The term "mobbyist" is defined by
as: "lemmings, typically uneducated, who try to influence public policy on behalf of a special interest by acting as shit disturbers at town halls or other public events. Mobbyists appear to represent grassroots concerns but in reality are astroturf foot soldiers."
, "The town hall on healthcare was disrupted by a small fringe group when mobbyists arrived on a bus from teabagger headquarters and kept screaming "SOCIALIST!" everytime Congressman Smith attempted to answer a question."
“It's one thing for an individual to criticise a massive corporation, but another thing for massive corporations to attempt it against mere individuals.”We started using the word mobbyists after the FFII had used it and our previous post hopefully shed light on some of the intimidation that comes from mobbyists even if Techrights rarely talks about it. Challenging a large and unethical corporation like Microsoft is impossible without some sort of retaliation (we've heard that the same applies to IBM), as many people learned the hard way.
If your character, Web site, other works or company has been vilified by Microsoft or by mobbyists, we kindly ask you to let us know because we are building an index of examples. People who are targeted by Microsoft love to discover that they are not alone and there is always the possibility of class action lawsuits. It's one thing for an individual to criticise a massive corporation, but another thing for massive corporations to attempt it against mere individuals. Amorphous companies have no rights, individuals do. ⬆
"I have lost my sleep and peace of mind for last two months over these distasteful activities by Microsoft."