Category:Patent trolls
Finjan is a patent troll which operates through an entity called Finjan Holdings or Finjan Blue (patents purchased from IBM). It was once funded by Microsoft and tends to combat Microsoft's competitors in the security space either by litigation or threats of litigation.
With Patent Trolls Like Finjan and Blackbird Tech out There, Microsoft in OIN Does Not Mean Safety
IBM- and Microsoft-Backed Patent Troll Strikes Again and IBM's Lobbyist for Software Patents Has Just Defended Patent Trolls (Again)
Microsoft's Patent Trolls Are Alive and Well, Seeding Destruction Among Microsoft's Competition
Today's IBM is Acting Like a Patent Troll and Arming Active Patent Trolls, Just Like Microsoft Does
Patent Trolls Are Still Active and Microsoft is Closely Connected to Many of Them
Microsoft's Patent Troll Blackmails Yet Another Microsoft Rival and Continues to Engage in Shakedown Tactics
Microsoft is Still 'Cybermobbing' Its Competition Using Patent Trolls Such as Finjan
Microsoft Attacks the Vulnerable Using Software Patents in Order to Maintain Fear and Give the Perception of Microsoft 'Safety'
Post-Alice, Using Software Patents, Microsoft-Backed Patent Troll Finjan Continues Suing Microsoft's Competitors
Multiple Microsoft-Funded Patent Trolls Are Attacking Microsoft's Rivals Inside and Outside the Courtrooms
Aggressive New Activities of Microsoft-Connected Patent Trolls: Finjan, Intellectual Ventures, and Dominion Harbor
Patent Trolls Watch: Microsoft-Connected Intellectual Ventures, Finjan, and Rumour of Technicolor-InterDigital Buyout
To Understand the Protection Racket Look Not at Microsoft But at Patent Trolls Which It Sponsors
How a Microsoft-Sponsored and IBM-Armed Patent Troll Is Used by Lobbyists of Software Patents
Patent Troll Finjan Looks Like It's About to Collapse, But Patent Maximalists Exploit It for Software Patents Promotion
Patent Troll Finjan Manages to Defend a Patent (on Appeal) and the Trolls' Lobby is Loving It
When All That's Left is a Bunch of Patents: Stories of IBM, Finjan, Ericsson, and Citrix
IBM Has Become Almost Indistinguishable From the Patent Trolls It Passes Patents to (Finjan for Example)
Microsoft-Connected Trolls Like Finjan Are Still Blackmailing Companies That Compete With Microsoft
Microsoft-Connected Patent Trolls Continue to File New Lawsuits and Collect Patents for Further Litigation Purposes
Microsoft is Promoting Software Patents in India in Another Effort to Undermine Free/Open Source Software, Microsoft-Connected Trolls Are Still Suing
Microsoft-Connected Patent Troll Finjan is Now Threatening and Also Suing Firms From Europe
IBM Helps a Microsoft-Connected Patent Troll Create Another Trolling Branch, Known as Finjan Blue
Patent Trolls Network-1 and Microsoft-Connected Finjan and Intellectual Ventures in the News Again
Software Patents and Patent Trolls Are Almost the Same Problem (Still)
Finjan, Cisco, JDate and Other Companies Acting Like Patent Trolls; New Threats to Linux
Microsoft-Connected Patent Troll (Finjan Holdings) Goes After SonicWall
Patent Troll Uniloc Lost a Software Patent Case Owing to PTAB, Microsoft-Connected Troll Finjan Holdings Keeps on Suing
Microsoft-Connected Patent Aggressor (Finjan Holdings) Hailed by Patent Lawyers’ Site, CEO Phil Hartstein Glamourised
The US Supreme Court Stops Software Patents While They Spread Elsewhere in the World
It Certainly Looks Like Microsoft is Already Siccing Its Patent Trolls, Including Intellectual Ventures, on Companies That Use Linux (Until They Pay ‘Protection’ Money)
Patent Trolls Like Finjan Holdings and Thomas Edison; the Latest Loss for Software Patents in the US and Their Move to China
New Software Patents From Google, Microsoft and Apple, Plus New Lobbying From David Kappos (Paid by Microsoft and Apple)
Microsoft is Stockpiling and Also Buying More Patents While Microsoft’s ‘Buddy’ Finjan Extorts McAfee With Software Patents
Can the Idea of Categorising Algorithm Behaviour Be Someone’s Property?