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Links 13/11/2011: Linux Mint 12 “Lisa” RC, Sugar on a Stick 6

GNOME bluefish



  • A Measurement of Popularity of GNU/Linux and That Other OS in Canada and China
    Clearly, GNU/Linux has a dominant position in China by this measure. With hundreds of millions soon to gain access to IT in China, GNU/Linux has a bright future.

  • Softpedia Linux Weekly, Issue 173

  • Audiocasts/Shows

  • Kernel Space

    • The Increasing Size Of The Linux Kernel
      Floating around the Linux kernel mailing list information is some new data about the evolution of the Linux kernel's size. Obviously, it's getting larger.

      Jérôme Pinot took the size of every Linux kernel (the .tar.bz2 package) since Linux 1.0 and through the recent Linux 3.1 kernel release and plotted it out. It's comparing the size of the kernel versus the release number (not against the time). His findings are that "Impressive, it's mostly exponential. If dev keeps same pace, we should break the 100MB at linux 3.19."

    • Linux power regression + overheating problem on ThinkPad [fixed?]
      This blog post isn’t only directed to ThinkPad owners as most notebook Linux users with Intel Core Duo 1/2 and i3/i5/i7 processors have been affected by this bug if not all. And yes, this problem is present on latest Debian Unstable and Ubuntu 11.10.

    • Graphics Stack

      • S3TC Now Golden For Linux & Open-Source?
        Many Phoronix readers have written in asking about the news this week concerning HTC joining the Open Invention Network. In particular, many Phoronix readers are interested in HTC joining OIN due to their acquisition of S3 Graphics earlier in the year and the accumulated graphics IP portfolio.

  • Applications

  • Desktop Environments

    • Speeding up KDM
      For some time, I have been noticing that KDE Display Manager (KDM) slows down after every version bump. I was of the idea that this was because KDE was becoming bloated. However, CPU usage of KDE had started declining after version 4.4. So, I was sure that KDE was actually not getting hung up in the background any more. However, till 4.7 the KDM load time kept increasing. As a matter of fact, after the recent update, KDM became so slow that I had to restart my system twice before actually getting to KDM. In fact, during the first two restarts, I was thinking that my installation was broken after the update.

    • K Desktop Environment/KDE SC)

      • A Guide to the KDE Notification System

      • Work (not) done
        In fact the feature was finished some weeks ago with a complete transition to KWin. Unfortunately it turned out that there is one possible situation for a race condition which could lead to a desktop being unlocked in the worst case if KWin crashes. Of course it would not be possible to trigger a crash when the screen is locked, but KWin relies and integrates libraries which are out of our own control (e.g. think of drivers).

  • Distributions

    • Chakra Edn 2011.11 review
      With this release, there is a DVD and a CD installation image. The CD image contains very few applications, while the DVD image is relatively loaded. This review is based on test installations of the DVD image on real hardware and in a virtual environment.

    • New Releases

      • Parted Magic 11.11.11 Has Firefox 8.0 and Kernel 3.1
      • Zorin 3.2

      • Press Release: Sabayon Linux 7 Experimental Releases
        Directly from our "Breaking Stuff" dept., three new Sabayon 7 releases have seen the light! These releases all go under the "Experimental" umbrella, not that because

        * LXDE is a minimal, CD-sized flavour geared towards low-end computers, shipping the LXDE Desktop Environment. * E17 is a minimal, CD-sized flavour made for people wanting to showcase the magic of Enlightenment 17. * Awesome is a first timer here, thanks to Brian Tomlinson efforts, Sabayon has now an Awesome WM flavour as well.

      • Parted Magic 11.11.11 brings Linux 3.1
        Parted Magic lead developer Patrick J. Verner has announced the release of version 11.11.11 of his open source, multi-platform partitioning tool. Based on the Linux 3.1 kernel, the new release introduces a new versioning system (the previous version was 6.7) and upgrades a number of the included applications.

      • Sugar Labs Releases Sugar on a Stick v6 (Pineapple)
        You can download SoaS v6 via bittorrent or direct downloads by heading over to this page. The accompanying installation instructions for various operating systems are available here.

        As you can see from the screenshot above I gave SoaS a spin around the block using VirtualBox on my Windows 7 laptop and it worked like a charm. As I have access to XOs I personally don't need SoaS that often but I do use it occassionally to show off Sugar during presentations or talks I give.

    • PCLinuxOS/Mageia/Mandrake/Mandriva Family

      • PCLinuxOS review
        PCLinuxOS has been around since 2003. It started off as a set of RPM packages to improve Mandrake (now Mandriva) Linux. Eventually it grew and changed and became a standalone distro in it’s own right.

