not trying.  If IBM can change, M$ can change.Jan 25 02:32
twitterI think the phrase you are looking for is "short sell"Jan 25 02:32
twitter:)Jan 25 02:32
schestowitzLike the steel industry. They tries to kill change (middleware like Java and Netscape), but they can't kill it... Google strikes and Linux is so attractive that Windows needed to become a freebieJan 25 02:32
schestowitzEven Office is now dumped at students for like $100Jan 25 02:33
schestowitzIBM suffered a lot thoughJan 25 02:33
schestowitzIt changed too lateJan 25 02:33
twitterLSU students paid $550,000 for their license to get Windows, Office and other development tools for "free".  I'm sure that deal is over now and that toxic sludge is dumped on anyone dumb enough to take it.Jan 25 02:34
schestowitzLooks like fun ... 25 02:34
twitterIt was paid for with student fees and students were very angry about it.  "Every PC in the world already comes with that crap.  Why pay for it again?" was what one classmate told me.Jan 25 02:35
schestowitzIt's amazing how fast Picasa Web is... I wonder what programming techniques they use there.Jan 25 02:36
twitterlots and lots of computers?Jan 25 02:42
twitter" 3. Develop a thug caste"  The end of war in Iraq means that Blackwater types will come home.  Like Wolf says, these kinds of scary people were around for Katrina.Jan 25 02:42
twitter"4. Set up an internal surveillance system"  She was right on with that one.Jan 25 02:44
twitterObama must repudiate this work.Jan 25 02:44
schestowitzThere will be people guarding the old forts.Jan 25 02:44
schestowitzLike many other 'status quos'.. like sw patentsJan 25 02:44
twitter" 5. Harass citizens' groups"  Check, FBI infiltration of death penalty opposition groups as "terrorists"Jan 25 02:45
twitterFacebook gives me the creeps on #4 and 5.Jan 25 02:45
twitter" 6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release"  See 2008 Democrat and Republican conventions where protesters were arrested before the events.  Like Wolf warns, "trouble makers" and "outsiders" are targeted first.Jan 25 02:47
twitterher comments on TSA, of course are also right on.  They have plans to expand to bus and train travel as well.  People have always accepted going to jail like sheep when confronted by traffic cops.Jan 25 02:48
twittergotta go, the wife needs helpJan 25 02:50
schestowitzOKJan 25 02:53
*nrballard (i=4b473a07@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellJan 25 03:10
*nrballard (i=4b473a07@gateway/web/ajax/ has left #boycottnovellJan 25 03:10
*gnutz ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 25 03:23
*gnutz has quit (Client Quit)Jan 25 03:23
*trmanco has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Jan 25 03:29
*trmanco ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 25 03:39
*rizza ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 25 03:47
rizzaWhy?Jan 25 03:47
*rizza ( has left #boycottnovellJan 25 03:56
schestowitzApple's threats against Linux-based devcies: 25 09:13
schestowitzConficker Hitting Hardest in Asia, Latin America < >Jan 25 09:21
schestowitz*LOL* 25 09:48
schestowitzLinus moved to GNOME.. 25 09:52
schestowitzOh no... Vincent's leaving.. 25 10:13
*kapipi (n=tor@ has joined #boycottnovellJan 25 10:18
trmancoLinus said that GNOME suckedJan 25 10:21
trmancosome time agoJan 25 10:21
schestowitzYes, that's why it's shacokingJan 25 10:24
schestowitz(shockingJan 25 10:24
trmancohe will go backJan 25 10:27
schestowitzI see good reviews of kde4Jan 25 10:28
trmancoby the time GNome releases 3.0, kde 4 will be rock solidJan 25 10:28
schestowitzYou're using GNOME, right?Jan 25 10:28
schestowitzKDE4 needed to readjust to take advantage of Qt4Jan 25 10:28
schestowitzNew: http://introducingkde4.blogspot.c... 25 10:28
