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Links 07/05/2023: GNOME 44 in Arch Repos and Ubuntu 23.10 Daily Build

  • GNU/Linux

    • Server

    • Applications

      • Make Use OfThe 7 Best Free Sound Recording Apps for Linux

        Depending on what you do, audio recording might be an essential part of your workflow. If you want to record an important meeting or a lecture, a recording app will help you easily capture these sessions for future reference. Besides, sound recording is extremely useful for musicians using tech and software to create music.

        If you are a Linux user, you might find the built-in recording app a bit too basic. However, you have the choice to install third-party audio recording apps to unlock more functionality.

        Let’s look at some of the best free sound recording apps available for Linux, divided into basic and advanced categories.

      • Ubuntu HandbookImage Annotation Tool Annotator 1.2.0 released with Taking Screenshot Support

        Annotator, image annotation tool for Elementary OS, released version 1.2.0 today. Here are the new features and how to install guide for Ubuntu users. Annotator is a free open-source image annotation tool designed for Elementary OS, but also works in other Linux.

    • Instructionals/Technical

      • University of TorontoFinding which NFS client owns a lock on a NFS server via Linux kernel delving

        Suppose that you have some Linux NFS servers, which have some NFS locks, and you'd like to know which NFS client owns which lock. Since the NFS server can drop a client's locks when it reboots, this information is in the kernel data structures, but it's not exposed through public interfaces like /proc/locks. As I mentioned yesterday while talking about drgn, I've worked out how to do this, so in case someone's looking for this information, here are the details. This is as of Ubuntu 22.04, but I believe this code is relatively stable (although where things are in the header files has changed since 22.04's kernel).

      • UbuntubuzzHow To Install Fedora 38 Workstation for Beginners

        This tutorial will show you how to install Fedora 38 to your desktop computer step by step with pictures.

      • HackadayHow To Model A Twisted Part In FreeCAD

        Quick references are handy, but sometimes it’s nice to have a process demonstrated from beginning to end. In that spirit, [Darren Stone] created a video demonstrating how to model a twisted part in FreeCAD, showing the entire workflow of creating the part as a blend of surfaces and curves that get turned into a solid.

      • TecAdminCron Job: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

        Cron jobs are an essential part of the Unix and Unix-like operating systems, allowing users to automate repetitive tasks by scheduling them to run at specific intervals. This comprehensive guide is designed to help beginners understand the basics of cron jobs, how to create and manage them, and how to troubleshoot common issues.

      • TecAdminHow to Clear Cache in Yarn: A Comprehensive Guide to `yarn cache clean`

        Yarn, a popular package manager for JavaScript projects, has become increasingly popular among developers due to its speed, reliability, and security. One of the factors contributing to Yarn's speed is its caching system, which stores previously downloaded packages to make future installations faster.

      • It's UbuntuHow To Hide a File Or Folder In Ubuntu 22.04 LTS?

        Looking to hide your important files or folders in Ubuntu 22.04 LTS then you are at the right tutorial post where we will show you the method to hide a file or folder in Ubuntu 22.04

      • LinuxiacHow to Install Brave Browser on Linux: A Comprehensive Guide

        Learn how to install Brave on Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, Fedora, Arch, and more with our guide for a faster, more private browsing experience.

      • It's UbuntuHow To Reload /etc/network/interfaces in Ubuntu 22.04?

        In this tutorial post, we will show you the step by step to reload etc/network/interfaces in Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. There are multiple ways to reload etc/network/interfaces in Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. We will go through each of them.

      • Net2How to Install Redis Server on Ubuntu 22.04

        Redis is a widely used, free, and open-source data storage system that is particularly useful for fast data access and processing in a variety of applications. It's a memory-based data structure that can function as a database, cache, or message broker, with a reputation for high performance and scalability.

      • Linux CapableHow to Install Golang on Ubuntu 20.04 | 20.04

        Golang, also known as Go, is a modern, open-source programming language developed by Google. It was designed by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson with the primary goal of providing a simple, efficient, and easy-to-use language for software development.

      • Linux CapableHow to Install Htop on Ubuntu 22.04 | 20.04

        Welcome to the world of htop, an interactive process viewer for Linux and Unix systems that provides a real-time, dynamic, and colorful display of running processes. Unlike traditional process viewers like top, htop offers a more visually appealing and user-friendly interface.

      • What Is a Virtual Machine? Guide to How Virtual Machines Work

        A virtual machine (VM) is a software-based computer that runs different operating systems (OSs) and applications than its host computer. For example, you can run a Linux VM on a Windows computer.

        The power of computers transformed the world in the last century. Today, they serve our critical infrastructure, business operations and more. Likewise, VMs have become the cornerstone of enterprise computing in the new millennium.

      • HowTo GeekHow to Fix “make: command not found” Error in Ubuntu

        Standard Ubuntu installs don’t include the Linux make utility. It’s used mainly by software developers, but even non-coders may need it in some situations. Here’s how to install make on Ubuntu Linux.

      • ZDNetHow to fix Opera not displaying Facebook and Twitter videos issue on Linux | ZDNET
        Since I started using Linux in 1997, there's been one issue that has never failed to be a part of the open-source platform…the legality of playing certain multimedia codecs. It's one of the reasons why, in certain operating systems, you must install those codecs from a third party and agree to their licenses.

        Just to be clear, it's not a Linux thing, it's a legal thing. And don't be mistaken, it's not illegal to play those media files on Linux, it's just that licenses must be agreed to, in order to keep things above board. And in some cases, there are no licenses to agree to…it's just the installation must be undertaken by the user.

      • HowTo GeekHow to Use Bash If Statements (With 4 Examples)

        All non-trivial Bash scripts need to make decisions. The Bash if statement lets your Linux script ask questions and, depending on the answer, run different sections of code. Here’s how they work.

      • TechTargetTips to use the Cockpit web consoles

        Admins that use Cockpit to manage Linux servers can use the web consoles to add users, build firewalls and perform other tasks. Use these web consoles to oversee your servers.

      • Make Use OfHow to Fix the Ubuntu Login Loop Issue

        A few things can throw you into a panic faster than trying to log into your computer and being denied entry. You click on your username, enter your password, hit Enter, and… nothing.

        Unfortunately, this kind of experience is more common than you might think with Ubuntu. This is commonly known as the Ubuntu login loop issue; fret not, for it's not difficult to fix this problem, especially when you know what to do.

        If your Ubuntu system is stuck in a login loop, follow along, and you will be up and running in no time.

      • Where are the wallpapers located in Kubuntu. How to do I add my own wallpaper
    • Games

      • HackadayPC Classics, Right In Your Browser With EmuOS

        [Emupedia]’s work to preserve computer history by way of making classic and abandoned games and software as accessible as possible is being done in a handy way: right in your browser with EmuOS.

    • Desktop Environments/WMs

      • GNOME Desktop/GTK

        • LinuxiacThe Wait Is Over: GNOME 44 Finally Hits Arch Repos

          Arch Linux is a distribution known for always giving users only cutting-edge software as soon as it becomes available. This is thanks to the rolling release model followed by the distribution. However, one of the significant exceptions to this rule is the GNOME desktop environment.

