Bonum Certa Men Certa

Links 27/10/2022: Important Bugfixes in Linux and Tor

  • GNU/Linux

    • Audiocasts/Shows

      • VideoLinux Gaming Is Powered By Weeb Developers - Invidious

        Never stand between a weeb and his video games, I was very excited to play Persona 5 Royal but the game was completely borked on linux on launch day but luckily the open source community came together and fixed it in a matter of days

      • Full Circle MagazineFull Circle Magazine: Full Circle Weekly News #285

        Link to media Release of Ardour 7.0:

        Updating Void Linux installation builds:

        Rhino Linux, a rolling distribution based on Ubuntu:

        Release of Tails 5.5:

        Release of the Open 3D Engine 22.10:

        Release of ErgoFramework 2.2:

        Release of Stratis 3.3:

        Release of antiX 22:

        Coreboot 4.18:

        Release of Asterisk 20:

        Release of Ubuntu 22.10:

        Release of OpenBSD 7.2:

      • VideoA Microsoft Office 365 ramble (I'm annoyed by it!) - Invidious
      • FLOSS Weekly 704: Distributed Data, Decentralized Trust - Hart Montgomery, Distributed Data

        Doc Searls and Simon Phipps talk with Hart Montgomery of the Hyperledger Foundation about distributed data (not just the blockchain kind), decentralized trust, how the Foundation is fostering code useful to everyone in the world, what open digital wallets are—or should be—all about, the essential nature of cryptography, and much more.

      • VideomacOS Ventura, Ubuntu 22.10, and... Linux dropping 486 support? - Invidious
    • Kernel Space

    • Graphics Stack

      • Mike Blumenkrantz: Closure

        It was only a matter of time before he cornered me at XDC for a quick “talk”. It was completely normal the way he had no fewer than four laptops physically harnessed to his person as he strutted around in search of hapless driver maintainers upon whom he could foist his latest and least sane project. I wasn’t at all afraid for my life when he told me that, by the time he let me leave the conference hall that day, rusticl would be working on zink.

        I’m here blogging about it now, so obviously everything is fine and I’m not still trapped in his basement, but let’s take a look at some of the challenges I faced over that grueling, interminable period of CL bring-up besides lack of water and food.

    • Applications

      • Paul SchaubImplementing Packet Sequence Validation using Pushdown Automata - vanitasvitae’s blog

        In the previous blog post I discussed how a formal grammar can be transformed into a pushdown automaton in order to check if a sequence of packets or tokens is part of the language described by the grammar. In this post I will discuss how I implemented said automaton in Java in order to validate OpenPGP messages in PGPainless.

      • MedevelFoodies: Open-Source Self-hosted Sharing App for Delicious Food.

        Foodies is a free open-source full stack JavaScript web application for foodies who want to share and view photos of delicious food.

      • MedevelPhoton Flutter photo sharing

        Photon is a cross-platform file-transfer application built using flutter. It uses http to transfer files between devices.You can transfer files between devices that run Photon.(No Wi-Fi router is required, you can use hotspot)


        The project is released under the GPL-v3 License.

    • Instructionals/Technical

      • Manuel MatuzovicDay 23: the lab() color function

        It’s time to get me up to speed with modern CSS. There’s so much new in CSS that I know too little about. To change that I’ve started #100DaysOfMoreOrLessModernCSS. Why more or less modern CSS? Because some topics will be about cutting-edge features, while other stuff has been around for quite a while already, but I just have little to no experience with it.

      • uni TorontoAn email phish attempt using attachment file type confusion

        I don't get much spam email in general and I get even less that has malware payloads, so in one sense it's always interesting when one makes it through our various anti-spam measures and I get to actually look at a sample for myself. Today I received what looked like a malware attack using a PDF: [...]

      • UbuntubuzzAfter Install Guide for Ubuntu 22.10 with Apps and Games Recommendations
      • Linux Made SimpleHow to install ClassiCube on a Chromebook

        This tutorial will only work on Chromebooks with an Intel or AMD CPU (with Linux Apps Support) and not those with an ARM64 architecture CPU.

      • VideoHow to install Atom text editor on Linux Mint 21 - Invidious [Ed: Atom has been abandoned by Microsoft, it's bloated junk, and there's no good reason to help GNU/Linux install it at this stage (it's abandonware)]
      • LinuxiacSet Up Tomcat, Nginx, and SSL on AlmaLinux/Rocky Linux 9

        Here’s how to install and configure Tomcat 10.1 with Nginx for reverse proxy and Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate on AlmaLinux/Rocky Linux 9.

        Apache Tomcat is a long-lived open-source web server and servlet container that implements Jakarta Enterprise Edition specifications.

        Its latest version, Tomcat 10.1, supports Servlet 6.0, JavaServer Pages 3.1, WebSocket 2.1, and JASPIC 3.0 specifications, as well as many other features that make it a handy platform for developing and deploying Java-based web applications and services.

      • HackadayCat9 And LASH Want To Change Your Linux Command Line | Hackaday

        It is no secret that to be a true Linux power user you have to deal with the command line. Many people actually prefer to use the command line. However, the shell — the program that provides that command line — is mired in a back history which means it has to work with existing things no matter how modern it tries to be. However, a new set of projects wants to replace most of your user interface stack starting with the shell. At the top of that stack is Cat9 which is technically a shell, but not in the way you probably imagine a shell.

      • Make Tech EasierHow to Add Users to a Group in Linux - Make Tech Easier

        Groups are the bread and butter of a Linux system. These are special lists that allow you to group multiple users into different categories. Along with securing your system’s application privileges, it allows you to finely control how each account in the system can access and share its files and folders.

        This article shows how you can use the groups utility to add and modify existing groups in Linux. Further, it will also highlight how the Linux permissions system works in conjunction with the groups system.

      • KifarunixHow to Recover Deleted Data on a Linux System -
      • Barry KaulerProblem with mount utility when non-root

        Posting about this, in case anyone else is puzzled by the behaviour of the 'mount' utility.

        I am working on running EasyOS as user "zeus", where zeus has administrator rights. That means you don't have to prepend "sudo" to do stuff, such as mount a partition.

        No problem with 'mount' in busybox, mounting and unmounting work when running as user zeus. Busybox in Easy is currently version 1.32.0.

      • Make Use OfHow to Play Windows Games on Linux

        With so many recent advancements in the Linux gaming world, it's now possible to play Windows games on Linux with minimal tweaks.

        Playing Windows games on Linux is becoming easier thanks to the Linux community, Valve, and Proton GE. Most games on your Steam library now need no, or very little, tweaking to get running smoothly.

        But what if you didn't purchase the game through the Steam ecosystem? What then? There are alternative ways to take advantage of the improvements that Linux gamers are experiencing through applications that are getting easier to use every day.

        Let's review the apps and tools you can use to take advantage of playing Windows games on Linux.

      • RoseHostingHow to Install Dokuwiki on Ubuntu 22.04 - RoseHosting

        Dokuwiki is an open-source wiki software written in PHP, and it doesn’t require a database. It was developed by Andreas Gohr in 2004. Dokuwiki works on plain text files, and its syntax is similar to the one used by MediaWiki. With its simple yet powerful syntax, users can create structured texts easily, and it ensures the data files remain readable outside the wiki. In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Dokuwiki on Ubuntu 22.04.

      • Network WorldFinding and fixing typos on Linux

        The Linux aspell and enchant tools can both ID typos in text files and suggest replacements.