trmancoyes I amJan 25 10:40
schestowitz"Likewise is based in Bellevue, Wash., where Microsoft also keeps extensive offices. For its part, Microsoft yesterday announced historic layoffs." Mayve MSFTersJan 25 10:43
schestowitzAmazing! "You're a thief" on Internet connection to subsidise the MAFIAA? "How would you tackle the problem of online movie and music piracy? The British Government is wondering if a broadband tax might be the answer. " 25 10:45
PetoKrausschestowitz: FUCKJan 25 11:01
PetoKraushonestlyJan 25 11:01
PetoKrausi am leaving!Jan 25 11:01
PetoKrauson the contrary: 25 11:03
schestowitzPetoKraus: it's tough love. Love for the privileged, tough for the rest.Jan 25 11:07
PetoKrausit's bullshitJan 25 11:07
schestowitzSubsidies are an element of taxation... much like blackmail vs bribery. So you already pay the MAFIAA when you buy a blank CD or HDD for backup... now they want more 'government protection'.. their shaddow that will have people yell at the government.Jan 25 11:08
PetoKraus 'Underlying the Rudd Government's plan to screen the internet is an offensive message: that parents cannot be trusted to mind their children online.'Jan 25 11:08
PetoKrausnow that's a good one!Jan 25 11:08
schestowitzCan't they use filtering software on the computer?Jan 25 11:09
schestowitzNo, you need the government to tell them what to do... can't have people exposed to all sorts of political sites and gaining access to other people. Must keep them zombified and divided.Jan 25 11:10
schestowitzMicrosoft considers moving 30 percent of vendors off-site 25 11:28
schestowitzChris and Nelson of Xbox among the Microsoft Layoffs >>> 'The page you have requested was not found. The link is either incorrect or the page no longer exists. If you believe there is a problem, please send a message to"Jan 25 11:32
schestowitzLayoffs spike, housing tumbles; outlook worsens < >Jan 25 11:32
schestowitz (Canada's IT industry surprised by Intel-Microsoft layoffs)Jan 25 11:34
schestowitzYahoo! freezes employee salaries < >Jan 25 11:37
*oiaohm2 (n=oiaohm@ has joined #boycottnovellJan 25 12:05
schestowitzEU To Microsoft: For the Last Time, Stop Bundling IE With Windows < >Jan 25 12:09
oiaohm2EU Tax again.Jan 25 12:10
schestowitzTax?Jan 25 12:10
schestowitz 25 12:11
oiaohm2Each time MS forks over a stack in fines each time and keeps on doing the same thing with the EU cases.Jan 25 12:11
oiaohm2Nice little income cycle the EU has going.Jan 25 12:11
schestowitzNo.Jan 25 12:11
schestowitzEU COmmission actually regulatesJan 25 12:12
schestowitzUnlike the corruptible regime that's been lax since Reagan yearsJan 25 12:12
oiaohm2Yes but MS is kinda too thick to listern to regulators.Jan 25 12:12
schestowitzIt's lack of regulation in the market that led to a total collapse of the ecnomy now.Jan 25 12:12
oiaohm2USA + better regulation could make MS life harder.Jan 25 12:13
schestowitzIt's not a companyJan 25 12:13
schestowitzIt's a private tyranny with state 'protection'Jan 25 12:13
schestowitzSome call it "a political movement" and indeed it's well illustrated in this case.Jan 25 12:13
schestowitzThe US government umbrella / shadow for corporation) does not defend competition; it promotes imperialism. If Google permits this (most of the world goes via Google), then it lets it be.Jan 25 12:14
oiaohm2US government is not unique.Jan 25 12:16
schestowitzNationalism comes before justice. The Justice Department itself is corrupted, as I'll show in BN later today.Jan 25 12:16
schestowitz*LOL*Jan 25 12:16
schestowitz 25 12:16
schestowitzThe press uniformly announced layoffs.Jan 25 12:16
schestowitzThe Microsoft 'press'? " Microsoft Tackles Tough Times"Jan 25 12:17
schestowitzDoug Barney and the other MS lackeys have no humility.Jan 25 12:17