          In short, despite the release of official x.0 versions of GNOME, such as 43.0, 44.0, etc., Arch is waiting for the first stable GNOME x.1 release, for example, 43.1, 44.1, etc., before including it in the distribution repositories. More about this topic can be found here.

          This year’s GNOME 44, initially released version 44.0 a month and a half ago on March 22, is no exception to this rule. On April 16, its first stable update, GNOME 44.1, saw the light of day, and today, it made its way into Arch’s stable repositories.

  • Distributions and Operating Systems

    • BSD

    • Canonical/Ubuntu Family

      • OMG UbuntuWe’re Off – Ubuntu 23.10 Daily Builds Available to Download

        Ubuntu 23.10 daily builds are now available to download. Having given the next release a magnificent mythical codename and opened the archives for development, developers have now spun up the first daily builds of Ubuntu 23.10 and made them available to download.>

      • 9to5LinuxUbuntu 23.10 (Mantic Minotaur) Daily Build ISOs Are Now Available for Download

        As expected, these first Ubuntu 23.10 (Mantic Minotaur) daily builds are based on the previous Ubuntu release, Ubuntu 23.04 (Lunar Lobster), which arrived last month on April 20th. This means that they ship with pretty much the same core components as the previous version, especially the kernel, but also the same version of the pre-installed desktop environments and applications.

        During the six-month-long development cycle, the Ubuntu 23.10 daily builds will be updated with some of the latest GNU/Linux technologies and Open Source software, such as the upcoming GNOME 45 desktop environment, Mesa 23.1 graphics stack, and Linux 6.5 kernel series.

    • Devices/Embedded

      • HackadayLinux Cell Phone? Build OURPhone | Hackaday

        [Evan] couldn’t find a phone he liked, so he decided to build his own. There are advantages and disadvantages, as you might expect. On the plus side, you have the ultimate control. On the negative side, it doesn’t quite have the curb appeal — at least to the average user — of a sleek new cell phone from a major manufacturer.

        The phone uses a Raspberry Pi, along with a 4G modem and a 480×800 touchscreen. There’s a laser cut box that measures 90x160x30 mm. For reference, a Google Pixel 7 is about 73x156x9 mm, so a little easier on the pocket.

        But not one the pocketbook. The OURPhone only costs about $200 USD to build. There are trade-offs. For example, the touchscreen is resistive, so you’ll want a stylus (there’s a slot for it in the case). On the other hand, if you don’t like something, it is all there for you to change.

      • CNX SoftwareLichee Pi 4A RISC-V SBC takes on Raspberry Pi 4 with TH1520 processor

        Lichee Pi 4A is a single board computer (SBC) powered by Alibaba T-Head TH1520 quad-core RISC-V Xuantie C910 processor @ 1.8 GHz with an Imagination GPU and a 4 TOPS NPU for AI that can compete against the Raspberry Pi 4 in terms of performance and features.

        We previously mentioned the Lichee Pi 4A (LPi4A) in our article about the Sipeed LM4A RISC-V system-on-module, but at the time we only had some benchmarks for the board and no photos and specifications about the SBC. Sipeed has now released photos, published detailed specifications, and is taking orders for the board. So let’s have a closer look.

      • CNX SoftwareSONOFF SNZB-02D review – A Zigbee temperature & humidity sensor with a 2.5-inch display

        We’ve previously tested the SNZB-02 Zigbee temperature and humidity sensor with the SONOFF NSPanel Pro smart panel, but ITEAD has now launched the SONOFF SNZB-02D that integrated the same features plus a 2.5-inch display to visualize the data.

        They’ve sent us a SNZB-02 sample for review, so after listing the specifications we’ll test SONOFF’s latest Zigbee sensor with Home Assistant.

      • CNX SoftwareOrange Pi is working on a portable gaming console with Rockchip RK3588S or AMD Ryzen 7 CPU

        Single board computer manufacturer Orange Pi Ltd is working on a portable gaming console that will come with either a Rockchip RK3588S processor for Android/Linux gaming, or AMD Ryzen 7 7800U/6800U for Windows gaming.

        The industrial design looks to be the same for all models with a 7-inch touchscreen display, a D-Pad, two joysticks, XBOX-styled ABXY buttons, two customisable buttons on the back, two microphones, stereo speakers, three USB ports including one only for charging,

      • CNX SoftwarePicoVNA 5 software for vector network analyzers supports Windows, Linux, MacOS, and Raspberry Pi

        Pico Technology has released PicoVNA 5 control software for their vector network analyzers for Windows x86 64-bit, Mac, Linux x86 64-bit, and Raspberry Pi 3 and greater single board computers, superseding the Windows-only PicoVNA 3 software.

        As a Ubuntu user, I hate it when some hardware tool forces me to install software on Windows when there’s no Linux alternative, so any company that provides cross-platform tools is making the right move. I’m also not quite sure what a “vector network analyzer” (VNA) is, so I’ll first look into the PicoVNA 106 and PicoVNA 108 6/8.5 GHz VNAs from the company.

      • Linux GizmosHeadless carrier board for Jetson Orin NX

        The Hadron Carrier is an ultra small, rugged carrier board compatible with multiple NVIDIA Jetson modules. This new product from Connect Tech comes with one GbE connector, camera support and various expansion headers.

    • Open Hardware/Modding

      • Russell GravesBuilding the SolarBotics GraviTrack

        The core structure of the kit is all laser cut wood - it’s got a distinctive smell out of the box (sort of like your grandpa’s wood workshop) that I happen to really enjoy, because it means a whopper of a fun little build is about to happen. There’s a range of laser cutting options, and these are absolutely top notch. The large pieces are almost but not completely cut (they typically have 2-3 tiny “tabs” holding them in place), and the smaller punch out holes are fully cut - you can see that some of the holes have already had their cores fall out, and the rest punch out with no effort at all. The boards are labeled, the pieces are labeled where needed (which I’ll show later), and it’s a world class example of how to do laser cut wood kits.

      • Ruben SchadeBuying parts online and iRL

        As he travelled overseas more and I got older, I’d hop on the MRT and check out the parts shops myself. It was a weekend introvert activity before I even knew the term, though I also had many a fun chat with the shop owners in Funan Centre and Sim Lim Square. Turns out, if you’re nice to people and slip in some local colloquialisms, you’re seen as a harmless angmoh instead of an arrogant tourist. What a concept!

      • Andrew HutchingsAcorn Archimedes A3000: Restoration Part 1

        After restoring an Acorn Archimedes A3010 and a Risc PC, I really wanted to try my hand at the A3000. This was the last Acorn computer to carry the BBC branding, it was in many schools and as such holds a special place in people’s hearts. The problem with that is they are often very expensive to obtain. Luckily, I manage to acquire one recently for my restoration series.

