Bonum Certa Men Certa

Links 21/11/2022: pgAdmin 4 v6.16 Released and FSFE Exposed

  • GNU/Linux

    • 9to5Linux9to5Linux Weekly Roundup: November 20th, 2022

      This week has been really amazing for Linux news and releases! Fedora Linux 37 finally arrived with lots of goodies, Steam Client finally got that long-anticipated Big Picture mode from Steam Deck UI, Firefox 107 arrived with more new features for Linux users, and KDE Frameworks 5.100 is out for Plasma fans with many improvements.

      On top of that, I tell you all about the latest security updates for Ubuntu, I show you how to install the Unity7 desktop environment on Arch Linux, and take a first look at Linux Mint’s Cinnamon 5.6 desktop environment on Arch Linux. Below, you can enjoy these and much more in 9to5Linux’s Linux weekly roundup for November 20th, 2022.

    • Audiocasts/Shows

    • Applications

      • Luca SaiuAnnouncing make-gallery, a simple web image gallery generator

        I wrote a script generating an image gallery suitable to be included in web pages. Since it can be generally useful I cleaned it up and published it, of course as free software; you are welcome to download a copy of make-gallery from The software is released under the GNU General Public Licence version 3 or later; the generated code is in the public domain.

        I hate the web

        I have never made a mystery of my personal dislike for the web with its gratuitous ever-growing complexity, inefficiency, lack of expressivity, hostility to the developer and to the general user.

      • It's FOSS5 htop Alternatives to Enhance Your Linux System Monitoring Experience

        htop is a popular command-line tool to help monitor the system’s resources and performance on Linux.

        It’s better than top, often available by default out of the box.

        With htop, you can filter and sort processes to understand things better, get a tree view of the processes running, and kill processes when needed.

        I use htop over other system monitoring tools because it displays what’s essential to me and allows terminating rogue/frozen processes when I need to take control of running services.

        But, if you want something else that displays more info or looks different, what are some htop alternatives? Let’s take a look.

    • Instructionals/Technical

      • ByteXDHow to Install XFCE Themes in Linux - ByteXD

        XFCE (XForms Common Environment) is a Linux desktop environment that started in 1996 with the main focus on speed rather than looks.

      • ID RootHow To Install Odoo on Rocky Linux 9 - idroot

        In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Odoo on Rocky Linux 9. For those of you who didn’t know, Odoo is a business management tool that comes as a suite with numerous applications to help organizations in management and ease the day-to-day company operations. Odoo works as a central application that allows you to manage business-related tasks from one single web application dashboard. It is user-friendly, scalable, customizable, flexible, and helps you manage businesses and organizations with a CMS.

        This article assumes you have at least basic knowledge of Linux, know how to use the shell, and most importantly, you host your site on your own VPS. The installation is quite simple and assumes you are running in the root account, if not you may need to add ‘sudo‘ to the commands to get root privileges. I will show you the step-by-step installation of the Odoo ERP Software on Rocky Linux. 9.

      • Unix MenHow To Use The xxd Hex Dumper Utility In Linux

        On most Unix-like operating systems, the xxd command helps users read a file as its hexadecimal values. The ASCII representation of the files is also shown, and users can edit them as necessary.

        The command was first developed in 1990 by Juergen Weigert and has been a valuable part of Linux-based systems since.

        Even programmers don’t work with their code on the bits-and-bytes level – at least not daily. However, there are easy ways to use the xxd hex dumper to explore files at that level if required.

        We’ll walk you through using the hex dumper in this post.

      • ID RootHow To Install Snap on Fedora 37 - idroot

        In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Snap on Fedora 37. For those of you who didn’t know, Snap package manager is a free and open-source software used to install and manage snap packages. The purpose of Snap packages, just like Flatpaks, is to distribute sandboxed and self-contained applications. Snap can be installed and, for the most part, work with most packages on Fedora-based systems that are currently actively supported.

        This article assumes you have at least basic knowledge of Linux, know how to use the shell, and most importantly, you host your site on your own VPS. The installation is quite simple and assumes you are running in the root account, if not you may need to add ‘sudo‘ to the commands to get root privileges. I will show you the step-by-step installation of Snap on a Fedora 37.

      • Make Use OfHow to Install Adobe Photoshop on Linux

        The Linux ecosystem is enjoying a boom in new apps that run flawlessly on its desktops. But there are still holdout apps that prevent Linux from being on par with Windows and macOS.

        The Adobe Creative Suite is one major set of apps that lacks a native Linux port. This puts creative professionals off from trying Linux since Photoshop and other Adobe apps are the bread and butter of their work.

        Still, this hasn't stopped other creatives from running Photoshop on their Linux desktops. Let's look at the ways Linux users are bringing the power of Adobe Photoshop to Linux.

      • CloudbookletHow to Install File Browser on Ubuntu 22.04 with Nginx - Cloudbooklet

        File Browser is a file managing application which provides a modern interface within a specified directory to upload, delete, preview, rename and edit your files. It also allows creation of multiple users and and assign each user their own directory. With this application you can eliminate the use of chroot setup which is used for managing files alone.

        In this guide you are going to learn how to install File browser on Ubuntu 22.04 and configure it with Nginx reverse proxy. We will also create a configuration file to specify the root directory and a systemd file to start file browser as a service using a specific user which Nginx uses www-data.

      • HowTo ForgePerfect Server Automated ISPConfig 3 Installation on Debian 10, Debian 11, Ubuntu 20.04 and Ubuntu 22.04

        This tutorial shows you how to easily set up a web, email and DNS server with ISPConfig 3 using the ISPConfig auto-installation script....

      • LinuxTechiHow to Install Garuda Linux Step-by-Step with Screenshots

        Garuda Linux is a user-friendly and visually appealing Linux distribution that is popular among gamers. It is a rolling distribution based on Arch Linux that is designed to offer exemplary performance while focusing on offering an immersive user experience with beautiful and elegant desktop themes.

        Garuda Linux offers its users a wide selection of vibrant desktop environments including Plasma KDE, GNOME, LXQt-win, Xfce, and Qtile to mention a few. Like Arch Linux, it uses Pacman as its default package manager and ships with a huge collection of software packages.

      • It's UbuntuHow To Set Up Apache HTTP With An SSL Certificate |

        A website works with several key elements, which include a frontend, a web server, and a network. Apache web server is a free and open-source web server. A web server serves content to different types of users who request multiple site pages. Therefore, you need a reliable solution. Apache has been the first choice for many organizations.

        Apache enables organizations to serve content to users as per demand and improves the browsing experience. The latest versions of the web server come with advanced security features. However, is SSL certification necessary for the Apache servers? WHY?

      • Linux CapableHow to Install Linux Kernel 6.0 on Rocky Linux 9/8

        As anyone who has used Rocky Linux Stream for any time knows, one of its primary focuses is stability. This can often mean that the distribution is relatively stable but usually has very outdated packages in terms of new features. For example, at the time of this writing, Rocky Linux features kernel 5.14, but some users may require a more recent kernel for better hardware compatibility, among many other things. While this focus on stability is admirable, it can be frustrating for users who need the latest and most significant features that newer kernels often provide. Fortunately, there are a few ways to work around this issue.

        For most users, the best option is to use the ELRepo repository, which has an excellent reputation amongst EL9 and EL8 distributions such as AlmaLinux, CentOS, Oracle, etc. The following tutorial will show you how to import the ELRepo for Rocky Linux 9 or Rocky Linux 8 desktop or server using cli commands for the users that require to update their kernel for better hardware support.

      • UNIX CopHow to install Homebrew on CentOS 9 Stream

        Homebrew installs packages to their directory and then symlinks their files into /usr/local. This means that we don’t have to use sudo or have root privileges to be able to install certain applications from their large catalog.

        For example, thanks to Homebrew we will be able to get recent versions of curl or wget because the application downloads, compiles, and installs from source code using formulas which are scripts made in Ruby.

        The way Homebrew works is summarized in Git and Ruby, so hack away with the knowledge that you can easily revert your modifications and merge upstream updates.