        PCLinuxOS uses APT-RPM as it’s package management system. Basically, it uses APT and Synaptic, but on RPM packages instead of DEB. It’s used a variety of desktop environments in it’s time, but currently (version 2011.09), KDE is the only desktop environment available officially.

    • Red Hat Family

      • Fedora

        • [Interview] Jared Smith - Fedora Project Leader
          Jared Smith has been associated with the Fedora Project for several years and currently is the Project Leader. In an exclusive interview with devworx, he spoke on Fedora 16, the btrfs filesystem, other Linux projects and more! Jared said his role is all about bridging the gap between the Fedora user community, developers and Red Hat. To Red Hat as a company, he represents the Fedora community, while to the Fedora community, he represents Red Hat. That way, the bridges of communication always stay open in the community side as well as the corporate side.

        • Fedora 16 Isn’t Ruthless Underneath It All – It Just Needs Some Love and Understanding
          I admit, my brief tryst with Fedora 16 the other night has been stuck in my mind. It was good. Really good. I guess I had a few preconceptions going in. When you go with IBM, when you date that FBI agent, or that covert military assassin, you just expect some kind of perfection. They’ve got to have hard-core discipline, they had to work everything out well in advance. A downright ruthless execution in the name of perfection.

        • Fedora 16 XFCE
          So, I also updated and here are my impressions :-D XFCE live cd works like a breeze, installation went smooth. I even got wifi (broadcomm) working out of box (suspend works for me too, btw.)! GRUB 2 seems nice, although it associated detected kernels with the newly installed Fedora. Still better than nothing from grub 1 >:-D Now for the system itself. GDM suck. It sucks hard. As soon as I installed some of gnome as deps it started putting gnome instead of xfce to session. It also does not seem to allow for keyboard and language selection. I need to switch to LXDM or try out LightDM soon… XFCE works as expected, after copying old configuration and installing apps I use, almost everything seems to work.

        • Fedora 16 impressions
          For those who wonder "what updates are already pushed out", there aren't that many updates for Fedora 16, which I suppose is a good indicator of its stability at release. My update was 55MB, and took only a few minutes while I did other things.

    • Debian Family

      • Introducing Commodore OS Vision
        Commodore OS Vision stands on the shoulders of giants, with a lineage that traces back to fantastic linux operating system distributions such as Debian, Ubuntu and Mint, which you might also be interested in installing on our machines. Commodore OS Vision auto-installs a graphical operating system boot menu facilitating this further, making your new Commodore machine a technology tinkerers delight.

      • Derivatives

        • Canonical/Ubuntu

          • 6 Key Changes in Next Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin
            Canonical is in a hurry. After the successful release of Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot, it's time to plan for next, more important, Ubuntu 12.04 LTS release. Ubuntu 12.04 is codenamed "Precise Pangolin" and following are the important changes in the upcoming Ubuntu 12.04 release, as decided upon during recently concluded Ubuntu Developer Summit.

          • Ubuntu Friendly: A User-Submitted Database Of Computers That Work With Ubuntu
            Do you want to know if your computer will work with Ubuntu? Head to Ubuntu Friendly to quickly find out. It’s an ever-growing database of computers known to work flawlessly with everyone’s favorite Linux-based operating system. Do you want to help make that website useful? Run the system test on your computer running Ubuntu right now. You will run tests on your wireless card, your sound and more.

          • QA Community Coordinator Required: Apply Within
            I am looking to hire a new member for my team (the Community Team) here at Canonical. I am looking for a bright, motivated, and experienced person to build, maintain and develop a cohesive, productive and effective Ubuntu QA community. I am looking for someone with solid QA experience particular in the areas of testing and defect management.

          • Ubuntu Development Update

          • Entitlement? No. Sharing? Yes.

          • Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Enable Alt+F2 Run Command Prompt

          • Flavours and Variants

            • Linux Mint 12 RC Lisa Has Been Released | What’s New | Download
              Earlier preview added by LinuxMint shows quite the same new features mentioned on the release notes of Linux Mint 12 RC Lisa. Linux Mint 12 based on Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot, It comes with Gnome 3 and Mint Gnome Shell Extension. MGSE featuring with the new bottom panel, applications menu, window list, visible system tray icons and a task-centric desktop allows you to easily switch with between running applications using Alt+Tab.

            • First Look: Linux Mint 12
              Clement Lefebvre, father of the Linux Mint project, announced a few days ago that the upcoming Linux Mint 12 (Lisa) operating system will feature a new desktop interface built on top of the GNOME 3 desktop environment.