    • Mobile Systems/Mobile Applications

  • Free, Libre, and Open Source Software

    • Andrew HelwerLocal game streaming with Sunshine and Moonlight

      Here I’ll write an ode to two closely-linked FOSS projects that have, recently, absolutely floored me with their competence & quality: Sunshine and Moonlight. These are used to stream video games over a (usually local) network. Sunshine is a game streaming server: it runs on your PC as it chugs away doing all the heavy lifting of running the game itself, while Moonlight is a game streaming client that runs on whatever thin hardware exists where you want to play the game! I run Sunshine on my home office workstation and Moonlight on a NVIDIA Shield Android TV connected to a 55" screen in the living room. Some games are just best played on the couch! It’s also important if you have someone you want to share the experience with instead of sequestering yourself alone in your dark Gamer Den.

    • James GLLMs and Open Source Software

      The engineer went on to state that the “third faction” posing a competitive threat to Google and OpenAI was the open-source community.

    • Web Browsers/Web Servers

      • Ruben SchadeMichaÅ‚ on the joys of closing tabs

        He agreed with me about the anxiety-inducing state of having hundreds of web tabs and applications open, though raised a good point about how the calculus is entirely different in mobile environments: [...]

    • SaaS/Back End/Databases

      • Mahesh BalakrishnanThe Leadership Myth in Replicated Databases

        In classical SMR, the answer to who is also simple: any server can propose a new command. This results in a surprising and powerful property: there is no primary / master / leader at the database layer. You get active-active or multi-master replication for free. Clients can contact any database server and get a linearizable / strictly serializable response. The replicated database is trivially serializable since its state corresponds to the serial execution of the commands in the SMR total order.

    • Education

    • GNU Projects

      • GNUpspp @ Savannah: PSPP 2.0.0-pre1 has been released

        I'm very pleased to announce the release of a new version of GNU PSPP. This is a test release before version 2.0.0, to allow for translations and bug reports before 2.0.0. PSPP is a program for statistical analysis of sampled data.€  It is a free replacement for the proprietary program SPSS.


        GNU PSPP is a program for statistical analysis of sampled data. It is a free as in freedom replacement for the proprietary program SPSS, and appears very similar to it with a few exceptions.

    • Programming/Development

      • Waterloo Style

        When I first started learning how to program, I stumbled onto an extremely strong programming philosophy that was fairly dominant at the University of Waterloo in the 1980s.

        Before I was exposed, I would struggle with crafting even simple programs. Afterward, for pretty much anything codable, including system’s level stuff like databases, operating systems, and distributed systems, building it was just a matter of being able to carve out enough time to get the work done.

        Over and over again I’ve tried different ways to explain it in this blog. But I think I keep getting lost in definitions, which probably makes it inaccessible to most people.

      • Anti Software Software Club LLCI want to talk about WebGPU

        WebGPU is the new WebGL. That means it is the new way to draw 3D in web browsers. It is, in my opinion, very good actually. It is so good I think it will also replace Canvas and become the new way to draw 2D in web browsers. In fact it is so good I think it will replace Vulkan as well as normal OpenGL, and become just the standard way to draw, in any kind of software, from any programming language. This is pretty exciting to me. WebGPU is a little bit irritating— but only a little bit, and it is massively less irritating than any of the things it replaces.

      • The Cargo Cult of TCP_NODELAY: When to Use It

        I learned a ton writing this post, especially about how HTTP2 works and how its binary format affects network performance. Hopefully you’ll learn something here as well!

      • Joel GustafsonMerklizing the key/value store for fun and profit

        If you and I care enough about making diffs efficient, we can both maintain a special kind of merkle tree called a Prolly Tree that allows us to skip large sections of shared entries and identify conflicts in logarithmic time. This “merkle syncing” capability is a powerful and versatile peer-to-peer primitive and can be used as a natural persistence layer for CRDT systems, an “rsync for key/value stores”, the foundation of a mutable multi-writer decentralized database, and much more.

        Prolly Trees and their cousin Merkle Search Trees are new ideas but are already used by ATProto / BlueSky, Dolt, and others. There are some key differences that make the approach here particularly easy to implement as a wrapper around existing key/value stores.

        We'll give a short overview of merkle trees in general, walk through the design of a merklized key/value store, see some example applications, introduce two reference implementations, and wrap up with a comparison to other projects.

      • Balthazar RouberolGenerating pretty maps ready to be gift-wrapped

        I have been toying with the idea of generating visually pleasing maps centered on a given address, to have them printed and framed. The way I see it, it would make an original and personalised gift for the person living there. So when Marcelo de Oliveira Rosa Prates' prettymaps blew up on Reddit, I decided to try it.

        The library was great and the visuals looked incredible, yet, I felt it was lacking a couple of features if I were to print the maps.

    • Standards/Consortia

      • Let's Make Sure Github Doesn't Become the only Option

        GitHub is dominant in today’s software development industry. Most professional developers interact with software created, maintained, or controlled by GitHub daily.

        Their own marketing material touts that they are “The largest open source community in the world”, and indeed, the 2022 StackOverflow survey shows GitHub as the most popular version control platform by a wide margin. Many well-known open-source projects use GitHub as their source code platform of choice.

        GitHub’s dominance is a risk to the software industry. Making GitHub the primary platform gives one company the power to put their needs over yours, or the industry’s. We risk leaving brilliant developers behind who don’t work well with GitHub’s paradigms. We risk being stuck with our old, technical mistakes because the underlying technology never changes. We risk losing control over our tools because they’re not actually our tools.

      • Tufte CSS

        Tufte CSS provides tools to style web articles using the ideas demonstrated by Edward Tufte’s books and handouts. Tufte’s style is known for its simplicity, extensive use of sidenotes, tight integration of graphics with text, and carefully chosen typography.

        Tufte CSS was created by Dave Liepmann and is now an Edward Tufte project. The original idea was cribbed from Tufte-LaTeX and R Markdown’s Tufte Handout format. We give hearty thanks to all the people who have contributed to those projects.

        If you see anything that Tufte CSS could improve, we welcome your contribution in the form of an issue or pull request on the GitHub project: tufte-css. Please note the contribution guidelines.

  • Leftovers

    • New York TimesJudith Miller, ‘Antiques Roadshow’ Mainstay, Is Dead at 71

      Known for her many guidebooks, she helped determine what was trash and what was treasure on the BBC series that inspired the American show.

    • HackadayThe New Hotness

      If there’s one good thing to be said about the chip shortage of 2020-2023 (and counting!) it’s that a number of us were forced out of our ruts, and pushed to explore parts that we never would have otherwise. Or maybe it’s just me.

    • Hong Kong Free PressLet art flourish in Hong Kong’s busy streets

      Some say the latest public art project at Harbour City, a shopping mall in Hong Kong’s Tsim Sha Tsui district, looks like gigantic hanging portraits of death.

    • InfoQCulture & Methods Trends Report March 2023

      The biggest impact of the layoffs has not been the number of people out of work, but the widely publicised reports of the inhumane approach many of the large employers took to announcing and communicating the layoffs. Stories of people finding out they no longer have a job when they are not able to log on to their corporate account, or getting a text message from an unidentified number telling them to drop off their company equipment with no other communication have a very negative impact on the industry as a whole and psychological safety is down in almost every high tech company.