oiaohm2Notice something they sold 2 percent more in 2008 yet they made 11 percent less profit.Jan 25 12:18
oiaohm2That has to hurt.Jan 25 12:18
schestowitzIt's because of Linux, in partJan 25 12:20
oiaohm2MS really cannot aford Windows 7 to be another flop.Jan 25 12:20
schestowitzThey drop margins just to injure competition.Jan 25 12:20
schestowitzThey still spread a lot of Windows software... of the wrong kind.. 25 12:20
schestowitzVista7, you mean?Jan 25 12:20
oiaohm2Problem with building a closed source OS you have to make the money to build the next one.Jan 25 12:20
schestowitzThey made no cuts in the Windows divisionJan 25 12:21
schestowitzThey dropped many other businessesJan 25 12:21
oiaohm2Simple fact is they cannot.Jan 25 12:21
schestowitzI'll write about it in BN this afternoonJan 25 12:21
oiaohm2If they want to stay in the OS game.Jan 25 12:21
schestowitz (Job cuts call for Microsoft to rethink Windows client)Jan 25 12:21
schestowitzO/S is a dependency for Microsoft Office, sort ofJan 25 12:22
oiaohm2MS makes a stack of interlinked products.Jan 25 12:22
oiaohm2So 1 sells the other.Jan 25 12:22
schestowitzIt's a delivery platform for the whole MS stack. Without Windows dominance, Microsoft is f* and it known it. That's why it permit people to counterfeitJan 25 12:22
oiaohm2MS Office and its matching Server products is there biggest key.Jan 25 12:23
schestowitzWindows hasn't even a spellchecker. You need to buy the 'other parts' (Office) for thatJan 25 12:23
schestowitzUbuntu comes with an office suite and spellchecker.. on one CDJan 25 12:23
PetoKrauswellJan 25 12:23
PetoKrausit'll changeJan 25 12:23
schestowitzServer still makes Mcirosoft some monetJan 25 12:23
PetoKrausdon't you worryJan 25 12:23
schestowitzLinux pressures them though.Jan 25 12:23
oiaohm2Open Office misses grammer checker by default.Jan 25 12:23
schestowitzThat's what the Get the Facts/Comparison pages are about.Jan 25 12:24
schestowitzoiaohm2: you can download s/w for thatJan 25 12:24
PetoKrausoiaohm2: well it doesn't miss spellchecker per seJan 25 12:24
PetoKrausit misses the dictionaryJan 25 12:24
schestowitzGrammar checkers have false positives though = distractionJan 25 12:24
PetoKrausyeah, especially fkn AmE spellcheckersJan 25 12:24
oiaohm2Open Office also has a bug in it spell checker that needs fixing.   The darn evil that it will spell check without a dic and say everything is fine.Jan 25 12:25
oiaohm2A mix between Koffice and Open Office is a prity good match up to MS Office.Jan 25 12:26
oiaohm2  I wish the 2009 numbers on the SSL was out.  I suspect MS does not lead in any section of webservers any more.Jan 25 12:27
schestowitz 25 12:27
PetoKrausthe fact is, and here I disagree with roy pretty much, that OOo needs forkingJan 25 12:28
schestowitzSenator asks Microsoft about job cuts, visas < >Jan 25 12:28
PetoKrausand GoOO is a nice attemptJan 25 12:28
PetoKrausas long as they keep OOXML import-onlyJan 25 12:28
schestowitzPetoKraus: duplication of effortJan 25 12:28
PetoKrausyesJan 25 12:28
PetoKrausreinventing the wheel is helpful thoughJan 25 12:28
schestowitzKDE-GNOMicazaJan 25 12:28
oiaohm2OOo really does not need forking.Jan 25 12:28
PetoKrausokayJan 25 12:29
oiaohm2Forking it has really not got anywhere.Jan 25 12:29
PetoKrausit needs complete rewriteJan 25 12:29
PetoKrausexcept of maybe the document renderer backendJan 25 12:29
oiaohm2OOo lacks the complete set of features to compete with MS Office anyhow.Jan 25 12:29
PetoKrausit depends what market you're interested to compete inJan 25 12:29
oiaohm2What is really needed is competition between Koffice and OpenOfficeJan 25 12:29
oiaohm2Forcing both to improve.Jan 25 12:30
PetoKrausi'd also like gnome office to not suckJan 25 12:30
