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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: May 1st, 2009 - Part 1


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*DaemonFC` ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 00:01
DaemonFC`ugghMay 01 00:02
*DaemonFC has quit (Nick collision from services.)May 01 00:02
*DaemonFC` is now known as DaemonFCMay 01 00:02
DaemonFCas I was about to sayMay 01 00:02
DaemonFCthe SP2 update is about 92 megs if you already have all the hostfixes that came after SP1May 01 00:03
DaemonFCbut 750 megs if you get the standalone installerMay 01 00:03
DaemonFCbecause that can't know what you haveMay 01 00:03
DaemonFC*hotfixesMay 01 00:03
DaemonFCand unfortunately SP1 has a tick that freezes my system whenever it feels like itMay 01 00:04
DaemonFCand SP2 doesn't do thatMay 01 00:04
DaemonFC:PMay 01 00:04
DaemonFCI really have no idea why it's doing thatMay 01 00:04
*mib_vvxo8d (i=c352a48c@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 00:12
schestowitzLook at the code :-pMay 01 00:17
schestowitzGo to bugzilla.NETMay 01 00:17
BalrogDaemonFC: Apple's latest update will be like 600 MBMay 01 00:25
Balrogschestowitz: Hospitals affected by ConfickerMay 01 00:25
Balrog< 01 00:26
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))May 01 00:26
schestowitzis harish pillay with red hat?May 01 00:29
schestowitzBalrog: what again?May 01 00:29
schestowitz:-)May 01 00:29
schestowitzI have like 5 incidents alreadyMay 01 00:29
schestowitzOh, I got ths one alreadyMay 01 00:30
schestowitz2-3 days agoMay 01 00:30
BalrogpOK.May 01 00:37
BalrogOK *May 01 00:37
Balrogthis is getting out of handMay 01 00:37
Balrog:(May 01 00:37
schestowitzThe virus?May 01 00:41
*Aondo has quit ( 01 00:41
schestowitzOr BN? :-)May 01 00:41
*Aondo (i=stian@ has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 00:41
schestowitzWell, Microsoft too is getting out of (its own) hand.May 01 00:42
Balrogno, Microsoft, and the virusMay 01 00:47
BalrogApple filed for a non-software patent: <>May 01 00:48
schestowitzIs that something to be proud of?May 01 00:49
*mib_vvxo8d has quit (" ajax IRC Client")May 01 00:49
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 00:57
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))May 01 01:04
schestowitzMicrosoft turns software to politics: 01 01:04
*mib_i1eqyo (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 01:06
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 01:10
schestowitzgnMay 01 01:48
DaemonFChmmmMay 01 01:50
DaemonFCyou can jsut sign up for a new 2 week XM trial when your old one expiresMay 01 01:50
DaemonFClolMay 01 01:50
*MinceR_ (n=mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 02:08
*MinceR has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))May 01 02:18
*twitter ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 03:04
*neonfloss ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 03:31
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))May 01 03:40
*zmanning ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 04:50
*zmanning ( has left #boycottnovellMay 01 04:53
*silentivm has quit ("*** [make] Error 2")May 01 05:29
*_boo_ (n=oiewq@ has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 05:41
twitterI read this article, but don't seem to be able to duplicate the result.May 01 06:42
twitter 01 06:42
twitterI see what happened.  they used "windows vista" instead of "vista" as a search term.May 01 06:48
twitter 01 06:48
twittershows a more complete picture.May 01 06:48
twitteroverall interest in Windows has declined greatly but it's a generic termMay 01 06:49
twitteryou can compare another generic term, "apple" to all of this 01 06:50
twitterit is interesting that a word like ubuntu could compete with something like "apple" which is also a fruit and a music label.May 01 06:51
twitterbigger than JesusMay 01 06:51
twitterhmmmMay 01 06:51
twitter 01 06:52
twitterjesus is not doing so wellMay 01 06:52
twitter 01 06:53
twitterthere, that's betterMay 01 06:53