      There is a realistic argument that the layoffs were a sensible response to the changing economic climate and that for many companies it is about right-sizing rather than down-sizing, however the way they were communicated to the impacted staff and to the world at large has resulted in a loss of trust and reduction of employee engagement across the industry. Rebuilding a generative culture will be difficult, but can be done with care and deliberate design.

    • MPR NewsSplit Rock Lighthouse to honor Gordon Lightfoot with beacon lighting

      Lightfoot’s song “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald” — about the 1975 sinking of the freighter Edmund Fitzgerald in the frigid waters of Lake Superior, killing all 29 crew members — has played an outsized role in the programming and number of people who visit the historic site north of Two Harbors, Minn.

    • [Old] US National Weather ServiceThe Story of the Edmund Fitzgerald -- Aftermath

      Although there is speculation that the Fitzgerald broke in half on the surface as the bow and stern rode the crests of the two large waves that struck the Anderson earlier, the Coast Guard’s final report suggests the Fitzgerald instead nose dived into a large wave, was unable to recover because it had lost so much buoyancy, and plunged to the bottom of Lake Superior in seconds. As the heavy cargo shifted forward quickly while the Fitzgerald was going down, the bow of the ship hit the bottom with such force that the vessel snapped in two.

    • Science

      • El PaísSaudi scientist tells colleagues, ‘Stop this academic fraud’

        Sakhr Alhuthali reveals how foreign researchers are paid by universities to lie about their main affiliation and boost their position on the influential Shanghai Ranking

      • HackadayThe Forgotten Rescue Of The Salyut 7 Space Station

        With only two space stations in orbit around Earth today in the form of the International Space Station and the Chinese Tiangong (‘Sky Palace’) station, it’s easy to forget how many space stations were launched in the previous century. And the Soviet Union launched by far the most, as part of the Salyut (Russian for ‘salute’ or ‘fireworks’) program. Although the program entailed both military (Orbital Piloted Station, or OPS) and civilian (Durable Orbital Station, or DOS) stations, it was the civilian stations that saw the most success, as well as the most daring rescue attempt with the recovering of the Salyut 7 space station.

    • Hardware

      • HackadayOp-Amp Challenge: A Low Noise Amplifier For Those Truly Low Noise Measurements

        When something is described as “Low Noise”, it is by the nature of the language a relative phrase. The higest quality magnetic tape is low noise compared to its cheaper sibling for example, but still has noise many would consider unacceptable. In instrumentation however, “Low Noise” has to really mean just that, with a range of specialist techniques to produce circuitry with a truly low noise level for the most demanding of signal applications. As an example [Floydfish] has created a low noise instrumentation amplifier that should serve as a learning exercise for anyone interested in pushing low noise circuitry to the limit.

      • HackadayLaser Triangulation Makes 3D Printer Pressure Advance Tuning Easier

        On its face, 3D printing is pretty simple — it’s basically just something to melt plastic while being accurately positioned in three dimensions. But the devil is in the details, and there seems to be an endless number of parameters and considerations that stand between the simplicity of the concept and the reality of getting good-quality prints.

      • HackadayTiny 3D Printed Gaming PC Contains Real Retro Hardware

        Emulators are easy and convenient, but for some retrocomputing enthusiasts nothing comes close to running classic software on actual era-appropriate hardware. This can become a problem, though, for those into vintage PC gaming: old PCs and their monitors are notoriously large and heavy, meaning that even a modest collection will quickly fill up a decent family home. There is a solution however, as [The Eric Experiment] demonstrates in his latest video. He designed and built a 3D-printed mini PC that runs on an actual 486 processor.

      • Tom's HardwareSilent But Deadly: PC Chassis Can Dissipate 600W Without Fans

        Streacom plans to showcase its SG10, a PC chassis that can dissipate up to 600W of thermal energy without usage of any fans at Computex in late May. The case was developed in collaboration with Calyos, which specializes on advanced thermal solutions relying on loop heat pipe (LHP) technology. An avid reader will probably recall that a couple of years ago Streacom already teased a case capable of dissipating 600W. That chassis has never made it to the market, but the SG10 is expected to become a product that will be available in retail.

    • Health/Nutrition/Agriculture

      • Science AlertHere's What It Means That The WHO Says COVID Is No Longer a Global Health Emergency [Ed: WHO is a sham. H does not stand for health.]

        Did we create a 'new normal'?

      • Helsinki TimesVirtual consulting may significantly reduce carbon footprint in health care: Study [Ed: Trying to cheapen care by cutting corners where life is at stake]
        According to new research published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research, virtual consultation is a novel and developing contribution to environmentally sustainable health care.

        The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the shift to virtual consulting, leading to its growing use. As health systems across the world strive to achieve net-zero carbon emissions, a critical question arises: what is the impact of virtual consulting on environmental sustainability in health care?

      • CDCCorrelations and Timeliness of COVID-19 Surveillance Data Sources and Indicators ― United States, October 1, 2020–March 22, 2023

        Assessment of available surveillance indicators found that COVID-19 hospital admission levels were concordant with COVID-19 Community Levels. COVID-19–associated hospital admission rates lagged 1 day behind case rates and 4 days behind percentages of COVID-19 emergency department visits and positive SARS-CoV-2 test results. National Vital Statistics System trends in the percentage of COVID-19 deaths strongly correlated with, and were 13 days timelier, than aggregate death count data.

      • Terence EdenLet's (not) share our VR headsets

        You know that feeling when you go to a public toilet and the seat is still warm from the last customer...?

        As well as having to tighten the headset, adjust the eye separation, and make sure the lenses are clean - you have to make sure the unit is wiped down. No, really wiped down. Like with proper cleaning fluid.

      • ACMBacterial Load of Virtual Reality Headsets

        As commodity virtual reality (VR) systems become more common, they are rapidly gaining popularity for entertainment, education, and training purposes. VR utilizes headsets which come in contact with or close proximity to the user’s eyes, nose, and forehead. In this study, the potential for these headsets to become contaminated with bacteria was analyzed. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to address the potential for microorganisms to be transmitted via VR headsets. The data discussed herein were collected roughly one year prior to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. We feel it is important to be clear that this study focuses exclusively on bacteria, as opposed to viruses like those responsible for the present pandemic.

    • Proprietary

      • India TimesAI pioneer Geoffrey Hinton says its threat to world may be 'more urgent' than climate change

        Geoffrey Hinton, widely known as one of the "godfathers of AI", recently announced he had quit Alphabet after a decade at the firm, saying he wanted to speak out on the risks of the technology without it affecting his former employer.

        Hinton's work is considered essential to the development of contemporary AI systems. In 1986, he co-authored the seminal paper "Learning representations by back-propagating errors", a milestone in the development of the neural networks undergirding AI technology. In 2018, he was awarded the Turing Award in recognition of his research breakthroughs.

