Links 16/04/2024: Second Sunday After Easter and "Re-inventing the Wheel"
Gemini* and Gopher
🔤SpellBinding: CYFITVE Wordo: SCOUR
April 16, 2024 - Feria, Mass of Preceding Sunday, Second Sunday After Easter (W)
The earth is full of the mercy of the Lord, alleluia: by the word of the Lord the heavens were established, alleluia, alleluia.
mood swings; instability
holy fucking hell y'all am I unstable right now? My mood has been swinging from extreme to extreme daily.
Friday I felt normal, perfectly fine. Saturday I wished for nothing but death. Sunday I was middling but manageable. Yesterday I wanted to die and it took literally every ounce of my being to pull me into a position where I wouldn't. And today I'm fucking fine again?!
Technology and Free Software
On "Re-inventing the Wheel"
I hear certain words and phrases thrown around a lot by certain groups of programmers and software enthusiasts with very little care for their validity or how it affects software as a whole. I'm talking about "NIH", which is extremely misused by software developers, and "don't reinvent the wheel," of course. Not only are the use of these words insulting, judgemental, and unnecessarily dichotomizing, they ostracize some of the best reasons to reinvent: learning and self-discovery.
You don't copy other people's proofs in Calculus class, you're expected to *recreate them* on your own! Why? Because you **learn** from it. Because you might discover something yourself. Because the enjoyment is out of the discovery and the problem solving, not out of copying a bunch of stuff that was already done for you.
is anybody listening?
So I followed the architecture of the pretty bad geminiclient I have, and wrote one to work with textprotocol. Just about the the time I was finishing up, mk's server stopped responding. A couple things I noticed, URIs in text/protocol are supposed to be "absolute", "normalized", and "fully qualified", but mk's server was returning relative URIs. By the time I noticed that, I'd already written my client to handle these anyway. Postel's law and what not, I'm gonna leave it that way.
The Zone of Suck
Philosophically I have a tendency to “exclude the middle” and to dislike things that are the worst-of-both-worlds.
The phrase “The Zone of Suck” I first heard by an Apple fan in the netbook era who thought laptops were great when you were sitting down and smartphones were great when you were on the go while netbooks were never good.
Well, I don’t know about that specific example. Tablets weren’t around yet (since it was an Apple fanatic I'm sure he figured out a way to be a fan of tablets somehow, once Apple made one) and I never used netbooks so I can’t speak to how bad or good they were.
The AI Doom Cycle
Since the release of ChatGPT about one and a half years ago, it was clear that the textual Internet will be broken beyond repair. If there’s an automated way to create textual content on which you can slap advertisements, some people will do it at large scale and SEO the heck out of it.
The problem starts with how the AGI LLM are trained: with the content of the same textual Internet. Which means AI bots will eventually “train” AI bots.
Styling this place
I'm thinking monospaced
* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.