      • Network WorldCounting individual characters on Linux | Network World

        If you need to count how many of each character is included in a file or phrase, there are some handy commands you can string together to accomplish this along with scripts and aliases that can make the job easy.

      • TechRepublicCreate and Manage Container Volumes with Podman | TechRepublic

        For anyone who’s made the switch from a Ubuntu-based to an RHEL-based Linux distribution for container deployments, you’ve probably realized that Docker isn’t the easiest or best option for your new platform. Thankfully, Podman is installed by default on most RHEL-based distributions, so you can skip directly to working with your containers.

        But why would you want to learn an entirely new tool? Fortunately, Podman is almost a direct 1:1 replacement for Docker, so if you know one you can use the other. I’ve already helped you take your first steps with Podman and this time around we’re going to extend that a bit by creating and managing volumes.

        Why are volumes important? Simple — persistent storage. Say, for example, you deploy a container that uses data. Everything is going great until disaster strikes. The container fails and takes your data down with it. You don’t want that.

      • ID RootHow To Install Firefox Browser on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS - idroot

        In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Firefox browser on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. For those of you who didn’t know, Firefox is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation. It is available on Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS.

        This article assumes you have at least basic knowledge of Linux, know how to use the shell, and most importantly, you host your site on your own VPS. The installation is quite simple and assumes you are running in the root account, if not you may need to add ‘sudo‘ to the commands to get root privileges. I will show you the step-by-step installation of the Firefox browser on Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish). You can follow the same instructions for Ubuntu 22.04 and any other Debian-based distribution like Linux Mint, Elementary OS, Pop!_OS, and more as well.

    • Games

    • Desktop Environments/WMs

      • K Desktop Environment/KDE SC/Qt

        • KDE Gear snaps round 3! - Scarlett Gately Moore

          While trying to stay warm in our first snow of the year, I got several apps tested and released in round 3 of ! All of these are being ( re ) tested on both arm64 and amd64. Hence, the release is going slower than it will in the future. Thank you for your patience.

  • Distributions and Operating Systems

    • Unix SheikhMy choice of operating system

      Since my article The flaws of distro hopping and asking other people about their OS of choice I have had a number of people writing to me asking for my specific advice regarding their choice of operating system, both for personal usage and for business usage. Last night I received yet another email from someone in the US who wrote to me about a difficult situation they where facing in the choice of operating system for their business usage. So I have decided to write a little bit about it. However, this article is not my professional advice. I don't know you and I don't know your situation and as such, I cannot advice you. Rather, this article is about what I do and why I do it.

    • Systemd FreeStatus and brief review | systemd-free linux community

      We are currently reviewing the distros on the strict list, verifying they are still actively being developed, whether they still meet our strict criteria and anything that has changed since they were first admitted to the list.

    • New Releases

      • Traveling 22.10

        I introduce you Voyager 22.10in final version. A 2 in 1 version with for the first time, the Gnome and Xfce desktops unified in a single distributionVoyager, à sélectionner à votre session. Le tout dans a completely redesigned style for this duo. The Gnome 43 desktop coupled with the Xfce 4.16 desktop and a part in version 4.17, still in preparation. With the promise finally realized, to have 2 unified systems Gnome and Xfce, light, fast, modern, fluid, secure and efficient in a hybrid environment for PC and Tablet. The 2 offices are quite distinct and their respective applications are for the most part invisible, for one or the other environment. This release is based on Linux kernel 5.19 and Ubuntu distribution“Kinetic Kudu” with its novelties. 22.10 is an intermediate release with a 9-month update that prepares the future 5-year LTS – Long-term support – release that will arrive shortly for Gnome and Xfce. With integrated, options grouped in the BoxVoyagerlike Conky Control , Effects , Repair ,Screencast, Switch Ubuntu , Wine development and Steam Gaming and Gnome extensions selected according to PC needs. A Special Gaming type GS profile has been created in xfce. With numerous Themes and Wallpapers and essential software . This release contains Software – Gnome Software, which was preferred over Ubuntu's, to manage Deb, Snap and Flatpack packages together . Firefox has been installed in deb for better compatibility with gnome extensions and many other new features to discover.

    • Fedora Family / IBM

      • Red Hat OfficialCustomer success stories: How Red Hat’s products and services provide solutions for financial, non-profit and professional certification organizations

        In this month’s customer success highlights, learn how FIWARE, Electrical Training Alliance and SVA employed several Red Hat products to help build eco-smart city solutions, develop reusable microservices-based applications and construct a robust modern platform that meets strict compliance requirements.

      • Red Hat OfficialCryptographic signatures for zip distributions

        Red Hat's products are distributed through numerous methods, including RPMs, ISOs and zip files. Over the past several months, we have been working across the organization to design and implement a plan to provide signatures for all zip file types so that our customers have greater assurance that Red Hat actually creates the products they receive. This work is essential to our customers' trust in Red Hat and our products.

        Released on October 4th, 2022, Red Hat Single Sign-On patch 7.5.3 is the first Red Hat zip distribution to include cryptographic signatures. More product releases will come with this vital security metadata in the coming months.

    • Canonical/Ubuntu Family

      • UbuntuKubeflow just applied to join CNCF - what does it mean for you? | Ubuntu

        Google just announced that they have submitted an application for Kubeflow to become an incubating project in the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). It is an initiative supported by the Kubeflow Project Steering group. The request is visible to everyone and it represents a game changer for the rhythm which Kubeflow will develop. It makes community growth a strategic objective and puts Kubeflow on a development fast track.

      • UbuntuCharmed Kubernetes and Huawei OceanStor Dorado All-Flash storage integration verification reports | Ubuntu

        Huawei OceanStor Dorado V6 all-flash storage systems are designed for enterprises’ mission-critical services.

        The SmartMatrix full-mesh architecture ensures hardware redundancy and fast service switchover without interruption in the event of faults. The fully symmetric active-active architecture balances service loads on the entire storage system, simplifying service planning and scaling. FlashLink€®designed for all-flash storage guarantees consistent low latency. The gateway-free HyperMetro feature provides an end-to-end active-active data center solution, which can smoothly evolve to the geo-redundant disaster recovery (DR) solution to achieve 99.9999% solution-level reliability. Variable-length deduplication and compression maximize the available capacity and reduce the operating expense (OPEX).

        OceanStor Dorado V6 meets the requirements of enterprise applications such as databases, virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI), virtual server infrastructure (VSI), and file sharing, helping the financial, manufacturing, and carrier industries evolve smoothly to all-flash storage.

      • Ubuntu FridgeCall for nomination for the Ubuntu Membership board
      • Ubuntu NewsUbuntu Fridge | Call for nomination for the Ubuntu Membership board

        As you may know, Ubuntu Membership is a recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community. To this end, the Community Council recruits from our current member community for the valuable role of reviewing and evaluating the contributions of potential members to bring them on board or assist with having them achieve this goal.

        Our board members terms will soon end, and we are looking to restaff our 12:00 and 20:00/22:00 UTC Membership Boards with seven new members for each board.

    • Open Hardware/Modding

      • HackadayFlashing Booby-Trapped Cisco AP With OpenWRT, The Hard Way

        Certain manufacturers seriously dislike open-source firmware for their devices, and this particular hack deals with quite extreme anti-hobbyist measures. The Meraki MR33, made by Cisco, is a nice access point hardware-wise, and running OpenWRT on it is wonderful – if not for the Cisco’s malicious decision to permanently brick the CPU as soon as you enter Uboot through the serial port. This AP seems to be part of a “hardware as a service” offering, and the booby-trapped Uboot was rolled out by an OTA update some time after the OpenWRT port got published.