twitterGNU/Linux is almost as big as God/Church 01 06:54
twitterstill, nothing can compare to the massive M$ spam machine.May 01 06:55
twitterno one loves OSXMay 01 06:56
twitter 01 06:56
twitterhmmm, even a combination of common fears and morbidity is unable to dethrone Windows, 01 07:00
twitterit is truly amazing that more people search for "windows" than war, murder, shark, kill, torture, flu and terror combined.May 01 07:01
twitterah, Windows meets it's match with "sex" 01 07:02
twitterawesome porn is right up there with the other spam 01 07:03
twitterConclusion:  the popularity of "Windows" must be due to spam.May 01 07:04
twitterTopics such as "terror" which have been thrust into the public imagination non stop by a full press in all media is unable to hold a candle to it.May 01 07:05
twitterGoogle is obviously the target of tremendous spam.May 01 07:06
twitterI find it difficult to believe that more people would actually search for Windows than religion or porn, even for a sort time.May 01 07:06
twitterfinally, when you look at the most generic terms possible, you get this 01 07:14
schestowitzHeyMay 01 07:15
schestowitztwitter: yes, I hate Google TrendsMay 01 07:16
schestowitzPeople misuse it a lotMay 01 07:16
twitternot even puppies or kittens can compete with windows 01 07:17
twitterit is interesting that cars almost can and you can see the news coverage is much much greater for carsMay 01 07:18
twittergirls do almost as well as carsMay 01 07:18
twitterboys don'tMay 01 07:19
twitterEarth has very interesting interest patternsMay 01 07:19
twitteralmost as popular as girlsMay 01 07:20
twitterschool is about as popular as windows, but can't touch sexMay 01 07:21
*mib_6jdkbk (i=4c4acea6@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 07:22
*mib_6jdkbk has quit (Client Quit)May 01 07:22
twitterSo, good morning to you, Roy.May 01 07:22
twitterit's what, 8AM for you?May 01 07:22
*mib_h1o3zz (i=4c4acea6@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 07:22
twitterit's just about midnight here and I have to sleep soon.May 01 07:22
mib_h1o3zzRoy,May 01 07:23
mib_h1o3zzProblems with IE8 deciding that it should be the default browser in install:May 01 07:23
mib_h1o3zz 01 07:23
twitterred is more popular than hot.May 01 07:24
mib_h1o3zzSome people are having problems getting it to give up, and lie down dead. One guy says it tries to take over every time he reboots.May 01 07:24
twitterhmmm, why would you install IE8?  Thanks for the article.May 01 07:24
twitterIt's more of the same from M$.May 01 07:24
mib_h1o3zzI wouldn't, but some poor bastard did. BTW, this is The Mad Hatter, I'm using someone else's computer.May 01 07:25
mib_h1o3zzStill the comments with the story are pretty damned funny. Also pretty damned sad.May 01 07:26
twitterindeedMay 01 07:28
schestowitzI see..May 01 07:28
schestowitztessier: yes, just work upMay 01 07:29
twitteryou missed the google trend fun.  Windows is bigger than god.  bigger than cars, terror, flue, sharks.  bigger than everything but sex.May 01 07:30
mib_h1o3zzAlso check out "RIAA’s Hostile Takeover of the Internet"May 01 07:30
mib_h1o3zz 01 07:30
twitterongoing, but I'll see what they are up to now.May 01 07:31
twittermore of the sameMay 01 07:33
twitterbasic censorship and tear down of the internetMay 01 07:34
twitterthe only difference is the success they are having.May 01 07:34
twitterthey also aim to stamp out software freedomMay 01 07:34
mib_h1o3zzYep. And they need to be stopped.May 01 07:35
twittertraditional media must die and die faster than it already is.May 01 07:35
twitterignore traditional mediaMay 01 07:36
twitterit's worthless anyway.May 01 07:36
twitterdon't pay for cable TVMay 01 07:36
twitterdon't buy newspapersMay 01 07:36
twitterdon't even watch TV unless you record the shows yourselfMay 01 07:36
twitteras people abandon traditional media, advertisers abandon itMay 01 07:37
schestowitzAgreed, tessier May 01 07:46
schestowitz*twitterMay 01 07:46
schestowitzNewham (UK) Powered by Microsoft, for Microsoft: 01 07:46
