AS part of our continued exploration of the reality behind Vista 7, we have found that Vista 7 cheats buyers when it comes to "free" upgrades. More importantly, those upgrades turn out to be just like Vista two and a half years ago. The short story is that large companies like Dell did not deliver those "free" upgrades to Vista in a timely fashion, leaving customers very angry*.
HP, Dell punters furious over Windows 7 upgrade delays
Some Hewlett-Packard and Dell customers are up in arms about delays to the Windows 7 upgrades promised to punters who purchased PCs from the hardware vendors earlier this year.
However, weeks on from that launch, HP and Dell’s tech support forums are awash with customers complaining that the upgrade hasn’t been shipped to them yet.
A botnet that was once responsible for an estimated third of the world's spam has been knocked out of commission thanks to researchers from security firm FireEye.
With head chopped off of Ozdok, more than 264,000 IP addresses were found reporting to sinkholes under FireEye's control, an indication of the massive number of zombies believed to have belonged to the botnet. FireEye researchers plan to work with the ISPs to identify the owners of the orphaned bots so their owners can clean up the mess.