MinceRhow are you gentlemen !!Jan 25 12:30
PetoKrausabiword is nice, but when you can't paste gnumeric table properly, come onJan 25 12:30
oiaohm2OpenOffice currently wins because of its cross platform nature.Jan 25 12:30
oiaohm2And intergrationJan 25 12:30
PetoKrauswell and biggest feature setJan 25 12:30
MinceRgnome office wins because it isn't so buggy and it isn't so slow :>Jan 25 12:31
oiaohm2In feature set KOffice wins hands down.Jan 25 12:31
PetoKrausi find the PDF-edit and PDF-export feature quite handyJan 25 12:31
oiaohm2Just some sections of KOffice is really rough.Jan 25 12:31
MinceRpdf-edit?Jan 25 12:31
PetoKrausyeahJan 25 12:33
PetoKrausyou can import PDF into OOo Draw nowJan 25 12:33
PetoKrauswith extensionJan 25 12:33
PetoKraus 25 12:34
oiaohm2So can Koffice about 5 years before.Jan 25 12:34
oiaohm2Feature set wise Koffice wins.Jan 25 12:35
oiaohm2Speed wise abiword and gnome office bits win.Jan 25 12:35
oiaohm2OpenOffices major trick is its cross platform nature.Jan 25 12:35
schestowitz "Sun does NOT look good on that chart!"Jan 25 12:36
MinceRit would be nice if they fixed color handling in oooJan 25 12:38
oiaohm2I am still waiting for OpenOffice to get proper SVG support Koffice has had for the last 7 years.Jan 25 12:38
MinceRand perhaps gui font handling tooJan 25 12:38
oiaohm2Sun has basically quit there webbrowser done the last thing open sourced it.Jan 25 12:39
oiaohm2Most solarias systems run apache these days.Jan 25 12:39
schestowitzEt tu, Digg? Digg to cut workforce 10%, hire new sales team < >Jan 25 12:39
oiaohm2Opps webserverJan 25 12:40
oiaohm2I hate when my brain word swaps.Jan 25 12:40
schestowitzIt happensJan 25 12:40
oiaohm2Really for me as long as I stay at word swaps and don't do letter scrabling in words I am doing ok.Jan 25 12:40
schestowitzDivX 'not happy' with Microsoft < >Jan 25 12:41
oiaohm2Down turns always have favored Apache.Jan 25 12:42
schestowitzAlso the helicoptersJan 25 12:42
*ushimitsudoki1 ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 25 12:44
schestowitzThe pro-MS bias from Richard Waters is showing again. Just watch the headline: 'Extraordinary' attack on Microsoft < >Jan 25 12:45
schestowitzThat's like saying that the courts are "attacking" OJ Simpson.Jan 25 12:45
schestowitzThe one attacking of the company that schemed to "cut the air supply" of Netscape and broke the law to do so.Jan 25 12:46
oiaohm2Its it just me most of the remianing pro microsoft sites want an email address to comment.Jan 25 12:48
PetoKrauswhy doesn't koffice and k3b track my QT preferences?Jan 25 12:49
schestowitz (Google Sales Rise 18%, Microsoft Sales Up 1%)Jan 25 12:49
*Casperin ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 25 12:49
schestowitzoiaohm2: some allow anonymous commentsJan 25 12:50
oiaohm2QT3 PetoKrausJan 25 12:51
PetoKrausoiaohm2: i doubt itJan 25 12:51
PetoKrausi've got configs for both QT3 and QT4Jan 25 12:51
PetoKraus(using qtconfig for both respective versions)Jan 25 12:52
PetoKrauswe'll see what can qtcurve doJan 25 12:52
oiaohm2I don't think you would be using Koffice 2.0 betaJan 25 12:52
schestowitzbeta 9?Jan 25 12:52
schestowitzAlpha 9?Jan 25 12:52
schestowitzI think it's beta2 nnowJan 25 12:52
schestowitzMaybe 3rdJan 25 12:52
oiaohm2There are some annoying limitations in the QT3 API.  Koffice is in 5 betaJan 25 12:53
oiaohm2If application is using the compadiblity layour in QT4 for QT3 applications the Qt3 limitations still apply.Jan 25 12:54
PetoKrausrightJan 25 12:54
PetoKrausbut skype uses qt3 as wellJan 25 12:54
PetoKrausand it's themed properlyJan 25 12:54
oiaohm2Its applications that need to apply there own colour styles for stuff.Jan 25 12:55
schestowitzSkype doesn't do it rightJan 25 12:55
schestowitzIt doesn't inherit my Qt3.5 settingsJan 25 12:55