*MinceR_ is now known as MinceRMay 01 07:49
*mib_h1o3zz has quit (" ajax IRC Client")May 01 07:52
*mib_kvl4sl (i=7aa74bbd@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 07:59
*mib_kvl4sl has quit (Client Quit)May 01 08:03
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 08:05
oiaohm  << Linux Watch is still alive.May 01 08:11
schestowitz:--DDDDDDMay 01 08:16
schestowitzLinux Watch is low volume postingsMay 01 08:19
oiaohmMost of the time there is nothing to flame about.May 01 08:19
oiaohmIn Linux watch.May 01 08:20
schestowitzoiaohm: trueMay 01 08:21
schestowitzNo TalkBacks eitherMay 01 08:21
oiaohmhttp://trafficsqueezer.sourceforge.n...  Hmm another form of compression being developed for Linux.May 01 08:23
schestowitzCool.May 01 08:25
oiaohmLinux watch does have talkbacks.May 01 08:26
oiaohmJust in a forum like system.May 01 08:26
schestowitzYes,  I knowMay 01 08:30
schestowitzBut I'd hardly call it TalkBacksMay 01 08:30
schestowitzIt's also scarcely used.May 01 08:30
schestowitzI checked to see how they present MJF's articles in Microsoft WatchMay 01 08:30
schestowitzThere was some hostility when they named her "Staff Writer" after she had leftMay 01 08:31
schestowitzBut they fixed itMay 01 08:31
schestowitzIt still has Joe's mug on top of her articlesMay 01 08:31
oiaohmMost of the reason it scarcely used is linux watch is very little reason to hate.May 01 08:31
oiaohmWhen Linux watch author made insults without base the talk back went nuts.May 01 08:31
*mib_i1eqyo has quit (" ajax IRC Client")May 01 08:36
twitter 01 08:39
twittergood riddanceMay 01 08:40
twitterM$ must have cut some of their advertising budget.May 01 08:40
twitterhe blames the internet.May 01 08:42
oiaohmMore like what it the point of funding a forum that is pointing out all of your faults for everyone to see.May 01 08:42
schestowitz:-)May 01 08:42
schestowitzWell, MSFT's profits are down over 40%May 01 08:42
schestowitzHe knows MicrosoftMay 01 08:42
oiaohmYes the responders are to blame.May 01 08:42
schestowitzBut the worth is these skills drops into oblivionMay 01 08:42
schestowitzI suppose you saw recent wage surveysMay 01 08:42
twitterhis forum was spin.May 01 08:42
schestowitzMCSE down SHARPLYMay 01 08:42
schestowitzSame for Novell NetwareMay 01 08:42
schestowitzLinux up VERY sharplyMay 01 08:42
schestowitzLike 25%May 01 08:42
oiaohmanswers to his forum were not twitterMay 01 08:43
twitterthe reason to point out your flaws is to conceal themMay 01 08:43
schestowitztwitter: his forum attracted covtroversyMay 01 08:43
schestowitzBN was linked in his forums many timesMay 01 08:43
oiaohmNot really twitter.May 01 08:43
twitterBruce Byfield mentioned BN a few times as wellMay 01 08:43
twitteranything that mentions M$ in less than a positive light "attracts controversy"May 01 08:44
twitterM$'s PR army comes storming in with all of their abuse.May 01 08:44
*kentma1 ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 08:45
twitterBN is one of the few sites that does not censor itself.May 01 08:45
twittereWeek and most other "traditional" news sources are significantly tainted with advertising and other pressure.May 01 08:47
twitterAnswers to Wilcox's spin may have been useful and interesting, but it's nice to see the bully pulpit go.May 01 08:48
twitterIt will be nice, one day, to read news without so much M$ control.  W32 viruses will be described as Windows problems, not "computer problems" for example.May 01 08:49
twitterPeople who write about free software will be actual free software users.May 01 08:50
schestowitzMicrosoft: Red Hat Should be Happy to Take Microsoft Patents < >May 01 08:51
twitterwas looking, twitter needs sleepMay 01 08:54
twittergnMay 01 08:54
schestowitzBN acts a bit dogy this morningMay 01 08:54
schestowitz*dodgyMay 01 08:54
*kentma has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))May 01 08:59
*amarsh04 ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 09:00
schestowitz"Server Load  5.15 (4 cpus)"May 01 09:03
