Too Big, Will Fail (How Linux Grew Way Too Fat)
2020: Linux is Becoming a Code 'Burial Ground', Sometimes at the Expense of Size and Complexity (Bloat)
THIS PAST WEEKEND or the past few days did not produce a new Release Candidate (RC) of Linux as there's a two-week (fortnightly) gap between final releases and RC1 (first Release Candidate) of the next major release. But some media pointed out that "Linux kernel source expands beyond 40 million lines it has doubled in size in a decade" and it's not even written in one language anymore. This means that the project's leadership does not even know what's going on and cannot fully comprehend things. Microsoft breaks things, whereupon the breakage may or may not be noticed before final release. Linux is "already too large to safely use or maintain," an associate tells us, "due to write-only-code and Microsofters and their practices infiltrating the hierarchy. That started with the ousting of Linus [Torvalds] some years ago."
Linux has very extensive hardware support, but that comes at a cost. For many real-life or real-world applications a smaller kernel may suffice. For instance, your lightbulb (that can stage DDoS attacks) does not need a kernel with millions of lines of code. █