      • Linux CapableHow to Install VSCodium on Debian 11/10 [Ed: This helps Microsoft by means of promoting the Microsoft IDE, which is proprietary]

        VSCodium is a powerful, open-source code editor that can be used for various programming tasks. The source code for this product is available on GitHub under an MIT license, making it accessible to anyone who wants to use it. While VSCodium is free to use, some features may require third-party plugins or extensions. These plugins and extensions can sometimes transmit data without the user’s permission, so it’s important to know what they are before installing them.

        The following tutorial will teach you how to install VSCodium on Debian 11/10 Linux. The tutorial will use the command line terminal with complete steps to install the official repository of VSCodium and tips on updating and removing the IDE properly and securely for those seeking a more privacy-focused IDE over the default Microsoft Visual Studio Code Editor.

      • Linux CapableHow to Install Visual Studio Code on Debian 11/10 [Ed: This is proprietary software that Microsoft uses to spy on GNU/Linux developers; no "Linux" site should help people install this spyware]

        Visual Studio Code is a free and powerful source-code editor made by Microsoft for Windows, Linux, and macOS. VSCode offers many features such as support to debug applications, embedded Git control which helps you with code completion or refactoring when needed (it even has snippets!), plus much more! You can find extensions in this extensive library that further enhance your software development experience.

        In the following tutorial, you will learn how to Install Visual Code Editor (VS CODE) on Debian 11/10 using the command line terminal to import the Microsoft official repository and gpg key and install the IDE editor, along with how to maintain and remove the software if required in the future.

    • Games

      • Godot EngineGodot Engine - See you in San Francisco!

        We are excited to announce that the Godot Engine will attend the 2023 Game Developers Conference (March 20-24).

        The Game Developer Conference is a yearly event in San Francisco, California. It is the world's largest professional game industry event, with over 26,000 attendees. The conference features over 700 lectures, panels, and workshops on a variety of game development topics, as well as a large expo floor with over 500 exhibitors.

      • Boiling SteamCircus Electrique Review: Polished, Unique, but Too Much? - Boiling Steam

        Victorian steampunk England, where crazed police and hooligans roam the streets after some sort of mind control device goes haywire, with only some clowns, fire dancers, and other circus performers standing in the way of all-out chaos. Oh, and the show must go on: these very same performers have to keep the crowds entertained to put food in their bellies and bandages on their wounds from fighting the good fight.

      • Boiling SteamBest Steam Deck Games Released in the Past Week - 2022-11-21 Edition - Boiling Steam

        Between 2022-11-14 and 2022-11-21 there were 131 new games validated for the Steam Deck. We use a number of techniques to achieve this list of Best Steam Deck Games such as popularity, ratings, and a few other features. Here’s a quick pick of the most interesting ones, split in Verified and Playable categories.

    • Desktop Environments/WMs

      • GNOME Desktop/GTK

        • OMG Ubuntu’Dynamic Wallpaper' Maker for GNOME Updated with New UI - OMG! Ubuntu!

          Want to make your own dynamic wallpaper pairings to use in GNOME 42 and above?

          If you do you’ve probably come across Dynamic Wallpaper. It’s a super-simple GTK app tool that lets create a background pair that changes based on the light/dark mode setting.

          A new version of the app landed this past weekend. Dynamic Wallpaper 0.1.0 delivers a new design that, to my eyes, is a much better fit for the modern GNOME desktop and libadwaita apps. That’s not to say the old UI was bad, but this one is better.

          Feature wise nothing else has changed: you open the app, select an image to use as the wallpaper when ‘light mode’ is active, select an image to use when ‘dark mode’ is active, assign your creative coupling a name, then hit ‘create’ to save it.

          Once saved, you head to Settings > Appearance to apply it. You can spot your creation easily as these dynamic wallpapers display a split thumbnail previewing the two images, light mode on the left, dark mode on the right.

  • Distributions and Operating Systems

    • DebugPointPop!_OS: Reasons why its an all-rounder Linux distro

      Pop!_OS is a Ubuntu Linux-based derivative developed and created by American computer manufacturer System76 for their lines of hardware devices. System76 sells high-end servers, desktops, laptops and other peripherals. And all of their runs on the Ubuntu variant Pop!_OS.

      Since its inception, the Pop!_OS team has had a different vision of the customized Ubuntu and the default desktop GNOME.

      Here are the few reasons why System76's Pop OS is the best all-rounder Ubuntu-based Linux distribution.

  • Free, Libre, and Open Source Software

    • MozillaThe Mozilla Blog: The best gift for anyone who wants to feel safer when they go online: Mozilla privacy products [Ed: Mozilla claims to be selling privacy when it in fact selling Firefox users to companies including Google]

      The holidays are a wonderful time of the year where we are happily shopping for unique gifts for loved ones online. It also means we’re sharing our personal information online like giving out email addresses or phone numbers to sign up for discount programs or creating new accounts. Whenever we go online, we are asked to give our personal information, which can end up in the wrong hands. Once our information is out there and publicly available it’s even tougher to get it back.

      Here at Mozilla, a mission-driven company with a 20-year track record of fighting for online privacy and a healthier internet, we get that. Our privacy products, Firefox Relay and Mozilla VPN, have helped people feel safer when they go online and have blocked more than 1.5 million unwanted emails from people’s inboxes while keeping their real email addresses safe from trackers across the web. So, wherever you go online with Mozilla’s trusted products and services, your information is safer.

    • Gregory HammondWhy I probably won’t run a Mastodon instance

      Mastodon, along with many of the fediverse projects run on instances, that is a website / server that runs that software. Usually, the person (or group) that creates the project runs the first instance, after that it is up to volunteers to run their own instance.

      It’s best if there are more instances, for decentralization, but there are some people who won’t (or can’t run a instance). Here are some potential reason why, [...]

    • SaaS/Back End/Databases

      • PostgreSQLPostgreSQL: pgAdmin 4 v6.16 Released

        The pgAdmin Development Team is pleased to announce pgAdmin 4 version 6.16. This release of pgAdmin 4 includes 28 bug fixes and new features. For more details please see the release notes.

      • PostgreSQLPostgreSQL: Datasentinel version 2022.11 released

        We're pleased to announce the availability of Datasentinel for PostgreSQL version 2022.11

      • PostgreSQLPostgreSQL: Prague PostgreSQL Developer Day 2023 / Call for Papers - Sponsors

        Prague PostgreSQL Developer Day 2023 (P2D2 2023) will be held on January 31 - February 1 in Prague, Czech Republic. The conference focuses on topics for PostgreSQL users and developers. For more information about the event, please see the website at

        We are now accepting proposals for talks and trainings in both Czech and English. As in previous years, the conference is a single-track event with a mix of talks in Czech and English.

    • FSFE

      • Daniel PocockMatthias Kirschner, FSFE analagous to identity fraud

        There have been two high profile hacks in Australia recently, Medibank and Optus. Optus is one of the largest mobile phone networks in Australia. Hackers obtained details of identity documents for millions of Optus customers. The situation is so bad that all Australian states are reprinting driving licenses.

        The first thing that came to my mind was my experience with Matthias Kirschner and his FSFE. In 2017, the community elected me as the Fellowship representative in FSFE.

        Within a few days, I received concerns from John Sullivan, the Executive Director of the real FSF. He told me that the FSFE, the fake FSF, was impersonating the FSF, in other words, behaving like common garden variety identity thieves...

    • Programming/Development

      • Connor TumblesonAn Intro-To-Rust Course

        Lars Wirzenius generously offered to teach Rust basics in a few free trainings for programmers who already contribute to free and open source projects via code. I got a lot out of an intro-to-Python workshop many years ago (curriculum), and I've been meaning to get going learning Rust, so I decided to sign up, and I participated in one today. Lars asked that participants "tell others what you thought of the course" even if it was highly critical, so here's my report.

      • uni TorontoFloating point NaNs as map keys in Go give you weird results

        The last time around I learned that Go 1.21 may have a clear builtin partly because you can't delete map entries that have a floating point NaN as their key. Of course this isn't the only weird thing about NaNs as keys in maps, although you can pretty much predict all of them from the fact that NaNs never compare equal to each other.

      • IdiomdrottningAn SVG path data library for Chicken Scheme

        This library can turn SVG path data to tagged sexp format (compatible with SXML). You can switch between absolute and relative coordinates, and turn it into a minified string.

        The procedures work on both this library’s own tagged format and on path data strings.

