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Links 6/5/2017: Docker 17.05.0, FreeNAS 11.0 Release Candidate

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Free Software/Open Source

  • MyRepublic sharpens competitive edge with open source
    Like any rapidly growing business, Singaporean internet service provider (ISP) MyRepublic faced bottlenecks with its legacy infrastructure that hampered its ability to enter new markets quickly.

  • Now build your digital business with Open Source
    Enterprise digital transformation, in many ways, is a race against time. Today’s ‘connected’ consumers and technologies are evolving faster than an enterprise can adapt. The old ways of delivering digital experience ought to be replaced by more agile and all-embracing newer methods.

    Increasingly, businesses are turning to Open Source to facilitate this change, as it outperforms proprietary technologies on quality, cost, customization, and security.

  • [GSoC 2017] 3D Hardware Acceleration in Haiku
    My name is Vivek (Trac: vivek-roy, IRC: vivu). I have been selected for Google Summer of Code 2017 to work with Haiku on the project 3D Hardware Acceleration in Haiku.

    The Mesa renderer in Haiku presently ventures into software rendering. Haiku uses software for rendering frame buffers and then writes them to the graphics hardware. The goal of my project is to port Direct Rendering Manager (DRM) Driver for i915, from the Linux kernel to Haiku with the help of DragonflyBSD’s Linux Compatibility layer, so that those drivers can be later extended to add OpenGL support (Mesa3D) for hardware accelerated 3D rendering.

  • Haiku's Plans For OpenGL Hardware Acceleration On Intel
    One of the interesting 2017 Google Summer of Code projects is a student developer attempting to enable hardware OpenGL/3D acceleration support under the BeOS-inspired Haiku OS.

  • Does open source still matter?
    The message to the thousands of participants was clear: the open source development model that brings together creators and users of software to solve business and societal problems is winning.

    From Singapore’s myResponder app that activates volunteers within the vicinity of those suffering from heart attacks to the transformation of government services in Mexico, open source software has sparked some of the world’s most inspiring innovations.

    While these open source powered initiatives are laudable, will they still accomplish their goals if the underlying technologies they are using aren’t open source?

  • Open-source tech disruptive force in computing industry, says IBM
    In today’s world, going alone has few benefits. This is doubly true in the tech industry, as companies who do their own thing don’t just have to reinvent the wheel, but also maintain it forever after. Collaboration and partnerships are key to doing effective business, and a common meeting ground for such collaboration is open-source technology, according to Jim Wasko (pictured), vice president of open systems development at IBM.

  • Oracle/Java/LibreOffice

    • Welcome, GSoC’17 students!
      Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is a global program focused on bringing more student developers into open source software development during their holiday break. The Document Foundation and LibreOffice participate every year, and we are happy to announce three accepted projects aimed to improve usability.

  • Funding

    • Seneca Open Source researcher's $1-million grant renewed for five years
      With funding from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Seneca Professor Chris Tyler will build on five years as an Industrial Research Chair for Colleges (IRCC) with expanded research into open source software that can run on low-energy, high-performance computers.

  • BSD

    • FreeNAS 11.0 Open-Source Storage Operating System to Be Based on FreeBSD 11
      iXsystems' Kris Moore announced the general availability of a first Release Candidate (RC) milestone of the upcoming FreeNAS 11.0 open-source storage operating system.

      It appears that this Release Candidate is also the first public development build of FreeNAS 11.0, as the team thoroughly tested the operating system for the past several months and decided that it's stable enough to be promoted straight to the RC state. As its version number suggests, development is currently based on the FreeBSD 11-STABLE operating system.

    • FreeNAS 11.0 Release Candidate Up For Testing

    • FreeNAS 11.0-RC now Available

    • pfSense 2.3.4 Open-Source Firewall Update Brings System Stability Improvements
      A new maintenance update was released for the pfSense 2.3.x stable series of the open-source and free firewall distribution based on the latest FreeBSD technologies.

      pfSense software version 2.3.4 comes more than two months after the pfSense 2.3.3 update, and promises to bring even more system stability improvements and bug fixes, security patches, as well as a bunch of new features. First off, this release is based on FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE-p19.

  • Public Services/Government

    • Open source growth in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
      Nearly half of all municipalities (960 out of 2000) in France’s former Bourgogne (Burgundy) region (now Bourgogne-Franche-Comté) are relying on open source-based services for several administrative tasks. The services are attracting many other public administrations, including schools, hospitals and government-run retirement homes.

    • Majority of towns in Wallonia now use open source
      The majority (75%) of municipalities in the Walloon region of Belgium are now using open source software and services. In the region 261 cities, towns, villages and other public administrations are using 8 open source-based solutions that are centrally managed and maintained by Intercommunale de Mutualisation Informatique et Organisationnelle (IMIO), an IT service provider set up in 2011 by the Walloon government.

    • Finland’s Oskari GIS platform aims to go global
      Oskari, the online geographic map-building tool that was originally developed by the National Land Survey of Finland, is joining the OSGeo foundation, hoping to become one of the world’s standard open source Geographic Information Solutions. “The Oskari network now includes 33 members, mostly public administrations but also 13 companies, and the software is translated into 14 languages”, said Jani Kylmäaho, head of development at the land survey.