schestowitzThe site is very unreliable this morning :-(May 01 09:03
schestowitzMemory used 73%. Maybe there's a leakMay 01 09:04
schestowitz Bad news for cellphone vendors: sales in record declineMay 01 09:08
schestowitzTroll: Can Twitter survive? 01 09:09
*twitter has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))May 01 09:11
schestowitzGordon Brown says the "D" word (depression): 01 09:20
schestowitzIceland vs Mr. Brown: 01 09:23
_boo_may be it cached everything on the site :) so memory is fullMay 01 09:23
schestowitzNope, it's usually OKMay 01 09:25
schestowitzWe'll see what happensMay 01 09:25
oiaohmDoes that explain why cell phone vendors are looking at netbooks.May 01 09:25
schestowitzIceland borrows from Russia now ... 01 09:27
schestowitz 01 09:31
*magentar (n=magentar@ has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 09:50
*mib_6lmxx1 (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 10:02
*mib_6lmxx1 has quit (Client Quit)May 01 10:06
schestowitz Newspaper Association Going Online OnlyMay 01 10:25
schestowitz "...f The Pirate Bay changed its name to and continued to operate it would be okay?"May 01 10:28
schestowitzNewspapers Best Opportunity Is Online 01 10:29
schestowitzMicrosoft Watch is likely dead now: 01 10:39
*lis` ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 10:40
schestowitzApple color patents Apple moves to patent mobile colorMay 01 10:47
schestowitzUS torture points to Rice (2002): Rice gave early approval for CIA waterboarding, Senate report reveals < >May 01 10:49
schestowitzAnalysis of CIA Torture Memo < >. If human liberties are suppressed, they rarely return.May 01 10:51
schestowitzSpain's judge Garzón wants Bush investigated now.May 01 10:53
trmancoTwitter confirms security breach : 01 10:53
schestowitzHeh.May 01 10:54
schestowitzCars are getting "kill switches", just like Windows. Pay up or your car engine will stop < >May 01 10:55
schestowitzMore corruption in the government has lobbyists to blame: Lawmaker Is Said to Have Agreed to Aid Lobbyists  < >May 01 10:55
trmanco 01 10:57
trmancothe Ubuntu effect?May 01 10:57
trmancoLinux Breaks 1% on the ClientMay 01 10:57
trmancothis doesn't represent all the linux share, but it does represent that linux is growingMay 01 10:58
schestowitzNew book worth attention: "The Myth of the Free Market" < >May 01 10:59
schestowitztrmanco: don't feed it thoughMay 01 10:59
trmancodon't worry I won'tMay 01 10:59
schestowitzBN in the past 6 hours:May 01 11:00
schestowitzLinux1825654.4 %May 01 11:00
schestowitzWindows1118733.3 %May 01 11:00
trmancoI was just saying that even thought it isn't accurate it does tell us somethingMay 01 11:00
schestowitzMaybe MS should pay Net Applications some moreMay 01 11:01
schestowitzy'know, get some more 'consulting' contractsMay 01 11:01
schestowitzThen lend them some more 'data' for the survey, whose data is kept secret. Add,, US Librrary of Congress (Silver Lie)May 01 11:02
trmancoyeah, maybeMay 01 11:03
schestowitzThird case of police attack in G20 is found. "Third allegation of police brutality at G20 investigated" < >May 01 11:03
trmancobut it doesn't have the budget for it right nowMay 01 11:03
schestowitzBolivia: water people of Andes face extinction < >May 01 11:03
schestowitzGlobal warming killing people, but indirectly for the most partMay 01 11:04
schestowitzRMS says: "The US should start nationalizing banks rather than just giving them cash." (context: GM )May 01 11:05
schestowitzAnyone can be jailed when evidence is planted by crime investigators. Omaha CSI Director Accused of Planting Evidence < >May 01 11:06
schestowitz*LOL* Creativity pays off when attempting to send a message to the press: Climate protesters glue themselves around Parliament statue < >May 01 11:08
schestowitzThe Economist... on the.. economy < > "A glimmer of hope?"May 01 11:09
trmancoMandriva 2009 Spring Kicks Vista7 back to /dev/null: 01 11:09
trmancohehe, nice titleMay 01 11:10
schestowitzRice worked for Chevron (think oil) before politics. She has a massive oil tanker named after her.May 01 11:11
