Summary: The first episode with one host and a warmup before an interview that's planned with Richard Stallman
Tim has been busy, but he let me carry on in his absence until he gets back. I did not script or rehearse this episode; instead, I dived right in and improvised as usual. This episode covers Android sales, my Android development project plus experience, a tablet lacking basic features, and my observation that plugins/apps do not add so much more so to make Android usable for technical work as opposed to play and amusement. "Dreamhouse" by Steve Poltz is played as the first song and then I speak about Nokia's cuts, MeeGo, failures with Microsoft, and shrinking cash piles. Microsoft's losses are mentioned and then Apple-imposed Android ans (in the US), as well as lost patent cases around Europe. Oracle's patent case and USPTO reform are mentioned in light of dissent from a prominent judge who makes the objective of software patents abolition seem reachable. "Get U Home" by Shwayze is the last song played in this short show.
In COLA, Goblin said you would be open to Windows advocates being on the show. Well, I am not a Windows advocate - I am an advocate for "informed computing". This means I think tech folks should have a decent understanding of Windows, OS X, and desktop Linux and be able to speak about the pros and cons of each of the environments. They should also be able to make informed choices as to which would be best for any given scenario (though, of course, there will always be room for differences in opinion - just because two people are both well informed does not mean they have all the same info or agree on all things)!
In any case, I was on the show before and enjoyed it. In COLA I have made the offer if you want me to be on the show to not speak of the past time in any detail - to not mention the areas where you and I each made claims of desktop Linux and where I did the work to show where we were each wrong in some of our claims (and right in others), nor to bring up any of the accusations or evidence against you I have discussed before.
Goblin did then say that anyone from COLA who was on the show should be open to having their actions in COLA spoken about and they should be prepared to defend their actions. This is fair - though if this is the case it works both ways (I get to speak of your actions and the past show).
I am happy either way as long as it equitable and fair for both of us.
Would love to be on the show again... Goblin made no promises but certainly suggested you were open to having COLA people be on the show. You know how to contact me... please let me know one way or the other. If yes then we can set up a date and time.
No hard feelings if you are not willing. I understand.
Microsoft axing more services/features may mean that now they scrape the bottom of the barrel and Skype will simply die, discontinuing service (like ICQ) in a matter of years
2012-07-17 03:51:35
In any case, I was on the show before and enjoyed it. In COLA I have made the offer if you want me to be on the show to not speak of the past time in any detail - to not mention the areas where you and I each made claims of desktop Linux and where I did the work to show where we were each wrong in some of our claims (and right in others), nor to bring up any of the accusations or evidence against you I have discussed before.
Goblin did then say that anyone from COLA who was on the show should be open to having their actions in COLA spoken about and they should be prepared to defend their actions. This is fair - though if this is the case it works both ways (I get to speak of your actions and the past show).
I am happy either way as long as it equitable and fair for both of us.
Would love to be on the show again... Goblin made no promises but certainly suggested you were open to having COLA people be on the show. You know how to contact me... please let me know one way or the other. If yes then we can set up a date and time.
No hard feelings if you are not willing. I understand.