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Links 25/10/2021: EasyOS 3.1 and Bareflank 3.0

  • GNU/Linux

    • 9to5Linux Weekly Roundup: October 24th, 2021

      This week has been really educational for Linux fans as we were able to install the UnityX desktop environment on Arch Linux, as well as the KDE Plasma 5.23 desktop environment on Kubuntu 21.10. In addition, we were able to test drive the upcoming Ubuntu 22.04 LTS distribution and Ubuntu’s new Desktop Installer.

      On top of that, this week we saw new releases of the lightweight and systemd-free MX Linux 21 distribution, Gentoo-based Redcore Linux, as well as the Porteus Kiosk distribution for public computers and kisoks.

    • Linux Weekly Roundup #153

      Welcome to this week's Linux Weekly Roundup.

      We had another wonderful week in the world of Linux releases with Rosa Linux 12, MX Linux 21, and the first stable release of CarbonUI.

      May you have a wonderful week!

    • Audiocasts/Shows

    • Kernel Space

      • Bareflank 3.0 Hypervisor Released With Microkernel Design, AMD Virtualization Support - Phoronix

        Bareflank, as what started a few years ago as a Linux hypervisor written in modern C++ and focused on security and other new features as a "hypervisor SDK" of sorts, is now up to version 3.0.

      • AMD Continues Work On USB4 Support In Their Linux Graphics Driver - Phoronix

        Earlier this month AMD's open-source driver engineers began posting patches for the AMDGPU kernel driver to handle USB4 DP tunneling. That tunneling for DisplayPort with USB4 is for upcoming Yellow Carp / Rembrandt APUs. The USB4 driver bring-up within AMDGPU continues.

      • Google Continues Work On User-Managed Concurrency Groups For Linux - Phoronix

        Earlier this year was news that Google is finally working to open-source their Fibers user-space scheduling framework. For the better part of the past decade they have been developing this user-space scheduling framework and finally now are working on offering public, open-source code intended for upstream around their work.

        As part of this opening of Fibers, Google published their "User Managed Concurrency Groups" code as the kernel patches introducing some new kernel-side primitives for their user-space scheduling framework. This can also be used for security sandboxes and other use-cases.

    • Instructionals/Technical

      • How to use and install Stremio on Linux

        Stremio is a media center that allows users to watch movies, TV shows, and even YouTube videos instantaneously. It also supports DLNA and many other features. Here’s how to use Stremio on Linux.

      • Deploying containers with Consfigurator

        For some months now I’ve been working on some patches to Consfigurator to add support for Linux containers. My goal is to make Consfigurator capable of both performing the initial setup of a container and of entering the running container to apply configuration. For the case of unprivileged LXCs running as non-root, my work-in-progress branch can now do both of these things. As Consfigurator enters the container directly using system calls, it should be decently fast at configuring multiple containers on a host, and it will also be possible to have it do this in parallel. The initial setup for the container uses Consfigurator’s existing support for building root filesystems, and it should be easy to extend that to support arbitrary GNU/Linux distributions by teaching Consfigurator how to invoke bootstrapping tools other than debootstrap(8).

      • Vincent Bernat: FRnOG #34: how we deployed a datacenter in one click

        The presentation, in French, was recorded. I have added English subtitles.

      • How to install FileZilla on a Chromebook

        Today we are looking at how to install FileZilla on a Chromebook. Please follow the video/audio guide as a tutorial where we explain the process step by step and use the commands below.

      • How to Install Zoom Client on Fedora 35 - LinuxCapable

        Zoom is a communications technology platform that provides videotelephony and real-time online chat services through a cloud-based peer-to-peer software platform and is used for teleconferencing, telecommuting, distance education, and much more.

      • How to Install Sails.js Framework with Nginx on Rocky Linux 8 - LinuxCapable

        Sails.js is a Javascript framework that you can use to easily and quickly build customized enterprise-grade for Node.js. It resembles the MVC architecture from such frameworks as Ruby on Rails, but with improved support for the more data-oriented modern style of developing web applications and is compatible with other front-end including Angular, React, iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and much more.

        In the following tutorial, you will learn how to install Sails.js and access the web-based interface by installing and configuring an Nginx reverse proxy setup on Rocky Linux 8.

      • How to Zip and Unzip Files on Android (RAR, ZIP, 7Z) - Make Tech Easier

        If your job demands that you send many large files, or if you just want an easy way to send a large number of pictures to someone, zip files are a necessity – even on your phone! This article shows how to compress or decompress large files on your Android smartphone.

      • How to Install Python Pip / PIP3 on Debian 11 Bullseye - LinuxCapable

        PIP is the standard package manager for installing Python packages. With PIP, you can list, search and download to install packages from the Python Package Index (PyPI). PIP was first included with the Python installer since version 3.4 for Python 3 release and 2.7.9 for Python 2 and is well utilized with many Python projects.

        In the following tutorial, you will learn how to install the PIP / PIP2 or PIP3 on Debian 11 Bullseye operating system.

      • How to Install Google Chrome on openSUSE Leap 15 - LinuxCapable

        ogle Chrome is the most used Internet Explorer software on the earth, with a recent update in 2021 that Chrome is currently the primary browser of more than 2.65 billion internet users. However, as you would know, after installing openSUSE, only Mozilla Firefox is packaged with the distribution but luckily, installing Google Chrome is a straightforward task.

        In the following tutorial, you will learn how to install Google Chrome in three various ways in stable, beta, or unstable versions on openSUSE Leap 15.

      • How to browse Reddit from the Linux desktop with Giara

        If you like Reddit but prefer to browse from an app, Giara may be for you. It is a Linux app that allows users to consume Reddit content from the desktop. In this guide, we’ll show you how to install it and use it on your system.

        Note: You must have a Reddit account to make use of the Giara application on Linux. To create a new Reddit account, head over to Reddit and click on the new “sign up” button.

