It's like Battistelli is still there 'in spirit' or in the shadows

Stephen Jones (CIPA) with Lutz and Battistelli
Summary: The dubious if not profoundly corrupt activities that motor the Unified Patent Court (UPC) Agreement (UPCA) carry on unabated; front groups like the Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA), aided by one-sided British media, tell a bunch of lies to British politicians, hoping that policy would thus be changed to favour the litigation 'industry' at the expense of productive industries
Earlier today, or just a few hours ago according to this page, there was a Parliamentary session titled "Patent protection experts questioned by Committee" in the UK. "Witnesses" were only Team UPC (lawyers and the front group CIPA, friends of Battistelli) because we're supposed to think patents exist just for a bunch of law firms. Hey, who needs to listen to real companies and actual scientists anyway? Yesterday Team UPC wrote: "#UPCandBrexit Listen in tmrrw, Tue, 10:45 GMT" and from the corresponding page:
Tuesday 30 October in Committee Room 3, Palace of Westminster
At 10.45am
Mr Kevin Mooney, Simmons & Simmons (and Chairman of the Committee tasked with drafting the Rules and Procedure of the Unified Patent Court)
Mr Stephen Jones, President of the Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA)
This is Stephen Jones, who is fine with
EPO crimes and even met Battistelli after he had edited
IP Kat (where criticism of corrupt Battistelli is no longer allowed). Kevin Mooney was also mentioned here before [
We are disgusted to learn that these are the supposed 'experts'; all they do there is lobby for their financial agenda and lawyers' media helps amplify them (see this
Team UPC tweet) like some sort of think tank. Exactly 5 days earlier Max Walters
published a piece titled "'Tragedy' for UK to miss out on European patent court, say lawyers" (nice propaganda he got there, just in time for the Parliamentary session).
'Tragedy' because they rely on lots and lots of lots of legitimate British companies getting sued by patent trolls and then hiring lawyers (also hired by trolls) to 'save' them. These lawyers are blood-sucking leeches. From the so-called article (at the
Law Gazette):
Lawyers have told parliament that the government should do ‘everything it can’ to grasp the opportunity of joining an EU-wide patent court – a month after Whitehall conceded a ‘no-deal’ Brexit could force the UK to withdraw from the system.
Giving evidence to the House of Lords’ EU Justice Sub-Committee yesterday Trevor Cook, partner at international firm WilmerHale, and Daniel Alexander and Charlotte May, both silks at 8 New Square, stressed the importance of the UK remaining in the Unified Patent Court (UPC).
Absent from this article are any views from
anyone other than law firms. This is very much consistent with the foul play and corruption of Team UPC. They try to hijack the law and
co-opt politicians for this crooked agenda. They also infiltrate and spread their lies in the media. In the above, for example, they
spread two lies at once when they say "remaining in the Unified Patent Court (UPC)." (as if it already exists and the UK can join; neither is true)