              So, we've downloaded a development version of the Linux Mint 12 distribution and took it for a test drive, to see that amazing new interface everyone is talking about, that Unity killer.

              To our surprise, it appears that Linux Mint 12's new interface, called MGSE (Mint Gnime Shell Extensions) is actually a small modification of the GNOME 3's GNOME Shell interface.

            • Linux Mint 12 (Lisa) RC Out Today!
              I like Mint… it is not the distro I run on my own system, that is Ubuntu, but I am VERY impressed with Mint. This new version looks very cool. Time to play!

            • Linux Mint 12 “Lisa” RC released!

  • Devices/Embedded

    • Phones

    • Sub-notebooks/Tablets

      • Asus unveils quad-core Tegra 3 Android tablet
        Asus announced the first quad-core Android tablet, featuring the newly shipping Nvidia Tegra 3 clocked to 1.3GHz. The Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime is slimmer (0.33 inches) and lighter (1.29 pounds) than the original Transformer, and offers a 10.1-inch display,an eight-megapixel camera, and up to 12 hours of claimed battery life -- or 18 hours when plugged into the optional keyboard dock.

Free Software/Open Source

  • Web Browsers

  • Databases

  • Oracle/Java/LibreOffice

    • or LibreOffice – Two excellent choices
      Just over a year ago the open source Office Suite world was disturbed by indecision, much the same way world stock markets have been upset by uncertainty today. Oracle had purchased Sun Microsystems and with it the “ownership” of the open source office suite

    • LibreOffice at Free Software Conference 2011, Budapest
      The Free Software Conference and Exhibition 2011 organized by Foundation was held today in Budapest. With more than 500 participants, it was the biggest free software event in Hungary this year. I think it was a great success, there were many good presentations in 4 tracks, and there was also a room for workshops.

  • Public Services/Government

    • What caused the financial crisis? The Big Lie goes viral.
      I have a fairly simple approach to investing: Start with data and objective evidence to determine the dominant elements driving the market action right now. Figure out what objective reality is beneath all of the noise. Use that information to try to make intelligent investing decisions.

      But then, I’m an investor focused on preserving capital and managing risk. I’m not out to win the next election or drive the debate. For those who are, facts and data matter much less than a narrative that supports their interests.

      One group has been especially vocal about shaping a new narrative of the credit crisis and economic collapse: those whose bad judgment and failed philosophy helped cause the crisis.

      Rather than admit the error of their ways — Repent! — these people are engaged in an active campaign to rewrite history. They are not, of course, exonerated in doing so. And beyond that, they damage the process of repairing what was broken. They muddy the waters when it comes to holding guilty parties responsible. They prevent measures from being put into place to prevent another crisis.

      Here is the surprising takeaway: They are winning. Thanks to the endless repetition of the Big Lie.

      A Big Lie is so colossal that no one would believe that someone could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. There are many examples: Claims that Earth is not warming, or that evolution is not the best thesis we have for how humans developed. Those opposed to stimulus spending have gone so far as to claim that the infrastructure of the United States is just fine, Grade A (not D, as the we discussed last month), and needs little repair.

      Wall Street has its own version: Its Big Lie is that banks and investment houses are merely victims of the crash. You see, the entire boom and bust was caused by misguided government policies. It was not irresponsible lending or derivative or excess leverage or misguided compensation packages, but rather long-standing housing policies that were at fault.


  • Finance

  • Privacy

  • Civil Rights

    • Intelligence agencies step up the Twitter and Facebook trawling
      A couple of days ago, the Associated Press reported that the Department of Homeland Security claims not to be “actively monitoring” social media networks like Facebook and Twitter. Lest you worry that status updates that present a threat to national security are going unread, the AP today reports that the Central Intelligence Agency is actively monitoring social media networks.

      The story in the earlier article was that our sprawling intelligence and national security apparatus was caught off-guard by social media-fueled uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa, and that they were going to take steps to be better prepared in the future.

  • Copyrights

    • How 'Playing It Safe' Cripples Fair Use
      This is about how over-budgeted media productions historically paid to license things they didn’t need to license, just because they had tons of money and their lawyers preferred to “play it safe” rather than claim Fair Use, which is how Fair Use became the weak pathetic limping layer of pointlessness it is today.

Recent Techrights' Posts

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"Why you boss is insatiably horny for firing you and replacing you with software."
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No Olympics
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GNOME is a deeply oppressive institutions that eats its own
[Meme] The 'Modern' Web and 'Linux' Foundation Reinforcing Monopolies and Cementing centralisation
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When Wikileaks Was Still Primarily a Wiki
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