Stable at Over 4% and 400+ Days' Uptime
TODAY is the last day of November and statCounter still sees GNU/Linux at 4+ percent on desktops/laptops (or 6.31 percent if one adds ChromeOS).
Windows looks like this:
Thankfully we never had Windows in our home. None, nada. Our 7 laptops all run GNU/Linux. They're cheap laptops (the latest one cost 79 pounds; we got rid of 2 Raspberry Pi machines - apparently a trend - and one is still stuck at Dutch customs), but despite their cost they're reliable and stable. On my main laptop my uptime is almost 420 days, the second laptop has been running for almost a year, and my wife's laptop was last rebooted 278 days ago. I've just made her Plasma desktop a bit faster and added some new effects.
Hopefully some time this weekend we'll find enough time to upload party photos (this site turning 18). █