schestowitzIt does its own thing, like Picasa+Wine.Jan 25 12:55
PetoKrausi'll see when I manage to install QtCurveJan 25 12:56
schestowitzGoogle Earth uses Qt, but it's ugly and coarse. They manage to ruin itJan 25 12:56
MinceRgoogle earth is a huge pile of failure.Jan 25 12:57
schestowitzIt's a data delivery windowJan 25 12:58
schestowitzGood bandwidth rate thoughJan 25 12:58
schestowitzI wonder if Google has already canceled its pie-in-the-sky fantasy or running vehicles all over the world to photograph everythingJan 25 13:00
schestowitzThe world tries (or should try) to reduce consumption while Google does DisneyProjects motivated by greed for "free" data (pictures of people's back yard)Jan 25 13:01
MinceRit's a crappy app that only works if it's run as root and can't be uninstalledJan 25 13:02
schestowitzTell Obama to stop with this fetish < >. He'd get brain cancer and leave the lunatic Biden to run the world's biggest military.Jan 25 13:02
oiaohm2  <<  why everything in styling when to crap is fixed in qt 4.2Jan 25 13:02
*ushimitsudoki has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Jan 25 13:02
oiaohm2Now we have to wait for the applications to update and remove the hacks.Jan 25 13:03
*schestowitz can't even remember where he installed GE (Google Earth). What a messJan 25 13:03
schestowitzMicrosoft and Yahoo! in secret talks < >Jan 25 13:05
oiaohm2Microsoft wants to buy Yahoo so it can compete with google.Jan 25 13:07
oiaohm2Now the likely hood of that working.Jan 25 13:07
MinceRto "compete", yeah rightJan 25 13:08
oiaohm2Even worse most of Yahoo's core servers are FreeBSD.Jan 25 13:08
oiaohm2Remember the nightmares of the Hotmail conversion.Jan 25 13:08
oiaohm2Somehow MS takes over Yahoo.  Google gets to pooch some of Yahoos best and brightest making it even more of a indestructable company.Jan 25 13:10
schestowitzMicrosoft does not compete, it chokesJan 25 13:10
schestowitzMicrosoft Cutbacks: Eat Weenies < >Jan 25 13:12
oiaohm2  << O fun.Jan 25 13:12
schestowitz " Members Only -- Docket Update - BK and AutoZone   View Printable Version"Jan 25 13:12
schestowitzWhy is Groklaw keeping all the SCO stuff under the wraps now?Jan 25 13:13
schestowitzoiaohm2: I think I saw GPU-aided cracking 1-2 years agoJan 25 13:13
schestowitz"goes mainstream" = let's try to make it seem like newsJan 25 13:14
oiaohm2I used GPU added about 3 years ago.Jan 25 13:15
oiaohm2Just the advertising bit of it.  Now more war drivers will go looking for it.Jan 25 13:15
oiaohm2Yes system admin who has to live with wireless networks in places.  I wish I could nuke them off face of earth.  They cause my more worry than anything else.Jan 25 13:16
schestowitzVista7 delayed already?Jan 25 13:16
schestowitz (Microsoft delays Vista SP2, says report)Jan 25 13:16
oiaohm2  Hmm Cisco or Microsoft.   MS really should not have stepped on Cisco turf.Jan 25 13:17
schestowitzMicrosoft cuts pile on Seattle-area economic woes < >Jan 25 13:19
oiaohm2MS has to live with the Next 12 months.Jan 25 13:19
schestowitzCisco is gunning for Exchange nowJan 25 13:19
schestowitzit bought PostPath (with Linux)Jan 25 13:19
oiaohm2I am supprised MS has not started offering free vista upgrade.Jan 25 13:19
oiaohm2No postpath is not about exchange.  MS step on Cisco Viop business.Jan 25 13:20
schestowitzoiaohm2: what would existing users say (or feel)?Jan 25 13:20
schestowitzRemember iPhone's price drop?Jan 25 13:20
schestowitzApple compensated those who bought it for $600 (-1)Jan 25 13:20
oiaohm2Remember the intergrated viop exchange... MS released.Jan 25 13:20
schestowitzMS VoIP is kaput perhapsJan 25 13:20
schestowitzUnifies comms relies on Nortel to an extentJan 25 13:21
schestowitzAnd Nortel is now kaputJan 25 13:21