      • How to Install Brave Browser on openSUSE Leap 15 - LinuxCapable

        Brave is a free and open-source web browser developed by Brave Software, Inc. based on the Chromium web browser. Brave is a privacy-focused Internet web browser, which distinguishes itself from other browsers by automatically blocking online advertisements and website trackers in its default settings. Brave has claimed its browser puts less strain on your computer’s performance than Google Chrome, regardless of how much you ask of it. Even with multiple tabs open at once, Brave uses less memory than Google Chrome-like, up to 66% less.

        In the following tutorial, you will learn how to install Brave on openSUSE Leap 15.

      • How to Install / Upgrade to Latest Nginx Mainline or Stable on openSUSE Leap 15 - LinuxCapable

        For those using openSUSE 15 Leap, you might have noticed that installing Nginx directly from its repository does not install the latest stable or mainline version. This is a common trend in most distributions that focus on the stability of packages and provide only urgent bug or security updates until the subsequent major distribution.

        For most, using the default Nginx that comes bundled with the repository will be preferred, but often many require and want the latest version of stable or mainline for updated features. The following tutorial will cover installing the last stable or mainline versions of Nginx on openSUSE 15 Leap.

      • How to Add a User to Sudoers on openSUSE - LinuxCapable

        When installing openSUSE, the user account that was created during the initial setup has sudo rights. However, there may be a need to add additional sudo users or make the default user have sudo rights. This is a straightforward process with a few commands.

        In the following tutorial, you will learn to add a user to the sudoers group on any openSUSE system.

      • How to easily download and install apps on Linux with AppImage Pool

        AppImagePool is an AppImageHub client for Linux. With it, users can easily browse and download AppImages from the AppImageHub store. Here’s how to get it working on your Linux system.

      • How To Install vnStat on Debian 11 - idroot

        In this tutorial, we will show you how to install vnStat on Debian 11. For those of you who didn’t know, vnStat is a console-based utility that monitors network traffic ( transmit and received ) on the selected network interface and stores it. To generate the logs, vnStat uses the information provided by the kernel.

        This article assumes you have at least basic knowledge of Linux, know how to use the shell, and most importantly, you host your site on your own VPS. The installation is quite simple and assumes you are running in the root account, if not you may need to add ‘sudo‘ to the commands to get root privileges. I will show you through the step-by-step installation of the vnStat monitor network traffic on a Debian 11 (Bullseye).

      • How do I Redirect Output to a File in Linux

        Redirecting is a method of changing the standard input and output devices when executing a command. Linux commands work by taking input and producing an output.

        We can use redirection to send and use the data present in the system so far. By using Redirect, we will not send copies of our data to the system. The following article explains how to use redirect output to a file in Linux.

      • How To Install Gitea on Debian 11 - idroot

        In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Gitea on Debian 11. For those of you who didn’t know, Gitea is an open-source Git service written in the Go language. It is a version control platform similar to GitHub. It is robust, scalable, and offers many features including issues and time tracking, repository branching, file locking, and tagging, merging, and many others. Since Gitea was created using the Go language, it supports a lot of operating systems includes Linux, macOS, and Windows, on architectures like amd64, i386, ARM, PowerPC, and others.

        This article assumes you have at least basic knowledge of Linux, know how to use the shell, and most importantly, you host your site on your own VPS. The installation is quite simple and assumes you are running in the root account, if not you may need to add ‘sudo‘ to the commands to get root privileges. I will show you through the step-by-step installation of the Gitea on a Debian 11 (Bullseye).

      • How To Easily Send Files Between Devices With Sharik | Tom's Hardware

        The quickest and easiest way to install Sharik is via snap – integrated into the Software Store from Ubuntu 16.04 or later, or you can install it directly from the command line.

        $ sudo snap install sharik-app At time of writing, the latest version for Ubuntu 20.04 on snap was 2.5. If you want the very latest version – 3.0 – then install it through its own repo instead.

        1. Open a terminal and use curl to download the GPG key and add it to your list of approved keys. This gives us assurance and security that the repository which stores the application is secure.

      • How Do I Force Kill a Screen Session Linux

        Almost everyone uses different tools and software in their system to complete their daily tasks efficiently. However, sometimes bugs and glitches create trouble for the software. These glitches can clog the system screen, and it gets hard to close the program. That’s why many operating systems offer a feature to force-kill a screen session. So, in this article, we will explain the procedure to force-kill a screen in Linux.

      • How Do I Create a Dedicated Crontab History Log

        Scripts and commands can run automatically at a set date and time by using cron jobs. Cron jobs are logged by default to a file called /var/log/Syslog. To view the most recent entries, we can use the systemctl command. So Crontab is a great command option, but many users do not know how to create or check the history. If you also don’t know how to do it, read this blog from start to end, as we will provide a brief on how to create a dedicated crontab history log.

      • How do I Remove Lines from a File Using the SED Command

        The sed command is known as a stream editor. The sed command is used in Linux to do basic text transformation.

        One of the many essential commands of Linux is also the sed command which plays a vital role in file manipulation. It is used for many purposes; some of the main ones are as follows.

        Remove or delete that particular line that matches the given patterns.

      • How do I whitelist an IP address on fail2ban?

        This tutorial explains how to whitelist IP addresses using fail2ban and includes instructions for fail2ban installation on Debian and other Linux distributions.

      • How to Use Sed Command with Regex

        The sed command has longlist of supported operations that can be performed to ease the process of editing text files. It allows the users to apply the expressions that are usually used in programming languages; one of the core supported expressions is Regular Expression (regex).

        The regex is used to manage text inside text files, with the help of regex a pattern that consists of string and these patterns are then used to match or locate the text. The regex is widely used in programming languages such as Python, Perl, Java and its support is also available for command line programs such as grep and several text editors too like sed.

        Although the simple searching and sorting can be performed using sed command, using regex with sed enables advanced level matching in text files. The regex works on the directions of characters used; these characters guide the sed command to perform the directed tasks. In this article, we will demonstrate the use of regex with sed command and followed by the examples that will show the application of regex.

