"In principle, his words/promises too have become more or less invalid, just like Lucy's (in 2016)."People have already noticed (this week) that Johnson's shuffle will impact what he said or promised. In principle, his words/promises too have become more or less invalid, just like Lucy's (in 2016). Are they going to shuffle every single year?
Jo Johnson is out the door. He's moving. This means that UPC is very dead now. Not just in the UK but everywhere. No matter the lobbying. Even if Germany someone miraculously ratified (some time in the distant future), London's absence would make it untenable.
One new comment said: "Jo Johnson moved sideways to transport. Haven’t seen if he keeps his IP brief but presumably not. So time to educate another junior minister?"
"Jo Johnson is out the door. He's moving. This means that UPC is very dead now."The response to that is that he's being "replaced by Sam Gyimah, who campaigned for remain, according to the Guardian."
Lucy and Jo have lasted such a short time on the job. Will Gyimah even last more than 6 months?
The UPC is dead irrespective of "leave" or "remain" for various reasons we've covered here before. In fact, UPC is not even on the radar in the UK. The EPO has, so far this week, posted lots of #IPforSMEs
nonsense like this, perhaps hoping to perpetuate illusions like "UPC for SMEs" rather than just "IP for SMEs" (both are falsehoods). Earlier today the EPO wrote: "Annual gains of EUR 14.6 billion in trade and EUR 1.8 billion in FDI could be generated by improved harmonisation of Europe's patent system."
"The UPC is dead irrespective of "leave" or "remain" for various reasons we've covered here before."This links to that old and disgraced 'report'. "No need to keep pushing this report you paid to produce for UPC lobbying," I told them. Some people alleged that the purpose of this paid-for 'report' is to help lobby the German court.
Meanwhile, Watchtroll is promoting the UPC in a so-called 'webiner', so we instantaneously know it's good for patent trolls, not for science or for industry (Watchtroll is worse than IAM in that regard). Yesterday it even promoted Supplementary Protection Certificates (SPCs), just like Team UPC habitually does.
As we shall show in the next couple of posts, the UPC lobby of Battistelli also works behind the scenes; with little effort we can expose/unearth that too. ⬆