      • ArduinoControl six separate RGB LED strips with a single Arduino Nano | Arduino Blog

        If you’re used to working with individually addressable RGB LEDs, then that title probably has you scratching your head — controlling six NeoPixel strips is easy with an Arduino, since each strip only needs a single I/O pin for data. But we aren’t talking about individually addressable LEDs; we’re talking about conventional common-anode RGB LED strips and Trevor Makes recently uploaded a video demonstrating how to control six of them with one Arduino Nano.

        A common-anode RGB LED has four leads: one anode, and one cathode for each color. The anode always connects to the positive side of the circuit and connecting each cathode to the negative side of the circuit allows current to flow through that specific LED. A common-anode RGB LED strip expands on this concept, with all of the cathodes chained together by color channel. The operation is the same: connecting a color channel cathode to the negative side of the circuit causes all of the LEDs to light up in that color.

    • Mobile Systems/Mobile Applications

  • Free, Libre, and Open Source Software

    • Events

    • Web Browsers/Web Servers

      • Mozilla

        • TorNew Release: Tor Browser 11.5.6 (Android, Windows, macOS, Linux)

          This is an emergency release resolving an issue with Tor Browser 11.5.5's integration of the Snowflake pluggable transport. Users of 11.5.5 will be unable to connect to the Tor Network via the built-in Snowflake bridge until they update to 11.5.6.

    • Programming/Development

      • Loris CroZig Is Self-Hosted Now, What's Next?

        With the upcoming 0.10.0 release of Zig on November 1st, we are going to ship the new self-hosted compiler. This is the result of a huge amount of work that brings a lot of benefits, some obvious, some others less so.

        Even though the self-hosted compiler is now shipped, there’s still more work to do on it but, at the same time, now the door has opened to more exciting features, like Zig’s official package manager.

        Let’s take a look at what’s next for the Zig project.

  • Leftovers

    • ScheerpostMr. Fish: What’s the Alternative?

      Cartoonist and author Mr. Fish considers how a distracting burlesque of inarticulate clowns are juggling our common fate like raw eggs.

    • ScheerpostTim Robbins and the Lost Art of Finding Common Ground

      The star of films like The Producer and Bull Durham opens up about two tough years of pandemic politics, and worries society is purposefully phasing out the common meeting space.

    • The NationSchjeldahl’s Art

      We were stuck in traffic on the way to Alex Katz’s opening at the Guggenheim when my wife started riffling through her phone. “Does Peter Schjeldahl have a new book out?” She asked. “His picture is all over Instagram.” My heart sank. No, I knew there was no new book. I knew all those pictures were saying goodbye.

    • TruthOutPhysical Mail Was My Lifeline to the Outside World — and Now It’s Gone
    • HackadaySkull Lamp Illuminates The Cyberpunk Future

      Cyberpunk is full of characters with cool body mods, and [bsmachinist] has made a prosthetic eye flashlight (TikTok) that is both useful and looks futuristic. [via Reddit]

    • HackadayDigital Hourglass Counts Down The Seconds

      If someone asked you to build a digital hourglass, what would your design look like? [BitBlt_Korry] took on that challenge, creating a functional art piece that hits it right on the nose: an hourglass with a digital display.€ 

    • Education

      • The NationRepublicans Have Spent Millions on Youth Outreach. And It’s Working.

        For conservatives, the most frightening place in the country has always been a college campus. By 1964, Students for a Democratic Society had formed chapters at hundreds of universities with tens of thousands of supporters, protesting racism, inequality, and the Vietnam War. After Barry Goldwater’s loss in the presidential election that same year, his young crusaders were worried—and inspired. They began building out conservative political infrastructure independent of the Republican Party to compete for America’s youth.

    • Hardware

      • HackadayKinetic Cyclic Scissors

        [Henry Segerman] and [Kyle VanDeventer] merge math and mechanics to create a kinetic cyclic scissors sculpture out of 3D printed bars adjoined together with M3 bolts and nuts.

    • Health/Nutrition/Agriculture

      • HyperAllergicA Better Museum Experience for Color-Blind Visitors

        The technology, which alleviates red-green CVD for about four out of five users with the condition, was developed by EnChroma, an independent company based in Berkeley, California. Usually genetic, red-green CVD is caused by an overlap in the red and green color receptor cones within the eye, causing the hues to become practically indistinguishable. The lenses now provided by the DMA increase the contrast between red and green color signals for users with the cone overlap, enabling them to view the world with a more enriched color field.

      • ReutersGermany to legalize cannabis use for recreational purposes

        Germany on Wednesday set out plans to legalise cannabis, in a move promised by Chancellor Olaf Scholz's government that would make it one of the first countries in Europe to make weed legal.

        Health Minister Karl Lauterbach presented a cornerstone paper on planned legislation to regulate the controlled distribution and consumption of cannabis for recreational purposes among adults.

        Acquiring and possessing up to 20 to 30 grams of recreational cannabis for personal consumption would also be made legal.

      • Common DreamsOpinion | Green Schools Start With Greener Lunches: NYC Public Schools Are Plant-Based Leaders

        New York City public schools led the way on Meatless Monday—now it’s time for other districts to follow.

    • Security

      • InfoQDocker Introduces Hardened Desktop for Business Users

        Enhanced Container Isolation aims to harden container isolation by applying a number of techniques, including running all containers unprivileged through the Linux user-namespace, isolating critical system call to prevent containers escapes, and preventing console access to the Docker Desktop VM.

      • Lemonduck Cryptojacking Botnet Reveals Ongoing API

        It takes advantage of Docker, a mainstream platform used for building, running and managing containerized workloads. Since Docker runs container workloads in the cloud, a misconfigured cloud instance can expose a Docker API to the internet. Attackers can then exploit this API to run a hidden crypto miner inside an attacker-controlled container.

      • FOSSLifeHow to Avoid Software Supply Chain Vulnerabilities [Ed: ['FOSSlife Team' is parroting Microsoft talking points and FUD again]]
      • syslog-ng Store Box federated single sign-on support via OpenID Connect - Blog - syslog-ng Community - syslog-ng Community

        The syslog-ng Store Box (SSB) appliance is built upon syslog-ng Premium Edition (PE). SSB inherits most of syslog-ng PE’s features and makes them available with an easy-to-use graphical user interface. There are multiple ways how users can authenticate when using SSB. Recent versions also introduced federated single sign-on (SSO) via OpenID Connect (OIDC).

        The SSB appliance can collect log messages from many different log sources, in many formats. These include UNIX / Linux / Windows system logs, firewall and router logs, various application logs, and now SQL sources as well. SSB can parse, rewrite, filter, and store log messages. In addition to the traditional syslog-ng features, the SSB appliance provides an interface to search log messages, and does complete log life cycle management, including archiving and backup. Finally, it can also forward events to various on-premises and cloud destinations. It allows you to optimize your SIEM installations both for resources and licensing, as you can collect log messages in a single step, store them on SSB, and only forward a reduced subset of logs to various analytics tools.

      • CISAApple Releases Security Updates for Multiple Products€  | CISA

        Apple has released security updates to address vulnerabilities in multiple products. An attacker could exploit some of these vulnerabilities to take control of an affected device.

