When FreeGeek/Chicago first opened in October, 2005, we hoped it would fill an important role in the Chicago nonprofit technology world.
Since then, we have sold dozens of $50 computers, served over 150 volunteers, and responsibly recycled several tons of electronics.
Most Linux Distribution websites have been redesigned to sport a Web 2.0 look. To give credit to their talented web designers/developers, I’ll pick 10 Linux Distribution websites that I think stand out from the rest. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so you don’t have to agree with me. Anyway, you can always comment later on and share your views.
For instance, the South Korean government bought 120,000 copies of Hancom Linux Deluxe as early as 2002 in an effort to switch approximately 23 percent of its Microsoftbased desktops to open source.
Which may be why Microsoft is trying to figure out ways to extend its desktop dominance to the cloud, using the desktop as a receiver and transmitter of data from and to the cloud. Windows 7 is likely to take us a ways toward that vision, but Midori is its realization. This is why I view efforts like Canonical's to open up the cloud by opening up the desktop so important.
Surprise! There’s some Linux back-ending all that Windows Media.
In 1996 the World Wide Web was truly in its very early stages. The Olympics took place less than a year after Netscape went public, which many consider the key event marking the transition of the Internet from a research network used primarily by the technical community to the commercial behemoth that it went on to become.
Just getting everything up and running, the physical deployment of a network with so many servers, was daunting, Chalmers said. Merrill Lynch also experienced problems with networking, provisioning and storage, she said.
Compared with the previous version, Scientific Linux 5.2 Live CD/DVD works in persistent mode, which means that it will store/restore your settings if you run it from an USB flash drive. Also, this new feature will allow you to carry the USB stick with you, and boot from it whenever you need a stable and reliable operating system.
1. Ubuntu Linux has fewer security issues and viruses
Ubuntu Linux is created based on Open Source concept of code-sharing and the source code is available to anyone who understands. Thus, any security issue encountered can be fixed withing 48 hours or less.
After a lot of deliberating this, I decided to put online an album with a lot of the pictures I took at Akademy.
The system is licensed under the GNU/GPL v3.0 License. Service packages for business owners including site setup, customization and design are also available from the development team.