oiaohm2Cisco will make sure MS does not get another attempt.Jan 25 13:21
oiaohm2Cisco partners will not be too worried as long as Cisco keeps there good old style hardware aquirement system.Jan 25 13:22
oiaohm2Ie you make something better than US we will take ten percent proffit on it if you let us stick our label on it.Jan 25 13:22
schestowitzSounds like MicrosoftJan 25 13:23
schestowitzBuying companies that make mice for some logo......Jan 25 13:23
oiaohm2Cisco normally does not buy the company.Jan 25 13:23
schestowitzSince the early days, most of Microsoft products were bought, not developedJan 25 13:24
oiaohm2You would be supprised how much Cisco gear is 3com and netgear if you can get past the labels.Jan 25 13:24
oiaohm2Cisco basically has no interest in buying the company as long as they can reband and sell the item if its high quality.Jan 25 13:25
oiaohm2Cisco is one of the rare companies that put quality first.Jan 25 13:25
oiaohm2Also Cisco does not forbid company they got the device from selling it cheeper under there own brand.Jan 25 13:27
schestowitzWhat's the worth of the brand?Jan 25 13:29
schestowitzProblem is, you see... had people had the choice to try non-Microsoft software (no bundling), they would soon be able to assess quality on a comparative basisJan 25 13:29
MinceRtoo bad cisco relies on security by obscurity :>Jan 25 13:30
PetoKrausand is sued by FSFJan 25 13:30
oiaohm2Cisco depends on obscurity if someone can see where they sourced the device from they can avoid paying cisco ramped up price.Jan 25 13:31
oiaohm2Cisco depends on its brand equalling quality.Jan 25 13:31
oiaohm2How Cisco acts if MS did computer world would be way better.Jan 25 13:32
schestowitzThere are more reports about Microsoft requiring more layoffsJan 25 13:34
schestowitzIt'll come.Jan 25 13:34
oiaohm2MS has to live threw the next 12 months before the next windows release.Jan 25 13:34
oiaohm2Lot of companies will wait MS out.Jan 25 13:34
schestowitzIt uses its lackeys to flog vapourwareJan 25 13:35
oiaohm2Yep flog vapourware kills sales.Jan 25 13:35
oiaohm2Ms has not learnt that yet.Jan 25 13:35
schestowitzThere's another one from JupiterMedia now.. Adrian the MS lackey it waving Vista7 and tries to freeze moves to Linux and MacsJan 25 13:35
oiaohm2I don't mind that really.Jan 25 13:36
schestowitzSales of Vista you mean?Jan 25 13:36
oiaohm2Linux does need another 6 months to get a lot of annoying glitches out.Jan 25 13:36
schestowitzThat too is a possibility. They essentially killed Vista marketing 3 months agoJan 25 13:36
schestowitzLooking at RSS feeds every week, "Windows 7" is mentioned about 5 times as many as "Vista"Jan 25 13:36
oiaohm2Yep no Vista marketing ie item they can sell now.Jan 25 13:36
oiaohm2All vaporware marketing for a Item they cannot sell now.   Equals no profits.Jan 25 13:37
oiaohm2If they want to stay a live they have to start selling Vista with free Windows 7 upgrades.Jan 25 13:37
schestowitzThis suggests that Microsoft /totally/ sold its Comcast stake.. 25 13:39
schestowitzI thought they had sold just a /portion/, no?Jan 25 13:39
schestowitzIf they market VIsta, they choke Vista7Jan 25 13:40
schestowitzEither way, they probably reckon that it's better to freeze (the market) than to sellJan 25 13:40
schestowitzBecause Vista leads to disappointment anywa...Jan 25 13:40
oiaohm2They sold all of comcast.  Comcast board is not stupid.Jan 25 13:42
schestowitzMicrosoft's 'friend' Dina Bass  (she meets them personally) is doing damage control for the Vole: 25 13:42
oiaohm2Simple problem they have Vista sux's going back to selling XP pro with Windows 7 upgrade most likely will not sell either.Jan 25 13:42
oiaohm2Ok that would work.  Tri licence XP pro Vista and Windows 7 upgrade in a box.  Person use what ever they like.Jan 25 13:43
