Hartmut Pilch (FFII founder) and Richard Stallman (FSF founder)
THE FSF is a moral compass to many and a legal advisor to some.
"The bill would make things better, but it does not go far enough."It's really all about trolls, but there's the flogging of software patents too. It does not go as far as invalidating the latter. To quote a report: "Two US congressmen are hoping to deter frivolous, counterproductive patent litigation through a new bill that would mandate that losers in patent litigation pay for defendants’ legal costs.
"The bill, introduced by Democratic Representative Peter DeFazio and co-sponsored by Republican Representative Jason Chaffetz, would apply to both computer hardware and software patents, and would mark a shift in US judicial approach to software patents."
The bill would make things better, but it does not go far enough. Richard Stallman recently explained to us a strategy for tackling this issue. The population has already told President Obama what it wants [1, 2, 3]. ⬆