    • Italy creates digital transformation team
      On 24 March, the government of Italy started ‘Developers Italia’ a digital government transformation team and software development community focusing on open source software development. Software solutions and software libraries are to be published on GitHub, published under the MIT licence.

  • Openness/Sharing/Collaboration

  • Programming/Development

    • Java modular battle heats up as Oracle criticizes Red Hat, IBM
      Amid a budding controversy surrounding the module system planned for Java, Oracle’s chief Java architect, Mark Reinhold, lashed out today at Red Hat and IBM’s opposition, saying the companies are simply guarding their own interests.

      In an open letter to the Java Community Process (JCP) Executive Commitee published Friday morning, Reinhold was highly critical of the two rival vendors. The current disagreement centers on Java Specification Request 376, which focuses on the module system featured as part of Project Jigsaw. Red Hat Middleware initially agreed to the goals and requirements of the JSR, but then worked consistently to undermine them, Reinhold said.

    • Oracle rethinks modular Java plan after Red Hat’s objections
      Oracle's chief Java architect has proposed tweaks to Java's modular plan. The revisions were said to be not in response to recent objections by Red Hat and IBM, but they do appear to address one of the concerns.

      In a post to an openjdk mailing list on Thursday, a proposal by Oracle's Mark Reinhold, chief architect of the Java platform group, centers on an "AutomaticModuleNames" feature. He also referenced the plan on his twitter feed, tweeting, "Module names should be reverse-DNS and so automatic modules can be given stable names." An Oracle representative said the proposal was just ongoing work on issues that continue to be under discussion and was separate from Red Hat and IBM's issues.

    • Declarative vs. Imperative paradigms
      At first glance you will notice that one of these remotes is dark, and the other is light. You might also notice that my photography skills are terrible. Neither of these facts is very important to the discussion at hand. Is there anything interesting that you can infer?

    • NASA wants YOU (to make its Fortran code run faster)
      NASA has teamed up with two technology crowdsourcing organizations in an effort to put some of its supercomputer code into afterburner mode. In an announcement on May 2, the director of NASA's Transformative Aeronautics Concepts Program (TACP) launched the High Performance Fast Computing Challenge, an effort to accelerate NASA's Modern Fortran-based computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software, FUN3D.

    • RcppEigen


  • Health/Nutrition

    • At FDA, TVs now turned to Fox News and can't be switched
      Attention viewers at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration: Televisions will now be tuned to Fox News.

      CBS News has confirmed an email was sent to researchers at the FDA's Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research responding to apparent efforts to change the channel on internal television screens. The email from "[White Oak] Digital Display" sent on Wednesday, May 3, was sent to inform the researchers of the "reason for the change from CNN to Fox." White Oak is the name of the FDA's campus.

    • There’s a federal law to lower drug prices—and Louisiana may just use it
      An obscure federal patent law that has been on the books for more than a century gives the government the power to drag down soaring drug prices, Kaiser Health News reports.

      Dr. Rebekah Gee, Louisiana’s health secretary, is trying to rally bipartisan support to use the law—US Code Section 1498 under Title 28—to bring down the staggering prices of patented hepatitis C drugs for the state. The price of these drugs alone could cripple the state’s budget. If she's successful, the legal maneuver could bring down prices for all 50 states—and be used to help reduce the price of other drugs. But to get there, she'll not only need state support but a sign-off from the Trump administration.

  • Security

  • Defence/Aggression

    • The CIA has a long history of helping to kill leaders around the world
      Some of the most notorious of the CIA’s operations to kill world leaders were those targeting the late Cuban president, Fidel Castro. Attempts ranged from snipers to imaginative plots worthy of spy movie fantasies, such as the famous exploding cigars and a poison-lined scuba-diving suit.

      But although the CIA attempts proved fruitless in the case of Castro, the US intelligence agency has since 1945 succeeded in deposing or killing a string of leaders elsewhere around the world – either directly or, more often, using sympathetic local military, locally hired criminals or pliant dissidents.

  • Environment/Energy/Wildlife/Nature

    • Green Activists Beaten While Investigating Pollution in Shandong
      Two environmental volunteers were attacked on Wednesday while attempting to investigate a possible case of industrial pollution in eastern China.

      Xiao Jiang and Zhang Wenbin, volunteers at the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation, a national environmental protection nonprofit, were followed, surrounded, and beaten by more than a dozen men. The volunteers had received a tip from a villager that a factory in Sishui County, near Jining City in Shandong province, was responsible for two large pits of waste water that had contaminated the environment.

      Xiao told Sixth Tone that when they were driving in the area, they suspected they were being followed. When they tried to turn their car around, several men on electric bikes blocked the road and attacked them when they got out of their vehicle.

  • Finance

    • The six Brexit traps that will defeat Theresa May
      “It’s yours against mine.” That’s how Wolfgang Schäuble, Germany’s finance minister, put it to me during our first encounter in early 2015 – referring to our respective democratic mandates.

