EPO Staff Survey for 2022
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THE situation at the EPO has worsened to the point where only 1% of surveyed staff trusts the Administrative Council (national representatives) and only 3% trust António Campinos (for comparison, Benoît Battistelli was polled at 4% after 3 years at the Office).
Dear SUEPO Members, Dear colleagues,
SUEPO mandated the company Technologia to run its fifth edition of the EPO Staff Survey in 2022. The survey asks the same questions as the previous survey conducted in 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2020 in order to be able to reliably compare the results. Contrary to the standard practice among other international organisations, the President of the Office did not authorise the dispatch of individual survey access codes to all EPO staff members at their @epo.org email address. SUEPO could therefore only rely on the private emails of its members and those among EPO staff who actively opted in.
Technologia contacted 2.915 EPO staff members among which 1.766 answered representing a 60,6% response rate. The results are available in the Frequency Tables and Presentation of the results (in French only for now) and show that dissatisfaction about the 2015 New Career System (NCS) increases, quality and staff's perception of EPO quality decrease, mistrust in management persists, the atmosphere and social dialogue deteriorate and there is a historical worsening of staff's engagement and staff's mental/physical health.
In this letter sent to the Heads of Delegations, SUEPO urges the Council to take due account of the Technologia survey results and give the proper mandate to EPO management to repair the situation.
and presented with preliminary analysis/overview, supported by the presentation in French [PDF]
and results in English [PDF]
. There will be lots more to come, for sure... ⬆