      • Digital Music NewsKpop Fans Bristle Over HYBE’s ‘Dynamic Pricing’ Ticket System

        The BTS ARMY complaints about HYBE’s dynamic pricing began while purchasing tickets for BTS member Suga’s solo concert in the US. While fans initially assumed Ticketmaster’s policy was to blame for the fluctuation in prices, they would be shocked to discover it was a policy that HYBE had recently implemented.

        “I paid 2.5 million KRW (~1,876 USD) for the ticket alone,” one fan commented. “I didn’t buy it from a scalper. I bought it directly from the source. I first slandered Ticketmaster, but now I see the lowest (of HYBE).”

        “After paying $22 to sign up for a paid membership, I got the rights to buy a ticket through a lottery,” explains another. “But on the day of ticketing, the ticket — which cost $400 for a floor ticket — soared every time I clicked on it. It soared all the way up to $1,800 for a floor ticket, and I eventually gave up. In the end, only those with big pockets will be able to go to concerts.”

      • ZulipWhen “free forever” means “free for the next 4 months”

        To be clear, nobody is entitled to free cloud hosting, and there is nothing wrong with a business choosing not to offer it. Moreover, the 90-day grace period Mattermost is providing for the transition is better than one often sees when a company shuts down a product or free plan. And unlike users of fully proprietary software, Mattermost’s customers have the option to self-host the product as an alternative to paying $10/user/month, or moving to another platform.

        But Mattermost is breaking the “free forever” promise made to its customers, and without any acknowledgement or apology. The “free forever” note was quietly removed from Mattermost’s website in the month leading up to the announcement, and is never mentioned in the email Mattermost sent to affected customers. Surely, one can expect better than that from a company whose stated principles include “customer obsession” and “earn trust”.

      • Eric PauleyFarewell to the Era of Cheap EC2 Spot Instances

        At the same time, if you’re already using spot instances you may have noticed your savings start to dry up. I know I did! So naturally I went out and tried to measure it. Is this spike in spot prices just a blip in the radar, or have macroeconomic conditions also had an effect on spot pricing?

      • Silicon AngleDesperately seeking cloud repatriation

        In this Breaking Analysis we look at a number of sources, including the experiences of 37signals, which has documented its departure from public clouds. We’ll also examine the relationship between repatriation and SRE Ops skill sets. As always we’ll look at survey data from our partners at ETR, a recent FinOps study published by Vega Cloud and revisit the Cloud Repatriation Index, which we believe is breaking a three-year trend.

    • Security

      • ‘Ransomware cult’ claims to have hacked two local schools [Ed: Microsoft Windows TCO]

        Folders containing sensitive information were published on Twitter by a group claiming to have hacked into Socrates Academy in Matthews and Movement School.

        The hackers, which Queen City News has decided not to name, first posted proof of their hack, promising more to come if school officials didn’t cooperate.

      • CovewareBig Game Hunting is back despite decreasing Ransom Payment Amounts [Ed: Microsoft Windows TCO]

        Midway through Q1 the winds of progress shifted, and we observed a material increase in attacks on large enterprises that achieved levels of impact that we had not observed since before the Colonial Pipeline attack in May 2021. In 2019 and 2020 it was fairly common to see large enterprises become completely paralyzed by ransomware encryption. This evolved in the quarters that followed the Pipeline attack. We highlighted the key reasons for ransom payment contraction last quarter, which focused on enterprises realizing a return on security & incident response training investments, law enforcement activity, and the compounding nature of contracting unit economics within the cyber extortion industry. These factors were countered by behavioral shifts from the threat actors towards more fluid operations. These we highlighted in Q2 2022, to show how ransomware actors were treading more lightly in response to better security and LE takedowns.

      • Data BreachesA rough year: first a ransomware attack, then a credential stuffing attack affecting more than 1 million patients. [iophk: Windows TCO

        On April 28, NextGen submitted a breach notification to the Montana Attorney General’s Office. Thinking it would be a report linked to the ransomware attack by AlphV (BlackCat) in January, DataBreaches prepared to write an update.

      • Computing UKRussians weaponise WinRAR to attack Ukraine [Ed: No, they weaponise Microsoft Windows]

        Ukrainian state networks have fallen victim to data wiping by Russian state-sponsored hackers, who erased data after exploiting VPNs and using malware abusing the common [Windows program]...

      • TechTargetCrowdStrike focuses on ChromeOS security, rising cloud threats [Ed: CrowdStrike is a Microsoft proxy; it won't expose Windows for the security hoax that it is]
      • TechTargetDoes macOS need third-party antivirus in the enterprise? [Ed: Distracting from the principal culprit, Windows, which is designed to be remotely accessible by unauthorised parties]

        Macs are known for their security, but that doesn't mean they're safe from viruses and other threats. IT teams can look into third-party antivirus tools to bolster macOS security.

      • TechTargetThe pros and cons of VPNs for enterprises [Ed: VPNs are not security but a mask for systems that are designed with back doors]

      • Privacy/Surveillance

        • ScheerpostIsrael Is Using a Vast Network of Biometric Cameras to Terrorize Palestinians

          But a new report from Amnesty International has examined the use of a novel facial recognition technology system known as Red Wolf, which has been deployed at military checkpoints in the occupied West Bank city of Hebron since 2022. It scans the faces of Palestinians, often denies them entry and adds them to massive Israeli government databases without their consent.

          Facial recognition technology is increasingly being used to stalk Palestinians, keeping them under near-constant observation. The surveillance is accomplished with a ubiquitous network of closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras mounted on lampposts, the sides of buildings, surveillance towers and rooftops.

        • Scheerpost“Automated Apartheid”: How Israel Uses Facial Recognition to Track Palestinians & Control Movement

          A new report by Amnesty International documents how the Israeli government is using an experimental facial recognition system to track Palestinians and control their movements. The findings are part of “Automated Apartheid,” which reveals an ever-growing surveillance network of cameras in the occupied West Bank city of Hebron and in East Jerusalem — two places […]

        • Alex EwerlöfGiving up privacy in exchange for...

          It is amazing how fast we get used to giving away our privacy in exchange for convenience, safety, curiosity, etc. 😄😲

      • Confidentiality

        • New York AG Releases Guide for Businesses on Effective Data Security

          As noted in a prior post, New York’s Attorney General (“NYAG”) has made enforcement of the New York SHIELD Act an enforcement priority. The SHIELD Act requires organizations handling personal information related to New York residents to maintain reasonable safeguards to protect that information. Maintaining its focus on this area, the NYAG recently released a guide to help organizations strengthen their data security programs and “to put [them] on notice that they must take their data security obligations seriously, and at a minimum, take the reasonable steps outlined” in the NYAG’s guide (the “Guide”).

          The Guide is based on the NYAG’s experiences in investigating and prosecuting organizations in the wake of data incidents. It states that the NYAG received 4,000 data breach notifications in 2022 and penalized organizations millions of dollars for failing to comply with their data security obligations.

          In the Guide, the NYAG recommends action in nine areas.

