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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: December 21st, 2008


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schestowitz"Results 1 - 50 of about 2,500 for ballnux." < >Dec 21 00:04
*kapipi has quit ("Ah Nah!")Dec 21 00:18
*kapipi (n=tor@ has joined #boycottnovellDec 21 00:18
*kapipi has quit (Remote closed the connection)Dec 21 00:24
*kapipi (n=tor@ has joined #boycottnovellDec 21 00:29
schestowitzde Icaza: use Mono < > (because it's only for Novell... and a patent ambush tot he rest)Dec 21 00:46
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 21 02:16
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 21 02:24
*kentma has quit ("Leaving.")Dec 21 02:57
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 21 02:57
*dsmith_ has quit ()Dec 21 03:01
*kentma has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Dec 21 03:02
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 21 03:04
MinceRgnDec 21 03:19
*Omar871 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellDec 21 05:20
*Omar87 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Dec 21 05:37
Omar871hi allDec 21 06:17
*anivar (n=anivar@ has joined #boycottnovellDec 21 06:37
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*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 21 07:23
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 21 07:32
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kentmaHiDec 21 10:26
schestowitzHeyDec 21 10:26
zoobabhiDec 21 10:26
zoobabhave you managed to view the .rm videos?Dec 21 10:27
*kentma has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Dec 21 10:29
schestowitzVideos? I got just audio.Dec 21 10:30
zoobab 21 10:30
zoobabcan you make a copy of the audio then?Dec 21 10:31
schestowitzIt was painful to hear the fools, but it was mainly pharmas.Dec 21 10:31
schestowitzmplayer -v rtsp:// deo/gipc/081008_2.rm?cloakport=80,554,7070 -dumpfile ./file.dump ?Dec 21 10:31
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 21 10:32
*kentma ( has left #boycottnovellDec 21 11:24
schestowitzMS wants WAMP: 21 12:36
*mib_uwef8p (i=7dad5341@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellDec 21 13:06
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MinceRgeekingsDec 21 13:44
*_doug (n=configna@unaffiliated/confignak) has joined #boycottnovellDec 21 14:35
_dougDick Hardt moves to Microsoft ..Dec 21 14:36
_doug 21 14:36
*kentma1 ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 21 14:37
schestowitzYes, he sold out.Dec 21 14:38
_dougYet more of co-opting Open Source people .. to the BORG ...Dec 21 14:38
schestowitz"We needed the $$$"Dec 21 14:39
_dougWhy the latest IE flaw proves Linux got it right from the startDec 21 14:39
_doug 21 14:39
_dougAnyone want to make a working example ?Dec 21 14:40
_doug 21 14:40
_dougschest .. this channel is dire .. no-one is saying anything .. you should kick anyone who lurks ..Dec 21 14:43
kentma1Sort oof go to battle with the bots?Dec 21 14:43
schestowitz_doug: drinking so early in the week? :-)Dec 21 14:48
_doug'buying a stock option and retaining the option to take product at full price during a specified period of time if the price of the stock does not go up' patented .. :]Dec 21 14:51
_doug 21 14:51
_dougdrinking: who me, never .. :oDec 21 14:51
_doug"This patent has been sold to Intellectual Ventures, a company of Nathan Myhrvold'"Dec 21 14:51
_dougLong ago, on a south Pacific Island, the natives used rocks as a currency. They were considered valuable as they had to row ten miles to the next island to collect ... :)Dec 21 14:53
_dougIV, the equivilent of trading in rocks ...Dec 21 14:53
_dougWhile the US is distracting itself with this nonsence, it's economy is going down the tubes ..Dec 21 14:54
_dougHow about making stuff and selling it, instead of living parasiticlly off the real economy ?Dec 21 14:54
schestowitzA company?Dec 21 14:55
schestowitzIV is a company?Dec 21 14:55
schestowitzMore like a firm, no?Dec 21 14:55
schestowitzOr a company... like the Rat Pack is 'good company'...Dec 21 14:55
schestowitzPatented Business System Offers Novel Alternative to Bailouts or Bankruptcy For the Automotive Industry < >Dec 21 14:55
schestowitzDoesn't In Re Bilski assassinate this?Dec 21 14:56
schestowitzMaybe they applies before the ruling?Dec 21 14:56
schestowitz*LOL* @ "IV, the equivilent of trading in rocks ..."Dec 21 14:56
_dougDo Bilski retrospectivly apply, I don't think so, else the need for a patent war-chest ..Dec 21 14:57