      • IT WireiTWire - Phishing has been around long enough for Westpac to know

        In the midst of a spate of data breaches — there have been eight reported in Australia since Optus led the way — the last thing one would expect is for any company to send out digital communications asking people to verify their identity.

        But Westpac, one of the big four banks in this country, seems to think this is fine. Last week, I received an SMS and an email, couched in roughly the same language, asking me to "verify your details to better protect your account and identity".

        Receiving such communications at other times from any source tends to make me suspicious. At this time, the degree of suspicion is ten times worse.

        I called up the Westpac support line and was told that the SMS was not genuine but the email was. Which left me scratching my head.

      • Privacy/Surveillance

        • TechdirtSignal Says It Will Exit India Rather Than Compromise Its Encryption

          Signal ensures its users’ security and privacy by encrypting their messages and refusing to collect a bunch of data governments or malicious hackers might find useful or interesting. That hasn’t made it many friends in governments (except with government officials who utilize the service to dodge public records requests).

    • Defence/Aggression

      • ABC3 men convicted of supporting plot to kidnap Gov. Whitmer

        The trial in state court was an offshoot of the main case in federal court, which produced mixed results: conspiracy convictions for Fox and three others but also two acquittals.

      • Birmingham LiveExtremist found in Birmingham mosque and jailed for plotting to fight with ISIS 'could be freed'

        Ismail received an 18-month prison term for failing to disclose information about acts of terrorism. Azeez was jailed for three years for preparing for acts of terrorism.

      • Jerusalem PostWATCH: Iranian school girls rip up regime textbooks, join protests

        Iranian schoolchildren, girls in particular, have brought the nation's widespread protests into the classrooms according to a late-October report from Israeli non-profit IMPACT-se, the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education.

      • The NationProphecy Foretold

        Created by an Iranian artist who requested to be anonymous, but gave us this statement: In Iranian culture there are many stories about heroes who fought for the glory of their nation against all kinds of demons and beasts.Today we are rewriting history in Iran.We are showing the world that those stories were never just legends and myths. We Iranians have it in our blood, we can never stand injustice, we will fight until we restore our freedom.We want the world to hear us and be our voice: “Woman, Life, Freedom!”

      • The SunISIS terror fantastic lined up for release from prison and could be walking the streets again in WEEKS

        He was a dangerous extremist when jailed for seven years in 2017 for terrorism offences.

      • ScheerpostWho Is This ‘Haiti’ That’s Appealing for Intervention?

        The media calls for military intervention in Haiti, Jane Regan breaks down the reality of the situation.

      • The NationDr. Oz’s Appalling Position on Abortion Rights

        Midway through a combative Pennsylvania US Senate debate, as Democrat John Fetterman and Republican Mehmet Oz expounded on policy matters ranging from fracking to the minimum wage and Social Security, former Obama White House speechwriter Pat Cunnane weighed in with an observation about the issue that everyone was focused on: the status of Fetterman’s recovery from a serious stroke in May. “Put the analysis to the side for a second: What John Fetterman is doing right now in the midst of his recovery—so publicly, on the same stage as a smirking TV doctor—is remarkably brave.”

      • TruthOutTwo Years After Barrett's Confirmation, Let's Be Blunt: The Point Was to End Roe
      • Telex (Hungary)Ministry promises corrections in Ukraine chapter of school textbooks – Ukrainian NGO in Hungary says
      • ScheerpostCongressional Progressive Caucus Withdraws Letter That Tepidly Called for Diplomacy in Ukraine

        The move comes after the mild and carefully worded letter sparked furious backlash from pundits and at least one Democratic leader.

      • Common DreamsEvery Nuclear Plant Is a 'Dirty Bomb' in Waiting, Warns Watchdog Group

        "Nuclear power plants—and their mounting inventory of high-level nuclear waste—are inherently dangerous."

      • Common DreamsOpinion | This Is No Time for Nuclear War Games

        This month, United States President Joe Biden warned that the world could face armageddon if his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, were to use a tactical nuclear weapon in Ukraine. You would imagine that such a prognosis would lead to urgent action to dial down the confrontation. Yet no effort is being made to move us back from that risk.

      • IT WireSeagate accused of breaking US export rules by shipping drives to Huawei

        Storage vendor Seagate Technologies says in a filing with the US Securities and Exchange Commission that the US Commerce Department's Bureau of Industry and Security has accused the company of violating export regulations by shipping hard drives to an unidentified vendor on the BIS Entity List.

        That vendor was identified as Chinese telecommunications equipment vendor Huawei Technologies in a report issued in October 2021 by Republican members of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation.

        Seagate said it had received the proposed charging letter on 29 August. It said it had responded, setting out its position that it had not committed any such act, especially as its disk drives were not subject to the export regulations.

        "Seagate believes it has complied with all relevant export control laws and regulations," the company filing said.

      • IT WireiTWire - Chinese influence group claims by Mandiant played down by TAG head

        The Google-owned security outfit Mandiant Intelligence claims it has discovered a pro-China actor, which it has named DRAGONBRIDGE, trying to influence voting intentions in the forthcoming US mid-term elections.

      • IT WireiTWire - Briton indicted in US for allegedly running dark web trading site

        A British citizen has been charged in the US with allegedly operating a trading site on the dark web which was used to sell attack tools and stolen credentials.

        A statement from the US Department of Justice said Daniel Kaye was charged with device fraud and money laundering. He allegedly operated a website known as The Real Deal.

        “While living overseas, this defendant allegedly operated an illegal website that made hacking tools and login credentials available for purchase, including those for US Government agencies,” said US Attorney Ryan Buchanan.

        “This case is a timely reminder, during National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, that federal law enforcement will make those accused of breaking US laws face their day in court, regardless of where they reside in the world.”

      • The NationWhat’s the US Military Doing in Africa?

        What’s the US military doing in Africa? It’s an enigma, wrapped in a riddle, straitjacketed in secrecy, and hogtied by red tape. Or at least it would be if it were up to the Pentagon.

      • Counter PunchIs Armageddon a Crime?

        One nun I represented in another nuclear resistance case, the heroic Jackie Hudson, asked me what she should wear to court. Being an atheist myself, I suggested it might help get sympathy if she would wear her habit, as we would be going to the “temple of justice.” So ignorant was I of her order, I did not know they did not wear habits, rather they fed the hungry, clothed the naked, housed the homeless, while wearing “ordinary” clothing. Admittedly, my ignorance was boundless, in those naïve days of my innocence and faith in the law.

      • Counter PunchThe Political System in the US is a Train Wreck

        I was surprised by the€ Analysis News€ segment (“Rising Fascism and the Elections,” October 12, 2022) when icons, and justifiably so on the left, Noam Chomsky and Daniel Ellsberg, make their argument for the importance of supporting Democrats to prevent the ultimate evil from taking place this November. The stakes are the possibility of moving the US inextricably close to fascism, they argue. They argue that while Republicans and Democrats are on the same page in regard to foreign policy, they have different positions on domestic policies.

      • ScheerpostIn Nauseating Netanyahu Interview, Bill Maher Whitewashes a War Criminal

        Miko Peled provides a distinctive critique on Netanyahu's appearance on Bill Maher's show, having personally known the former Israeli prime minister.