        • Data BreachesTwo class action lawsuits against home healthcare providers get preliminary settlement approval [iophk: Windows TCO
        • Data BreachesFairfax County Public Schools breach exposed sensitve student information

          Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) has had numerous breaches in the past 15 years, including one ransomware incident that affected more than 170,000 former and current employees and students. Here’s a recent incident that just showed up on a state attorney general’s website.

    • Defence/Aggression

    • Transparency/Investigative Reporting

    • Environment

      • Energy/Transportation

        • GannettNew cryptocurrency bill targets [cryptocurrency] crime and 'rampant fraud' across US

          New York's attorney general announced tougher measures Friday to "end the fraud and dysfunction that have become the hallmarks of cryptocurrency," a move likely to bring more focus nationally on the multi-billion dollar [cryptocurrency] industry.

        • EngadgetWhite House proposes 30 percent tax on electricity used for [cryptocurrency] mining

          The Biden administration wants to impose a 30 percent tax on the electricity used by cryptocurrency mining operations, and it has included the proposal in its budget for the fiscal year of 2024. In a blog post on the White House website, the administration has formally introduced the Digital Asset Mining Energy or DAME excise tax. It explained that it wants to tax cryptomining firms, because they aren't paying for the "full cost they impose on others," which include environmental pollution and high energy prices.

        • USAThe DAME Tax: Making Cryptominers Pay for Costs They Impose on Others

          While crypto assets are virtual, the energy consumption tied to their computationally intensive production is very real and imposes very real costs, as highlighted in a chapter of this year’s Economic Report of the President (entitled “Digital Assets: Relearning Economic Principles”). Recent reporting by the New York Times highlighted the scale of the power consumption associated with 34 of the largest cryptomining operations, which they calculated as equal to the power used by the surrounding 3 million homes. As shown in Figure 1, the amount of electricity used in cryptomining in the United States in 2022 was similar to what is used to power all the country’s home computers or residential lighting.

        • The Register UKBiden proposes 30% tax on cryptominers' power bills

          The Digital Asset Mining Energy excise tax – DAME for short – would require American firms to pay a tax equal to 30 percent of the electricity bill consumed by computers used to make digi-dollars after a phase-in period that begins at the start of 2024.

          In 2024, businesses engaged in digital asset mining would pay 10 percent of their bill in tax, before the rate rises to 20 percent in 2025 and hits 30 percent in 2026.

      • Wildlife/Nature

        • National GeographicAxolotls and capybaras are TikTok famous—and that could be a problem

          That’s partly because they’re cute—or ugly-cute. But experts say it also has to do with the medium itself.

          “People resonate with these videos as they add human-like captions for the animals,” Julia Lee Cunningham, associate professor at the University of Michigan and a National Geographic Explorer writes in an email.

          These videos inspire us to care about wildlife. But they may have hidden harms, too, as more people seek out exotic animals as pets.

      • Overpopulation

        • RFAFor China's 'young refuseniks,' finding love comes at too high a price

          Linghu Changbing will be 23 this year. Even before the pandemic hit China, he was already starting to feel that the traditional goals of marriage, a mortgage and kids were beyond his reach.

          "I had no time to find a girlfriend back in China, because I was working from eight in the morning to 10 at night, sometimes even till 11.00 p.m. or midnight, with very little time off," said Linghu, who joined the "run" movement of people leaving China in 2022.

        • Federal News NetworkOver 200 dead, many more missing after Congo floods

          The death toll from flash floods and landslides in eastern Congo has risen beyond 200, with many more people still missing, according to local authorities in the province of South Kivu. Thomas Bakenge, administrator of Kalehe territory, the worst-hit area, told reporters on the scene Saturday that 203 bodies had been recovered so far, but that efforts to find others were continuing. In the village of Nyamukubi, where hundreds of homes were washed away, rescue workers and survivors dug through the ruins Saturday looking for more bodies in the mud.

    • Finance

      • Michael West MediaFake Reform: Jim Chalmers' itsy-bitsy tax "hit" is a gift for foreign fossil fuel giants

        Jim Chalmers’ long-awaited tweaks to the PRRT are the itsy-bitsyest “reforms” about, the equivalent of recycling old Christmas presents with a fancy new bow. Michael West reports on how the Treasurer is merely returning a couple of billion in gas sector subsidies, and only for a while.

        “Chalmers slaps $2.4bn tax hit on oil and gas,” cried Murdoch’s The Australian. “$2.4bn gas tax hit on energy giants,” declared the AFR. Santos chief Kevin Gallagher was nowhere to be heard with his “Soviet-style” scaremongering. Is Australia still going the way of Venezuela and Nigeria, Kevin?€ 

      • AxiosGOP moderates privately panic over debt ceiling deal

        Some House Republicans are fretting about whether they'd be able to pass a watered-down version of their debt ceiling bill once the terms are negotiated with Senate Democrats and the White House, Axios has learned.

        Why it matters: House moderates say House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and GOP leadership aren't doing enough to tamp down expectations with the right-wing Freedom Caucus — harming the chances for any compromise bill.

      • RapidAPI’s Headcount Drops 82% in Recent Layoffs

        Founded in 2015 by Iddo Gino, RapidAPI built a platform that helps businesses find and integrate third-party APIs, as well as manage their own usage of their own internal APIs. In March of 2022, it raised $150 million in a Series D round led by SoftBank’s Vision Fund 2. Other backers include Qumra, Andreessen Horowitz, M12 (Microsoft’s Venture Fund), Viola Growth, Green Bay Ventures, and Grove Ventures.

    • AstroTurf/Lobbying/Politics

      • France24British crown jewels: South Africans ask UK to return world's biggest diamond

        Some€ South€ Africans are calling for Britain to return the world's largest diamond, known as the Star of€ Africa, which is set in the royal sceptre that King Charles III held at his coronation on Saturday.

      • Off GuardianThe Homage of the Slaves

        As the coronation of Charlie-boy approaches, the Royal household thought it would be nice to offer the British public the opportunity to€ swear their allegiance€ to King Charles III and declare themselves his slave.

      • CBCShopify to lay off 20% of staff

        Affected employees have already been advised, via email, if they still have a job. Everyone will receive a minimum of 16 weeks severance plus a week for every year they worked at the company.

      • GizmodoNYC Subway Resumes Twitter Alerts

        Public transit shouldn’t be a roller coaster ride but, if you follow New York City’s Metropolitan Transit Authority on Twitter, the past week may have felt like one. The MTA, which runs the U.S.’s largest rapid transit network, is back to posting real-time service alerts and updates on the social media platform.

      • The Wall Street JournalWho Are the Names in Jeffrey Epstein’s Calendar?

        A multipart investigation by The Wall Street Journal has revealed prominent people who met multiple times with Jeffrey Epstein.

      • AxiosBuffett and Munger sound off on "stupid" U.S.-China tensions [Ed: Oligarchs who benefit from sweatshops in China]

        Investing legends Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger on Saturday urged the U.S. and China to settle their widening differences, arguing the superpowers have a "mutual interest" in continuing cooperation.