      • uni TorontoGo 1.21 may have a clear(x) builtin and there's an interesting reason why

        Recently I noticed an interesting Go change in the development version, which adds type checking of a 'clear' builtin function. This was the first I'd heard of such a thing, but the CL had a helpful link to the Go issue, proposal: spec: add clear(x) builtin, to clear map, zero content of slice, ptr-to-array #56351. The title basically says what it's about, but it turns out that there's a surprising and interesting reason why Go sort of needs this.

        On the surface you might think that this wasn't an important change, because you can always do this by hand even for maps.

      • Data Science TutorialsAdd Significance Level and Stars to Plot in R

        Add Significance Level and Stars to Plot in R, In this article, I’ll show you how to use the R programming language’s ggsignif package to annotate a ggplot2 plot with significance levels.

      • Saturn Elephant - The missing lazy numbers: implementation

        In Haskell, for any type T (for example Double), there is a corresponding type Maybe T. An object of this type either has form Just x, where x is of type T, or is Nothing. Thus one can use the Maybe T type to extend the type T to a type allowing missing values. One can test whether a Maybe T object y is not “missing” with isJust y, and, if so, one can extract its T value with fromJust y, which returns the object x of type T such that y equals Just x. There is also the function isNothing, whose name is explicit.

        There is something similar in C++, available since C++ 17: the type std::optional<T>. I used it with Rcpp to allow missing values in vectors of lazy numbers.

      • Marketing Mix Modelling using data from - Data and Marketing Attribution Modelling |

        In this guide you will learn how to fetch your marketing data and apply a Marketing Mix Model to elucidate which source presents the best marketing performance. Marketing Mix Modelling is a statistical analyses such as multivariate regressions on sales and marketing time series data to estimate the impact of various marketing tactics on a given variable related to reward (e.g., number of clicks).

        Our aim will be to elucidate which marketing platform presents the highest number of clicks per spend for the last year. More concretely, we will consider Facebook and Google Ads data.

      • optimal leap year

        A riddle about leap years: a solar year consists of approximately 365.24217 mean solar days, which is why there is a leap year approximately every four years. Approximately because the Gregorian calendar plans 97 and not 100 leap years over 400 years. Is this the optimal solution? No, since the Gregorian difference is 3.3 10⁻⁴ day per year, or 0.132 day per 400 years, while using 85 leap years over every 351 years leads to a difference of 4.76 10⁻⁶ day per year, or 0.002 day per 400 years… (With a further gain by a factor 4 with 116 leap years every 479 years.)

      • MediumData Types in R
      • Daniel LemireRounding modes: std::from_chars versus strtod/strtof - Daniel Lemire’s blog

        A recent C++ standard (C++17) introduced new functions to parse floating-point numbers std::from_chars, from strings (e.g., ASCII text) to binary numbers. How should such a function parse values that cannot be represented exactly? The specification states that the resulting value rounded to nearest. This means that 1.0000000000000000001 and 0.999999999999999999 become exactly 1.0.

        The C language has its own functions (strtod/strtof). I could not find a reference in the standard as to how it should round, but the source code suggests that the functions round according to the current floating-point rounding mode, as determined by the fegetround() function. One can round toward zero, up, down or to nearest. I wrote a small command-line utility to test it out.

      • Barry Kaulerarp-scan 1.9.8 compiled in OE

        It was a long time ago that I added a recipe to build arp-scan in OpenEmbedded.


        Have changed the package-list in woofQ so now will build with the arp-scan from OE.

      • Lawrence TrattWhat is a Research Summer School?

        If I say "summer school" to you then you'll probably think of extra sessions in summer holidays for children; depending on where you grew up, you might expect such sessions to be either exciting non-academic activities or catch-up lessons. What about summer schools for research students (what I'll call "research summer schools" for the rest of this post, though in research circles they're unambiguously referred to as just "summer schools")?

        I've co-organised four in-person research summer schools, most recently as part of the Programming Language Implementation Summer School (PLISS) series, and spoken at two others, and one thing that I've realised is that many people don't really know what they involve. Indeed, I didn't fully realise what they are, or could be, even after I'd been involved in several! This post is my brief attempt to pass on some of what I've learnt about research summer schools.

      • Andrew HealeyRecent Projects I Didn't Finish — Andrew Healey

        I played around with 0x, a command-line tool for producing an interactive flamegraph from a Node process. I wanted to write about how to profile code and look for bottlenecks but I wanted to show a real-life example by finding an optimization in an open source library.

        I profiled the svelte compiler and found a potential micro-optimization. Specifically the clone utility adapted from lukeed/klona. In my tests it was slower than both JSON stringifying and parsing, and structuredClone. But making the code change isn't straight forward as the clone utility "[skips] function values in objects when cloning, so we don't break tests". I also didn't want to waste a maintainer's time by opening a PR without confidence it was actually a good idea.

      • OpenSource.comLearn Git: 3 commands to level up your skill

        When I talk to people about Git, almost everyone has a strong reaction to the git rebase command. This command has caused many people to change directory, remove the repository, and just re-clone to start over. I think this comes from misconceptions about how branching actually works, a pretty terrible default interface, and some merge conflicts mucking things up.

      • OpenSource.com7 Git tips for technical writers

        As a technical writer working for ATIX, my tasks include creating and maintaining documentation for Foreman at Git helps me track versions of content, and to collaborate with the open source community. It's an integral part of storing the results of my work, sharing it, and discussing improvements. My main tools include my browser, OpenSSH to connect to Foreman instances, Vim to edit source files, and Git to version content.

        This article focuses on recurring challenges when taking the first steps with Git and contributing to Foreman documentation. This is meant for intermediate Git users.

      • NextGenTipsHow to install Tailwind CSS and Flowbite inside a Django Project – NextGenTips

        Tailwind CSS is an open-source CSS framework. The difference between Bootstrap is that Tailwind does not provide predefined classes for elements such as tables or buttons. It makes it easier to write and maintain the code of your application. You don’t have to switch back and forth between CSS and your main HTML template.

        Flowbite enables us to build websites faster with components on top of Tailwind CSS. It’s open-source and it’s built with utility classes from Tailwind CSS that can be used as a starting point when creating user interfaces.

        In this tutorial, I will show you how you can create a beautiful Django UI using Tailwind CSS and Flowbite.

      • NextGenTipsHow to perform CRUD functionalities on Rails – NextGenTips

        Rails CRUD processes is very easy to create, this makes it easy to work on something else. Compare to Django CRUD operation, I can say for Django you need to have sort of a hacking mentality to go through it, but for Rails its just one command and everything is created on a fly.

      • Python

        • Geeks For GeeksLinear Classifier in Tensorflow

          In this article, we will be using tf.estimator.LinearClassifier to build a model and train it on the famous titanic dataset. All of this will be done by using the TensorFlow API.

  • Leftovers

    • Why Life Can’t Be Simpler

      When we wish for things to be simpler, we usually mean we want products and services to have fewer steps, fewer controls, fewer options, less to learn. But at the same time, we still want all of the same features and capabilities. These two categories of desires are often at odds with each other and distort how we understand the complex.

    • Counter PunchStaughton Lynd: A Life Dedicated to Justice Will Never be Lost to Death.

      The rest is history. Three decades of friendship, comradery, and solidarity that I will cherish forever.

      Last April, I did what I always do when I visit Youngstown: I visited Staughton and Alice at their Niles home, the only home they have ever owned and where they have lived for over 40 years. Also, as always, I stopped to take with me vanilla ice cream for Staughton, a favorite of his, and grapes for Alice, who can’t eat ice cream. Alice met me at the door, and we took up our seats as usual, in the corner adjacent to the kitchen where a few chairs and a reading couch are cozily facing each other. Staughton, who would ordinarily have been at the front door with Alice to greet me, was not there. Alice said he would join us in a moment.

    • MeduzaRussian prison population sees largest drop in more than a decade as Wagner PMC recruits convicts en masse — Meduza

      From the start of September to the start of November, Russia’s prison population had its largest decrease since at least 2010, according to the independent Russian news outlet Mediazona.