      A little more than two years later, Theresa May is trying to arm herself with a clear democratic mandate ostensibly to bolster her negotiating position with European powerbrokers – including Schäuble – and to deliver the optimal Brexit deal.

      Already, the Brussels-based commentariat are drawing parallels: “Brits fallen for Greek fallacy that domestic vote gives you stronger position in Brussels. Other countries have voters too,” tweeted Duncan Robinson, Brussels correspondent of the Financial Times. “Yep,” tweeted back Miguel Roig, the Brussels correspondent of Spanish financial daily Expansión. “Varoufakis’ big miscalculation was to think that he was the only one in the Eurogroup with a democratic mandate.”

    • Theresa May’s Brexit Britain can no longer be considered a serious country
      For many years now the logo “Keep calm and carry on” has been a huge hit across Europe. You can find it on posters, T-shirts and mugs – both the original text as distributed in 1939, to steel the British people for the war to come, as well as many “funny” variations. The slogan’s popularity is easy to understand as it unites the most important positive stereotypes about Britain in Europe: a pragmatic and liberal island people who were on the right side in the second world war.

    • Germany proposed charging Britain for EU single market access: magazine
      German government officials have proposed giving Britain access to the European Union's single market in return for a fee, Focus magazine said on Saturday citing a Finance Ministry report.

      The 35-page report on the potential costs of Brexit to Germany said Britain's departure from the EU risked "serious economic and stability relevant consequences; effects in particular on the real economy."

  • AstroTurf/Lobbying/Politics

    • Macron campaign emails appear to be leaked online
      A large trove of emails purporting to be from the campaign of French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron was posted online late on Friday, 1-1/2 days before voters go to the polls to choose the country's next president in a run-off with Marine Le Pen.

    • French election: Macron takes action over offshore claims
      The frontrunner in the race for the French presidency, Emmanuel Macron, has filed a lawsuit over online rumours that he has a secret bank account in the Caribbean.

      Prosecutors in Paris have opened an investigation following his complaint.

      The news came after the centrist, pro-EU candidate was regarded as having come out on top in the final TV debate ahead of Sunday's run-off vote.

      His far-right adversary, Marine Le Pen, referred to the claims in the debate.

      He replied: "That is defamation."

    • Macron campaign says it was the victim of ‘massive hacking’
      The political party of French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron said its computer systems were hacked, after thousands of emails and electronic documents purporting to come from the campaign were posted anonymously on the internet Friday evening.

      The files had been obtained several weeks ago from the personal and work email accounts of party officials, according to a statement from Macron’s party, En Marche!, or On the Move. The file dump comes less than two days before the final round of France’s presidential race, which pits Macron against far-right nationalist Marine Le Pen.

    • Macron condemns 'massive' hacking attack as documents leaked
      The campaign of French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron says it has been the target of a "massive hacking attack" after a trove of documents was released online.

      The campaign said that genuine files were mixed up with fake ones in order to confuse people.

      It said that it was clear the hackers wanted to undermine Mr Macron ahead of Sunday's second round vote.

      The centrist will face off against far-right candidate Marine Le Pen.

    • French Presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron's campaign says it has been the victim of a massive hacking operation

      French Presidential favourite Emmanuel Macron's political movement claimed it has been the victim of "massive and co-ordinated hack".

      A large trove of emails from the campaign were posted online. They were among around nine gigabytes of data posted by a user called EMLEAKS to Pastebin, a document-sharing site that allows anonymous posting.

      Researchers from a Japanese anti-virus firm claim the centrist politician has been targeted by Russian hackers.

    • Hours Before French Election, Macron Claims to Be Victim of Hack
      A significant leak containing tens of thousands of emails, pictures and file attachments from French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron has been publicized for the world to see, roughly 36 hours before the people of France select their next president.

    • Macron team blasts 'massive hacking attack' on eve of vote
      The campaign team of French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron on Friday confirmed it had suffered a "massive and coordinated hacking attack" after internal documents were released online, slamming an attempt at "democratic destabilisation".

      "The files circulating were obtained several weeks ago due to the hacking of the personal and professional mailboxes of several party officials," Macron's En Marche! (On The Move) party said in a statement, just as campaigning officially ended ahead of Sunday's election.

    • As bitter French campaign ends, Macron’s team hit by hack
      Far-right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen said Friday she believes she can pull off a surprise victory in France’s high-stakes runoff Sunday, while independent front-runner Emmanuel Macron suffered a document leak that his team called a bid to throw the vote.

      In an interview with The Associated Press in the final hours of a hostile, topsy-turvy campaign, Le Pen said that win or lose, “we changed everything.” She claimed an “ideological victory” for her populist, anti-immigrant worldview in an election that could change Europe’s direction.

    • Macron's French presidential campaign emails leaked online

    • Macron campaign blasts 'massive hacking attack' ahead of French presidential election

      Former economy minister Macron's team has already complained about attempts to hack it systems during a fraught campaign, blaming Russian interests in part for the cyber attacks.

      On April 26, the team said it had been the target of a series of attempts to steal email credentials since January, but that the perpetrators had so far failed to compromise any campaign data.

