APPLE'S BUILD QUALITY goes from strength to strength with users of its expensive Time Capsule product complaining that it bricks their hard-drives.
The Apple Time Capsule Memorial Register, which went live over weekend, has already logged 294 dead devices that have been killed by Apple's rogue Time Capsule.
The site assures those who have lost a hard-drive to Apple's superior build quality that they are not alone.
In fact the problem is more like what other PC users call a crash and it is bloody annoying.
Like most Apple confessions of poor quality, its statement says that the problem of philosophical Macbooks only affects a small number of users. In other words it's just those Mac computers that believe in "thinking differently", just like Steve Jobs has always told them to.
Realising she wasn’t carrying any anti-ursoid equipment, Rowley decided to throw her Apple handset at the bear in the hope of distracting it.
The tactic worked and Rowley escaped.
She later returned to the scene in hope of retrieving her precious smartphone, only to find that – unsurprisingly – the beast had chewed and mauled the device.