Robber baron is after the kids now

Bill Gates meets another plutocrat friend, Mark Zuckerberg, who also seeks
to profit from children, schools, and surveillance of both
Summary: The Thatcherism advocated by convicted monopolist Bill Gates meets some more new critics but also gains some more moles with whom he should be able to pocket what's left of the middle class in the United States
The other day we wrote about a publication that Gates Foundation had paid rebelling against his bribery of almost everyone associated with education policy. This kind of rebellion gives us hope that the tide is changing as enlightening scrutinises those who accept bribes to set an agenda. Here is a good article about Gates' response, titled "Gates Foundation to Chronicle of Higher Education: Our Critics are Idiots" (no substance, just mockery). Watch the queue of people looking for bribes, given in exchange for help with privatisation astroturf. Here is a new example of request for a $2,500,000 bribe:
The request is the culmination of several months of work by the Philadelphia Great Schools Compact, a coalition representing more than 300 District, charter, and Catholic schools that has jointly pledged to eliminate 50,000 “low-performing seats” over the next five years.
This is the Gates agenda: punish teachers, control teachers using corporations that eavesdrop on them, promote charter schools. Thatcherism at its best.
In other news, guess who becomes dean at UC Berkeley? Another
Gates foundation director appointed dean of School of Public Health
Stefano Bertozzi, a distinguished global health scientist specializing in AIDS research, will become dean of the UC Berkeley School of Public Health Sept. 1.
Bertozzi, currently HIV director at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and an affiliate professor at the School of Public Health at the University of Washington, will succeed Stephen Shortell, a professor of health policy and management who has served as dean for 11 years.
This is a big victory for Gates. He routinely pressures governments into investing taxpayers' money in patents that Gates makes profit from, including patents on medicine. Some of this is done to promote controversial or dubious treatments that
may kill poor people as part of the 'experiment' (clinical trials on the poor), with
new examples regularly being shown. As one site put it some days ago: "At least he [Gates] certainly OUGHT to have known that oral polio vaccines were discontinued in the U.S. due to their known contribution to vaccine-derived paralysis."
Not to worry. If something goes wrong, the family of the dead will be too broke, misinformed and demoralised to sue and Gates will have made a fortune at taxpayers' expense by then. This is not a new trick by any stretch of imagination. Western occupiers have done this for quite some time (testing treatments on ethnic minorities or foreigners), Gates just markets it better with a lot more PR (bribes essentially). The corporate media paints him deceivingly (portraying him as a responsible parent of society) In order to manufacture public endorsement and incite people against Gates' critics. Marginalisation of the truth is reliant upon appeal to emotion, using pseudo kinship, nationalism in the West, and in developing nations an illusion (to the cameras) of multiculturalism. All it should be considered to have been is opportunism, profiteering, and plutocracy.