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Twitter is Dying, But is All Social Control Media Dying?
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0
Summary: Judging by comparable trends in Twitter analytics, traffic is going down as activity levels generally decrease; Facebook has experienced the same thing lately and Microsoft lays off LinkedIn staff, so there's consistency
THE state of Twitter as a company (never mind as a platform) is truly awful. It's a miracle that anyone at all would want to buy a company that operates at a loss and almost always operated at a loss since its inception. The video above explained the history of losses -- billions in losses (cumulative) shouldered by investors like the Saudi "royal" family.
A few months ago we started writing about what the Musk takeover bid meant [
4]. The short story is, he quickly realised he was going to pay for a clickfarm, which lies about its size and importance. I've decided (after the video) to reproduce the screenshot below for some context (that could not be shown in the video above due to lack of clear annotation of key dates).
Hopefully that alone tells a story. Quite frankly, it seems rather clear to me that Twitter is dying, having been there for 13 years (posted nearly a million tweets with over 100,000,000 impressions). That's how it is. I'm not in control of that company's fate and its fate isn't something I have a personal stake in anymore. I just share my sincere observations above (in a video with analytics for the most part).
For those too busy to listen to a video, I seem to be seeing traffic about 30% lower (at comparable times), analysing the baseline before Elon Musk's escapades and after that (lawsuit).
It seems clear that Facebook and YouTube are also having issues, but that's a different subject, better set aside for other videos. We've just included some stories in the latest Daily Links about Facebook's alarming SEC filing. Expect layoffs, says the founder and CEO. LinkedIn (Microsoft) started firing many workers several years ago... it seems like part of a trend across all social control media.

It should say "have NOT posted anything in a month"; Notice how suddenly the number of impression quadrupled for no reason at all (as I noted at the time) and stayed at that level until the blunder reached the press (plus the SEC investigation)