      • How to Use Sed to Edit File in Place

        Linux supports various types of command line utilities to automate the tasks which makes Linux in the leading line of OS; because of its importance and usage, it has hundreds of distributions that are based on Linux and they do support numerous commands to perform actions automatically.

        There is a huge pool of commands available for Ubuntu and sed command utility is one of them; the sed command can be used to perform fundamental operations on text files like editing, deleting text inside a file.

      • If your domain is not sending email, set these DNS settings to avoid spoofing and phishing

        As you may know, email spoofing allows attackers to pose as someone else to gain illegal profit. For example, I only use for communication, but someone might create a spoofed-up email, say, to trick someone.

      • New Features of Synology DSM 7

        Disk Station Manager, or DSM in short, is the operating system for the Synology NAS devices. Synology released DSM 7 recently – the latest version of the DSM operating system for Synology NAS devices.

        You can upgrade the DSM operating system software of your Synology NAS if you’re running DSM 6.2 or later and your NAS has more than 1 GB of RAM/memory installed.

      • Remove All Files with Extension Linux Command Line

        Every file consists of a specific extension. If we want to delete files of the same or different extensions from our Linux system, we must follow many different types of commands. In this article, we will see how to remove all files with the extension Linux command line.

      • Setup Sudo No Password for Specific Command Only

        Are you a Linux or Unix operating system user? Then yes, sudo is your extensive helper command in Linux. On the Linux operating system, you can run commands as another user using the sudo command. Sudo is the most commonly used tool in the Linux system. But before running commands, sudo needs user authentication.

        Users need to log in using their user ID and password before using the command. But entering the password every time might become hectic. This article will discuss the sudo command, how to use the sudo command, and set up the sudo no password for commands in the next sections.

        Using a root account, you must be done with the initial setup before running the commands. You can access the root by using the $sudo command. But you must know the password initially.

      • cd Up One Level Linux

        We often use directories when working on a computer system. The directory is nothing but a folder or a location where a file is stored. We store our files in different directories. And sometimes we may need to change the folders. Instead of going to the folder directly, we can do this using cd (Change Directory) command.

        On Linux and other Unix-like operating systems, the cd command can change the current working directory. Working in the current directory of a computer is also referred to as the user’s current directory. In this article, we will dive deeper into the cd command and give you a brief on cd up one level Linux.

      • Bash Print All Environment Variables and Values

        Your shell compiles multiple types of information while interacting with the server from the shell session. It provides information about the shell behavior and its access to the resources. Configuration settings contain some of these settings, and user input determines others.

        In this way, the shell keeps track of all settings and information to maintain the environment. Shells build an environment each time they start a session that contains variables that define a system’s properties. So, if you want to know the methods to bash print all environment variables and values, then read this blog to get a brief on it.

      • What are umask bits and How to Use Them in Linux?

        In Linux, every file and directory has some permissions that help to manage the access level of every user on the system. User file creation mode mask bits set the permissions for newly created files or directories. Linux umask consists of nine bits: three bits for the user(owner), group, and other users. The umask changes the default permission of newly created files to prevent other users from accessing them. We can change these permissions by using umask commands.

      • Case files of a TSE: A CoW ate my filesystem
      • Accessing the internet from the terminal with the curl command | FOSS Linux

        CURL is a command-line utility that developers use to transfer data via several network protocols. Client URL (cURL) or (curl) is considered a non-interactive web browser that uses URL syntax to transfer data to and from servers. It can pull information from the internet and display it in your terminal or save it to a file in your local drive.

        This is essentially what web browsers like Firefox or Chromium do, except they render the information. However, curl downloads and displays basic information. Curl is powered by ‘libcurl’, a free and easy-to-use client-side URL transfer library.

        cURL works without user interaction, unlike popular web browsers like Firefox. To use cURL, you launch the curl command while at the same time you issue the web address. You also have to specify if you want the data saved to a file or displayed in the terminal. Therefore, using curl for novice users can create a few challenges, especially when interacting with a site that requires authentication or an API.

      • Tunneling and Port Forwarding

        The process of network traffic redirection from one port to another port is called Port Forwarding or Tunneling. Port Forwarding provides numerous advantages, i.e., it can be used for secure communication between two systems. It can also be used for communications that aren’t possible in cases where a port has been blocked but needs to be accessed locally or remotely. This article provides a brief overview of tunneling and port forwarding the network traffic locally and remotely using different techniques, i.e., SSH Tunneling, Rinetd, ngrok.

    • Games

      • Indie dev finds that Linux users generate more, better bug reports

        An indie developer has found an interesting observation: Though only 5.8% of his game's buyers were playing on Linux, they generated over 38% of the bug reports. Not because the Linux platform was buggier, either. Only 3 of the roughly 400 bug reports submitted by Linux users were platform specific, that is, would only happen on Linux.

        The developer, posting as Koderski for developer Kodera Software on Reddit, makes indie game ΔV: Rings of Saturn—that's Delta V, or DV, for the non-rocket-science-literate. It's a hard science, physics-based space mining and piracy game that I quite like, personally, for its blend of playability that still honors the basics of spaceflight. If you quite like the space combat of, say, The Expanse, DV is a sim that might be for you.

        Koderski says he's sold a little over 12,000 copies of his game, and about 700 of those were bought by Linux players.

        "I got 1040 bug reports in total, out of which roughly 400 are made by Linux players," says Koderski's post. "That’s one report per 11.5 users on average, and one report per 1.75 Linux players. That’s right, an average Linux player will get you 650% more bug reports." Koderski's numbers are a limited sample size drawn from one person's experience, but tell a compelling story.

    • Desktop Environments/WMs

      • K Desktop Environment/KDE SC/Qt

        • Some big usability improvements and fixes, fixes, fixes — Kalendar devlog 20

          In our last week of KDE Review, we have been focused on fixing as many bugs — big and small — as we have been able to. Thank you to everyone who has reported bugs, and thank you even more if you have helped in fixing them!

          Besides bug-fixes, we also have some pretty nifty usability improvements in store that should make Kalendar more intuitive, more user-friendly, and more pleasant to use than ever!