    • HackadayThis Standalone Camera Gets The Picture Through With SSTV

      These days, sending a picture to someone else is as simple as pulling out your smartphone and sending it by email or text message. It’s so simple a child can do it, but that simple user experience masks a huge amount of complexity, from the compression algorithms in the phones to the huge amount of distributed infrastructure needed to connect them together. As wonderful and enabling as all that infrastructure can be, sometimes it’s just too much for the job.

    • Science

      • RFERLYuri Knorozov: The Maverick Scholar Who Cracked The Maya Code

        Indeed, the story of how one lone scholar from the Soviet Union managed to convince the wider world that he had cracked the code of the Maya without actually setting foot in the Americas is now the stuff of academic legend, not least because -- like the ancient culture he studied -- Knorozov's life is shrouded in mystery, particularly when it comes to his formative years in Ukraine.

      • ChrisStatistical Process Control: A Manager’s Guide

        There are two ways to present statistical process control: one for the practitioner, and one for the statistician. This is the practitioner’s version. In this version, the reason behind some things will be given as, People have relied on these tools to increase quality and decrease costs for over 80 years. Trust me, it works.

    • Hardware

      • HackadayNew Part Day: Exotic Filament For RF Dielectric Structures

        The world of microwave RF design appears to the uninitiated to be full of unimaginably exotic devices, as engineers harness the laws of physics to tame radio signals to their will. Among the weapons in their arsenal are materials of known dielectric properties, from which can be made structures with the desired effects on RF that encounters them. This has traditionally been a difficult and expensive process, but it’s one now made much easier by the availability of 3D printer filaments with a range of known dielectric values.

      • Russell GravesKeropunk Part 3: Kerosene Radiant Heaters

        The past few weeks, I talked somewhat in depth about kerosene lanterns and why you should buy one. This week, I’m covering a related technology - kerosene heaters. They’re a very useful thing to have around for when the power grid goes down in the winter, and you’d like to avoid freezing. I’m also going to do a teardown of a reasonably modern one, just so you can see what makes them tick inside. They’re quite simple!

      • HackadayHomebrew Espresso Maker Modding With Gagguino

        For those that don’t know, Gaggia is a company that produces a line of affordable “entry-level” espresso coffee makers that offer good quality consumer espresso machines at reasonable prices. The entry level machines don’t offer fine grained control over temperature, pressure and steam which is where the Gagguino project comes in.

      • HackadayCheap Display Fix Brings Thermal Camera Back To Life

        When it comes to repairability of electronic devices, much depends on how helpful the original manufacturer is. Some make repairs very easy by publishing detailed service manuals and selling spare parts. Others keep everything under wraps to protect their intellectual property, turning even a supposedly simple fix into a reverse engineering ordeal. When [BuyItFixIt] got his hands on a FLIR multimeter-thermal camera combination instrument with a broken display, he quickly found that FLIR was firmly in the “all our designs are top secret” camp and wouldn’t even tell him what kind of display they had used.

      • HackadayA Handy OSHW USB Cable Tester For Your Toolkit

        There’s no shame in admitting you’ve been burned by a cheapo USB cable — ever since some bean counter realized there was a few cents to be saved by producing “power only” USB cables, no hardware hacker has been safe. But with this simple tester from [Álvaro Prieto] in your arsenal, you’ll never be fooled again.

      • HackadayTinyLlama Is A 486 In Your Pocket

        We love retrocomputing and tiny computers here at Hackaday, so it’s always nice to see projects that combine the two. [Eivind]’s TinyLlama lets you play DOS games on a board that fits in your hand.

    • Proprietary

    • Security

      • LWNSecurity updates for Monday []

        Security updates have been issued by Debian (graphicsmagick and krb5), Fedora (dotnet6.0, js-jquery-ui, kubernetes, and xterm), Gentoo (php and postgresql), Mageia (php-pear-CAS, sysstat, varnish, vim, and x11-server), Red Hat (thunderbird), SUSE (389-ds, binutils, dpkg, firefox, frr, grub2, java-11-openjdk, java-17-openjdk, kernel, kubevirt stack, libpano, nodejs16, openjpeg, php7, php74, pixman, python-Twisted, python39, rubygem-loofah, sccache, sudo, thunderbird, tor, and tumbler), and Ubuntu (flac, git, linux-azure-fde, linux-gke, linux-gkeop, linux-raspi-5.4, linux-gcp, linux-gcp-4.15, and linux-gcp-5.15, linux-gke-5.15, linux-intel-iotg, linux-raspi).

      • TechCrunchThe US Securing Open Source Software Act of 2022 is a step in the right direction - TechCrunch [Ed: False. Perforce seems to be promoting Microsoft's agenda here.]

        Cybersecurity continues to be a hot topic. More and more organizations are getting hit by ransomware attacks, critical open software vulnerabilities are making news, and we’re seeing industries and governments coming together to discuss initiatives to improve software security.

      • Bruce SchneierBreaking the Zeppelin Ransomware Encryption Scheme [Ed: Microsoft Windows TCO]

        A company offered recovery services based on this break, but was reluctant to advertise because it didn’t want Zeppelin’s creators to fix their encryption flaw.

      • Privacy/Surveillance

        • Pro PublicaPolice Used 911 Call Analysis to Arrest a Mother on Murder Charge

          Detective Eric Matthews decided Jessica Logan probably killed her baby before he talked to a single eyewitness or collected almost any evidence. At that point, on Oct. 9, 2019, the coroner hadn’t yet announced a cause of death. What Matthews did have€ was a recording of Logan’s 911 call from two days earlier.

          The detective scribbled notes as he listened.

        • Internet Freedom FoundationOur letter to MeitY: Give us a fair chance and hear us out.

          As several media reports pointed to the imminent release of the draft Digital Personal Data Protection Bill, 2022 (DPDPB, 2022) and the draft Digital India Bill, we wrote to the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology’s (MeitY) on November 17, 2022, urging them to hold transparent and deliberative public consultations for both. Given the importance, urgency, and wide impact of these pieces of legislation, we recommended other steps that the Ministry may adopt to further improve public participation in the decision making process.

          To Meity, with concern

          Both the Minister of Electronics and Information Technology, Shri Ashniwi Vaishnaw and the Minister of State (MoS) for Information Technology, Shri Rajeev Chandrasekhar made statements covered in the media regarding the introduction of a draft Digital India Bill (see here and here), as well as the draft DPDPB (see here and here). On November 19, 2022, the DPDPB, 2022 was released by MeitY for public consultation. The Ministry has invited feedback on the DPDPB, 2022 in a chapter wise manner by December 17, 2022. While we appreciate that a draft bill has been put out for public consultation, we would have preferred if the Ministry had made available a white paper underlining the issues it considered while developing the “comprehensive legal framework”, of which the DPDPB, 2022 will be a crucial part. This is one request we raised in our letter to MeitY, one day before the DPDPB, 2022 was made public.

        • Public KnowledgePublic Knowledge Files Comments Urging FTC To Create Comprehensive Rules for Data Privacy - Public Knowledge

          Today, Public Knowledge joined the Yale Law School Technology Accountability and Competition Project, a division of the Media Freedom and Information Access Clinic, in filing comments in the Federal Trade Commission’s proceeding on the prevalence of commercial surveillance and data security practices that harm consumers. The agency seeks comment on whether it should implement new trade regulation rules concerning how companies collect, use, and retain consumer data, as well as transfer, share, sell, or otherwise monetize that data in unfair or deceptive ways.

          Public Knowledge urges the agency to go beyond codifying the current failed notice and choice framework and build a data protection regime predicated on data minimization, data access rights for consumers, and protection of civil rights. Furthermore, Public Knowledge cautions the agency against over reliance on consent or anonymization techniques to solve for consumer harms that arise from data collection, use, and sale mechanisms. Public Knowledge also encourages the FTC to use its “truth in advertising” expertise as a foundation for building rules governing AI; in other words, the algorithm has to effectively and accurately do the thing the creators claim it can do.

        • NPRGay dating app Grindr's stock soars after going public

          Grindr, which launched in 2009, reported roughly 11 million daily users per day last year. Users sent a combined 260 million messages in that same period, and spent an average of 61 minutes per day on the app. In the same announcement, Grindr estimated the value of its "highly engaged user base in a large and untapped addressable market" at $4 billion.