*Casperin_ ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 25 13:44
schestowitzoiaohm2: why would people 'upgrade'?Jan 25 13:45
schestowitzWhat's the compelling selling point. GUI?Jan 25 13:45
*Casperin has quit ("Leaving")Jan 25 13:45
schestowitzCompatibility is still as poor as VIsta's, if not worse. DRM is still there and it's heavy (they downplay this factor)Jan 25 13:46
oiaohm2So they have something to sell schestowitzJan 25 13:46
schestowitzPeople hardly buy new hardware, so the assumption that PCs will advance to meet heavier software is flawedJan 25 13:46
oiaohm2Even if it is only for new machines.Jan 25 13:46
schestowitzPeople won't buy manyJan 25 13:46
oiaohm2Some is better than none.Jan 25 13:47
schestowitzThere's temptation like sub-notebooksJan 25 13:47
schestowitzApple might enter this space tooJan 25 13:47
oiaohm2Google is also seting up to enter that space.Jan 25 13:47
schestowitzAs software company thoughJan 25 13:49
oiaohm2Google does built hardware in other areas.Jan 25 13:49
oiaohm2Feeling if there is market is safer without building a stack of devices.Jan 25 13:49
schestowitzThey assemble but don't buildJan 25 13:51
schestowitzWell, neither does AppleJan 25 13:51
schestowitzIt just put a phat apple on other people's gear.Jan 25 13:51
MinceReven that way they manage to screw up quality.Jan 25 13:52
oiaohm2Build I class as designing the motherboard to hold the chips.Jan 25 13:53
oiaohm2Google Apple Dell and a few other do that for devices.Jan 25 13:54
oiaohm2There are really very few true silcon chip designing companies left.Jan 25 13:54
schestowitzMicrosoft online div. lost half a billion this quarter: 25 13:54
schestowitzoiaohm2: in the west you mean..Jan 25 13:55
schestowitzSome PC makers don't know what to do with netbooks < >. Decrying the delivery of what consumer needs, as opposed to collusion and price-fixing?Jan 25 13:57
schestowitz Tally: 872 Microsoft jobs cut in Puget Sound < >Jan 25 13:57
oiaohm2Does not matter where.  Global total is less than what there were 15 years ago.Jan 25 13:58
schestowitzWall Street slides on poor Microsoft and jobs figures < >Jan 25 14:03
*schestowitz is going to do a long summary about Microsoft's /REAL/ problem later. The press misses the full picture, maybe deliberately.Jan 25 14:04
schestowitzWhere is the world when THIS happen: Microsoft Paid $3.1 Billion To Settle Tax Debt < >Jan 25 14:04
schestowitzOnly one publication wrote about itJan 25 14:04
MinceRhm, i didn't know microsoft owned General Dynamics :>Jan 25 14:05
MinceR(re Sectera Edge)Jan 25 14:05
schestowitz (Users blame IT, Microsoft for virus)Jan 25 14:06
schestowitzNo word on WHY the flaw was there in the first placeJan 25 14:06
schestowitzMcirosoft: we patched itJan 25 14:06
schestowitzCritic: WHY ON EARTH was it made possible to hijack remotely in the first placeJan 25 14:06
schestowitzMicrosoft: not our fault, admins' faulttJan 25 14:06
schestowitzCritic: so admins should have programmed /properly/??????Jan 25 14:07
*Casperin_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Jan 25 14:07
schestowitzIt's like blaming a victim of a missile for not ducking rather than blame the person who lannched the missile.Jan 25 14:07
oiaohm2I have talked about that issue many times.Jan 25 14:10
schestowitz*sigh* 25 14:11
oiaohm2The idea that the attacker is evil so 100 percent blame lands with them is so far wrong it is not funny.Jan 25 14:11
schestowitzThey must stop describing the commission as "Attacking"Jan 25 14:11
schestowitzThat's like saying that cops are "attacking" thieves and murderers"Jan 25 14:11
schestowitzThe EU COmmission is just doing its jobJan 25 14:11
oiaohm2Its battle field terms.Jan 25 14:11