      • MeduzaPresident of Guinea-Bissau tells Zelensky Putin is ready for talks. Zelensky suggests stopping the shelling and unblocking the ports. — Meduza

        Umaro Sissoca Embalo, the president of Guinea-Bissau, announced that Russian president Vladimir Putin is ready to negotiate with Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky. Embalo spoke about it during a joint briefing with Zelensky. The Office of the President of Ukraine published a video recording of the meeting.

      • MeduzaGeneral Alexander Lapin personally threatened retreating conscripts with a pistol — Meduza

        Colonel General Alexander Lapin, commander of the Russian army group Center in Ukraine, used a pistol to personally threaten the commander of a mobilized unit, which retreated from the front lines without orders. One conscript from Moscow spoke about it as part of an official complaint, reports outlet Sota. The publication didn’t name the man but writes that they know his name, and that they have copies of his complaint and his call-up papers, which he sent the outlet.

      • MeduzaHead of annexed Kherson region: 70,000 cross to east bank of Dnipro — Meduza

        More than 70,000 people have crossed from the right (western) bank of the Dnipro to the left, said Vladimir Saldo, Russian-appointed head of the annexed region, on air on the Crimea-24 channel.€ 

      • MeduzaRussia conducts massive nuclear strike drill under Putin’s command — Meduza

        The Russian military, led by President Vladimir Putin as Commander-in-Chief, conducted a training exercise for a massive nuclear strike in response to an enemy nuclear attack. This was reported on the Kremlin’s official website and, separately, by Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu.

      • Common DreamsOpinion | The Cuban Missile Crisis: Déjà Vu All Over Again?

        Sixty years ago, the world was on the doorstep of a nuclear confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union. The resort to nuclear weapons in the Cuban Missile Crisis would have led to a nuclear holocaust from which humanity as a species would not have recovered. Though there were over three billion people on the planet, the peaceful resolution of the conflict stemmed from the decisions of just two individuals, the leaders of the United States and the Soviet Union.€ 

      • MeduzaWritten off in advance How an untrained and unarmed ‘platoon’ of new conscripts from Moscow was decimated near Svatove — Meduza

        On October 8, a group of new conscripts from the Moscow region recorded an understated but still urgent video, in which they hoped to tell the civilian audience about their circumstances. Their platoon of 30 was about to be sent to Lyman, to take part in a Russian offensive there. The soldiers, dressed in rag-tag uniforms each of them had to put together around retail shops, said that they were going to the front without any training, and with weapons that were “rusty, stuck, or jammed.” With only a day’s worth of firing practice, and no acquaintance at all with the vehicles some of them would have to drive, they felt completely unprepared to be sent to a war “hot spot.” The day after recording the video, the platoon of 30 was sent to the Luhansk region. By October 17, when the video was first published on YouTube, only 13 men were left in the unit. The rest of them were either dead or missing. Here’s what happened to the platoon, based on an extended investigation published recently by Mediazona and the videos recorded by the soldiers — one of them still unpublished.

      • MeduzaRussia notifies US of its annual nuclear exercise, Grom — Meduza

        Russia has notified the Pentagon of its intent to conduct its annual strategic nuclear exercise, Grom (“Thunder”). Pentagon Press Secretary Pat Ryder said this in his daily briefing on October 25. “Yes,” he said, “the U.S. was notified.”

      • TruthOutMark Meadows Ordered to Comply with Georgia Subpoena
      • MeduzaState Duma legalizes conscripting convicted felons into Russian military — Meduza

        Russia’s State Duma has passed a series of amendments to the law that governs mobilization, lifting the prior ban on conscripting persons with unexpunged felony records.

      • MeduzaRussian ’Internet safety’ advocacy group denounces rapper Oxxxymiron for lyrics allegedly calling for St. Petersburg’s secession — Meduza

        Ekaterina Mizulina, head of the Russian Internet Safety League, said Wednesday that the organization will submit a request to the Russian Attorney General’s Office for Russian rapper Oxxxymiron’s song Oida (“Oh yeah”) to be declared extremist.

      • Meduza'Like bats out of hell' Many of the draft evaders fleeing Russia for Central Asia have been government workers — Meduza

        In the five weeks since Russia's mobilization drive began, hundreds of thousands of draft-eligible people have fled the country. While the authorities have vowed to grant draft deferments for certain people such as select government officials and IT workers, these promises have not always been enough to keep people in those groups from getting conscripted. According to the independent media outlet Verstka, many government employees have decided not to take their chances: numerous people who work for both the Moscow city government and Russia's federal ministries have fled the country in recent weeks. The majority of them have been fired soon after leaving, but some have flown under the radar and remain on the payroll. In English, Meduza summaries Verstka's findings.

      • MeduzaFirst criminal complaint for insulting Ukrainians on basis of nationality filed in Russia since start of full-scale war — Meduza

        For the first time since the start of the full-scale war in Ukraine, a criminal complaint has been filed against someone in Russia for insulting Ukrainians on the basis of nationality.

      • MeduzaRussian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu repeats 'dirty bomb' allegations to India and China — Meduza

        Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu reached out to his counterparts in India and China on Wednesday to express his “concern regarding a possible false flag attack involving the use of a ‘dirty bomb’” by Ukraine.

    • Environment

      • New York TimesClimate Pledges Are Falling Short, and a Chaotic Future Looks More Like Reality

        Just 26 of 193 countries that agreed last year to step up their climate actions have followed through with more ambitious plans. The world’s top two polluters, China and the United States, have taken some action but have not pledged more this year, and climate negotiations between the two have been frozen for months.

        Without drastic reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, the report said, the planet is on track to warm by an average of 2.1 to 2.9 degrees Celsius, compared with preindustrial levels, by 2100.

        That’s far higher than the goal of 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) set by the landmark Paris agreement in 2015, and it crosses the threshold beyond which scientists say the likelihood of catastrophic climate impacts significantly increases.

      • [Old] uni YaleRedrawing the Map: How the World’s Climate Zones Are Shifting

        Here we summarize some of the littler-known features that have shifted in the face of climate change and pulled the map out from under the people living on the edges. Everything about global warming is changing how people grow their food, access their drinking water, and live in places that are increasingly being flooded, dried out, or blasted with heat waves. Seeing these changes literally drawn on a map helps to hammer these impacts home.

      • TruthOutNew UN Report Predicts Catastrophic Rise in Global Temperatures by 2100
      • Common DreamsHealthy Human Future Still Possible If World Ditches Fossil Fuels: Lancet Study

        "The climate crisis is killing us."

      • Common Dreams'A Sobering Moment': UN Warns Planet Could See Cataclysmic 2.9€°C of Heating by 2100

        The analysis by the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) examines the climate commitments of the 193 national parties to the Paris climate accord, which sets out to limit warming to 1.5€°C above preindustrial levels—an amount of heating that would still have devastating impacts across the world, particularly in poor and low-lying nations.

    • Finance

      • The NationRebuilding The Homestead

        Piney Woods, N.C., is one of those small, quiet, rural communities you might pass on a drive up North. Blocks of lush grass, farmland, and forests are bisected by a single asphalt road; it’s not uncommon to find a tortoise or two lazing on the empty street, unafraid of potential traffic.1

      • Common DreamsNew Survey Suggests Populist Economic Message Can Help Dems Prevail in Midterms

        Conducted by longtime Democratic pollster Stan Greenberg, the survey tests a number of sample messages, including one that notes "working people haven't seen a real pay increase in years," spotlights Democrats' efforts to combat corporate price-gouging, and hammers the GOP for getting "their money from Big Oil and big pharmaceutical special interests"—two major culprits behind recent price hikes.