    • Censorship/Free Speech

    • Freedom of Information / Freedom of the Press

      • Helsinki TimesDetaining Gonzalo Lira: Another blow to the freedom of press in Ukraine

        The Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) arrested Gonzalo Lira, a US-Chilean national residing in Kharkiv, on suspicions of harbouring pro-Russian sentiments. This marks the second time Lira has been apprehended by the SBU. Lira, an author and filmmaker who relocated to Kharkiv years ago and married a Ukrainian, was initially detained in April 2022 but was released after a week without charges. He was subsequently instructed not to leave the city and prohibited from discussing his arrest.

      • Deutsche WelleDW journalist Bülent Mumay sentenced in Turkey

        An Istanbul court handed journalist Bülent Mumay a suspended one year and eight months prison sentence over publishing information about a construction company, defying a court order.

      • ScheerpostA Kingly Proposal: Letter From Julian Assange to King Charles III

        To His Majesty King Charles III, On the coronation of my liege, I thought it only fitting to extend a heartfelt invitation to you to commemorate this momentous occasion by visiting your very own kingdom within a kingdom: His Majesty’s Prison Belmarsh. You will no doubt recall the wise […]

      • ScheerpostPatrick Lawrence: Journalists-on-Journalists Crime

        I’ve read a lot of smear since Fox News dismissed Tucker Carlson as its premier evening news presenter late last month. How could I not? It was everywhere, and more fecal matter is being flung Carlson’s way as we speak.

      • FAIRDeSantis’ Anti-Press Bills Seem Dead, but Don’t Celebrate Yet

        The current Supreme Court conservative majority is certainly not shy about tearing down the liberal precedents set by the Warren Court. Floyd Abrams, one of the US’s most famous press lawyers, told the podcast So to Speak (2/23/23) that the judges who want to overturn Sullivan “are offended by…the press reportage about really public matters, which I think Sullivan was absolutely right about and has served the public well.” Floyd doesn’t believe the court has the five votes needed to undo Sullivan yet. But there are at least two justices—Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch—that have their eye on the case, and possibly one or two more.

      • VOA NewsMedia Experts: Reporting in Hong Kong Becoming Increasingly Difficult

        The ranking is an eight-place improvement of the region’s score from 2022, but RSF notes that Hong Kong is facing an “unprecedented setback” since the introduction of a national security law in 2020.

        Introduced following widespread anti-government protests, the security law prohibits acts that include secession, subversion and foreign collusion, none of which is clearly defined. Hong Kong authorities have used that and a colonial-era sedition law to arrest and jail anti-government dissidents, including journalists.

    • Civil Rights/Policing

      • CoryDoctorowHollywood is the single best example of mature labor power in America

        The Writers Guild is on strike. Hollywood is closed for business. The union's bargaining documents reveal a cartel of studios that refused to negotiate on a single position. This could go on for a long-ass time: [...]

      • Common DreamsYouth Continue Fight for Racial Justice Six Decades After Birmingham Children's Crusade

        Students nationally rallied on May 3rd for the Freedom to Learn, taking action to challenge censorship, book banning and voter suppression sweeping the country. They are demanding the right to learn their history and that of their forebears, even if it makes others “uncomfortable.” The day of protest fell on an auspicious anniversary. Sixty years earlier, on May 3rd, 1963, thousands of young people risked their lives in Birmingham, Alabama, on the second day of what became known as The Children’s Crusade. Images of the march shocked people worldwide, as Black children and teens engaging in non-violent protest were brutalized with police dogs, clubs and water cannons.

      • Common DreamsRight-Wing Policy Is the Cause of the Crisis at the Border

        I recently came across a tweet from Stephen Miller, Donald Trump’s architect of the absolutely unconscionable family separation policy at the border. The tweet reads, “Joe Biden is the trafficker-in-chief. No one on earth is responsible for more child trafficking than Joe Biden.”

      • Common DreamsEvery Day Is Child Abuse Day in Ron DeSantis' Florida. Perpetration, Not Prevention

        Child abuse prevention month ended at the end of March. But in the Florida Legislature, every day is child abuse day. Not prevention. Perpetration, with almost every Republican legislator institutionalizing a system of predation that makes clergymen’s unzipped prowls seem monastic in comparison.

      • Common DreamsHow Does Leonard Leo Hide All His Right-Wing Dark Money? Here's One Way

        Conservative legal activist Leonard Leo has gotten a lot of attention for his work to reshape the U.S. judicial system.

      • ScheerpostOne Granted Bond, Two Denied Pretrial Release: Forest Defenders Appear for Preliminary Hearings

        Two defendants arrested in March during a€ music festival against ‘Cop City’€ were€ again denied bond€ Wednesday in DeKalb County Magistrate Court, while a third was granted $25,000 bond with conditions. The defendants, all of whom are facing domestic terrorism charges for their alleged participation in the€ movement against the […]

      • VOA NewsIran Executes Swedish Iranian Dissident

        However, relations between Iran and Sweden were already tense, because Sweden handed down a life prison sentence to a former Iranian official for his part in the mass executions of political prisoners in Iran in 1988.

      • GizmodoThe Writers Strike Is So Strong, It's Kneecapped the MTV Movie Awards

        Right now, the Writers Guild of America (WGA) is going on strike to secure better compensation and equity structures for TV and film writers across Hollywood. As parts of the efforts to draw attention to their cause, writers are picketing at various studio lots on both the east and west coasts. Even though it’s only been a few days since the strike started, their efforts appear to be working, as the upcoming MTV Movie Awards have been fairly hobbled by the striking.

      • CBCAs economy recovers from pandemic doldrums, big employers step up push to get back to the office

        The trend is undeniable. Cellphone data suggests that Canadian cities are now about half as full of people during the workday compared with before the pandemic. That's well up from under 10 per cent observed at various points since 2020, when the pandemic began and lockdowns were implemented.

    • Internet Policy/Net Neutrality

    • Monopolies

      • WiredMicrosoft’s Cloud Gaming Dreams Are Falling Apart

        The CMA’s ruling is unusual in antitrust, because its judgment was based on what the merger would mean for an industry that’s still only at a nascent stage. Data from research company Omdia puts sales of cloud-enabled services at $5.1 billion in 2022, compared to nearly $35 billion in conventional console game sales. The regulator, though, argues that cloud gaming is growing fast, that Microsoft’s scale and power would give it a huge head start, and that it would have a strong commercial incentive to make all Activision titles exclusive to its platforms—stifling competition.

      • Software Patents

        • Dennis Crouch/Patently-OAn API for the Human Mind

          Researchers have used GPT-style machine learning architecture to decode human thoughts by analyzing their functional MRI (fMRI) brain scans. That’s right – we’re talking mind reading. The AI was initially trained trained by exposing participants to 16 hours of narrative stories while recording their brain activity.€  And, once trained,€ the AI was able to accurately describe the content of their thoughts.€  Of some interest, the AI was better at identifying concepts and meaning rather than the actual words at issue.