          We have continued fixing bugs and making improvements during this week of KDE Review. This Sunday, KDE Review will be over, and (hopefully!) we will have passed! From then on, we will be able to start using KDE’s infrastructure to create actual releases. Exciting!

          More exciting is the fact that we will be sharing more details about a beta very, very soon…

    • Distributions

      • New Releases

        • EasyOS version 3.1 released

          EasyOS version 2.9 was released on September 3, 2021 and 3.0 released on October 5, 2021. Version 2.9 was announced on Distrowatch, but not 3.0 as it was really a testing release for the 3.x version numbering. Thanks to the guys who tested 3.0, there have been many enhancements. Always more to do of course, and my to-list keeps getting added to. But, this is a point where we can feature-freeze and bring out a new release.

      • Screenshots/Screencasts

        • MX Linux 21

          Today we are looking at MX Linux 21, the XFCE edition. It comes with Linux Kernel 5.10, based on Debian 11, XFCE 4.16, and uses about 700-800MB of ram when idling. Enjoy!

        • MX Linux 21 Run Through - Invidious

          In this video, we are looking at MX Linux 21.

      • IBM/Red Hat/Fedora

        • Rocky Linux: An Enterprise-Ready CentOS Replacement

          For a long time, CentOS was a reliable choice for a Linux-based servers, because it was effectively a free version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). All the features that made RHEL the dominant enterprise-class Linux were included in CentOS.

          On December 8th, 2020, Red Hat, which had acquired the CentOS project, abruptly announced a change in its focus in the wake of Red Hat’s acquisition by IBM. They announced they would be shifting all of their investment in CentOS Linux from the popular downstream CentOS distribution.

          This move also meant that CentOS would be upstream of RHEL, rather than downstream, so CentOS users would be in effect beta testers for RHEL. Since there were so many users relying on a CentOS version that would be unsupported sooner than they planned for, the community sensed a need for a new project.

          In response, the original CentOS founder Gregory Kurtzer is leading the effort to create a new version of the distro, to achieve the original goals of CentOS.

          Kurtzer told he was thinking about creating a new version of CentOS ever since Red Hat acquired it in 2014.

    • Devices/Embedded

      • Raspberry Pi BMO is Fully Assembled and Ready for OctoPrint

        In a recent episode of our weekly Raspberry Pi podcast, The PiCast, we had the honor of featuring developer and Artist Geeky Faye Art who’s been hard at work creating a huge BMO figure, a character from the show Adventure Time, with a Raspberry Pi inside. According to Geeky Faye Art, the goal of this project is to create a figure that looks like BMO, talks like BMO, and runs OctoPrint, an open-source system developed just for the Raspberry Pi to help manage and control 3D printers.

        Inside BMO, you’ll find a Raspberry Pi with a dedicated screen where BMO’s face usually is. A speaker is mounted inside the body for audio output. A custom PCB was developed to make the front-facing buttons functional. These buttons look just like the originals found on BMO and are printed using PLA filament.

      • Create a Nintendo Switch clone with a Raspberry Pi | ITIGIC

        Let’s be honest and admit that nothing that we are going to see next is going to surprise us, because it has already been shown on more than one occasion that the development board created by The Raspberry Pi Foundation gives a lot of play and incredible things can be done with a bit of skill. Even so, none of that detracts from this project that allows you to create a portable console practically identical to the Nintendo Switch.

        The only big difference is the catalog of games capable of running, but believe us when we tell you that you are going to have so many options that you don’t even remember not being able to play The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild or some Super Mario.

        Retro Lite CM4 is the name of this portable console that uses a Raspberry Pi 4 Compute module. That is, it is a slightly different version of the model that most users know and where the USB ports and other connections are “removed” to be able to adjust their size and use it in projects with more limited spaces or that must meet certain requirements. .

        This time the interesting thing is that thanks to the use of this Raspberry Pi model, a 5.5-inch LCD screen can be integrated plus a 4,000 mAh battery, and all the other components such as controls, speakers, etc., to have a device that copies the form factor of the popular Nintendo portable console.

      • Pinephone Pro: Finally, A Tangible Alternative

        The Pinephone Pro is the answer I was expecting for a while. I am happy to see the (slow) progress made on the original Pinephone, but I was never too excited by anything I had seen or heard about it online: yes, a true Linux phone, with many different distributions – but not usable as a daily driver because of the general sluggishness of the device.

        I could compromise a great many things, but when I saw how slow Firefox was on the Pinephone, I’m not yet ready to go back so far in the past in terms of responsiveness and performance. Also, watching Youtube (or videos in general) is a must on my phones, and the Pinephone barely delivers in that register. In other words, it’s a great phone for development, but not so great for end users.

        The Pinephone Pro changes that equation completely, by upgrading the phone from 10 years old hardware to 5 years old one. Agree, it’s still not going to challenge any kind of flagship device of 2021, but 5 years old hardware is at least going to be decently fast for most typical tasks. Browsing and playback of media should be much more comfortable as long as the hardware is properly supported.

      • Open Hardware/Modding

        • Automating Pool Monitoring And Chemical Dosing | Hackaday

          The project uses a TI SimpleLink wireless-enabled microcontroller to run the show, which allows data to be offloaded to a base station for graphing with Grafana. The system can monitor pH levels as well as ORP (oxidation/reduction potential) levels using probes attached via BNC connectors. Based on these readings, the device can dose chlorine into the pool as needed using a peristaltic pump driven by a TI DRV8426 stepper motor driver.

        • $99 Lepton FS module cuts the cost of FLIR thermal cameras by half - CNX Software

          Thermal cameras based on FLIR Lepton modules are pretty cool, but also quite expensive. Teledyne FLIR Lepton FS offers a much more cost-effective solution with the non-radiometric 160 x 120 resolution micro thermal camera module going for $99, or about 50% less than other FLIR thermal camera modules.

          The lower cost was achieved with some tradeoffs, notably a reduction of thermal sensitivity and scene dynamic range, as well as up to 3% inoperable pixels. But Ron Justin, GroupGets founder, told CNX Software that the lower specs are more than worth it for users only needing an imager, as opposed to a radiometric sensor.