      • Common DreamsCiting 'Aggressive Profiteering,' Sanders and Warren Urge FTC to Stop Kroger-Albertsons Merger

        "The new Kroger could increase its monopoly power and further disenfranchise its own workers and consumers."

      • Common DreamsAFL-CIO Economist Warns Fed Is Using 'Flat Wrong' Analysis to Inflict Pain on Workers

        "The Federal Reserve is doing the greatest harm I could ever imagine," William Spriggs, chief economist of the AFL-CIO, told The Hill. "I consider what they're doing right now politics, and they are making a political statement about the economy, and they are wrong. Their analysis is flat wrong."

      • Common DreamsOpinion | The US Oligarchy Is Getting Exactly the Kind of Election It Paid For

        The polls are tightening up right now, and the media is treating it like it's some mystical force of nature causing people to shift their concerns from abortion, guns, climate, democracy, and the survival of Social Security over to gas prices, Black crime, banning books, and trans kids playing sports.

    • AstroTurf/Lobbying/Politics

      • ReutersExclusive: Twitter is losing its most active users, internal documents show

        These "heavy tweeters" account for less than 10% of monthly overall users but generate 90% of all tweets and half of global revenue. Heavy tweeters have been in "absolute decline" since the pandemic began, a Twitter researcher wrote in an internal document titled “Where did the Tweeters Go?”

        A "heavy tweeter" is defined as someone who logs in to Twitter six or seven days a week and tweets about three to four times a week, the document said.

      • IT WireElon Musk Twitter bid likely to go through by weekend

        Tesla and SpaceX chief executive Elon Musk's bid for Twitter appears likely to go through by Friday US time, a deadline set for the proposal to take effect.

        A court case was filed by the company against Musk to force him to go through with his bid, made initially in April.

      • FAIR‘It’s Extra Problematic When the Implications Are the End of Democracy’

        Janine Jackson: Independent, challenging, far-ranging and fearless coverage of elections and the electoral process is one of journalists’ core jobs at the best of times, and these are not the best of times.€ 

      • TruthOutBeto O'Rourke Pulls Within 2 Points Against Abbott Among Texas's Likely Voters
      • TruthOutSanders Slams Republicans’ Plans to Cut Social Security and Medicare in Op-Ed
      • Project CensoredElectoral Denialism Cuts Across Party Lines: Despite What the Corporate Media Would Have Us Believe, Both Parties Engage in the ‘Big Lie,’ and the Rest of Lose Because of It - Censored Notebook, Dispatches from Project Censored: On Media and Politics

        U.S. news media have consistently made analogies to this historical big lie strategy with former President Donald Trump’s efforts to spread doubt about the legitimacy of the 2020 election in hopes of overturning its results. They contend that this threatens the viability of American democracy. It does at some level, but to focus on Trump is to miss the forest for the trees. An even greater threat to democracy has long been hyper-partisanship– when people choose party loyalty and wishful thinking over empirical data and election results. Cognitive biases, like confirmation bias, play a huge role in supporting such a fallacious thought process to detrimental ends. As we pointed out in our book, United States of Distraction, Trump is a symptom of this much larger problem.

      • Pro PublicaHow the Uline Box Empire Has Fueled Election Denial

        Dick and Liz Uihlein of Illinois are the largest contributors to Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano, who attended the Jan. 6 rally and was linked to a prominent antisemite, and have given to Jim Marchant, the Nevada Secretary of State nominee who says he opposed the certification of Joe Biden’s election victory in 2020. They are major funders to groups spreading election falsehoods, including Restoration of America, which, according to an internal document obtained by ProPublica, aims to “get on God’s side of the issues and stay there” and “punish leftists.”

      • Common DreamsRepublican Policies Are Killing Americans: Study

        Working-age mortality rates have been rising for decades across the United States, but premature deaths are more pronounced in states where "conservative" policies predominate and less common in states that have adopted more "liberal" policies, according to peer-reviewed research published in PLOS ONE.

      • Common DreamsRepublican Governors Association Accused of Illegal Coordination With Super PAC in Michigan

        "Desperation to save a floundering campaign has led to potential violations of campaign finance law and potential illegal coordination."

      • Democracy NowNot an Air War, A Ground War: Dems Should Redirect Election Funds to Organizing if Black Votes Matter

        As Republican-led states clamp down on voting rights, we look at how Black voters are helping to organize unprecedented voter turnout ahead of midterms. “We are literally fighting for democracy,” says LaTosha Brown, co-founder of the Black Voters Matter Fund, who says organizing voters is “the winning strategy” despite the resolve of the “consulting class” to invest campaign funds primarily in TV ads.Georgia’s special election Senate races in early 2021 were “not a fluke, “says Brown. “We need to recognize that it is going to be community-led efforts, grassroots democracy groups that are literally our best defense on the frontlines from protecting us against facism.” This comes as President Biden announces he has authorized the transfer of $10 million from the Democratic National Committee to House and Senate Democratic campaign committees.

      • Democracy NowWill Racist Ads on Immigration & Crime Help GOP Regain Control of Congress?

        As the midterms draw closer, we speak with journalist Will Bunch about how extremist Republican candidates increasingly look like they could win. In Pennsylvania, the Republican gubernatorial candidate is Doug Mastriano who attended the January 6th “Stop the Steal” rally and helped arrange buses for pro-Trump protesters to come as well. He later worked with former President Trump’s legal team to overturn the 2020 election results. This comes as racist campaign ads sponsored by a new group called Citizens for Sanity continue to fill the airwaves. “The Democrats are running out of time but I hope they find a way to counter this Republican message on crime because I’m really worried that it’s proven to be very effective so far,” says Bunch.

      • Democracy Now“Fascism Has No Place Here”: Penn State Students Maced While Protesting Violent Proud Boys Event

        Hundreds of Penn State students protesting a speaking event with Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes on Monday night were showered with pepper spray by men who appeared to be with the hate group. Penn State, which abruptly called off the talk on Monday, had resisted earlier calls from students, faculty and community members to cancel the event, citing free-speech rights. We speak with one of those students, Sam Ajah, president of the Penn State College Democrats club. “Fascism doesn’t have a place on our campus,” says Ajah, who describes being “disappointed and disgusted” by the university, which attempted to pin the violence on the peaceful protestors.

      • Meduza‘I dreamed of Mariupol every night’: Why Ukrainian refugees return to their uninhabitable city — Meduza

        Lake Ivan is a scenic lake surrounded by pine forests some 240 kilometers from the northern Russian city of Pskov. Over the lake stands a small village called Opukhliki. Yulia, whose parents have an old house in Opukhliki (we’ve changed her name at her request), calls the village a “dying ghetto”: she says that there’s no life in it, apart from Blue Lakes — a lakeside resort where visitors come to stay in the summer. Last May, Yulia realized that Blue Lakes had been designated a “temporary housing facility” for Ukrainian refugees, and that people from Mariupol were living there, side-by-side with Russians taking an ordinary vacation. Without any money of their own, and subsisting on a daily allowance of about $15, paid by the local Department of Social Services, the refugees lacked even the basic necessities like medications and detergent. Yulia and her friends began to collect and deliver aid to these people — but, to their astonishment, within a few months the refugees suddenly left for Mariupol, on buses provided by the local government. The volunteers believe that Russian authorities manipulate the refugees, enticing them back to Mariupol and other uninhabitable places with free transportation and promises of “compensation” for their demolished homes. But the Ukrainians’ real motives in returning to Mariupol might be more complicated.