    • French presidential frontrunner Macron’s emails leaked after alleged hack
      Private emails from the campaign of the leading candidate in France’s presidential election, Emmanuel Macron, have been posted online by an unknown source. The politician confirmed the leak in a statement, warning that this was, like other recent hacks, an attempt to interfere with the election and that fabricated content was mixed in with genuine emails.

    • Macron team blast 'massive cyber attack' ahead of French presidential election
      It accused those behind the attack of trying to destabilise Sunday's presidential run-off, comparing it to emails leaked from Hillary Clinton's US presidential campaign.

      "Their publication makes internal documents public but has no reason to worry us as far as the legality and conformity of the documents is concerned," Mr Macron's campaign said in a statement.

    • Emmanuel Macron's campaign confirms 'massive' email hack days before French presidential election
      The French did invent the phrase déjà vu.

      Large troves of emails from French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron appeared to have leaked online Friday, two days before the country heads to one of its most important elections in decades.

      A user named EMLEAKS posted nine gigabytes of data to a document-sharing site, though it is unclear who is behind the breach that accessed the emails.

      The centrist Macron’s party En Marche! (Onwards!) confirmed what is said was a large-scale attack.

    • Macron's team says it suffered 'massive' cyber attack
      French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron's campaign team says it has been the target of a "massive and coordinated" hacking attack.

      His campaign said in a statement late Friday night that some campaign emails and financial documents were hacked a few weeks ago and are now being circulated on social media, but that they have been mixed with false documents.

    • Macron's French presidential campaign emails leaked online
      French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron's campaign said on Friday it had been the target of a "massive" computer hack that dumped its campaign mails online 1-1/2 days before voters go to the polls to choose between the centrist and his far-right rival Marine Le Pen.

    • Macron's French Presidential Campaign Emails Leaked Online

    • Hackers emit 9GB of stolen Macron 'emails' two days before French presidential election
      It is not clear how much of the data dump is legit and authentic, although Team Macron reckons hackers have indeed swiped at least some of its documents and spread them on the web.

      "The En Marche! Movement has been the victim of a massive and coordinated hack this evening which has given rise to the diffusion on social media of various internal information," the statement said.

    • The Latest: France's election commission studies hack attack
      The commission said it would hold a meeting early Saturday to discuss the attack.

      It urged French media not to publish the documents, warning that some of them are "probably" fake.

    • France election: Macron team suffers ‘massive hacking attack’

    • French Presidential election: Emmanuel Macron's campaign emails hacked
      French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron's campaign has complained of being the victim of a "massive and coordinated hacking attack", a statement said.

      The socio-liberal candidate's team issued the statement late on Friday saying the hacking has lead to the diffusion of "various internal information" on the social media, Xinhua news agency reported.

    • #MacronLeaks: Macron's campaign hit by hacking attack
      French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron's campaign says it has been the target of a "massive" computer hack that dumped its emails online, just over 24 hours before voters go to the polls to choose between the centrist and his far-right rival Marine Le Pen.

      Macron's political movement En Marche! (Onwards!) said the release of thousands of emails, accounting documents and other files was an attempt at "democratic destabilisation, like that seen during the last presidential campaign in the United States".

    • French election probe as Macron team claims it has been the target of hackers

      France's election campaign commission is investigating a hacking attack on presidential favourite Emmanuel Macron's political movement and the leaking of documents online.

      The commission said it would hold a meeting early on Saturday to discuss the attack that Mr Macron's team said was a bid to destabilise Sunday's vote.

    • As France becomes latest target, are election hacks the new normal?
      The mass document dump looks likely to become an inevitable part of modern elections.

      After the hacking of the Democratic party in the 2016 US election and the dumping of embarrassing emails through WikiLeaks, French and German governments have been braced for similar attacks during their own elections.

    • Email dump hits French candidate Macron ahead of election
      Another political campaign has been hit by an email dump. This time, the target is French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron.

      On Friday, his campaign said a massive and coordinated hack had breached the email inboxes of several staffers. This came after a mysterious user named “EMLEAKS” apparently dumped the stolen data through torrent files on text storage site Pastebin.

      It’s unclear if the information in the dump is genuine. Allegedly, the dump contains a 9GB trove of emails and photos. The torrent files, which were hosted on, are no longer available there.

    • French election commission probes Macron campaign hacking
      France’s election campaign commission is investigating a hacking attack on presidential favourite Emmanuel Macron’s political movement and the leaking of documents online.

      The commission said it would hold a meeting early on Saturday to discuss the attack that Mr Macron’s team said was a bid to destabilise Sunday’s vote.

    • France's Macron has campaign emails leaked online one day before election
      French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron's campaign team said late on Friday that it had been the victim of a "massive and coordinated" hacking attack.

      The campaign team said in a statement that internal communications and financial documents had been hacked a few weeks ago and were now being circulated across social media at the 11th hour of one of the most dramatic presidential elections in French history. Whoever was behind the leak had sought to "seed doubt and misinformation" a day before Sunday's final run-off vote for the French presidency.