        • Raspberry Pi Weekly Issue #374 - Raspberry Pi <3 LEGO Education

          The collaboration of your dreams launched this week. We worked with LEGO€® Education to design the new Raspberry Pi Build HAT, a brand-new product that for the first time makes it easy to integrate LEGO€® Technicâ„¢ motors and sensors with Raspberry Pi computers.

        • Bring That Old Hi-Fi Into The 2020s | Hackaday

          It’s a distressing moment for some of us, when a formerly prized piece of electronic equipment reaches a point of obsolescence that we consider jettisoning it. [Jon Robinson] ran into this dilemma by finding the Kenwood Hi-Fi amplifier his 17-year-old self had spent his savings on. It was a very good amp back in the day, but over two decades later, it’s no longer an object of desire in a world of soundbars and streaming music boxes. After a earlier upgrade involving an Arduino to auto-power it he’s now given it an ESP32 and an i2S codec which performs the task of digital audio streaming as well as a better job than the Arduino of controlling the power.

        • This Arduino Terminal Does All The Characters | Hackaday

          The job of a dumb terminal was originally to be a continuation of that performed by a paper teletype, to send text from its keyboard and display any it receives on its screen. But as the demands of computer systems extended beyond what mere ASCII could offer, their capabilities were extended with extra characters and graphical extensions whose descendants we see in today’s Unicode character sets and thus even in all those emojis on your mobile phone. Thus a fully-featured terminal has a host of semigraphics characters from which surprisingly non-textual output can be created. It’s something [Michael Rule] has done some work on, with his ILI9341TTY, a USB serial terminal monitor using an Arduino Uno and an ILI9341 LCD module that supports as many of the extended characters as possible.

      • Mobile Systems/Mobile Applications

    • Free, Libre, and Open Source Software

      • Events

        • Linux Application Ecosystem Salon 2021 Changsha

          This weekend I traveled to Changsha for the Linux Application Ecosystem Salon 2021 Changsha, which is held by Ubuntu Kylin in the campus of Central South University. The journey itself is uneventful. I’ve never been to any offline Linux events before, I wanted to go to FOSDEM, but then the COVID hit. So anyway, it’s a first time for me. You can view the full news in Ubuntu Kylin’s post

          My first Open Source contributing is the writing of KWeather for KDE Plasma Mobile. And then I’ve became KDE developer and join the Plasma Mobile team. In the whole process I didn’t meet any Chinese developer online, and actually I didn’t know if there is any Chinese contributer out there. Thanks to Ubuntu Kylin reached out to KDE which in turn reached out to me, I can meet some Chinese contributors. There were six contributers given talks in event. Felix Yan from Arch Linux unfortunately can’t come in person due to COVID. Talking with KDE people online is really fun, more so in person! Houge is especially humorous! After the meeting, Handsome Feng, Houges, Burgess Chang and me with the support team all went for dinner together. During the dinner, it’s really interesting to hear Houge sharing his stories as a doctor.

      • FSF

        • GNU Projects

          • GNU Toolchain Begins Landing LoongArch Support - Phoronix

            In addition to Loongson working on Linux kernel support for their MIPS-derived LoongArch CPU architecture, the first bits of the GNU toolchain support for this Chinese CPU architecture have been merged.

            The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) LoongArch support hasn't yet been merged but the GNU Binutils archive saw the initial collection of LoongArch patches merged on Sunday morning.

      • Programming/Development

        • Capacitive Touch Controller for FPGAs

          Most projects that interface with the real world need some sort of input device. Obviously this article is being written from a standardized “human interface device” but when the computers become smaller the problem can get more complicated. We can’t hook up a USB keyboard to every microcontroller since we often only need a few buttons, but even buttons can be a little bit too cumbersome for some applications. For something even simpler, we would like to turn your attention to capacitive touch controllers.

        • Meson v0.60 Build System Brings Numerous Improvements

          Meson 0.60 was released on Sunday as the newest version of this increasingly popular and widely-used cross-platform build system.

        • Josef Strzibny: You can in fact use schemas in migrations

          I saw well-intended recommendations not to use schemas in migrations lately. Although the advice of switching to raw SQL is a good one, we don’t have to give up on schemas entirely.

        • Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Automation

          Gone are the days when manual labor used to go through a rigorous time taking process in order to furnish quality products. Today, organizations have shifted their attention towards automated software. Each software goes through a development lifecycle to meet customer requirements of a high-quality product known as SDLC. In the growing software industry, developers compete to produce high-quality software while remaining within their range of cost and time limits.

          SDLC Automation helps achieve the above goals with minimum manual labor, time, and cost while maintaining a high level of productivity as well as efficiency. This article expounds upon the need for automation in the SDLC process and further sheds light on some of the aspects that software companies must start automating.

        • What is the Difference Between =, == and === in JavaScript?

          JavaScript is a programming language that allows us to create and develop web applications and web pages as well as make our websites more dynamic/interactive. Data can be calculated, manipulated, and validated using JavaScript.

          Like any other language, JavaScript has operators. An operator produces a result by performing some action on a single or multiple operands (data value). Let’s look at an example of 2+2 where the numbers are left and right side operands and the + is the operator. This + operator adds the two numbers together.

          With examples, we’ll examine and answer the question that what is the difference between the =,==, and === operators in JavaScript in this article.

        • Is JavaScript Object-Oriented?

          Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), is a programming approach that is used by every developer at some point in their life to organize software design around objects or data rather than logic or functions where an object is an entity that has some properties and some type. The benefits of using the OOP technique include modularity, reusability, security, productivity, flexibility, and is easily scalable and upgradeable.

        • TOAST.UI: Free, Open-source Interactive JavaScript application components

          While working on a project, I need a calendar library. As I do for every project, I tend to not use previously used libraries and try to learn and use something new.

          That's how I found Toast.ui, an open-source features-rich UI library for building production-ready apps.

