What it means for EPO to have hired the British privatised military, Control Risks Group (CRG)

One among many innocent victims in Iraq
Summary: A look at the company which the European Patent Office (EPO) has chosen to spy on sources and journalists who combat corruption
KNOWING for a fact that we are being spied on by the London-based Control Risks (evidence does exist), because
a British manager at the EPO (John Martin) hired them, we wish to remind readers of what Control Risks is really doing
in general and what it is doing for the EPO. According to
Wikileaks, Control Risks works with Stratfor (also known as shadow CIA) [
2], providing assessments based on surveillance. It would not shock us if Control Risks got many contacts inside the GCHQ and NSA (e.g. former staff), i.e. access to illegally-intercepted communications. Here is
Control Risks in Sony's leaked E-mails. They work with some rather powerful circles -- powerful as in working with impunity. But looking outside the corporate world, Control Risks is heavily involved in military. That's where the big money is and Control Risks, despite not being so well known (it wants to keep a low profile and it never reveals its clients), is a huge company that has amassed billions of dollars over the years. As
one blogger put it, "Blackwater USA is the US Government’s mercenaries of choice and Control Risks Group (CRG) is the British government’s."
Control Risks is a basically British branch of privatised military, so the EPO's John Martin must have been nuts for choosing it. Does one need an army to protect EPO management from critics? It's like using a sledgehammer on a nail. This British manager from the EPO chose to hire Control Risks to spy and thus threaten myself and others (probably
IP Kat too) and for that he deserves no sympathy. He clearly hates free press, free speech, the rule of law, and worker's rights.
"The EPO employs them now. Fallujah, British blogs... same thing."Control Risks likes to publicly state that it is "ethical", but every company says such stuff; it is promotional nonsense. Control Risks has a role in a deadly invasion that killed up to a million people (depending on whose estimates) and was based on a massive lie, perpetrated in part by the British government and British intelligence agencies. Control Risks had people on the ground in Iraq shortly after the invasion; some staff was killed while on duty. Quoting the book "Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army", "Firms like Control Risk [...] began deploying thousands of mercenaries in Iraq and recruiting" (making money from occupation). "At the time of the Fallujah incident," says the book "Private Security Contractors and New Wars", "Blackwater was taking over operations from a British security company, Control Risks Group."
The EPO employs them now. Fallujah, British blogs... same thing.
According to Source Watch, Control Risks "provided services for the UK government, Bechtel and Halliburton in Iraq" (nice company right there).
It is important for us to show our readers, including EPO staff, just how low their management has stooped. For a British company that works with hired assassins to spy on me in the UK is rather chilling, to say the very least. ⬆