    • French campaign watchdog examines election-eve Macron leak
      The perpetrators remain unknown. While the hack is shaking up the already head spinning campaign, it's unclear whether the document dump would dent Macron's large poll lead over far-right Marine Le Pen going into the vote.

    • French election probe as Macron team claims it has been the target of hackers

      The commission urged French media not to publish the documents, warning that some of them were "probably" fake.

      Under French electoral law there is a blackout on Saturday and most of Sunday on any campaigning and media coverage seen as swaying the election, to allow voters a period of reflection before casting their ballots.

    • French campaign watchdog examines election-eve Macron leak

    • French election commission probes Macron campaign hacking
      Under French electoral law there is a blackout on Saturday and most of Sunday on any campaigning and media coverage seen as swaying the election, to allow voters a period of reflection before casting their ballots.

    • French presidential frontrunner Emmanuel Macron target of ‘massive and coordinated’ hack
      The commission overseeing the French campaign said in a statement that it is holding a meeting early Saturday after being informed of the hack and leak.

    • Emmanuel Macron emails posted online in ‘massive’ hacking operation
      On the eve of the most consequential French presidential election in decades, the staff of the centrist candidate Emmanuel Macron said late Friday that the campaign had been targeted by a “massive and coordinated” hacking operation, one with the potential to destabilize the nation’s democracy before voters go to the polls on Sunday.

    • Probe into origin of online claim that French presidential candidate Macron set up secret entity on Nevis
      French prosecutors opened a probe Thursday into a suspected attempt to tar French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron after anonymous files ricocheted across the internet suggesting he had created a shell company on the Caribbean island of Nevis, where officials said they have no record of any such entity.

    • French election watchdog launches investigation into 'massive hacking attack' on Emmanuel Macron
      The French election commission is investigating a hacking attack on presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron, just a day before the country goes to the polls.

      The watchdog, which is due to hold a meeting about the hack later on Saturday, warned the media that republishing details of the hacked documents could be a criminal offence.

      Mr Macron's campaign said on Friday night it had been the target of a "massive" computer hack that dumped its campaign emails online as French voters prepare to choose between the centrist politician and his far-right rival, Marine Le Pen, in the final round of the country’s presidential elections on Sunday.

    • French election: Media warned not to publish hacked Macron emails

      The media has been warned not to publish the contents of hacked emails from Emmanuel Macron's presidential campaign.

      France's electoral commission has said any organisations that circulate information from the leaked messages may be committing a criminal offence.

    • French election: Media warned not to publish hacked Macron emails
      The media has been warned not to publish the contents of hacked emails from Emmanuel Macron's presidential campaign.

      France's electoral commission has said any organisations that circulate information from the leaked messages may be committing a criminal offence.

    • Hackers hit Macron campaign with ‘massive’ attack

      The campaign team of French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron says it has been the victim of a “massive and co-ordinated” hacking operation ahead of Sunday’s election.

      Around nine gigabytes of data were posted online to Pastebin, a document-sharing site that allows anonymous posting. It was not immediately clear who was responsible for releasing the files.

    • It’s now time to say: Congratulations President Macron
      There is perhaps some remote mathematical chance that France’s new elected monarch will be struck down by a meteor before he is officially inaugurated in a grand parade on the Champs Elysée on May 14th, amidst a 21-gun salute, helicopters flying overhead, the Garde Républicaine in full-dress uniform on shining horses, generals posed upright in their ceremonial 4x4s, bands playing, bunting flapping.

      Barring that, Mr President, you appear to have played a blinder, winning the keys to the Elysée in what appears to have been a stunning political insurgency, and you have done so promising to reform an immobilised French economy.

    • Polls suggest Macron set to defeat Le Pen in 2nd round of French presidential election
      Emmanuel Macron is poised to beat Marine Le Pen when French voters head to the polls in the second round of their country's presidential election on Sunday.

      Macron, a centrist, has a wide lead in public opinion polls over the the far-right Le Pen. Macron is a 39-year-old former banker with only a few years of government experience who's mounting his first campaign as a politician.

      His prospective victory, however, appears to pertain more to a desire by French voters to deny Le Pen the presidency rather than any strong enthusiasm for Macron.

    • French campaign watchdog examines election-eve Macron leak

      Polls consider Mr Macron the favourite going into Sunday's runoff against far-right leader Marine Le Pen, and it's unclear whether the document leak would sway the vote at this late stage.

    • French media rules prohibit election coverage over weekend
      At midnight on Saturday, France entered an electoral “discretionary period” that prohibits French media from quoting the presidential candidates or their supporters until polls close at 8pm Sunday.

      This period of legal prohibition on campaign communications is observed for 44 hours before every French presidential and legislative election.

      “Starting from the night before polls open, it is illegal to publish or broadcast by all means of communication any message that may be categorised as electoral propaganda,” France’s Superior Audiovisual Council, or CSA, said in a statement.

    • French media warned not to publish Friday’s hacked emails of centrist candidate Emmanuel Macron
      France’s election commission on Sunday released a statement saying that any news organization that publishes information leaked from the hacking attack targeting presidential frontrunner Emmanuel Macron‘s campaign could be subject to a criminal offense, France 24 reported.

