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Entryism Works: OSI Uses COVID-19 Pandemic to Promote Microsoft and Its Proprietary Software Traps After Taking Money (Bribes) From Microsoft and Its Oppressive New Tentacles (GitHub)

For OSI to help GitHub is as bizarre as Greenpeace hypothetically celebrating the BP Deepwater Horizon catastrophe (the Linux Foundation does this too after receiving its oddly-celebrated bribes)

No New Microsoft

Summary: Flaunting a bunch of lies reprinted for a fee by the media (sometimes with misleading images like "Microsoft loves Linux" or "New Microsoft" -- part of a PR/charm offensive), Microsoft is trying to buy tickets into the heart and core of its biggest and most potent competitors, in effect taking control of their direction, policy and sometimes even their words (and Microsoft employees taking key seats/positions inside them)

"BRIBE" is a simple 5-letter word.

It's not a dirty word.

It's a rather simple word. It's also simple to grasp.

"There is no "new" Microsoft, but there's definitely a Microsoft that infiltrates and bribes the opposition."We've used this word a lot over the years because we don't mince words and bribery is very commonplace; it's just almost always disguised using a bunch of euphemisms. The same is true when it comes to tax evasion and blackmail. There are many ways to shave a cat and many ways to bribe, commit tax crimes, extort and so on. Microsoft tried a bunch of those things against me over the years (trying to silence me) and it is apparently still trying.

There is no "new" Microsoft, but there's definitely a Microsoft that infiltrates and bribes the opposition. It is a conscious and deliberate strategy, not some accidental afterthought. It didn't start with Novell or with Nokia. This goes decades back. But over the past decade or so we've seen Free software in the crosshairs as well. It's expected. It should be expected. Those who habitually deny it often turn out to be funded by Microsoft one way or another (employment, partnership, sponsorship and so on).

The idea of a "new" Microsoft is one of the biggest scams perpetrated in recent years, with another one ("Microsoft loves Linux") soon turning 5. Those are not truisms; they're viewed as necessary or useful lies. Microsoft embeds these lies inside images and disseminates those to so-called 'journalists' (some of whom later get arrested for literally raping children). The media is paid to do this. We covered that before.

"The idea of a "new" Microsoft is one of the biggest scams perpetrated in recent years, with another one ("Microsoft loves Linux") soon turning 5."We presume longtime readers of ours are sufficiently well-informed and perceive the "new" Microsoft to be much like the "green" BP.

Anyway, earlier this week the OSI published this thing entitled "Using Open Source Tools To Fight COVID-19."

Sounds rather innocuous on the surface, right?

Look deeper, dive deeper, explore a little further. It's not about COVID and not about Open Source, either.

"It's truly grotesque. The OSI is acting like a Microsoft front group sometimes."It's about that ploy promoted in the OSI's blog last year, not too long after a Microsoft employee had entered the OSI's Board. Guess who wrote that blog post and guess who else promoted the same thing in other blogs... it's always Microsoft employees. And not just any Microsoft employees but the group responsible for hijacking Apache/ASF, eventually outsourcing the whole thing to Microsoft (mission accomplished, coup complete). It's the same group (and people) who phoned by boss at work... to complain about me. Those are charlatans, frauds and bullies. They're behaving like a cult and they infiltrate anything they can get their hands on (like the current CEO of GitHub did for decades).

Look closer at the above post, piggybacking the tragic pandemic, and notice them shamelessly promoting Microsoft's monopoly agenda. Yes, about half of the whole post has nothing to do with the headline; it's just shameless promotion of ClearlyDefined, so they're literally promoting Microsoft in there! As they did before. It's truly grotesque. The OSI is acting like a Microsoft front group sometimes.

To quote one sentence from it: "DIAL and ClearlyDefined are also working to expand the data that we can provide through the ClearlyDefined platform - including security and vulnerability information."

Welcome Microsoft!

"But not only the OSI is subjected to such slow-motion entryism..."Promote the monopoly, OSI.

You know very well what you're doing here. The blog post is published anonymously.