    • Defence/Aggression

      • NPRDid the world make progress on climate change? Here's what was decided at global talks

        World leaders did not agree to phase down fossil fuels

      • Arab NewsGlobal coalition vows to defeat political [sic] Islamism in the West

        “The Islamists are impressively well-organized. Time has come for anti-Islamists to emulate them. The Salzburg meeting got us off to a great start,” he said.

        According to its website, the coalition “stands for peace, democracy, liberty and secular governance,” and is “deeply concerned by the continuing threat posed to these values by the actions and demands of Islamists in various places around the world.”

        Participants in the forum, which ended on Oct. 30, agreed that radical Islamists’ influence is increasing in North America and Western Europe through infiltration of local and central governments.

      • MeduzaZelensky’s office: negotiating with Russia is tantamount to capitulation — Meduza

        Ukrainian Presidential Adviser Mykhailo Podolyak said during an interview with French news agency AFP that beginning negotiations with Russia now, given the current situation at the front, would amount to capitulation.

      • ScheerpostChris Hedges: Reading Proust in War

        Marcel Proust died a century ago on November 18, 1922, leaving behind one of the most remarkable literary investigations into human nature and society.

      • ScheerpostZelensky and Media Lackeys Caught in Most Dangerous Lie Yet

        With Kiev exposed for a lie that could have triggered a third world war, it is time to examine past deceptions that Western media promoted.

      • ScheerpostPoland WWIII Scare Shows Why Top US General Wants Peace (w/ Doug Macgregor)
      • Counter PunchThe Polish Missile Narrative

        In the Ukraine War, where accurate information has almost ceased to be relevant (unless you believe the sludge from any one side), the latest shock and shudder came in the form of a missile that fell on Polish territory.€  As a result, two farmers lost their lives in the village of Przewodów.

        The farmers, as the pencilled in victims of a broader power play, almost ceased to be relevant.€  Discussions moved on to a potential violation of Polish territory and the prospect of NATO engagement.€  The missile had been “Russian-made”, which tickled those keen to push a widening of the conflict.€  Never mind that Ukraine has its own share of Russian and Soviet-era weapons systems.

      • Counter PunchWar in the Ukraine is Not a Fight Between Good and Evil; Just Bad vs. Bad

        The Ukrainian state, like Russia, is rightwing. But unlike any other country in the world (at least since the fall of Franco’s dictatorship in Spain), Ukraine has organized Nazi and fascist groupings overtly incorporated into its Armed Forces. One of these is the Azov Battalion, who have massive (and growing) influence within the Zelenskyy regime.

        However, it should not be so surprising that the Ukrainian state remains committed to honoring contemporary fascists. From 2014 (after the U.S. supported overthrow of the previous government) through the winter of 2022, countless monuments were constructed honoring WWII era fascist leader Stepan Bandera; a man who collaborated with the Nazis and played a hand in the holocaust (1.5 million Ukrainian Jews were murdered in death camps and by firing squad during the Second World War). This is the man that the Ukrainian state, ruling class, and growing fascist movement chose to elevate to national hero status.

      • Counter PunchThe Waters are Running Red in Africa’s Great Lakes Region

        Meanwhile, the M23 rebels—backed by Rwanda—have expanded their attacks in the DRC. In retaliation, the DRC expelled Rwandan Ambassador Vincent Karega. The M23 with the assistance of Rwanda troops captured Kiwanja and Rutshuru, two towns in the DRC’s North Kivu province. Rwanda argues that it was the DRC that violated agreements leading to the fighters being reinstated.

        In August, a leaked report from the United Nations showed that Rwanda had backed the M23. It was difficult for Rwanda to deny the details in the report, particularly after U.S. Ambassador Robert Wood, alternate representative for special political affairs, told the UN Security Council that his government calls “on state actors to stop their support for these groups, including the Rwandan Defense Forces’ assistance to M23.” The M23 is a recent entrant into the wars in the DRC’s eastern provinces, which have been ongoing since the early 1990s. A UN report from August 2010 details several hundred violent incidents that took place in the DRC between March 1993 and June 2003, with “deaths of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people”; one estimate, based on studies conducted in 2000 and 2004, suggests that more than 3 million people have died in the conflict since 1998.

      • Counter PunchNuclear Threats in Ukraine: Hyped or Real?

        Instead, most are spending enormous sums on expanding their arsenals, and publicly announcing their plans for the “first use” of their H-bombs. All of them could be called “suiciders” in this context, the way Western writers deride the religious fundamentalists who tie explosives to their bodies turning themselves into bombs.

        Yet it is possible that the military and scientific authorities in control of nuclear weapons know that they must not explode them. It could be that nuclear attack planners know that the effects of such detonations recoil and return like boomerangs to poison and kill the forces that unleash them, contaminating the sought-after territory.

      • Common DreamsLGBTQ+ Nightclub Shooting in Colorado Springs Probed as Possible Hate Crime

        A mass shooting that killed at least five people and injured at least 18 late Saturday at an€ LGBTQ+ nightclub in Colorado Springs, Colorado will be investigated as a hate crime, a local district attorney told reporters Sunday.

      • MeduzaMore than 700 bodies have been found in liberated Kharkiv, Donetsk, and Kherson territories, says Ukrainian Prosecutor General — Meduza

        Prosecutor General of Ukraine Andriy Kostin says that, during the past two months, the bodies of more than 700 Ukrainians have been discovered in the liberated territories of Kharkiv, Donetsk, and Kherson.

      • MeduzaLarge fire breaks out in Moscow near three train stations — Meduza

        A fire broke out in central Moscow, in an area near three train stations, sending black smoke, which was visible from many different districts, over the city.

      • MeduzaRussia and Ukraine blame each other for renewed shelling at Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant — Meduza

        The Russian Ministry of Defense says that Ukrainian artillery fired during the night of November 19 and the morning of November 20 fell on the territory of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant (ZNPP), which Russian troops have captured.€ 

      • Common DreamsUN Demands Demilitarized Zone After Latest Zaporizhzhia Shelling

        The head of the United Nations nuclear watchdog agency repeated a demand that the area surrounding the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in southern Ukraine be established as a demilitarized zone on Sunday, after at least a dozen shells exploded at the plant.

        Reports of the shellings were "extremely disturbing," Rafael Mariano Grossi, director general of the U.N. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), said in a statement.

      • Scheerpost“Bolivians Will Not Allow a New Coup D’état to Take Place” Says Gabriel Villalba Pérez

        Bolivian lawyer and professor Gabriel Villalba Pérez spoke to Peoples Dispatch about the political conflict at the center of the anti-government strike called by the conservative opposition.

    • Environment

      • Energy

        • Terence EdenExperiments with domestic load shedding in the UK

          Electricity demand varies throughout the day. When demand is higher, electricity prices go up. Most UK consumers are insulated from this variability - we pay a fixed price per kWh no matter what the actual wholesale cost.

          But it doesn't need to be this way. Exposing users to the immense variability in pricing is probably too dangerous - as seen in Texas recently. Imagine if your electricity provider could say "hey, prices are going to be high tonight. We'll pay you to use less electricity!"

        • BBCFTX [cryptocurrency] exchange owes biggest creditors $3.1bn

          The embattled firm, which filed for bankruptcy in the US last week, says it owes about $1.45bn to its top 10 creditors, but has not named any.

          The collapse of the world's second largest [cryptocurrency] exchange shook confidence in the already troubled cryptocurrency market.

        • ABCFTX owes creditors $3.1 billion, court documents show

          The cryptocurrency exchange FTX owes creditors $3.1 billion, according to court documents filed late Saturday night.

          The Bahamas-based platform filed for bankruptcy earlier this month after the company, run by 30-year-old Sam Bankman-Fried, collapsed. The company saw its value soar to a peak of $32 billion in January.

        • Tim BrayAWS and Blockchain

          This week saw the cancellation of the Australian Stock Exchange’s long-running effort to build a blockchain-based trading system. Which, oddly, has me thinking of 2016, when AWS decided not to make a strategic investment in blockchain, with my input a contributing factor. It felt like a good story while it was happening.

          Since I left AWS in 2020, I’ve been super-careful not to share things from behind the scenes. I can’t actually remember the details of the nondisclosure agreement, but I have strong feelings about the ethics. This story, though, doesn’t reflect poorly on anyone and I’m pretty sure nothing in it is material to any business plans at AWS or elsewhere.