    • French watchdog: Macron data mixed in with fake news in leak
      France’s election campaign commission said Saturday “a significant amount of data” has been leaked on social networks following a hacking attack on centrist Emmanuel Macron’s presidential campaign.

      The attack came 36 hours before the nation votes Sunday in a crucial presidential runoff between Macron and far-right candidate Marine Le Pen. Voting already began Saturday in France’s overseas territories and embassies abroad.

    • France fights to keep Macron email hack from distorting election
      France sought to keep a computer hack of frontrunner Emmanuel Macron's campaign emails from influencing the outcome of the country's presidential election with a warning on Saturday it could be a criminal offence to republish the data.

    • French election: Macron hack details 'must not be spread'
      The French media and public have been warned not to spread details about a hacking attack on presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron.

      Strict election rules are now in place and breaching them could bring criminal charges, the election commission said.

      A trove of documents - said to mix genuine files with fake ones - was released online shortly before campaigning ended on Friday.

      The centrist Mr Macron faces far-right candidate Marine Le Pen on Sunday.

    • French election: Hollande vows 'response' to Macron hack attack
      French President François Hollande has promised to "respond" after a hacking attack targeted presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron.

      He gave no further details but said he knew of the risks of such attacks because they had "happened elsewhere".

      The French media and public have been warned that spreading details of the attack would breach strict election rules and could bring criminal charges.

      The centrist Mr Macron faces far-right candidate Marine Le Pen on Sunday.

      A trove of documents - said to mix genuine files with fake ones - was released online shortly before campaigning ended on Friday.

      Mr Hollande told Agence France-Presse on a visit to a cultural centre: "We knew that there were these risks during the presidential campaign because it happened elsewhere. Nothing will go without a response."
    • Emmanuel Macron email leaks 'linked to Russian-backed hackers who attacked Democratic National Committee'
      Vitali Kremez, director of research with US-based cyber intelligence firm Flashpoint, said his analysis indicated that APT 28, a group tied to Russia’s GRU military intelligence directorate, was behind the leak.

    • The troubling history at the heart of the French election
      For Le Pen - the daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen, a convicted Holocaust denier who repeatedly has dismissed the Nazi gas chambers as a "detail of history" - the past is nothing to be ashamed of. Last month, she remarked on national television that France bore no responsibility for an infamous Paris roundup during the Holocaust, when French authorities arrested some 13,000 Jews, soon deported to their deaths.

    • Prince Trubetskoy Plans to Vote for Le Pen, Says Macron 'Came Out of Blue'
      Prince Trubetskoy said that he would vote for right-wing candidate Marine Le Pen in the second round of French presidential election.

    • In France, strict election laws mean there's near silence on massive campaign hack
      In France Saturday, there is near silence about 9 gigabytes of leaked documents from the campaign of presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron.

      The collection of emails, spending spreadsheets, and more, appeared on the internet Friday night. Yet Saturday morning, there is absolutely nothing on French TV or radio, and very little on the websites of major newspapers.

      This is due to a French law that says the day before an election should be a day of reflection. Starting at midnight Saturday and continuing until the polls close Sunday, campaigning is prohibited along with any kind of speech meant to influence the race. Hence the silence.

    • French election: ‘It’s time for a big political shake-up’
      And what of Marine’s contender, the youthful newcomer Macron? ‘I think he has the ability to be a statesman. He brings something new to this country’. He adds that, with the end of the ‘monopoly’ on French politics of the two mainstream parties, it works in Macron’s favour that he is not a member of a party. However, he says the real challenge for Macron will be gaining a majority in the parliamentary elections in June. He makes an excellent point. Whoever wins on Sunday, the presidential election is only the first hurdle.

    • French elections 2017: Polls and odds tracker
      According to recent polling by Elabe, he would take 65 per cent of the vote in a second-round run-off against Le Pen.

    • Emmanuel Macron Email Hack: France Takes Hard Line On Attack
      France took a hard line Saturday over a huge trove of documents hacked from presidential frontrunner Emmanuel Macron's campaign, warning on the eve of the election that anyone spreading them could face criminal charges.

    • Hashtag Campaign: #MacronLeaks
      With less than two days to go before the final round of the French Elections, an emerging hashtag campaign, #MacronLeaks, was amplified throughout multiple social media platforms. #MacronLeaks reached 47,000 tweets in just three and a half hours after the initial tweet. This hashtag guided users to an alleged, possibly 9 GB, leak of Emmanuel Macron’s “campaign emails,” reportedly showing evidence of offshore accounts, tax evasion, and a slew of other nefarious activities.

    • U.S. Far-Right Activists Promote Hacking Attack Against Macron
      After months of trying to move the political needle in favor of Marine Le Pen in the French presidential election, American far-right activists on Saturday threw their weight behind a hacking attack against her rival, Emmanuel Macron, hoping to cast doubt on an election that is pivotal to France and the wider world.

      The efforts were the culmination of a monthslong campaign against Mr. Macron after his candidacy began to gain steam this year, with digital activists in the United States and elsewhere regularly sharing tactics, tips and tricks across the English- and French-speaking parts of the internet.

