Microsoft Blames Vista 7 for Another Delay
- Dr. Roy Schestowitz
- 2009-09-30 16:17:49 UTC
- Modified: 2009-09-30 16:17:49 UTC

Windows Home Data Toaster
Summary: The product responsible for deleting data rather than backing it up is again delayed (PP3) and the 'glorious' Vista 7 takes the blame
EVERYTHING that goes on at Microsoft these days must -- absolutely must -- have something to do with the overly hyped Vista 7. Even in the face of bad financial results, Microsoft keeps pointing at Vista 7 as though it is the saviour of the company. Mary Jo Foley plays along with the same talking points, as do others whom Microsoft pays in all sorts of ways.
As readers may recall, one of Microsoft's most disastrous products in recent years (probably worse than Vista) is Windows Home Server, whose
defects we wrote about last year. Mary Jo Foley is currently
getting across Microsoft's message that an update to Windows Home Server is delayed because of Vista 7, which makes little sense.
In a post to Microsoft’s official Windows Home Server Blog, the team didn’t offer many specifics as to why PP3 is late. The team said the PP3 update needs more testing to ensure quality.
That remark is priceless. Windows Home Server was shredding people's information silently but to make matters much, much worse, it took Microsoft almost a year to fix this huge defect -- almost a year after it had been discovered and publicly reported. In the mean time, Microsoft carried on putting on the shelves a product which was guaranteed to put people's data at great risk, with no solution available whatsoever.
Why again do people distrust Microsoft?