          While this technology has the potential to revolutionize communication for individuals with disabilities or neurological conditions, it also raises some privacy concerns that could involve both reading thoughts and writing them.

      • Copyrights

        • Torrent FreakUK Police Applaud Five-Year Jail Sentence for 'Fugitive' IPTV Reseller

          Liverpool Crown Court has sentenced a 54-year-old reseller of pirated IPTV subscriptions to five years in prison. City of London Police applauds the verdict but also calls on the public for help, as the former IPTV salesman has reportedly fled the country with his dog.

  • Gemini* and Gopher

    • Technical

      • A Response to Technological Futures

        I found myself agreeing with much of the PERMACOMPUTER letter, though I can't sign it because I do not agree with the first sentence of the first of the conclusions at the end of the letter. I think this may point to a slight ideological difference between myself and the letter's authors, which has prompted me to outline my own views here in response.

        In my opinion, what this letter points to and describes is the dysfunction of capitalism. The technique of generative modeling is largely a threat because it imperils the livelihoods of millions of people, who still need to work in order to live decent lives.€¹ These millions still need to work in order to live decent lives because capitalism requires the imposition of artificial scarcity, to the benefit of the rentier class. There can be no capitalism, no rentiers, without the enclosure of the commons, after all.€²

      • Emacs on Android

        For a very long time I have wished that my computer, tablet, and phone all had the same operating system. I have read that it was possible to put some GNU/Linux distros on phones and tablets but (and this will make me lose geek cred) I am a little uncomfortable with doing that. I am not a rich guy and I am afraid of bricking my tablet and/or phone. I have thought about putting Android on a flash drive and booting my computer into Android but the biggest thing that I do with my computer is draft plans. Alas, the best drafting program that I have found for Android is barely even usable. So I figured this little was never going to happen.

        Off and on for nearly 20 years I have been playing with Emacs. I will use it for a long time and then hit a bump in the road and rage quit Emacs and go back the world of easy to use and privacy compromising tools. I will stay gone for just long enough to forget the common key commands that anybody who uses Emacs should know and then return and start relearning the whole thing over again.

      • Catching up

        I have my class assignments and everything. I'll be running two of the intro to CS classes and the intro mathematical logic class.

      • Programming/Admin

        • No such file or directory

          This simple error message has causes that range from simple to sometimes pretty tricky. Most often it's that there is invisible junk on the filename, usually a newline or carriage return. Periodic reminder to include the filename in the error message to help surface such details.

* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.

Recent Techrights' Posts

In Vietnam, statCounter Sees Microsoft Windows Falling Below 7% "Market Share"
Can Microsoft still demand $500 or more per Windows licence?
Fresh IBM Layoffs Reported in Europe and North America, Jobs Allegedly Moved to South Asia (Low Salaries)
As usual, IBM does not talk about this
The Ludicrous Mythology of Commonality as Signal of Value, Merit, Popularity
Devalue what's true, promote marketing?
[Video] Richard Stallman on the Four Essential Freedoms (Manuel Cuda News, 2025)
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[Video] Richard Stallman on Understanding the Misconception of So-called 'Artificial Intelligence'
to "know and understand"
The Fall of the Open Source Initiative (OSI): The OSI Election is Rigged, Biased Against People Who Oppose the Openwashing of GPL-Violating Bots Operated by Microsoft for Profit (OSI Gets Paid to Promote This)
they reckon that pretence of calm would serve them best, helped by puff pieces
A Closer Look Inside the EPO, Courtesy of Benoît Battistelli's Submissive Lapdogs Roberta Romano-Götsch and Elodie Bergot
new report comes from the Local Staff Committee Munich (LSCMN)
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A Call for GNU/Linux and BSD Developers to Unite Against GAFAM and the Regime They Empower
We have long encouraged and continue to encourage people who value Software Freedom to altogether boycott GAFAM
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Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Sunday, March 09, 2025
IRC logs for Sunday, March 09, 2025
FSF's Defective by Design (DBD): Amazon Tightens the Digital Handcuffs
Reproduced verbatim
The Fall of the Open Source Initiative (OSI): Plenty of Issues, Plenty of Censorship
The OSI is abusive on many levels!
EPO Staff Appraisals Apparently Benefit Kakistocracy, Including Cheaters Who Grant Illegal Patents and Punish Good Patent Examiners (Who Find Valid Reasons for Denials)
In prior reports the staff representatives said that rewards typically went to people who granted many patents, i.e. didn't do proper examination and instead just allowed many fake patents get enshrined as EPs, causing fiasco (from which some patent attorneys could profit)
As The Web Gets Drowned Out, Sinking in a Pool of LLM Slop, Real News Sites With Real News Become Increasingly Rare If Not Extinct
This is a real problem
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Links 08/03/2025: International Women's Day, Software Patents Being Squashed
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Hiding Problems Doesn't Work
transparent organisations will be more stable and sustainable
The Harder They Try to Censor, the Bigger the Scandal (and the Impact) Will Be
We don't plan to self-censor our coverage; sometimes we just delay publication a little
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Links for the day
All-Time Low for Microsoft in Africa
it helps show how irrelevant Microsoft is becoming
French woman (frontaliere) trafficked to promote unauthorised cross border Swiss insurance
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
New York Times & Guardian reporting on Modern Slavery Act prosecution of Glodi Wabelua
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
Diana & Adrian von Bidder-Senn, EVP, Palm Sunday & Debian death on wedding day
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
The RTO (Return-to-office) Layoffs or 'Soft' Layoffs at IBM and Red Hat
There are certainly many layoffs going on there, but many are described as "resignations" or "retirements" after RTO or some other form of relocation
Under the Pen Name "John O'Donnell" (LLM Slop, Not Real Article or Author) LinuxLinks Pushes Spammy Page
it happened some hours ago.
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Saturday, March 08, 2025
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Graveyard of Mastodons: A Vast Number of Inactive Accounts
More than 80% of users in (the "big one") are no longer active
Gemini Links 08/03/2025: Reading Cory Doctorow's 'Little Brother', Abandoning GAFAM Forever
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No, We Don't Want to Go "Viral" (and You Probably Don't, Either)
"Viral" junk gets forgotten quickly
Windows is Being Eradicated
On the Web, in Africa in particular, user strings or UAs that say "Windows" are becoming more rare
For International Women's Rights Day (Today) Staff Representatives at the European Patent Office (EPO) Opened Up on Gender Discrimination at the Office
Office discrimination against women is widely known; unless you sleep with men in management
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Working Like a Pack of Hyenas, the Microsofters Try Hard to Hide the Truth and Actively Censor Critics
They even target women
The Fall of the Open Source Initiative (OSI): Bylaws of the OSI a Shocking Oversight
That's what the OSI is right now: a salesperson
Thinking About Abandoning 'Google News' Altogether Due to Easy Poisoning by LLM Slop
As long as Google News keeps sending traffic to these leeches, it'll be very hard to justify relying on Google News for anything at all
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Over at Tux Machines...
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