      It is unclear whether the leaked documents, which some experts say may be connected to hackers linked to Russia, will affect the outcome of the election on Sunday between Ms. Le Pen, the far-right candidate from the National Front, and Mr. Macron, an independent centrist. But the role of American far-right groups in promoting the breach online highlights their growing resolve to spread extremist messages beyond the United States.

    • French media warned not to publish Emmanuel Macron leaks
      Le Monde said it had seen part of the documents. It said the hacking attack was “clearly aimed at disturbing the current electoral process”. The paper said it would not publish the content of any pirated document before the second round vote was over and the results known at 8pm on Sunday.

      About 9GB of data was posted by a user called EMLEAKS to the document-sharing site Pastebin, which allows anonymous posting. It was not immediately clear who was responsible.

      The documents were posted as #MacronLeaks on social networks in the .eml format and linked to Pastebin. Le Monde reported that the first documents were relayed via the 4chan forum, which it said was favoured by far-right American groups and on English-language, pro-Trump Twitter accounts. They were then relayed to WikiLeaks.

    • MacronLeaks is final twist in surreal French election campaign
      Macron had already become, by far, the most targeted candidate by hackers during the campaign. In February, his movement’s computer systems were attacked by hackers based in Ukraine and needed to be shut down for several hours.

    • 'Macronleaks': Hackers find flaw in French cyber-fortress
      On April 25, a report by Japanese cyber-security company Trend Micro, blamed a so-called "phishing" attack targetting the Macron campaign on Russian hacking group Pawn Storm, also known as Fancy Bears, Tsar Team and APT28.

    • French Candidate Emmanuel Macron Says Campaign Has Been Hacked, Hours Before Election
      Wikileaks posted 9 gigabytes of Macron's campaign data, which is said to include both real and fake documents. Fingers are being pointed at Russia, though the Kremlin denies involvement.

    • France warns republishing Macron’s hacked data before election could be a criminal offense
      France sought to keep a computer hack of frontrunner Emmanuel Macron's campaign emails from influencing the outcome of the country's presidential election with a warning on Saturday it could be a criminal offense to republish the data.

      Macron's team said a "massive" hack had dumped emails, documents and campaign financing information online just before campaigning ended on Friday and France entered a quiet period that forbids politicians from commenting on the leak.

    • French election overshadowed by leak of hacked or fake documents from Emmanuel Macron's campaign

      French voters will choose their next president on Sunday after a final campaign that has been scrappy, ill-tempered and overshadowed in the home run by a hacking attack.

      Just before a Friday midnight deadline that requires candidates to stop campaigning, front-runner Emmanuel Macron was hit with the leak of thousands of campaign documents — some allegedly fake — in what his team called a “massive and coordinated” attempt to upset the election.

    • There Are No “Macron Leaks” in France. Politically Motivated Hacking Is Not Whistleblowing.
      The point of the dump, then, appears to be less about providing real evidence to back up the rumors and innuendo Marine Le Pen’s supporters have been spreading about Macron for months, and more a way to reinforce the fact-free speculation the candidate herself engaged in during a televised debate this week — that her rival, a former investment banker, might be hiding something that would discredit him, like an offshore account.

    • The Latest: French cybersecurity agency to probe Macron hack

    • Fight to stop Macron hack distorting poll
      Mr Macron's team had suggested that Russia may have had an inte rest in orchestrating the cyberattacks, but the Kremlin has denied any involvement.

    • French elections: France’s Hollande promises ‘response’ to Macron election hack
      French President Francois Hollande on Saturday promised a response to the hacking of centrist presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron’s campaign following the publication online of thousands of stolen emails and documents.

      “We knew that there were these risks during the presidential campaign because it happened elsewhere. Nothing will go without a response,” he told AFP during a visit of a cultural institute in Paris.

    • Twitter bots are being weaponized to spread information on the French presidential campaign hack

    • Macron is en route to the Elysée, but may find it hard to govern
      One of the most extraordinary French presidential election campaigns in recent history took a sinister final twist with claims that frontrunner Emmanuel Macron was the target of a “massive and coordinated hacking attack” just hours before polls open on Sunday.

  • Censorship/Free Speech

  • Privacy/Surveillance

  • Civil Rights/Policing

    • Texas police officer charged with murder in shooting of black 15-year-old boy who was leaving party
      A Texas police officer has been charged with murder after the shooting of a black 15-year-old boy, a lawyer for the teenager's family said.

      Jordan Edwards had left a party and was in a car moving away from the officer when he opened fire.

      A warrant has been issued authorising the arrest of former Balch Springs police officer Roy Oliver to face a charge of murder, the Dallas County Sheriff's Department said in a statement posted on Twitter by a reporter for local television station WFAA.

    • Newly-Immigrated Muslim Women Honor Killed in Sweden
      A growing phenomenon of honor killings in Sweden is being reported among newly-arrived Muslim women. The Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet published one such report, detailing the murder of a young mother named Bina who immigrated to Sweden from Iran.

      Seven months after Bina (not her real name) arrived in Mariannelund, she was killed by her husband after she decided to separate from him and remove her hijab.