        • YAML vs JSON – Which is better?

          Nowadays, almost every person is familiar with the standard format of JSON. Contrarily, individuals who use Docker are surely familiar with YAML. In simpler words, Docker is a toolkit which permits developers to run, build, deploy, modify as well as stop packages through a single API or commands. YAML is a new but popular language used to serialize data. First of all, we should perceive what data serialization is. Data serialization is the most common way of transforming data objects into byte streams used to store, transfer and distribute data on devices. However, they have similar objectives to store structures and data objects into files but distinctive ways to work.

          In this article, we first go through the features of JSON and YAML, then compare them in-depth to completely comprehend their advantages, and then briefly discuss which one is better.

        • Perl/Raku

        • Python

          • Remove None from the List Python

            In python, when a function returns nothing, it indirectly returns ‘None’. Due to the forthcoming ML (Machine Learning), our focus is now on understanding the None values. The goal behind this is that it is the crucial phase of data preprocessing. Hence, elimination of None values is crucial, so you must know how important it is. Let’s discuss certain techniques in which this is achieved. To replace none in python, we use different techniques such as DataFrame, fillna, or Series. No keyword in python declares the null objects and variables. In python, none refers to the class ‘NoneType’.

            We can allot None to many variables, and they all point toward a similar object. The interesting fact about none is that we can’t consider false as any. None is a blank string or a 0. Let’s demonstrate it with the help of examples. We use the Spyder compiler or different strategies to explain how python removes null values from the list.

          • Python LDAP example

            LDAP is a LIGHTWEIGHT DIRECTORY ACCESS PROTOCOL. It is an internet protocol that works on TCP/IP, and it is used to access/fetch the information from the directories. All the directories are not preferable; it is usually used to access those directories that are active.

          • Python Multiply List by Scalar

            In Python, the most elementary data building is the sequence. Each sequence element allotted a number – its index or placement. The starting point of the index is ‘0’, the second point is ‘1’, and so forth. Python offers six in-built types of sequences, but the most important or commonly used are lists, which we would discuss in this guide. Python list is the most useful data type. It can be written within a square bracket, and a comma separates every item in the list.

  • Leftovers

    • Hardware

      • Dactyl Chimera Leaves The Learning Out Of The Curve | Hackaday

        Have you been wanting to build your own keyboard, ergonomic or otherwise, but are hesitant to spend all that time and filament on something that may not be a good fit for your hands? Glad as we are that the dactyl is open-source, to get in there and really mess around with it requires intimate knowledge of either OpenSCAD or Clojure.

        Well, not anymore. [WolfIcefang]’s dactyl chimera is an ergo sandbox, a test bench for column curvature, stagger, and height that should keep you from having to iterate all day and night. It was designed in FreeCAD and has three parts — the rack, the tenting foot, and the arches. The rack acts like a bottom plate and has slots for holding the columns (arches) in place. Underneath that is the tenting foot, which changes the lateral inclination. Thirdly are the arches, the business part where the switches go.

      • Tricky Screw Heads Have Disappearing Slots | Hackaday

        The screw’s disc-like appearance looks as if it’s a metal trim piece to cover a bolt hole. But in the video below [Andrew] shows us the trick, pushing a brass rod into the middle of the disc to reveal the hidden three-point slot. The center of the disk is actually a separate bit of finely machined metal that is spring loaded to stay flush. A specially designed wrench keys into the rounded concave triangle shape cut into the face.

    • Health/Nutrition

    • Integrity/Availability

      • Proprietary

        • Pseudo-Open Source

          • Openwashing

            • What is the controversy with Hot Reload

              During the last days a huge controversy has been generated around .NET, the development environment promoted by Microsoft and that, in recent years, has been part of the efforts carried out by the company to establish a good relationship with the free software community. And it would be unfair to undermine their efforts in this regard, because since the appointment of Satya Nadella as CEO of Microsoft, technology has stepped on the accelerator in this regard.


              The elimination of this function generated even more friction with the developer community (including company personnel, according to some media), since Despite being removed from .NET 6, it will be kept in Visual Studio 2022, Microsoft’s development environment whose launch will take place on November 8. Thus, in this way, a function that was initially going to be found in .NET 6, will suddenly become available only in the development environment, paid, of course, from Microsoft, thus moving away from free software.

        • Security

    • Monopolies

      • Patents

        • Latest Federal Court Cases - October 2021 #3 [Ed: The case of Wyatt is just provocation]

          Hyatt v. Hirshfeld, Appeal Nos. 2020-2321, -2323, -2324, -2325 (Fed. Cir. Aug. 18, 2021, opinion modified Oct. 12, 2021)

          The case concerns a Section 145 action brought by Mr. Hyatt, which we discussed here. In August 2021, the Federal Circuit issued an opinion concerning the fee shifting provisions of Section 145. We covered that prior opinion here. This week, the Court issued a modified version of that opinion, removing one phrase in the background portion of its opinion concerning the motivation for Mr. Hyatt’s delays in prosecuting his patents.

        • Life as USPTO director: three past chiefs relive their experiences [Ed: Patrick Wingrove does not speak to Michelle Lee, only to corrupt officials [1, 2] who undermined the USPTO for personal gain]

          Jon Dudas, David Kappos and Andrei Iancu tell Managing IP about the good and bad of the top USPTO job and share advice with aspiring future chiefs

        • Webinar on Impact of Article 4 of Paris Convention [Ed: Patent extremists, radicalised by their greed, still trying to undermine law and crush common sense to have patents on life and nature (not inventions)]

          Oppedahl Patent Law Firm LLC will be offering a webinar entitled "Don't End Up Like the Owner of That CRISPR Patent" on October 25, 2021 from 3:00 to 4:30 pm (Mountain Time). Carl Oppedahl of Oppedahl Patent Law Firm LLC will discuss a January 2020 decision by the Board of Appeal at the European Patent Office relating to CRISPR and Article 4 of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property. The webinar will address what went wrong in the various patent filings that led to the findings of invalidity of the CRISPR patent, spell out the traps for the unwary in the filing of a PCT application or other "second patent application"...