    • Finance

      • Counter PunchLiberating Africa from Poverty Requires Changing Power Relations with the West

        Over the years, Norway has served as a relatively good model of meaningful humanitarian and medical aid. This is especially true if compared to other self-serving western countries, where aid is often linked to direct political and military interests. Still, the public humiliation of poor, hungry and diseased Africa is still disquieting.

        The same images and TV ads are omnipresent everywhere in the West. The actual tangible value of such charity aside, campaigns to help poor Africa do more than perpetuate a stereotype, they also mask the actual responsibility of why natural resource-rich Africa remains poor, and why the supposed generosity of the West over the decades has done little to achieve a paradigm shift in terms of the Continent’s economic health and prosperity.

      • Counter PunchChina talks Marxism, but Still Walks Capitalism

        That path, despite the oft-used slogan “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,” has been a restructuring of the economy toward capitalism, albeit a gradual entry on Chinese terms and keeping the “commanding heights” of the economy in state hands. If we attempt to grasp the meaning of the communiqués and reports issued surrounding the party’s 20th National Congress, it would be better to observe through a holistic lens rather than fixating on personalities.

        To read this article, log in here or subscribe here. If you are logged in but can't read CP+ articles, check the status of your access hereIn order to read CP+ articles, your web browser must be set to accept cookies.

      • Common DreamsOpinion | Organizing for Debt Cancellation Can Be a Gateway to Systemic Change

        On a sunny and cool September Saturday in 2011, hundreds of activists and protestors took to Zuccotti Park in New York City's Financial District. They set up tents, mutual aid stations, and more, occupying the space to protest inequality and corporate corruption. Occupy Wall Street brought the terms "the 99%" and "the 1%" into the mainstream American consciousness. When police raided Zuccotti Park in the middle of the night that November, the movement's flagship occupation came to an end. But what it sparked lives on today.

    • AstroTurf/Lobbying/Politics

      • Common DreamsOpinion | Midterm Voters Send a Message: Housing is a Human Right

        Across the country, the biggest winner of this year’s elections was not the Republicans who regained the U.S. House, nor the Democrats who held on to the Senate. The biggest winner was affordable housing.

      • Common DreamsOpinion | Thank Court-Backed Gerrymandering for GOP House Takeover

        Number of previously Democratic U.S. House seats Republicans captured in this year's midterm elections by drawing congressional districts rigged to their advantage, with the chamber now under GOP control while counting is still underway in some races more than a week after Election Day: more than 12

      • ABCBob Iger returns as CEO of Walt Disney Company

        Iger has agreed to serve as CEO for two years, according to the press release. He previously served as CEO from 2005 to 2020.

      • Matt RickardWill Twitter Fail?

        There's been talks of the imment demise of Twitter due to how many employees chose severance over Elon Musk's "Twitter 2.0" ultimatum. Will Twitter fail?

        How it could fail: [...]

      • Daniel Pocock[Repeat] Are monarchists behind DoS attack on Victoria Parliament Prince Alfred abuse petition?

        The e-petition is officially hosted by the Parliament of Victoria. The legislature was formed in 1851 using the British system as a model for Australian democracy. The state itself is named after Queen Victoria. Therefore, if these DoS attacks are from monarchy supporters, it is ironic that they are attacking the very heart of a democratic system based on the tradition of constitutional monarchy.

      • MeduzaPresident Kassym-Jomart Tokayev wins re-election in Kazakhstan — Meduza

        By official vote counts, Kazakhstan's incumbent President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev was the clear winner in Sunday’s snap elections, earning 81.3 percent of the vote, according to the country’s Central Election Commission.

      • Counter PunchThe UK's Destructive Imitation Game With America

        There are calls for Ron DeSantis, fresh from an effortless re-election as Governor of Florida, to replace Trump as the Republican standard bearer. Absurdly, the Democrats are doing victory laps despite losing control of the House of Representatives and barely holding the line elsewhere.

        Normally, it is election losers who minimise their failure and point to dubious silver linings. On this occasion, however, it is the Republican leadership talking up defeats in order to blame them on Trump and discredit him as a vote loser. Former Trump acolytes shamelessly turn their coats overnight and denounce him as a political liability.

      • Counter PunchMusk's Twitter Purchase Furthers the Media Concentration that Harms Democracy

        But first, to avoid exaggeration or a misleading picture, we must recognize that the problems of misinformation and disinformation that enable twenty-first century politics to “build a bridge to the 19th century” are bigger than Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram, and Tik Tok. The traditional media has also failed us in important ways.

        To take just one example, a poll by Data for Progress found that voters in West Virginia — one of America’s poorest states — supported the landmark Build Back Better legislation proposed by Democrats in 2021 by a margin of 43 percentage points. They supported its individual components by similar or larger margins: investing in long-term care, expanding Medicare coverage, paid family and medical leave, universal pre-K, extending health insurance subsidies, and clean energy investments. This bill would have changed the United States arguably as much as the New Deal, which put Democrats in power nationally for almost all of 1932 to 1980. And it would have transformed the lives of West Virginians, like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security did. But their senator, Joe Manchin, blocked it.

      • Counter PunchIn Deep Red South Dakota and Nebraska, Voters Used Ballot Initiatives To Curb Inequality
    • Censorship/Free Speech

      • New York TimesLeg Booty? Panoramic? Seggs? How TikTok Is Changing Language

        Critics say the need for these evasive neologisms is a sign that TikTok is too aggressive in its moderation. But the platform says a firm hand is needed in a freewheeling online community where plenty of users do try to post harmful videos.

        Those who run afoul of the rules may get barred from posting. The video in question may be removed. Or it may simply be hidden from the For You page, which suggests videos to users, the main way TikToks get wide distribution. Searches and hashtags that violate policies may also be redirected, the app said.

        When people on TikTok believe their videos have been suppressed from view because they touched on topics the platform doesn’t like, they call it “shadow banning,” a term that also has had currency on Twitter and other social platforms. It is not an official term used by social platforms, and TikTok has not confirmed that it even exists.

      • Counter PunchThe Invention of Anti-Semitic Jews

        In early October 2022, acting in this role,€ Greenblatt called for Jewish American organizations€ to do battle against anti-Zionists (that is, those who oppose the discriminatory nature and policies of the Israeli government). Because Zionists consider Israel a state representing world Jewry, being opposed to Israel, for whatever reason, seems to them to be anti-Semitic. Greenblatt has dutifully conformed to this position. He has declared that anti-Zionism is “obviously” anti-Semitism. Then he went a step further and said that “We must reckon with the fact that there are anti-Zionists within the Jewish community. The reality is that just because you are Jewish doesn’t exempt you from trafficking in anti-Zionism.”

        Now Mr. Greenblatt may or may not have always been a thick-headed fellow but, as the leader of a Zionist organization, he is now led to think like one. He has committed the classic mistake of conflating two different things: anti-Semitism and standing against Zionist ideology. This may well be a purposeful attempt to set up a “red herring” argument—one that diverts attention from a central concern, for example, the bigoted practices of Zionist Israel, with the flawed claim that being against Zionism means you are against the Jews, even when asserted by Jews—a strange position to take.

    • Freedom of Information / Freedom of the Press

    • Civil Rights/Policing

      • Craig MurrayStrasbourg Cul de Sac

        Here is the detailed argument we submitted to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg...

      • From Loss To Life: In Memory Of Justine Ruszczyk Damond | Don Damond

        In this episode, I will bring on a very dear friend, Don Damond, to help us answer that question. In 2017, Don’s life was torn apart by the tragic killing of his fiancee, Justine Ruszczyk Damond, at the hands of Minneapolis Police. Justine called 911 to assist someone she thought was being assaulted and, instead, ended up becoming a victim herself. While standing in her alley, barefoot and in pajamas, she was shot and killed by a police officer.

      • RFERL'How Could You?': Mother Blames Iranian Authorities For Killing Her 9-Year-Old Son

        But Pirfalak’s mother blamed security forces who she said "shot repeatedly at" their car, killing her son and wounding her husband.