      • TruthOut43 Percent of Americans Are Worried About Threats of Violence at the Polls
      • Telex (Hungary)Inside Viktor Orbán’s response to the war in Ukraine
      • TruthOutCardboard Box Tycoons Are Bankrolling Election Denial
      • Common DreamsFueled by Big Lie Conspiracy, GOP Officials Move to Hand Counts in Arizona, Nevada

        The interim county clerk in Nye County, Nevada directed six teams of five people each to begin a hand count on Wednesday after the Nevada Supreme Court gave approval for the plan last week.

      • Common DreamsOpinion | The DOJ Under Trump Resisted Efforts to Join the 'Big Lie'—We Might Not Be So Lucky Next Time
      • Common DreamsOpinion | In Face of GOP Threats, Democrats Should Raise, Suspend, or Abolish Debt Ceiling
    • Censorship/Free Speech

      • AhvalTurkish top doctor arrested for proposing chemical weapons investigation

        The 63-year-old, a forensic expert, has spent much of her career documenting torture and ill-treatment, and is a leading human rights activist in Turkey. She has served also as president of the Human Rights Foundation of Turkey.

        Turkish newspaper Birgun and other media reported that she was detained in Istanbul following an early-morning raid on her home and was being taken to Ankara, where the chief public prosecutor’s office has launched a probe against her last week.

      • TechdirtBrazil’s Governments Amps Up Anti-Free Speech Tactics Ahead Of National Election

        The Brazilian government — under the “leadership” of Donald Trump Mutual Admiration Society member Jair Bolsonaro — has been steadily cracking down on free speech under the guise of saving the public from “fake news” and other misinformation.

      • TechdirtReddit Wins Against FOSTA Lawsuit: 9th Circuit Says FOSTA Requires Knowledge Of Violation

        There’s this weird thing that people who hate Section 230 continue to ignore: that if you just take away Section 230, it doesn’t magically make companies liable for the actions of their users. If you studied the history of Section 230 (i.e., read Jeff Kosseff’s excellent book on the topic) or just had a passing familiarity with the nature of concepts such as scienter and mens rea, you might understand these things. But most people, falsely, assume that without Section 230, websites automatically become liable for the things their users do, even if the websites are totally unaware of the details.

    • Freedom of Information / Freedom of the Press

    • Civil Rights/Policing

      • FirstpostIran: Another female student killed during protests against hijab law

        The victim, Negin Abdulmaleki, who was a medical engineering student at the Hamadan University of Technology, hailed from Qorveh city in Sanandaj province of Iran. She was killed two weeks ago, but the incident was hidden from the media

      • Common DreamsIran Forces Fire on Protesters Marking 40 Days Since Mahsa Amini's Death

        Wednesday's demonstrations, which reportedly took place in around 30 Iranian cities, were a continuation of nationwide and international protests sparked by the September 16 death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Kurdish-Iranian woman arrested by so-called morality police three days earlier and reportedly beaten for violating the fundamentalist theocracy's strict Islamic dress code.

      • New York TimesTens of Thousands in Iran Mourn Mahsa Amini, Whose Death Set Off Protests

        By evening, demonstrations had spread across the country to many cities and university campuses with large crowds in the streets clapping and defiantly chanting the mantras of the protests: “Women, Life, Freedom” and “We will fight and take Iran back,” according to videos on social media.

        In the capital, Tehran, women tossed their head scarves onto bonfires in the street, shouting “Freedom, freedom,” videos showed. In many places, the protesters targeted Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and chanted for his death and removal. Some crowds in the city fought back, chasing security forces and setting fire to their motorcycles.

        Security forces attacked protesters with tear gas, beat them with batons and in some places, like Tehran, Qazvin and Saghez, even opened fire on them, videos showed.

      • Counter PunchIn Iran, the Revolution is Being Feminized

        As the young woman’s father explained to a reporter soon after, “My son begged them not to take her, but he was beaten too, his clothes were ripped off.”

      • FAIRFraming Disability as Disqualification in Fetterman/Oz Debate
      • Democracy NowFetterman & Oz Spar on Abortion, Student Debt & Economy in Closely Watched Senate Debate In Penn.

        The candidates for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania met Tuesday for their first and only debate in a race being closely watched across the country as a possible bellwether for the midterm elections. Trump-backed Republican nominee and TV personality Mehmet Oz, better known as Dr. Oz, sparred with Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman about crime, inflation, abortion and more. The night was a major test for Fetterman, who used a closed captioning device as he recovers from a major stroke that has resulted in auditory processing difficulties. “No matter where you come down politically, it was a very hard night for John Fetterman in terms of where he was at with his stroke recovery and trying to deal with a format like this,” says journalist Will Bunch, who called the debate “one of the most make-or-break nights I’ve seen in my lifetime of covering politics.”

      • Common Dreams'Belongs Nowhere Near the US Senate': Oz Says Local Politicians Should Play a Role in Abortion Decisions

        "There should not be involvement from the federal government in how states decide their abortion decisions," Oz said when asked about his position on abortion, which has become a central midterm issue following the U.S. Supreme Court's June decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization.

      • ScheerpostBuilding “Feminist Jails” Ignores a Larger Problem

        A reformist approach to women’s incarceration places the responsibility of reform on the individual, not the institution.

      • MeduzaMoscow police make arrests in extortion case involving associates of 2018 presidential candidate Ksenia Sobchak, who promptly fled abroad — Meduza

        On Wednesday, a Moscow judge jailed Kirill Sukhanov, the commercial director of journalist and socialite Ksenia Sobchak, on charges of trying to extort 11 million rubles ($178,650) from Rostec head Sergey Chemezov and at least one other victim in exchange for burying negative news coverage on the Telegram channel Tushite Svet (Lights Out!).

      • ShadowproofProtest Song Of The Week: ‘Man With No Name’ By Fantastic Negrito

        In Virginia, back in 1759, a white Scottish servant named Elizabeth Gallimore fell in love with a black slave whose name had been lost over time. Their great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson, Xavier Amin Dphrepaulezz, who performs under the pseudonym€ Fantastic Negrito, has released a compelling concept album, “White Jesus Black Problems,” based on his recently discovered lineage. The ambitious multimedia project includes a companion film, and Fantastic Negrito says the project was produced to challenge a popular narrative around polarization.“There’s a feeling out there right now that we can’t get anything done because we’re so polarized, soentrenched in our ideologies and unmoved by facts or logic, but I wanted to share this story because Ithink it smashes that narrative to pieces,” Fantastic Negrito declared. “I stand on the shoulders of my ancestors, both Black and white, who showed me that anything is possible. There was a lot of ugliness in their story, but there was a lot of beauty, too, because in the end, perseverance overcame.”“Man with No Name,” which appears on the album, is a painful reminder that often the identity and experiences of the oppressed are erased. With the song (and album), the stories of the courageous forgotten are reclaimed and finally told. The message, “I keep moving on,” encourages perseverance even when it is difficult to be hopeful.

      • TechdirtInvestigation: Child Protective Services Agencies Nearly Always Blow Off Warrant Requirements To Enter Homes

        Governments set up rules governing how they govern. Then they ignore them. So, what’s the point? Is it a nod to decorum before the proverbial government party guest throws up in the bathtub and hits on your mom?

