Richard Stallman is Giving Talks in Italy Next Week ("Software Libre and Freedom in the Digital Society")
From his talks page: (just updated)
April 9th, 2024 in Bologna, Italy
Software libre and freedom in the digital society
Time: Sunday, April 7th, 15H00–17H00 Location: Aula D
Viale Carlo Berti Pichat, 6-6/2
Bologna Italy
44.501N, 11.357ENote: There will be simultaneous translation into Italian. It may NOT be easy to hear the talk in English. There are many threats to freedom in the digital society. They include nonfree software, massive surveillance, and censorship.
Nonfree proprams are often designed to restrict users, control users or manipulate uesers. The War on Sharing aims to stop users from sharing copies of published works. Computers for voting make election results untrustworthy.
Other threats come from use of web services, implemented by companies that can impose any conditions whatsoever.
Finally, most internet activities (aside from those which existed before 2000) are precarious, dependent on permission from one company.
All of these threats originate more or less in the use of nonfree software. That is why free software is the first battle in the liberation of the digital society.
Everyone welcome.
April 7th, 2024 in Reggio Emilia, Italy
Le basi della libertà nella società digitale
Time: Sunday, April 7th, 16H00
at unimoreLocation: Aula Magna Manodori
Palazzo Dossetti
via Allegri 9
Reggio EmiliaNote: There will be simultaneous translation into Italian. It may NOT be easy to hear the talk in English. Richard Stallman è un programmatore statunitense, visionario fondatore del Movimento del Software Libero. Nel 1983 diede avvio al Progetto GNU con l'intento di sviluppare un sistema operativo completamente libero, che potesse essere usato da chiunque senza restrizioni, secondo uno spirito di condivisione e di rispetto altrui. Quel sistema operativo è oggi GNU/Linux, utilizzato da decine di milioni di persone in tutto il mondo, nonché da agenzie governative come la NASA e siti di pubblica utilità come Wikipedia.
Everyone welcome.
And in the front page now:
He recently gave talks in Switzerland.