        • Albright will choose new patent judge in late November [Ed: Patrick Wingrove continues to whitewash his 'buddies' the crooked judges who turned patent courts into for-profit corporations which treat lawsuits like business and trolls like clients]

          The de-facto patent judge for the Western District of Texas says he hopes to make a decision on his new magistrate judge soon after he’s interviewed candidates

        • AI – A Rushing Snowball: Can AI-made Inventions Be Patented? [Ed: Following sites of lying 'law' firms and lying lawyers you might think that patents can now be granted to 'bots' as if they're "inventors" and "natural persons"; reality is, only two rather insignificant patent islands (AU, SA) said OK and the rest all reject that.]

          Human intelligence has developed over thousands of years. Meanwhile, AI, including deep learning algorithms, is the result of just a few decades of work and development. There is no doubt that this snowball cannot be stopped. Artificial intelligence already has a huge impact on key areas of the economy. It also raises a number of critical legal issues, including those relating to innovation and creativity, faced by states, regulators and competent authorities across the globe. One of the most current legal challenges in this field is the admissibility and conditions for patenting inventions made by or with the use of artificial intelligence algorithms.

        • This week in IP: Slovenia deposits UPC ratification, IV sues three car makers, and more [Ed: This is intentionally misleading; Slovenia did not ratify and even if it did, UPC is still dead because it requires the UK, which cannot ratify anymore]

          Slovenia completes its UPC protocol ratification

          Slovenia completed ratification of the Protocol on the Provisional Application of the Unified Patent Court Agreement and the UPC Agreement itself on Friday, October 15.

          According to the UPC preparatory committee, Slovenia’s move has brought the agreement one step closer to its launch.

          The country’s legislation that ratified the protocol under the UPC agreement came into force on September 24.

          Only one more nation needs to ratify the protocol now to trigger the provisional application phase and the implementation of the UPC as an international organisation.

          The committee has said the provisional application phase will entail the adoption of the secondary legislation prepared by the preparatory committee, the completion of the electronic case management system and the beginning of the process to select and appoint the UPC’s judges.

          In August, the committee estimated that the UPC would start operations around mid-2022. But whether or not the UPC will start on this date will depend on when the decisive member state ratifies the protocol.

        • FOSS Patents: Nokia tries to drown OPPO in patent infringement lawsuits, makes Germany (15 patents-in-suit and anti-antisuit injunction) center of gravity of multijurisdictional enforcement campaign

          Nokia v. OPPO is presently the most massive 5G-centric patent dispute out there. In July, Nokia sued the Chinese smartphone maker--one of the largest in the world--in a multiplicity of European and Asian jurisdictions, and has made additional filings since. OPPO, which holds many 5G patents itself, has started to bring counteractions against Nokia, four of which I have found out about in Germany. The stakes are even higher in Ericsson v. Apple, but those two parties still have a license agreement in place (while the one between Nokia and OPPO expired at the end of June), which is why there aren't any Ericsson v. Apple infringement cases yet.

          There is consensus in the wireless industry that Apple underpays. In a UK litigation it turned out that Apple's cumulative patent royalty costs are--and this is just an order of magnitude--at a level of about 1% of its sales. If major standard-essential patent (SEP) holders like Nokia and Ericsson can't seize the 5G opportunity to get Apple to pay a lot more this time around, it won't ever happen--or at least not for approximately another decade.

          Compared to major smartphone patent disputes, Nokia v. Daimler (10 patents-in-suit) was just a B movie, though it had an effect of transcendental importance as it proved that the automotive industry can and will take car-level patent licenses in the end. OPPO is no Daimler, though. First, while car makers generally exhibit behavior that exposes them to ever more credible accusations of being unwilling licensees, OPPO does not have any history of infringement: it merely appears to disagree with some patent holders on royalty rates, but there are no signs of hold-out. Second, OPPO alone is a more sophisticated and effective litigant than the totality of Daimler and its tier 1 (i.e., direct) suppliers.

        • Athenex and the Center for Cell and Gene Therapy Announce Allowance of Our First U.S. Patent Claims Around CAR-NKT Cell Therapy
        • How to navigate complex IP issues in European tech M&A [Ed: They mean patents, not "IP", and they misuse buzzwords like "Hey Hi" to push a toxic agenda]

          That task is complicated, however. Developing case law around the licensing of patents ‘essential’ to standardised technology, the fallout from Brexit, and possible reforms to IP law, including in the context of artificial intelligence (AI), will all play into due diligence exercises.

        • Judge Vyskocil Allows Amino Acid Case to Go Forward Despite “Group Pleading” and “Inconsistent Allegations” of Infringement

          On September 27, 2021, U.S. District Court Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil held that plaintiffs Ajinomoto Co., Inc. and Ajinomoto Heartland Inc. had alleged plausible claims for relief for infringement under 35 U.S.C. €§ 271(g), for inducement of infringement, and for willful infringement, despite the complaint’s purported “group pleading” and “inconsistent allegations” of infringement by the three related defendant corporations.

          Plaintiffs alleged infringement of two patents directed to methods for producing amino acids by three related corporate defendants: the parent corporation CJ CheilJedang Corp. (CJ Korea), and the subsidiary/sister corporations PT CheilJedang Indonesia (CJ Indonesia) and CJ America, Inc. (CJ America). The defendants moved to dismiss the claims asserted against CJ Korea and CJ Indonesia for infringement under Section 271(g) by importing, offering for sale, and/or selling products made by a patented process. The defendants also moved to dismiss the claims asserted against all three defendants for inducement of infringement and willful infringement. Defendants argued, inter alia, that the complaint “engaged in improper group pleading by lumping all the Defendants together as a unitary entity,” and contained “circular and contradictory pleadings with respect to the relationship/separate corporate existence of the defendants it groups together that preclude Plaintiffs’ own arguments” as to infringement.

