Gemini Links 02/03/2025: Snowdrop Flower and Hostile Leaders
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Mister Miracle
I recently listened to an interview with Polygon's comics critic Susana Polo where, among other things, she talked about Mister Miracle and the phrase "Darkseid is."
Weekly links 1
I just finished reading Tom King and Mitch Gerad's Mister Miracle, and want to write a review of that, but I've also got a bundle of links built up, so this comes first.
Snowdrop Flower
Winter's been harsh, Since past could recall, Though memories of it, Gets so snowy,
Yet she persisted, Below the ground, A carpet of snow, Here she grows,
Rising from down there, A flower so fair, The sun is the proudest, To greet it's new friend.
Politics and World Events
Don't glorify the hostile leaders
Lao Tzu has a great categorization of leaders:
1. A great leader is the one people forget exists.
2. A good leader is the one people love and praise.
3. A bad leader is the one people fear.
4. A horrible leader is the one people hate.
We've painted such a bad picture of leadership that many young people who are about to become managers/leaders think that the ultimate form is #3. In trying to reach #3, they end up in #4.
We are guilty because such leadership has been praised by many. The glorification of hostile leadership and picturing positive impacts for it exist in many people's minds and are reflected in books and movies. An example of this is the 2014 film, Whiplash.
A nonfiction example of this phenomenon is Steve Jobs. Instead of questioning his horrible leadership, he's glorified as a great leader, and his bad behavior is justified as the quirky brilliance of a genius. By the way, calling him a genius is disrespectful to all the true geniuses in history who have made life better for all of us.
Technology and Free Software
Prism's Open Source License
Wanted to mention that I've chosen, for the first time, a copyleft license for one of my projects: MPL 2.0! (incompatible with secondary licenses).
Since Prism's main program is an application and not a library, I wanted to ensure that it and its contributions remain open source, and that contributions can be easily upstreamed. The only way to do that is if I stay far far away from GPL, because FSF does some fishy crap with the auto-upgrading of GPL versions that are incompatible with previous versions, and which literally break this one basic thing: **that contributions and extensions can be pulled back into upstream.**
I would have chosen a copyleft license before, but there are not many to choose from. There's OSL, MPL, and GPL. OSL requires the expressed assent of recipients making it hard to actually share code online. GPL might be a decent license, but the FSF does too many scammy things, so for the same reasons that Linus Torvalds blasted FSF about GPLv3+, and how they sneakily tried to make all GPLv2 code GPLv2+, I will also condemn GPL and FSF. I do not ever want to willingly associate myself with GNU or FSF or GPL.
I have to admit I started to like Dark Souls
A few days ago I finally 100%'d the game, getting all the achievements on the Steam versions, it wasn't fun and it was not worth it, I'll not recommend anyone to do that.
The worst thing is that I thought I was finally free from playing the game, but I was wrong. The next day I started to play a SL1 challenge (finishing the game without leveling up), and now I've beaten at least 6 bosses already.
A guide to building your own FM transmitter
I was always intrigued by these kinds of electronic projects when I was young [...]
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