    • Internet Policy/Net Neutrality

      • TechdirtComcast Forces Users To Buy Comcast Hardware If They Want Faster Upload Speeds

        For decades, consumers have mostly wanted one thing from their ISP: a semi-affordable dumb pipe connection for the Internet. For just as long, US ISPs have bucked this demand, routinely trying to saddle users with higher costs and additional services consumer never asked for, while finding strange new ways to make an additional buck on the back of what are usually captive customers.

      • TechdirtWhy Embedding Content Matters

        Imagine waking up in the morning, grabbing your hot cup of coffee, and scrolling your favorite blog post or website, only to find it looking like this...

    • Monopolies

      • Copyrights

        • AIMGitHub Copilot: The Latest in the List of AI Generative Models Facing Copyright Allegations

          GitHub is trained upon billions of lines of public code. But, there is no surety over whether the training data comes as fair use under copyright law. In presenting the case, Butterick writes that Microsoft characterises Copilot’s output code as only a series of “suggestions” and does not claim any rights over it. Additionally, he also cites a passage from GitHub’s website showing how Microsoft plays safe by pushing the blame onto the end user: [...]

        • MWLMy Inevitable(?) Amazon Tech Ebook Exit

          If I price an ebook at $9.99, I make about $7 at any distributor.

          If I price that same ebook at $14.99, I make about $10 everywhere but Amazon, and $4.50 at Amazon.

          In short, ebook prices of $10-$19.99 are a “dead zone” that benefits nobody but Amazon. I must price my book over $20 to make more per sale than I would by pricing at $9.99.

        • TechdirtUnfortunately, Paying For The Public Domain Already Exists In Many Countries

          A couple of weeks ago, we reported on€ a terrible idea€ in France: requiring companies to pay for the use of public domain material. As the post explained, this is a subversion of what it means for something to enter the public domain, and a betrayal of the implicit bargain of copyright. Fortunately, the plan was dropped, partly as a result of the outrage it generated.

        • Torrent Freak'AI-Powered' Music Mixer Responds to RIAA Copyright Infringement Claims

          The operator of several "AI" powered music mixer and extractor sites has responded to the RIAA's copyright infringement allegations. The rebuttal admits that using popular artists to showcase its technology wasn't smart so the references have been removed. However, the services themselves are not infringing. In fact, one of the core algorithms is created and publicly shared by Deezer.

        • Torrent FreakFrance: 15% of Blocked Live Sports Pirates Go Legal, 46% Pirate Elsewhere

          Amid claims that live sports piracy in France was recently cut in half, anti-piracy agency Arcom says that 40% of illegal stream viewers observed at least one website block in 2022. In response, an impressive 15% decided to go legal, but others weren't so readily converted. Close to half migrated to other pirate sites, with around 12% of blocked pirates deploying VPNs or modified DNS settings.

  • Gemini* and Gopher

    • Personal

      • If health isn't there

        ... then nothing is there. Health is the most important aspect of your life!

      • how did you start dev (for those who do)?

        I am curious about the tech savvy patrons of The Midnight (which is likely many of us, though no trouble if one is not) about how they got into (web) development, computers, in general?

      • Exteme mazes, Brevard NC edition
      • Dusting out the box

        I realized it's been awhile since I posted. This is mainly due to painting myself into a corner; I was trying way too hard to make this particular online identity the one I use for Deep or Controversial thoughts.

        But I find that coming up with something worth writing about in this (imagined) context was exceedingly difficult, and I didn't want to just have a blog where I complain about day-to-day life. There's also the fact that many of these issues or questions haven't changed or been resolved especially. Change is typically incremental.

      • Star Log 2022-10-24 (Fairbanks, Alaska, US)

        Stargazing is still a struggle with overcast skies every night. But the sky cleared up just enough late this morning that I could do a few minutes of stargazing right before clocking in for work. Once again, I only had my 4x30 binoculars on hand, which made it harder.


        Something that stuck out to me this morning was Vega, off to the North: It seemed to me like it's color was sparkling brightly and dramatically, like some distant police car with the emergency lights all turned on. I thought I saw the color red and some other colors. Stellarium has it categorized as a "pulsating variable star, double star", so maybe that explains it. But perhaps there was also some effect from the atmosphere, being as it was fairly low on the horizon at the time. This was about 6:20am AKDT.

    • Technical

      • Internet/Gemini

        • Bringing Back my Blog

          There are 715 posts going back to January 2003 just sitting there, in an archived git repository. Many are not very good, and I don't want to bring them back from the graveyard, but there are some good ones too.

          Especially I want to bring back the very first blog post I made, for reasons of vanity, mainly, so I can say I have been having a blog since 2003, back when blogs were just starting to take off, and you kind of had to get your hands dirty with a bit of code, or at least HTML, to start doing anything on the web.

* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.

Recent Techrights' Posts

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Links 08/03/2025: Microsoft Failures, Further Attacks on Speech in Hong Kong
Links for the day
Gemini Links 08/03/2025: Physical Albums, Analog Computing, Deleting All Social Control Media
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Friday, March 07, 2025
IRC logs for Friday, March 07, 2025
OpenAI, Deep in Debt With Growing Losses, Sees Web Traffic Falling Fourfold in a Year
Microsoft's shares have fallen over 10% since the last report and OpenAI is trying to con people via Wall Street, offloading the debt to some gullible fools
Microsoft's Social Control Media Efforts Cratering (GitHub and LinkedIn)
Expect more layoffs
Microsoft Office is a Dying Cash Cow and Now It's Just Dying/Starving
Most people use Android and they don't need some bloated office suite because many processes involve Web forms
Links 07/03/2025: Radio’s Death Knells and US Abandoning Ukraine
Links for the day
Gemini Links 07/03/2025: Replacing Firefox with LibreWolf, Visiting Churches
Links for the day
Links 07/03/2025: Oracle Layoffs, HPE Eliminates 3,000 Jobs, Massive Price Hikes at Microsoft, More Surveillance in Microsoft's Stuff
Links for the day
Manslaughter: Haverfordwest convictions, Abraham Raji & Debian DebConf drowning
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
Open Source Initiative's (OSI) Latest IRS Files: Only 2.9% (2.90046827447%) of Its Income is From Members
So almost all the money is corporate
Open Source Initiative (OSI) Reported to the California Privacy Protection Agency (Formal Complaint)
Time will tell if a Cheeto-controlled California will take this seriously or just brush it aside like a head of state from Ukraine
Half a Decade Without Social Control Media
Not all audience is desirable
IBM Laid Off Almost 2,000 Staff Last Friday and No Western Publication (Newspaper, Web Site) Even Mentioned That
Only some Asian sites mentioned it
Under IBM, After Killing, the Next Casualty May be "Community Blog" of the Fedora Project
It sounds like they already made the decision/s
Social Control Media as a Rapid Race to the Bottom - Part IV - Physical Health, Mental Health, and Debilitating Anxiety
One is better off feeding stray pigeons (rather than scrolling and clicking on "timelines" like a dumb pigeon)
Links 07/03/2025: WSL Breakage (as Usual), Abandoning WordPress for Hugo
Links for the day
LLM Slop Versus Richard Stallman
"Compilation Of Corruption: Jeffrey Epstein And The Halls Of Academia"
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Thursday, March 06, 2025
IRC logs for Thursday, March 06, 2025