        • Innovation patents: options for challenging problematic cases [Ed: Law firms know that patents and innovation are not the same thing; patents are monopolies, which oftentimes restrict innovation]

          The phase out of Australia’s innovation patent system caused a flurry of filing activity in 2021, so what are your options if you identify an innovation patent that affects your freedom to operate?

        • Inside the life of a patent prosecution boss [Ed: Whitewashing the very same thugs and bullies that pay the salary of these writers]

          Carla Ji-Eun Kim, chair of Sterne Kessler’s patent prosecution practice in Washington DC, reveals the perks and challenges of her job – and where she gets her coffee

        • [Older] It’s tech, not patents, that makes Qualcomm a royalty-generating machine [Ed: More nonsense as it is patents that the companies are licensing]

          Qualcomm is an IP licensing superpower because it produces world class technology that others cannot afford to be without

        • IBM delivers hundreds of patents to DoorDash in latest big startup transaction

          Recent deal shows that IBM patent sales to startups can generate their own momentum – and that they are not limited to pre-IPO companies

        • IEEE patent policy decision looms; Big Q3 for Ericsson royalties; Medtech IP deal surge; Volvo Group’s Avanci 4G licence; DoorDash lands IBM portfolio; plus much more [Ed: The patent propaganda mill says IBM passes more patents to parasites and drops some more lies about the UPC]

          IBM has transferred 237 US patent assets to delivery platform DoorDash Inc, in its latest deal with an internet upstart. Read more here

          With the implementation of the UPC Agreement moving closer, Bayer IP head Joerg Thomaier says the EU should act quickly to develop a unitary SPC regime. Read more here

        • The world is fighting for COVID treatments, here’s how Israel is helping [Ed: Too much patent propaganda in there; monopolies do not help]
        • Software Patents

          • Database management and information retrieval systems - has their time finally come? [Ed: Litigation companies with deep pockets lean on EPO to allow illegal patents on software; since the EPO is nowadays run by criminals, what's going to stop them? They abolished the EPC already.

            The realm of computer-implemented inventions is a challenging one, with traps and pitfalls for the unaware and unwary. The guidance provided by the European Patent Office (EPO) to its examiners for assessing the patentability of computer-implemented inventions provides valuable insight into how to navigate this troublesome area.

            As we reported earlier in the year, the EPO Guidelines for Examination were updated in March 2021, bringing about a number of changes in how computer-implemented inventions are handled. In particular, these updated Guidelines introduced for the first time a section relating to database management systems and information retrieval (G-II, 3.6.4), which provides some welcome clarification as to how to obtain a patent in this area.

      • Trademarks

        • New airline takes off, but does old IP hit the ground? [Ed: Trademarks are not "IP"; quit calling trademark law something that it clearly is not because it is intentionally misleading]

          As a new state-owned Italian airline purchases its predecessor’s IP, counsel say the old brand could yet resurface

        • No more paper trade mark registration certificates from 2022, says China’s trade mark office - The IPKat

          On 12 October 2021, the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) issued Announcement No. 453 (see the full Chinese text here). According to that directive, from 1 January 2022, the CNIPA will only provide an electronic version of trade mark registration certificates. These should be easy to both access and download for logged-in users.

          As strange as it may sound in today’s world of electronic formality, ‘paper’ is a big deal for the registration process in China. Many may recall an incident that occurred in April 2016, under the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC). At the time, the Trade Mark Office (TMO) was a division under the SAIC (before the 2018 government administration overhaul). The SAIC made a public apology for a six-month delay in issuing trade mark registration certificates. The surprising cause of this long delay turned out to be a shortage of paper.

      • Copyrights

        • Facebook says it will pay French publishers for news content

          Facebook said Thursday that it has struck a deal with a group of French publishers to pay for links to their news stories that are shared by people on the social network.

          The company says it inked the licensing agreement with the Alliance de la Presse d’Information Generale, which represents 300 French publishers, to “improve the quality of online information for Internet users and publishers on Facebook.”

Recent Techrights' Posts

New Short Clip of Richard Stallman's Thoughts on the "Hey Hi" (AI) Hype, Courtesy of Manuel Cuda News
about 6 hrs ago
What Microsoft and GitHub Really, Really, REALLY Do Not Want You to See or Know About
They're trying to misuse law in a completely different continent or to allege that reporting important facts is in breach of privacy law
Slopwatch: and Other 'Linux' Sites With LLM Slop
SEO spam with machine-generated fodder, plus a person to whom English isn't a first language
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Meanwhile in the Matrix Room
Remember that IBM does a lot of perception manipulation
Rumour About Red Hat Layoffs Yesterday
Can somebody from Red Hat or someone who knows someone there (impacted or not) confirm that there are layoffs this week at Red Hat?
What is fixated behavior? Stalker or just a fan of Emma Raducanu?
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
In Iran, GNU/Linux Reaches New Highs, According to statCounter
Does that make sense? In light of geopolitics? Probably.
Always Safety First
We have some reasons to suspect that one of several parties (possibly not in the UK but having connections here), having suffered major and very expensive setbacks, may look to harm the messenger one way or another
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Typical Canonical, promoting Microsoft (and sometimes Windows) instead of competing against them
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Germany openly speaks about becoming independent from the US. How about Switzerland?
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Use RSS Readers Instead of Social Control Media
RSS readers were designed to save time. Social Control Media was designed to waste time.
The 'Windows Era' Already Came to an End
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The Fall of the Open Source Initiative (OSI): Microsoft Committing the Largest GPL Violation in Human History, Then OSI Covering That Up on Microsoft's Payroll
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Over at Tux Machines...
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Crossbow tragedy, bigger than Kyle Clifford, social media culture
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
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Social Control Media as a Rapid Race to the Bottom - Part I - That Sinking Feeling
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FSF Amicus Brief: Aspose.PDF for .NET 24.2.0, OOXML (.docx), and Microsoft Word (Proprietary)
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New Interview With Richard Stallman in Italy (Manuel Cuda News)
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Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
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We need to focus on Software Freedom
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Also based on the leading publication that they want removed
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Over at Tux Machines...
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