schestowitztrmanco: yes, that's what *I* said.May 01 11:12
schestowitzVista7 Kicks Mandriva 2009 Spring  back to /~progra~1 and c:\>deltree May 01 11:13
schestowitzFoe those who can't wait for Vista7, there is already something better.May 01 11:14
schestowitzDoes Windows still put temp files in c:\windows/temp or does it have user profiles for each (some opaque and long path)?May 01 11:15
schestowitzFashion Designers Hope That Michelle Obama Gets Them Copyright On Clothing Design < >. I'm growing tired of the Obamas.May 01 11:17
trmanco 01 11:17
trmancooopsMay 01 11:18
trmancowrong windowMay 01 11:18
schestowitzI think that at the end of this year I'll try kde 4.2.2 on Mandriva 2009 Spring. I hear it's good. Marti has just tried it too; Rasker too.May 01 11:19
trmancoyeah, I've read thatMay 01 11:20
schestowitz (Newspaper Association Kills Off Print Magazine -- Goes Online Only)May 01 11:23
schestowitzHow's OpenMania doing? Google helps the marginalization of 'big papers' -- not offering them favouritismMay 01 11:24
schestowitzBig paper complained to Google. They think they deserve to be elevated based on the merit of... well, being /formerly/ bigMay 01 11:24
schestowitzThe matter of fact is that largely cited receive precedence, not the publication's nameMay 01 11:25
schestowitz*LOL* "7. Control Panel Is a Mess. Look at this crap. No really, just look at it." 01 11:29
_boo_trmanco, why do you say that it's only 1% that linux breaks on the client?May 01 11:30
trmancoI didn't say thatMay 01 11:30
schestowitzOops. Typo in this image: 01 11:30
schestowitztrmanco, _boo_ 1% of WHAT?May 01 11:31
_boo_<trmanco> Linux Breaks 1% on the ClientMay 01 11:31
trmanco_boo_, that was the titleMay 01 11:31
_boo_of os shareMay 01 11:31
trmancocheck the linkMay 01 11:31
_boo_aaMay 01 11:31
schestowitzWhat is measured? Where is it gauged? Who pays the bill for this? (hint: Apple and Microsoft)May 01 11:31
trmanco:-PMay 01 11:31
_boo_may be it's only salesMay 01 11:31
_boo_ 01 11:32
schestowitzDon't tell Microsoft about this (they might bribe them): AMTRON delivers 28,000 Ubuntu-based PCs to students in Assam < >May 01 11:32
schestowitzflamefest: 01 11:37
_boo_strange... at some months ff share jumps by +1%, some months only 0.1%May 01 11:37
_boo_lol 01 11:40
oiaohmNot really.May 01 11:47
oiaohmLook at when firefox releases are _boo_May 01 11:48
oiaohmIts advertising linked.May 01 11:48
_boo_it should be advertised betterMay 01 11:49
schestowitzMicrosoft is teaching kids in Spain how to smoke Windows? 01 11:49
_boo_so it gets much better shareMay 01 11:49
_boo_spain is wastedMay 01 11:50
oiaohm"Then there was the man who drowned crossing a stream with an average depth of six inches."  << I like this one.  I should put it on a test with a question how deep is the stream.May 01 11:50
_boo_lol, average depthMay 01 11:51
_boo_it means nothing at allMay 01 11:51
_boo_same as average salary over the town/countryMay 01 11:51
oiaohmI can bet some will answer 6 inchesMay 01 11:52
oiaohmThen dispute when they are marked wrong.May 01 11:52
_boo_like there's a hole of 1x1 meter wideMay 01 11:52
_boo_and 10 meters in depthMay 01 11:52
_boo_and all the other area is 1inch in depthMay 01 11:53
_boo_and he just forgot to inhaleMay 01 11:53
oiaohmNo he made the mistake of breathing in under water.May 01 11:53
_boo_while talking to a floating hedgehogMay 01 11:53
_boo_that's what hedgehog told him to doMay 01 11:55
oiaohmMS is slowly teaching everyone that there software is worth nothing.May 01 11:57
oiaohmBoy is boycott novell being picked up in lots of places schestowitzMay 01 11:58
oiaohmAt the number of links you are getting your traffic needs might start matching slashdot.May 01 11:58
schestowitzOne of the first comparative benchmarks of btrfs: what will Oracle do w/ zfs?May 01 12:00
schestowitzWe has 11000 pageviews in 0-5am todayMay 01 12:00
schestowitzBut not many commentsMay 01 12:00
oiaohmThat is about right.May 01 12:01
schestowitzVast majority of people use /feed/May 01 12:01
