Microsoft - Major Departure

At the beginning of 2008, we assembled
this little roundup. Here are some posts that came afterwards. Most careful attention was paid around 2009-10.
Xbox Last: Chief Product Officer Abruptly Quits Microsoft
Microsoft Vice President Blair Westlake Quits Microsoft
President of the Microsoft Office Division (Kurt DelBene) Leaves the Company
Microsoft’s Xbox Chief Quits
Microsoft is Collapsing (CIO Quits), Becoming Part of the Surveillance Industrial Complex Instead
Microsoft Game Chief Quits, Former Microsoft Staff for Activism Against Microsoft
Craig Mundie to Leave Microsoft as More Products Die, Future Uncertain
Only Fools and Horses… Run Windows on the Server
Powerset Founder and CEO Quits Microsoft Along With Visual Studio Senior Director and AstroTurfer
Microsoft Corporate Vice President Linda Zecher Quits
Empire Collapses: Senior Vice President of Microsoft Quits, Microsoft Axes Another Product
Head of Microsoft Marketing Quits
Microsoft Forced to Reveal More Layoffs, Offshoring; Sues Escapees
Another Senior Vice President Quits Microsoft and Microsoft Sues Departing Executive
Another Microsoft Vice President (Office 365/BPOS Chief) Quits Microsoft
General Manager Quits Microsoft to Help Government Enter the Fog (But No Longer Microsoft’s)
The Man Behind KINect Quits Microsoft
Juniper Networks Gains Yet Another Executive (Vice President) Who Fled Microsoft
Microsoft is Collapsing Based on Staff Exodus
Microsoft President Bob Muglia Rumoured to Have Been Fired
Quick Mention: Microsoft President Quits
Another Microsoft Vice President Decided to Quit, Some Ex-Microsoft Staff Lands in Strategic Places
Microsoft Australia Managing Director Decided to Move
Head of Microsoft Romania Quits, Entryism Revisited
Bill Gates’ Successor Quits Microsoft!
More People Including Vice President and Silicon Valley ‘Ambassador’ Quit Microsoft
Microsoft President Quits, But is Nokia the Next Victim?
Microsoft’s Director of Game Platform Strategy Quits, Could Further Pollute Amazon
Microsoft IDC Managing Director is Leaving on September 24th, Another Vice President Quits
Another Vice President Quits Microsoft: Birger Steen
More Microsoft Staff Quits, Microsoft Shares Fall, Pequot Fraud Revisited (Whistleblower Compensated) (Rebecca Norlander)
Another Vice President Leaves Microsoft, Yahoo! Still Suffers Microsoft’s Grip
Robotics Chief Tandy Trower Left Microsoft, Entryism Still Eyed at Cisco, AOL
Inside-trading Microsoft President Quits the Company, Allard Does Too
Microsoft Vice President Quits, AOL and Glam Poisoned
Marketing Executive and Microsoft Vice President Both Leave Microsoft
Microsoft General Manager Quits After Two Decades, More Product Delays
Microsoft Vice President Quits in China, Others Do Too
General Manager of ‘Trustworthy’ Computing Quits as TPM Gets Cracked
Microsoft Loses Another Vice President, Management Vacuum Alarms the Press
Microsoft Exodus Continues as Another Vice President Jumps Ship
Another Microsoft Vice President Abandons the Company
Another Anti-GNU/Linux Microsoft SVP Quits the Company
Microsoft’s Anti-Counterfeiting Chief Quits, Sales in the Gulf Dive 50%
Another Microsoft General Manager Quits the Company, Microsoft Refuses to Say Why
Microsoft New Zealand Technology Officer Jumps Ship, Ending More Pretense
Head of Microsoft Malaysia Jumps Ship
Microsoft’s Chief Financial Officer Quits
Top Windows Executive Quits Microsoft Upon Vista 7 Release
Quite a Timing: Microsoft Senior Director Leaves
Microsoft Lab Leader Leaves the Company, Olympic Committee at Risk of Microsoft Influence
Another Microsoft Vice President Abandons Microsoft But Lands in Cisco
Another Microsoft Vice President Quits, “aQuantive Exodus” Reported by Microsoft Blog
Microsoft Member of the Board Quits the Company
Microsoft Turncoat Quits
Zune Management Abandons Still
Xbox 360 Failure Rate Reportedly 54.2%, Microsoft Exodus Reported by Insider
Microsoft UK’s Chief ‘Accomplice’ Jumps Ship
Microsoft Executive Quits as Microsoft’s Startup Business Accelerator Shrinks
Another Microsoft Vice President Jumps Ship, Employee Benefits Take a Dive
Bing Executive Quits Microsoft, But Microsoft Colony is Built at eBay
Microsoft Executive Quits, Another Microsoft Executive Penetrates Juniper
Top-Level Microsoft Executive Quits, No Replacement to be Made Amid Xbox Exodus
Microsoft CTO Jumps Ship
Microsoft UK National Technology Officer Quits the Company
Head of Microsoft Philippines Ditches the Company, More Layoffs Revealed (But Microsoft Withholds Details)
Another Microsoft Product Officially Dies, More Layoffs, Tellme Founder Quits Microsoft
Microsoft’s XBox Group Still Operates at a Loss, XBox Director Quits
Microsoft Kills Live Labs, General Manager Quits the Company
Microsoft’s Vice President of Spin Quits the Company
Another Microsoft Vice President Calls It a Day, Quits
Another Microsoft General Manager Jumps Ship, But is This Really Good News? (Updated)
Another Microsoft Vice President Quits
Quick Mention: Microsoft Senior Vice President Jumps Ship
Microsoft Guru Quits, But Where Will He Land?
Microsoft Gags Own Employees to Put Customers’ Life at Risk
Head of Microsoft Singapore Quits, OOXML Might be Among Causes
Quick Mention: Microsoft’s President of Platforms & Services Quits
How to Spin Executive Exodus as Wonderful News
Also see:
Microsoft - Layoffs