      • TruthOutRepublicans Are Going After Veterans' Access to Abortion Care
      • ScheerpostStrike Wave Rocks Britain, as Unions Confront the Cost-of-Living Crisis

        By Marcus Barnett / Labor Notes In Britain today, anyone asking a worker about the direction the country is headed will be unlikely to receive a printable answer.€  Stumbling from crisis to crisis, the country is on its third prime minister of the year. Energy bills have€ skyrocketed by 96 percent€ since last winter, and rent has […]

      • Counter PunchLetter from London: World Cup Blues

        How will this competition play out in the end? That’s what I want to know. The World Cup will have lasted four weeks by the end of the competition on December 18 by which time 32 teams will have competed across 64 matches. Children will be glued to their phone screens or on the edges of seats. Older fans may celebrate with a slice of Dundee cake. Excited truck drivers will pound their wheels at traffic lights. Women, as ever, will be better informed than men. Despite the fact the Qataris, very last minute, 48 hours before the tournament began in fact, were demanding FIFA remove sales of alcohol from actual stadiums, lakes of the stuff will have been consumed, if people can afford it, in the vast specialist Qatari tents — oceans, elsewhere in the world.

        So why are some of us who truly love the sport — football, as we of course call it here, footie, the beautiful game, call it what we will — not happy? I would have thought the reason for the magic and excitement and thrill of this world-unifying event feeling so tarnished was obvious by now. So many lives have been lost building the infrastructure — The Guardian was reporting last year that more than 6,500 migrant workers from India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka had died since Qatar won the right to host the event in 2010. Obviously the figure will be larger now. Also, the human rights record of Qatar when it comes to LGBTQ+ is atrocious — basically homosexuality is illegal in Qatar and punishable by imprisonment. A new Human Rights Watch (HRW) report has documented alleged cases of beatings and sexual harassment. Annoying many here are the likes of former England player David Beckham receiving a reported €£10 million to act as a Qatar World Cup ambassador in the face of such abuses.

      • Counter PunchI Will Rise and I Will Return: The Lucidity of Sinéad O’Connor
    • Internet Policy/Net Neutrality

      • IEEEWhy the Internet Needs the InterPlanetary File System

        But is overprovisioning the only way to ensure resilience? We don’t think so. To understand the alternative approach we’re championing, though, you first need to recall how the Internet works.


        The real problem is not so much the volume of content being passed around—it’s how it is being delivered, from a central source to many different far-away users, even when those users are located right next to one another.

      • Broadband BreakfastIndustry and Other Internet-Focused Observers React to Release of National Broadband Map

        While industry players commenting on the release of the National Broadband Map on Friday praised the Federal Communications Commission for its efforts, several critics said that its inaccuracies are too many to be corrected before the map becomes the basis used to allocate tens of billions of dollars of federal broadband funding.

        Published early on Friday, the FCC’s new map contains nationwide, location-level availability data submitted by service providers and layered over a dataset of broadband serviceable locations. The FCC has acknowledged that this initial version of the map will contain inaccuracies.

    • Monopolies

      • CoryDoctorowAmazon and Apple have an illegal price-fixing conspiracy

        A class action law firm has filed a suit against Apple and Amazon, accusing the companies of price-fixing Ios devices through an agreement that blocks third-party sellers from Amazon unless they're authorized by Apple. The suit should be a slam-dunk – but even more, the conduct it accuses Apple and Amazon of should never have been permitted in the first place.

      • Trademarks

        • A Court Has Ruled That Banksy Can Keep His Trademarks—and Anonymity—in His Battle With a U.K. Greeting Card Company
        • Observer MediaBanksy Wins a EU Trademark Case and Will Be Allowed to Remain Anonymous

          Banksy, the mysterious English street artist, won a trademark case over one of his most famous images and will be able to maintain his anonymous identity.

          The E.U. Board of Appeals recently overturned a 2021 decision which found Banksy’s trademark of his well-known graffiti monkey to be invalid.

        • Banksy Comes Out On Top in EU Trademark Challenge, Allowing Him To Stay Anonymous

          Perhaps the most important aspect of the victory is that Banksy can remain as he has always been: mysterious. A previous dispute over the copyright to Banksy’s “Flower Thrower” found that “if Banksy could not be identified as the ‘unquestionable owner’ of his graffiti, as his identity is a secret, ‘it further cannot be established without question that the artist holds any copyrights to a graffiti.’”

          “This is a significant victory for Banksy, or more accurately Pest Control Office Limited, which enables Banksy to conceal his identity,” Lee Curtis, a trademark specialist at the law firm HGF Limited, told The Art Newspaper. “The fact that [Banksy] may have said on two occasions that ‘copyright is for losers’ should not impact on the validity of his trademark registration.”

        • The last laugh? EU rules in favour of challenged Banksy trademark

          In a comprehensive ruling published last week, the board of appeal challenged the claim that the mark was made in bad faith, arguing that: “All the arguments, facts and reasonings provided by the cancellation applicant taken as a whole cannot justify or explain clearly a dishonest behaviour from the EUTM proprietor (Pest Control) when he filed the contested mark and, consequently, the presumption of good faith is still valid and the cancellation applicant failed to prove the contrary.”

          The mark is linked to a work created by Banksy in Brighton in 2002, depicting a monkey with a sandwich board hung around its neck, reading "Laugh now, but one day we’ll be in charge". The recent decision clarified that, just because a trademark might also be a work of art subject to copyright protection, it should not mean that it cannot act as a trademark or brand.

        • LexologyWho's laughing now? Banksy "in charge" of trade mark rights...

          Banksy's mark representing his 2002 graffiti of a monkey strapped with a blank sign, which in the original artwork reads "Laugh now, but one day we’ll be in charge" - has just been declared valid by the EUIPO Board of Appeal.

          Pest Control Office Limited, the company handling Banksy's legal affairs, had filed an EU Application for the mark in 2018, covering goods in Classes 9, 16, 25 & 28 and services in Class 41.

          A few months after the mark registered, Full Colour Black Limited, describing themselves as "a contemporary Art Licensing company specialising in the commercialisation of world famous street art" filed a request for a declaration of invalidity, claiming descriptiveness/non-distinctiveness and bad faith.

        • MondaqUK: Who's Laughing Now? Banksy "In Charge" Of Trade Mark Rights...

          The Board of Appeal has now cancelled this decision, by highlighting the following: [...]

      • Copyrights

        • Torrent FreakPornHub's Sister Company Tops Google's Chart of Top DMCA Notice Senders

          MindGeek is the owner of popular adult sites including PornHub, YouPorn, and Redtube. While these services had issues with rightsholders in the past, their parent company transformed itself into one of the largest online copyright enforcers. MindGeek subsidiary MG Premium is currently listed as the most prolific sender of DMCA notices to Google, with well over 121 million complaints this year alone.

        • BBCBanksy accuses clothing brand Guess of 'helping themselves' to his artworks

          The graffiti artist posted a photo of the Regent Street store in London, and suggested shoplifters should visit.

          He wrote on Instagram: "They've helped themselves to my artwork without asking, how can it be wrong for you to do the same to their clothes?"

          The shop featured Banksy's Flower Thrower graffiti plus clothes bearing his images. Guess has not commented.

        • Michael GeistClarifying the Clarification of the Clarification: Why Yet Another Upcoming “Clarification” from CRTC Chair Ian Scott Demonstrates the Risks of Bill C-11 and Government Interference

          CRTC Chair Ian Scott returns to the Standing Senate Committee on Transportation and Communications tomorrow for yet another appearance on Bill C-11. According to multiple sources, the appearance came at the Scott’s request, who is seeking yet another chance to “clarify” his earlier remarks. I’m hardly one to criticize multiple committee appearances, but the continued effort to clarify earlier comments smacks of political involvement. Indeed, when combined with the controversial Section 7(7) of the bill, it suggests that the government envisions a permanent erosion of the independence of the broadcast regulator in Canada.

          Scott’s adventure with Bill C-11 started with an appearance before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage on May 18th, when he was asked about user content regulation by MP Rachael Thomas:

          Thomas: So all these individuals are individual users creating content. It would appear that the bill does, or could in fact, capture them, correct?

          Scott: As constructed, there is a provision that would allow us to do it as required.