But not only the OSI is subjected to such slow-motion entryism; as we noted the other day, the FSFE started taking Microsoft money -- a really awful move that's a slap across the face to FSFE supporters who saw the antitrust battles, the Samba battles, and Microsoft corruption in Europe, including what happened in Munich. And glancing quickly at yesterday's news, shame on you, Canonical, for using the official Ubuntu Blog to promote Vista 10 (WSL) just days ahead of your 20.04 release, which is a Debian ripoff with Red Hat's GNOME. Who are you guys working for, Microsoft? What happened to Ubuntu's bug #1? Your promise were broken. Your users were betrayed. Your volunteers... barely exist anymore. And your so-called (last) 'community manager' works for Microsoft now.

Now, that's one heck of a "new" Microsoft. It seems like no stone was left unturned. Microsoft is hijacking everything, including millions of developers with a GitHub account, and then says that it's no longer a monopoly?

Who are we kidding here?

"They don't like a Stallman who exercises his free speech rights by -- gasp -- expressing his true views on things."With Mr. Greve long gone from the scene (Kolab and all) and with German presence at every level of FSFE (might as well rename it FSDE) -- just like SUSE that this week continues to prove that's little but a megaphone of German SAP (not just SUSE by the way; In Planet Fedora this week some Red Hat staff is also doing just that) -- someone who appears to be Daniel Pocock wrote about the "FSFE go[ing] astray," having seen this from the inside. It is, in our careful assessment, one among several reasons he is being defamed and publicly humiliated if not censored by the guilty parties, which project the issues onto him rather than themselves (it's the classic diversion tactic used 7 months ago against Richard Stallman). Here's what his latest blog post says:

To help eliminate gossip and innuendo, we've updated the About page with a brief, fact-based summary of how FSFE ran off the rails. We hope this clarifies some ambiguity, the crisis in FSFE has breen brewing for a long time and didn't spontaneously arrive with any one volunteer or decision.

In 1985, the FSF was founded by Richard Stallman.

In 2001, a group of volunteers split from FSF and started using the name FSF Europe, now FSFE, for a new organization. They promised to be subject to an agreement with FSF but they abandoned the agreement and stubbornly continued using the name FSFE anyway.

In 2009, these people promised volunteers that they would be better than the FSF by giving volunteers membership, as Fellows and giving them permission to vote.


By removing the elections and giving voting rights to staff, they turned the organization into a corporate lobbyist. Secret budgets show significant annual income from Google. This is not the same structure as the organization that a Fellow decided to include in his will before leaving a EUR 150,000 bequest.


As of 2020, FSFE is also taking money from Microsoft. Any deceased Fellows who gave money to FSFE would turn in their graves.

Asked for his views on the matter, Stallman has not (yet) responded to our query about it. But we'll update readers if we hear back anything; admittedly, it's a difficult and risky inquiry to respond to as Stallman doesn't want to make any more 'enemies'. FSFE said unflattering things about him while he was being pushed out, based on a deliberate distortion of things he had said in a mailing list many people can see (and almost nobody complained about). Is he fully canceled? Not yet, but they keep him afraid and besieged. They don't like a Stallman who exercises his free speech rights by -- gasp -- expressing his true views on things. If they can essentially 'mute' some of the most opinionated as well as influential people out there, who's going to protect against abuse?

Microsoft has us "in check"; just waiting for the right moment to -- ahem -- pull the trigger. Apologies to Mr. Allchin if he already has copyrights/trademarks on that phrase (recall the quote below). Microsoft is no chessmaster but a master of deception. It has long been the case, but some people just don't want to see it; all they see is money from Microsoft at the end of some fishing rod.

"This really isn't that hard. If you're going to kill someone there isn't much reason to get all worked up about it and angry -- you just pull the trigger. Angry discussions before hand are a waste of time. We need to smile at Novell while we pull the trigger."

--Former Microsoft VP James Allchin in a 09-9-91 e-mail (as revealed in Caldera v. Microsoft)

"Pearly Gates and Em-Ballmer
One promises you heaven and the other prepares you for the grave."

--Ray Noorda, Novell

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