schestowitzWhich is full feed with text, images grabbed over http from clientsMay 01 12:01
oiaohmover 99.9 percent of people who visit sties will not comment.May 01 12:01
schestowitzSomething like thatMay 01 12:01
oiaohmOnce you have the mass market.May 01 12:02
schestowitzOne in 100-1000 depending on how inflammatory the site is (or wrong)May 01 12:02
schestowitzLet's try a post titled "Linux has failed on the desktop"May 01 12:02
schestowitzOr "I'm quiting this site"May 01 12:02
oiaohmThat is how to get roasted.May 01 12:02
oiaohmquiting brings out a lot more.May 01 12:02
schestowitzSee TechCrunchMay 01 12:02
schestowitzLike a million readers, no many comments.May 01 12:03
oiaohmOr Linux watch.May 01 12:03
oiaohmMore correct the documents less comments.May 01 12:03
schestowitz 01 12:03
schestowitz9 Comments... 28 Comments...May 01 12:04
oiaohmHuman nature pick on the mistake disgard the person doing good.May 01 12:04
oiaohmNews is a great example of this.May 01 12:04
schestowitzNetcraft rank of Techncrunch: 1200thMay 01 12:04
oiaohmHow much news is good news.May 01 12:04
schestowitzGroklaw is about 1500thMay 01 12:04
schestowitzBN is 2000thMay 01 12:04
oiaohmHmm where was microsoft watch.May 01 12:04
schestowitzLet's check.May 01 12:05
schestowitz21500thMay 01 12:05
schestowitzFront page is PR6May 01 12:05
schestowitzWas PR7 when Mary Jo Foley left, IIRCMay 01 12:05
schestowitzHe just attracts the Linux folks who comment because he's promoting the MS lineMay 01 12:06
schestowitzHe has Microsoft fans reading him too, qietly.May 01 12:06
oiaohmYou will notice that Linux supporting and valid news has been moving up.May 01 12:07
oiaohmShills are losing market.   Lie is only effective if you are not being proven wrong.May 01 12:07
schestowitzYou mean, TrustMay 01 12:09
schestowitzGroklaw became huge because of  thatMay 01 12:09
schestowitzLast month top page: /feed/115737 viewsMay 01 12:10
schestowitz /feed/atom/14143May 01 12:10
schestowitz /feed/rss/3018May 01 12:10
oiaohmExactly shills work while they are trusted.May 01 12:10
schestowitz /comments/feed/1260May 01 12:10
*mib_orrfc7 (i=442fe926@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 12:10
oiaohmOnce shills are being questioned too much there power vaporises with there trust.May 01 12:11
schestowitzoiaohm: look at the Gralla shillsMay 01 12:11
schestowitzThe idea is to establish trust with a post and then whipMay 01 12:11
schestowitzLots in IDG is like thatMay 01 12:11
schestowitzBad cop, good cops tacticsMay 01 12:11
schestowitzOne writer says "Linux is dead"May 01 12:11
schestowitzThen comes writer #2 to say "Linux is not dead"May 01 12:12
oiaohmIts a death spiral.May 01 12:12
schestowitzSo both camps are 'happy'May 01 12:12
schestowitzAnd traffic balloonsMay 01 12:12
oiaohmJust IDG has not worked it out yet.May 01 12:12
schestowitzAnother option is to have writer #1 say "I was wrong"May 01 12:12
schestowitzDvorak explained thisMay 01 12:12
schestowitzLet me find the videoMay 01 12:12
oiaohmIt works to a point schestowitzMay 01 12:12
schestowitzoiaohm: no IDG fires massively tooMay 01 12:12
schestowitzSome FOSS writers had to go firstMay 01 12:12
schestowitzThey mailed meMay 01 12:13
oiaohmWhile there are facts to back one side it works.May 01 12:13
oiaohmOpps both sides.May 01 12:13
schestowitzJohn C. Dvorak's Trolling Techniques < >May 01 12:13
schestowitzWatch it.May 01 12:13
oiaohmOnce it becomes one side.May 01 12:13
schestowitzThen tell me what you thinkMay 01 12:13
oiaohmAs it happening to MS now.May 01 12:13
oiaohmShill find themselves against a wall.May 01 12:13
oiaohmName 1 good feature of windows 7 schestowitz.May 01 12:14
oiaohmBasically Tolling requires at least something.May 01 12:14
schestowitzGutter Press 101May 01 12:15
oiaohmGutter Press only works for so long.May 01 12:15
schestowitzI don't know Vista7May 01 12:15
schestowitzI know it has nice wallpapersMay 01 12:15
schestowitzThe rest looks like Vista to meMay 01 12:15
oiaohmShills have not been able to find any.May 01 12:15