          Two weeks, later Scott was back before the committee with Liberal MP Chris Bittle asking Scott to clarify his comments on user content regulation:

          Mr. Scott, to clarify comments from a few weeks ago at committee, you said that proposed section 4.2 would give the CRTC the power to regulate user-generated content. What did you mean by the term “regulate”?

  • Gemini* and Gopher

    • Personal

      • Births Deaths & Marriages

        The little village where I come from has one pub and one church. The pub's doing fine, but the church is in decline. People don't go any more, so the collection plate doesn't see much.

      • Love in a Time of Low Expectations

        Love in a Time of Low Expectations by Sahara Hotnights is my fave record of the last five years, when Hiss Spun by Chelsea Wolfe came out, although that album lives and dies by its best track, “Twin Fawn”, whereas Love in a Time of Low Expectations is all killer.

        Sahara Hotnights have made quite a journey, it seems like, starting out in the nineties with the most perfect seventies raw rock, veering into a retro 50s dansband sound, and now here they are with a polished, soft, smooth post-punk sound, sort of like a rounder and cleaner Joy Division or Warpaint.

      • 🔤SpellBinding: GHNORWT Wordo: JADES
    • Technical

      • Sisyphean Grind 💯

        I know I shouldn't hold myself to a post schedule cus that's unhealthy, but yeesh all my posts are so far apart. Anyway, if you're reading this from Cohost, hi! The link to the full blog is in my bio. If you're reading this from my website or gemini capsule, wow. I'm astonished. If you're reading this from Tumblr, then someone is impersonating me because I am now using Cohost as the CMS for this log!

      • Of Pinephones and Birdsites

        I once again have an operational Pinephone (Piney)! Piney's screen got messed up, with a distortion around the edges, that over time started working its way inward. The distortion had to have something to do with the touch layer, because once it covered part of the keyboard, those letters would not work anymore. It was really frustrating. Due to that, I let Piney sit in a drawer for awhile, not updating it with the latest Mobian, not charging it, and just using a desktop instead when I was on the computer.

        Well, no more! I know someone who had a Pinephone with a different problem - the SD card reader was no longer working, nor the SIM slot. So we did what any self-respecting tech geeks do in these situations, and cannibalized the phones to create one complete, working phone. Basically the internals from my Pinephone, and the screen and case from the other, were put together! The result - Piney lives again, and I am typing on it right now.

      • Science

        • CircleIDIn Memoriam: Frederick P. Brooks, Jr. – a Personal Recollection

          Brooks is famous for many things. Many people know him best as the author of The Mythical Man-Month, his musings on software engineering and why it’s so very hard. Some of his prescriptions seem quaint today — no one these days would print out documentation on microfiche every night to distribute to developers — but his observations about the problems of development remain spot-on. But he did so much more. [...]

          He was also a lead on a failed project, the IBM 8000 series. He tried to resign from IBM after it failed; [CEO Thomas] Watson replied, “I just spent a billion dollars educating you; I’m not letting you go now!”

        • Pete WardenMachines of Loving Understanding

          Brautigan’s poem inspires and terrifies me at the same time. It’s a reminder of how creepy a world full of devices that blur the line between life and objects could be, but there’s also something appealing about connecting more closely to the things we build. Far more insightful people than me have explored these issues, from Mary Shelley to Phillip K. Dick, but the aspect that has fascinated me most is how computers understand us.

          We live in a world where our machines are wonderful at showing us near-photorealistic scenes in real time, and can even talk to us in convincing voices. Up until recently though, they’ve not been able to make sense of images or audio that are given to them as inputs. We’ve been able to synthesize voices for decades, but speech recognition has only really started working well in the last few years. Computers have been like Crocodile Sales Reps, with enormous mouths and tiny ears, great at talking but terrible at listening. That means they can be immensely frustrating to deal with, since they seem to have no ability to do what we mean. Instead we have to spend a lot of time painstakingly communicating our needs in a form that makes sense to them, even it is unnatural for us.

      • Internet/Gemini

        • CDG one week later: categorical musings

          It got far more attention, and demanded far more of mine, than I had expected. It already has 223 links. I have been actively curating it, trying to impose a fairly uniform style on the link descriptions, and making agonising decisions on how to cut the directory into categories, and on where to place the various links in that hierarchy.

          Dividing Geminispace, and hence in particular human endeavour, into disjoint categories is of course a fool's game. But it seems I decided to play it anyway. Any categorisation will be arbitrary and unsatisfying, and there will always be cases which resist unique classification. Borges imagined a classification of animals into those "(a) Belonging to the emperor, (b) embalmed, (c) tame, ... (g) stray dogs, ... (l) et cetera, ... (n) that from a long way off look like flies", and I'm not sure that the classification of Geminispace I've arrived at so far is much better justified. But let me try to justify it.

        • Re: A Decentralized Internet
        • rgsrv - A rust noobs gemini server

          rgsrv is my first rust project. It's just for learning purposes and it's based on the webserver developed in the rust book. I used parts of int80h's gemserv and looked up a lot of things from his code. I hope he doesn't mind :-).

          The code is in a very early state and just an experimentation with rust. It only serves static files and doesn't support cgi or client certificates, although I've planned to implement those features in future.

        • It's about time

          I've seen things you people wouldn't believe...

          I used the Gopher in the 90s and watched it vanish in the dark near

          the Tannhäuser Gate.€  Then I saw it on the rise once again around

          2010, again fading away several years later with the rise of Gemini.

          Now I see people coming from Gemini to Gopher, wondering why things

          are the way they are.

          I was on Twitter back when it was operated via text messages. In the

          time when there was a saying that Facebook is the people you went to

          school with, Twitter is the people you wish you went to school with.

        • More Grab Bag Stuff

          My capsule has now officially become my 'home' on the web. I've moved whatever pieces I had from my http blog over to a new part of my capsule and will continue writing my longer thought pieces there in the future.

          It's kind of crazy how far my capsule's come since I booted this baby up earlier this year. Once in a while I'll take a second and go through the different pages and folders on my capsule and see how much I've written. Now that this is my official 'home' on the web, I plan to add even more content, from current projects to more pages of interest and reviews.

* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.

Recent Techrights' Posts

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More than one fake 'author' participates in this, so it deserves condemnation
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[Video] Richard Stallman Explains What Intelligence in Computing Really Means and How Old That Is (Story About 1975, 50 Years Ago)
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Why We No Longer Hear About "Red Hat Layoffs"
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GNU/Linux Cracking Past the 4% Barrier in Hungary
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Meanwhile in the Matrix Room
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Rumour About Red Hat Layoffs Yesterday
Can somebody from Red Hat or someone who knows someone there (impacted or not) confirm that there are layoffs this week at Red Hat?
New Short Clip of Richard Stallman's Thoughts on the "Hey Hi" (AI) Hype, Courtesy of Manuel Cuda News
about 6 hrs ago
What is fixated behavior? Stalker or just a fan of Emma Raducanu?
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
In Iran, GNU/Linux Reaches New Highs, According to statCounter
Does that make sense? In light of geopolitics? Probably.
Always Safety First
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What Microsoft and GitHub Really, Really, REALLY Do Not Want You to See or Know About
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GNU/Linux Climbs to Record Levels in Switzerland. Can the EU, Norway, the UK, and Switzerland Divorce GAFAM?
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Use RSS Readers Instead of Social Control Media
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Over at Tux Machines...
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Luxembourg: GNU/Linux at 8% Based on Estimates
steady increases this year
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Links for the day
Crossbow tragedy, bigger than Kyle Clifford, social media culture
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
Microsoft OSI Apparently Still Reading Techrights Closely, Trying to Make Face-Saving PR Moves
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Microsoft Collapses While GNU/Linux Rises in Bulgaria, According to statCounter
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Social Control Media as a Rapid Race to the Bottom - Part I - That Sinking Feeling
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New Interview With Richard Stallman in Italy (Manuel Cuda News)
Due to Google's growing aggression against Free software and proper APIs, this cannot be downloaded and converted to a free format
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The UEFI hype and Microsoft's lies
By Sami Tikkanen
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Monday, March 03, 2025
IRC logs for Monday, March 03, 2025
Thorsten Glaser & Open Source Initiative (OSI) resignations due to AI whitewashing
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock