Ride a brand that's not yours, just like the Linux Foundation (Microsoft Loves Linux FUD)
Summary: On the heels of this Public Relations campaign, let's consider how the media treats the "Linux" brand
THE LINUX is broken
Because you uploaded your token
The media has spoken
Private SSH keys out in the open
The password is weak
But don't blame the geek
Linux is sick
"1234abcd" is did not tweak
WordPress is an OS
A dozen plugins that kick ass
Let's call that a mess
Linux blamed for
unpatched WordPress nonetheless
Drupal is Linux kernel
Sharing the same kennel
Bark at "Linux" in the channel
Superficial! Don't be so anal!
Malware installs itself
Linux gets it off the shelf
Ask the Golang chef
Does a language itself cause theft?
Ransomware is all Linux
Same true for DDOS
Botnets are all Linux
Says a Google News search for "Linux"
"OK, Google, what's new in Linux?"
Google News says "backdoors in Linux"
Yes, installing malware on one's
own machine is a "back door" now...