oiaohmThey have gone as far as to complain about it.May 01 12:15
schestowitzYou can see it in Enderle E-mailsMay 01 12:15
schestowitzDid you watch JohnD?May 01 12:16
schestowitzI worry he's experimenting with Linux just for trafficMay 01 12:16
schestowitzHe mailed me back saying he'd write more about LinuxMay 01 12:16
schestowitzI bet he'll do his usual routine, so be readyMay 01 12:16
oiaohmI have watched JohnD Trolling before.May 01 12:16
schestowitzHe was never a fan of GNU/LinuxMay 01 12:16
*mib_orrfc7 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")May 01 12:16
schestowitzoiaohm: yes, but watch him admit tiMay 01 12:16
schestowitz*itMay 01 12:16
schestowitzHe exposed himself, which makes this video valuableMay 01 12:17
schestowitzSo next time (and I predict he'll troll Linux), redirect people to this videoMay 01 12:17
schestowitzWhere he talks about faking deficiencyMay 01 12:17
schestowitzBe ready for one ofMay 01 12:17
schestowitz1) too many LinuxesMay 01 12:17
schestowitz2) doesn't work with my hardware (they'll find some archaic gadget)May 01 12:18
schestowitz3) my ISP didn't offer helpMay 01 12:18
schestowitz4) my college doesn't support LinuxMay 01 12:18
schestowitzEtc etc.May 01 12:18
schestowitzWhat OS will this run, I wonder.. 01 12:19
oiaohmProblem here to works as long as your trust does not end up destoryed by it.May 01 12:19
oiaohmEach one of those troll slowly does damage it.May 01 12:19
oiaohmWhat is going on how is people like you schestowitz are constant  same with groklaw and other groups.   Slowly the traffic is getting sucked away.May 01 12:21
schestowitzNow the UK, like the US, realises that zombie-happy software is no good for the country. 01 12:21
oiaohmEffect the baiting people never predicted.May 01 12:21
schestowitzDespainMay 01 12:22
schestowitzWas there baiting in magazines too?May 01 12:22
schestowitzProbably not to the same extentMay 01 12:22
schestowitzThe notion of linking hardly existed back thenMay 01 12:22
oiaohmYes there was schestowitzMay 01 12:22
oiaohmThe baiting idea is nothing new.May 01 12:23
schestowitzReadership volume define by # of subscribersMay 01 12:23
oiaohmIt was magazines that started the polar at either end of spec in the one item so they got the most buyers.May 01 12:24
schestowitzBut could they flip-flop?May 01 12:24
schestowitzI mean, could they try to appeal to both spectrums?May 01 12:25
oiaohmFlip-flop was the editors colum job.May 01 12:25

Recent Techrights' Posts

In Central African Republic Windows Has Pretty Much Fallen to Zero
We need to focus on Software Freedom
Microsoft Windows Down to 8.5% in South Africa
South Africa and Egypt are strategic in Africa
New Series: A Deep Dive Into the Severe Corruption of the Open Source Initiative (OSI), Nowadays a Front Group and Lobbyist of Microsoft
There's a lot to show
Doing Free Software for a Living in an Era or a Time of Abundance of Code (and Fast Internet to Pass It Around Freely) or Writing When the Web is Attacked by LLM Slop
Tailoring code to needs is the key
The UEFI hype and Microsoft's lies
By Sami Tikkanen
Gemini Links 03/03/2025: Copyrights, GrapheneOS, and SpaceBeans
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Links 03/03/2025: Europe Rallies Behind Ukraine, Measles Flourishes in US Again
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After Fund-raising Campaign the Free Software Foundation Still Raises About $13,000 Per Week (Without Campaigning for New Donors/Members)
Richard Stallman in the Board is not a liability
Links 03/03/2025: 'Monetisation' Myth' and Microsoft's LLMs Helping Criminals
Links for the day
The New Series About the Open Source Initiative (OSI) and the Microsoft Entryism in OSI is Closely Related to the SLAPP Against Techrights
Also based on the leading publication that they want removed
Links 03/03/2025: Mass Layoffs in IBM China, Intel Still in Trouble
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3 Out of 4 in Cuba Use Linux to Access the Web
Maybe change does come about...
