Microsoft-Connected Person Was Threatening to Sue Me and to Sue My Wife (Because His Feelings Were Hurt After Had He Spent More Than a Decade Defaming Me and Violating My Family's Dignity, Privacy)
So in case it's not clear already, litigation was chosen and we shall defend everything we wrote [1, 2, 3].
It's very important because history matters.
The chronology matters.
It's all about context.
Someone wanted, in his own words, to make it "mostly funny for a reduced rate", but it's no laughing matter if he thinks it will be "funny" and 'cheap revenge' (harassment by process) "for a reduced rate". The justice system doesn't work this way, plus mocking the system like it's a public spectacle for comedy won't be seen favourably.
Over the coming days we'll tell the full and complete history, including the harassment against my family and the lies told about me for many years. I am not a litigious person, so I didn't sue for defamation, aside from the logistical issues. █