Linux Foundation's Nithya Ruff (From the Linux Foundation's Board) Gives Some Credit to "Richard" (Stallman)
She also gets some facts wrong*, but nobody is perfect.
She explains that GNU was seen by companies like it was "fringe" of "hippies". Unlike the Linux Foundation, she at least gives some credit and she uses the "F" word (freedom) quite a few times.
* She thinks "The Internet" started in the 90s. Not the Web, the Internet. She says Linux is a "MICROkernel" (it famously is not). It should be noted that Peterson did not coin or create the term "Open Source". Ruff perpetuates a debunked myth, but to her credit, Ruff's talk is better than the average nonsense from the 'Linux' (Gates) Foundation and she is a technical person. Some of the points she made were fair. That talk was only published weeks ago and OSI co-founder Bruce Perens was in the room too. The media has ignored the latest initiative from Perens, just as we expected.