Links 02/03/2025: Day Off, POWER9, Console Challenge
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Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Sunday, March 02, 2025
IRC logs for Sunday, March 02, 2025
Microsoft Windows Falls to All-Time Low in Thailand
We're seeing many all-time records like these so far in 2025
Gemini Links 02/03/2025: Snowdrop Flower and Hostile Leaders
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Links 02/03/2025: Microsoft Outlook Goes Offline, Foreign-Owned Social Control Media Interfering With Fair Elections
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According to statCounter, Windows Falls Off a Cliff in Maharlika, GNU/Linux Surges to 5%
But mobile is king
New Video Clip of Richard Stallman's Latest Visit to and Talks in Italy
Richard Stallman or RMS giving his latest talk last week
Windows Used by Only One in Six Asians to Access the Web, According to statCounter
maybe more governments in Asia should move away from Microsoft
GNU/Linux Reaches 5% in Brazil, an All-Time High According to statCounter
There are hundreds of millions of people in that country
Google Already Dominates the Global South (via Android/Linux)
If one puts aside Russia and east Europe, not many countries exist that still connect to the Web from Windows more than from Android
GNU/Linux Widespread in Finland, Sweden, and Norway
Sweden has many Chromebooks in schools3 nations
Germany's Incoming Leader Said He'd Seek More Independence from the US, GNU/Linux Soars to 6%
Last month it was 5%
For the First Time GNU/Linux is Measured at Over 4% in Europe (Not Counting ChromeOS/Chromebooks)
Europe, on average, is now estimated to have GNU/Linux on 1 in 25 Web-connected laptops/desktops
Over 2 Years of LLM Hype and Nothing to Show for It
People still use search, not chatbots
Apple's iOS Almost Bigger Than Windows Now (Internationally), Windows Falls to 22% According to statCounter
Without Windows domination, there's not much left going for Microsoft
Putin's Loyal DOGE
We hereby crown Arvind Krishna "Putin's DOGE"
The Media Barely Reported This (Late Friday): IBM Lays Off About 2,000 More Workers, Effective Hours Ago
Maybe some diversity programs can help IBM recruit slaves or grossly-underpaid staff
Microsoft Money Being Spent to Bully Techrights Only Legitimises Techrights
The longer it goes on for, the greater the Streisand Effect
Suing One's Way Out of Real Trouble Won't Work (It Merely Increases the Trouble)
"Guns for hire" in London can only issue "legal" threats
Microsoft Writing Articles About Microsoft, Using Microsoft LLMs
Right now there are many articles about Microsoft Outlook being down completely
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Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Saturday, March 01, 2025
IRC logs for Saturday, March 01, 2025
Another Day and Another LLM Slopfest From Madame Day at the Slopfarm
Can't take a break, can she?
Sucking Up to Fascists (Like IBM's Watson Sucked Up to Adolf Hitler in the 1930s) Did Not Help IBM
IBM could stick to better principles, but instead it treats the Free software community and even its own staff like trash
Links 01/03/2025: GB News Loses Over 100 Million Pounds, Zelensky Wins World's Sympathy
Links for the day
Getting Serial Sloppers to Knock the Habit of Plagiarism by LLM Slop
All in all, the fewer the slop objects, the better
As Prices Soar and Services Shut Down (Even YouTube Starts Demanding Money for the Original or a Tolerable Experience) It's Time to Explore the Real Alternatives is the most viable instance of Invidious these days
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Links for the day
Links 01/03/2025: Scam Altman's Latest Excuse, Google Price Hikes
Links for the day
Justice Will Find Its Way at the End
We deserve an award, not SLAPP, for what we've done
March Already, Rumours of IBM Layoffs in Brazil
Red Hat might be impacted too
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Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Friday, February 28, 2025
IRC logs for Friday, February 28, 2025