schestowitzNoJan 25 14:12
schestowitzHere you have a felon and regulatorJan 25 14:12
oiaohm2You have an attacker and a defender.Jan 25 14:12
schestowitzThis isn't Google vs MicrosoftJan 25 14:12
schestowitzIt's Microsoft vs the LawJan 25 14:12
oiaohm2Ok cross terms.Jan 25 14:12
schestowitzYes, and the attacker is MicrodoftJan 25 14:12
oiaohm2I was refering to the virus issue.Jan 25 14:12
schestowitzThe EU defends victims like OperaJan 25 14:12
schestowitzIt also defends consumersJan 25 14:12
schestowitzOhJan 25 14:12
oiaohm2Had to happen sometime.  Lag.Jan 25 14:13
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 25 14:13
schestowitz "One of Yahoo’s top marketing execs, Eric Hadley, who came to the company with a lot of acclaim in only November, is set to leave for a new job working in branding and global marketing for Microsoft’s MSN online service, several sources said."Jan 25 14:14
oiaohm2HmmJan 25 14:14
oiaohm2Wonder if yahoo is smart enough to do a Microsoft.Jan 25 14:15
oiaohm2Here is some of our so called best staff.  Yet they be the most incompetent ones.Jan 25 14:15
oiaohm2Best has too many meanings.Jan 25 14:15
oiaohm2Same with top.Jan 25 14:16
oiaohm2Top for what.Jan 25 14:16
oiaohm2  << Want to have some fun run windows past that list.Jan 25 14:23
*Casperin ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 25 14:29
*oiaohm2 has quit (Remote closed the connection)Jan 25 14:32
*kapipi has quit ("Ah Nah!")Jan 25 15:19
*_doug (n=configna@unaffiliated/confignak) has joined #boycottnovellJan 25 16:34
*_doug has quit ()Jan 25 17:43
*Casperin has quit (Remote closed the connection)Jan 25 17:52
*kapipi (n=tor@ has joined #boycottnovellJan 25 18:42
*krokas ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 25 19:07
*kapipi has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))Jan 25 19:31
*kapipi (n=tor@ has joined #boycottnovellJan 25 19:32
*kapipi has quit (Remote closed the connection)Jan 25 19:37
*kapipi (n=tor@ has joined #boycottnovellJan 25 19:38
trmancohad no internet for6 hoursJan 25 20:02
schestowitzWhat happened?Jan 25 20:02
*krokas ( has left #boycottnovellJan 25 20:02
trmancoschestowitz, I have no ideaJan 25 20:04
trmancoit wasn't just meJan 25 20:04
trmancomy cousin, and 2 of my friends didn't have eitherJan 25 20:05
trmancothey live in a 1 KM radius from my houseJan 25 20:05
schestowitzCan Microsoft be blamed? :-p j/kJan 25 20:05
trmancoI don't think soJan 25 20:06
trmancoI think it was some problem on what we call here the "central"Jan 25 20:06
trmanco 25 20:12
trmanco3d printerJan 25 20:12
trmancorunning UbuntuJan 25 20:12
MinceR:)Jan 25 20:13
trmanco 25 20:14
schestowitzGimmickJan 25 20:15
MinceRnot necessarilyJan 25 20:17
schestowitzIt's not Star TrekJan 25 20:22
MinceRit can produce 3d objects of the user's design, thoughJan 25 20:23
schestowitzPrototyping.Jan 25 20:24
MinceRnot only, if the necessary materials are availableJan 25 20:24
trmanco 25 21:28
schestowitz "This will be the last time I go along this area of discussion for a while because it’s just going to get very old very quickly. But I wanted, in one place, a quick manifesto/rant about this position. So here we go."Jan 25 21:43
trmancoZune Sales Tumble As Microsoft Tries To Compete With Apple iPod: 25 21:47
trmanco"Sales for the Microsoft Zune MP3 player tumbled by 54 percent during the last quarter while the Apple iPod grew more than 3 percent in market share. The battle of the multimedia players might have met its final match."Jan 25 21:48
trmancowowJan 25 22:03
trmancoI only saw now that Icaza is on COLAJan 25 22:03
schestowitzI'm going to  do a large post about Microsoft..Jan 25 22:09
schestowitzFinally! : 25 22:46
schestowitz 25 22:48

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