      Bina was one of six women killed in 2016 shortly after arriving in Sweden.

    • Cop fakes body cam footage, prosecutors drop drug charges
      Prosecutors in Pueblo, Colorado are dropping felony drug and weapon-possession charges after an officer involved in the case said he staged body cam footage so he could walk "the courts through" the vehicle search that led to the arrest.

      The development means that defendant Joseph Cajar, 36, won't be prosecuted on allegations of heroin possession and of unlawful possession of a handgun. The evidence of the contraband was allegedly found during a search of Cajar's vehicle, which was towed after he couldn't provide an officer registration or insurance during a traffic stop. Officer Seth Jensen said he found about seven grams of heroin and a .357 Magnum in the vehicle at the tow yard. But the actual footage of the search that he produced in court was a reenactment of the search, the officer told prosecutors.

    • UK's New 'Digital Economy' Law Somehow Now Gives Police The Power To Remotely Kill Phone Service
      The UK's long-gestating Digital Economy Act has finally gone into force. The law is mainly interested in porn and pirates -- two issues most of the UK public is far less interested in having subjected to intrusive regulation.

    • 'Backdoor' Search Of FBI Records Helps Parents Learn How Local Cops Killed Their Son
      This long Austin American-Statesman investigative report details apparent police brutality as discovered by parents who were kept in the dark by local cops about how their teenaged son actually died. It all started with their 5'4" 110-lb. 18-year-old suffering through a bad acid trip while hanging out with friends. It ended in the hospital with their son brain-dead, on life support, and the arresting agency unwilling to say anything more than their son had suffered a "head injury."

      To the law enforcement agency, it's just another in-custody death. To the parents of Graham Dyer, it's long-delayed closure to a chapter kept deliberately unfinished by the law enforcement agencies who took Dyer into custody and returned him to his parents more dead than alive.

    • Spanish Citizen Sentenced To Jail For Creating 'Unhealthy Humoristic Environment'

      Spain is perfecting regulation no one asked for. The country's government is in the business of determining which jokes are funny… and which punchlines should be greeted with criminal charges.

      A few years ago, jokes of the "too soon" variety were met with calls for social media censorship. The assassination of a member of the People's Party was met with the usual interactions: a mix of genuine condolences and mockery. The assassinated official wasn't universally loved, having voted herself a 13% pay raise while simultaneously supporting a 12% budget cut to programs she didn't care for.

  • Internet Policy/Net Neutrality

    • Ted Cruz Doubles Down On Being Wrong: Pushes Yet Another Net Neutrality Killing Bill
      Eager to ignore the broad, bipartisan support net neutrality enjoys, nine GOP Senators this week introduced legislation that would kill the FCC's net neutrality rules. Senator Mike Lee's "Restoring Internet Freedom Act" would prohibit the FCC from classifying ISPs as common carriers under Title II of the Communications Act and "from imposing certain regulations on providers of such service." In other words, it's a parallel attempt to kill net neutrality in Congress while FCC boss Ajit Pai tries to kill the rules via FCC process.

    • Plan to kill municipal broadband fails in state legislature
      Plan to kill municipal broadband fails in state legislature

    • Maine The Latest State To Try And Let Giant Broadband Providers Write Shitty, Protectionist State Law
      One of (several) reasons why American broadband is so uncompetitive is the fact that we continue to let giant broadband mono/duopolies quite literally write awful state telecom law. As we've long noted, more than twenty different states have passed laws making it difficult to impossible for towns and cities to improve their local broadband networks -- even in instances when the entrenched duopoly refuses to. Many of these laws even ban towns and cities from entering into public/private partnerships with the likes of Google Fiber. It's pure protectionism.

    • AT&T Takes Heat For Avoiding Broadband Upgrades For Poor Areas
      So we've noted for years now how giant broadband ISPs have made a 20-year career out of taking taxpayer money, subsidies and other perks in exchange for broadband networks they only partially deliver. When it comes time to hold these large ISPs feet to the fire, well-lobbied lawmakers and revolving door regulators pretty consistently do their best to ensure accountability never happens. Obviously this is just one of numerous problems leading to a lack of broadband competition in the United States, where two-thirds of homes lack access to more than one ISP at speeds of 25 Mbps.

    • Verizon’s gigabit upgrade pricing still makes almost no sense

  • Intellectual Monopolies

    • Trademarks

      • Sad Raiders Fans Fail To Keep Team In Oakland By Squatting On Trademark
        It was way back in the early part of 2016 that the rumors came out that the Oakland Raiders football team would be moving to a new home city. Fans were understandably upset and voiced their displeasure in a variety of ways, but the dumbest of those ways certainly must have been Lane Blue's attempt to trademark the team name in conjunction with all of the different potential landing cities the team was rumored to be moving to, including the "Las Vegas Raiders." Lane wasn't the only sad Raiders fan to attempt this, it seems, as we now see reporting on his and other trademark applications being denied for obvious reasons.

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"According to the Office statistics the total number of days of absence has gone up from 12.4 to 13.1 total number of sick days per Full Time Equivalent (FTE) from 2023 to 2024."
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