In layman's terms, MPEG-LA is a conspiracy of companies with patent monopolies on ideas associated with compression of video and audio. MPEG-LA covers more than just that, but originally it was used as a central point for patent holders who wish to tax anyone out there playing videos and music. By creating a "standard" out of patent-encumbered formats, MPEG-LA managed to create a thicket standing in the way of access to people's personal video and audio recordings. Standards bodies are mere tools in this battle of Trojan horse tactics, where MPEG-LA members such as Microsoft and Apple elbow their competitors by imposing costs (e.g. on GNU/Linux) and also threatening to sue counterparts such as Ogg and WebM.
Techrights has covered the subject quite a lot over the years and this page brings together some of the posts more relevant and more recent (2010 onwards) on the subject.
The European Patent Office is Attracting Patent Trolls
A Warning About MPEG-G, the Latest Software Patents Trap That Threatens Innovation Everywhere
Apple v Samsung Dominates the News, But Samsung Has Just Taken on MPEG-LA Using PTAB Inter Partes Reviews
Trolling Conglomerates MPEG-LA and Fortress Are Plotting to Start Another Round of Patent Shakedowns
Patent Troll MPEG-LA Expands From Software Patents to Patents on Life While USPTO is Virtually Headless
When Antitrust Complaints Achieve Software Freedom
SFLC Refutes OSI President’s Claim, Says WebM Licence is Still Fine
WebM is No Ogg, It is Not Freedom-Respecting Anymore, Even in Countries That Have No Software Patents
MPEG-LA Ruined the Licence of WebM, Made it Less Freedom-Respecting
Google/Android Extorted Through MPEG-LA
MPEG Cartel Stabs Apple in the Back
Ogg Backer Strikes Back Against the MPEG-LA Cartel
BSA (Microsoft Front), MPEG Cartel (Backed by Microsoft and Apple), and Gates Foundation Under Scrutiny for Patent Play
US Justice Department Takes on the MPEG Cartel as IBM Distances Itself From Cartel Defenders
One Last Sellout From Novell (MPEG-LA, Microsoft Patent Traps)
Scaremongering Against Google — Not Technical Advantage — the Strategy of MPEG-LA and Microsoft
Lobbyists From Microsoft, Apple, and Nokia Are Backing Potential Patent Lawsuit Against Google/WebM
ES: BSA (Frente de Microsoft), MPEG Cartel (Con el respaldo de Microsoft y Apple), y la Fundación Gates, Bajo Escrutinio por su Juego de Patentes
MPEG-LA Codecs and Microsoft Racketeering Challenge the Redistributability of Linux
Microsoft Florian Promotes MPEG-LA at the Expense of Free Software, Defends Intellectual Monopolies Too
Mozilla Avoids MPEG-LA’s Latest Poison Pill and Rejects Patents Just Like Samba Does
MPEG-LA Offers ‘Free’ Drugs (Read the Fine Print)
Patents Roundup: EU Patent Deform, MPEG-LA, OIN, New Zealand, and Patent Trolls
Simon Phipps: “MPEG-LA is a Parasite Using Standards Bodies as Its Host, Whether They Want it or Not.” (and a Rant About Banshee/Mono)
Google to Make WebM GPL Compatible — Claim
“We’re in the Era of Digital Video, and It’s a Mess,” –Steve Jobs, MPEG-LA Proponent/Lobbyist
Alexandre Oliva Explains Why the Patent Troll Larry Horn (MPEG Cartel) is Bluffing
Patent Troll (MPEG-LA) May Own Your Personal/Family Videos
Microsoft and MPEG-LA Called “Patent Trolls”, Antitrust Complaint Filed
Canonical Needs to Tell Ubuntu Users How Much It Paid MPEG-LA for Patent ‘Protection’
Apple and Microsoft a Threat to Culture (Data), Not Just Software (Tools)
MPEG-LA’s CEO Larry Horn and Bellow Bellows Are Patent Trolls
Microsoft Brings MPEG-LA-LA Land to the Web and Threatens GNU/Linux With Software Patent Lawsuits
Category:Patent trolls