Reddit Is Not What It Claims
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THE issues associated with Reddit have been covered here many times before. Among them: last month's comment on censorship and deceit in Reddit, Microsoft AstroTurfers in Reddit, and covert censorship on Reddit even 7+ years ago.
"Reddit isn't an extension of reality but a filter."Someone has noted that people oughtn't "use Reddit for Linux or BSD related questions". This was quite a few months ago and "[t]his is not unique to Reddit," insists the author, "but it generally relates to many social [sic] places on the Internet, specifically those with point based voting. By the very nature by which these point based places work, they not only attract, but often nurture the most hollow and miserable people. Reddit and other places like it are often toxic and superfluous."
Perception manipulation or Perception Management (pseudo-technical term) is what's sooner or later becoming the business model.
All social control media is inherently toxic and undesirable. Later on today we'll publish another article and video about the antisocial TikTok -- a network of exploitation that took such things to new levels. ⬆