schestowitzTrue, true. Someone told me that about a year ago before the Great Depression2 began. People like NathanM ruin the economy and they can't give a flip.Dec 21 14:57
schestowitz_doug: it wouldn't hold in court.Dec 21 14:57
schestowitzBilski can stop applications but lawsuits tooDec 21 14:57
schestowitzIOW, this patent is like a brand-new Apple Lisa in 2008 :-)Dec 21 14:58
_dougPlanting rubber trees patented .. 21 14:58
schestowitzStop it, _doug, you're cracking me up!!Dec 21 14:58
schestowitz"IV, the equivilent of trading in rocks ..."Dec 21 14:58
schestowitzOops... "Kerala who patented his own method of planting rubber trees to produce higher yields"Dec 21 14:59
schestowitzSo much propaganda language, e.g.: "On the other hand, activists hope that increased recognition of intellectual property rights will help to eliminate biopiracy and patent pirating in general."Dec 21 15:00
schestowitz"Piracy" and "intellectual property" in the same sense. Where is WoMD?Dec 21 15:00
_dougNSA patents network snooping ..Dec 21 15:01
_doug 21 15:01
schestowitzI saw that.Dec 21 15:04
schestowitzI'm including this in a post that I proofread now.Dec 21 15:04
_dougNComputing patents virtual desktops ..Dec 21 15:05
_doug 21 15:05
kentma1Virtual desktops have been around for years, if not decadesDec 21 15:06
schestowitzBut they got some MS/Intel people, so they think about patents now.Dec 21 15:06
schestowitz"Unlike other desktop virtualization solutions, the patented and highly-efficient X550 delivers rich multimedia and full-screen video."Dec 21 15:07
schestowitz"The company's award-winning patented technology drastically lowers desktop computing costs, improves manageability, and reduces both energy consumption and e-waste."Dec 21 15:07
schestowitzWhat is the patent??Dec 21 15:08
_dougClevest Solutions Inc, patent configurable forms, validations, and workflows ..Dec 21 15:08
_doug 21 15:08
schestowitz"A method for building efficient PCs..?"Dec 21 15:08
kentma1Doh...Dec 21 15:08
_dougMyECheck patents clearing cheques ..Dec 21 15:09
_doug 21 15:09
_dougProf patents door-bell triggered image capture sent to a PDA and onto a mobile phone ..Dec 21 15:12
_doug 21 15:12
*kentma1 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Dec 21 15:13
_dougActix patents pathloss tuning ..Dec 21 15:14
_doug 21 15:14
_dougThe Post-Bilski Era Gets UnderwayDec 21 15:18
_doug 21 15:18
_dougThe Wal-Mart of Software ..Dec 21 15:20
_doug 21 15:20
_doug"We're a good choice right now in this economic downturn,"Dec 21 15:21
_dougMore like the AmWay of software :]Dec 21 15:21
_doug 21 15:21
_dougIf you join up, you get a whiteboard and a manual, and an unlimited suply of cleaning fluid .. :)Dec 21 15:22
schestowitzBoycott Novell in CIO MagDec 21 15:22
schestowitz[bottom of page]Dec 21 15:23
_dougwhere ?Dec 21 15:23
schestowitz 21 15:25
_dougOpen source success due to Microsoft ..Dec 21 15:26
_doug 21 15:26
schestowitzTroll headlineDec 21 15:30
schestowitzThey published it elsewhere with a different headline. The study is not about Microsoft. I wonder if the guy writing this is a Microsoft mole.Dec 21 15:31
schestowitzOr  maybe the editors who chose the headlines.Dec 21 15:31
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 21 15:31
_dougWhat a co-incidence 21 15:31
_dougAnother 'Microsoft helps Open Source' report ..Dec 21 15:32
_dougpeacefull co-existance with dotNEt and Open source ..Dec 21 15:33
_doug 21 15:33
schestowitzThe FastCGI Handler was unable to process the request.Dec 21 15:33
schestowitzIf it's Laura, then no surprise. She's there with Enderle and chums pushing this agenda.Dec 21 15:33
schestowitzYes, I saw that latter one too.Dec 21 15:34
_doug"Microsoft's Robert Duffner says the conference is not a Microsoft-driven initiative, but the company is aware of the conference."Dec 21 15:34
schestowitzMicrosoft is on a EEE campaign with open source.Dec 21 15:34
schestowitzIt's using journalists to stick it in people's faces.Dec 21 15:34
schestowitzRobert Duffner : 'people luv the Vole'Dec 21 15:35
kentmaTalking about eee, I'm looking at eee and acer aspire in GuelphDec 21 15:35
schestowitzMicrosoft EEEed the EEE tooDec 21 15:35
schestowitzNow they push for up-speccingDec 21 15:35
schestowitzASUS said they were closely tied up with MicrosoftDec 21 15:36
kentmaThere're EEEs at a local store, but 678 for win XP version, and 778 for linux versionDec 21 15:36
schestowitzFirst they put Windows (like with the OLPC), then extend to pull out the 'Linux;Dec 21 15:36
kentmaThat's Cnd$Dec 21 15:36
schestowitzWhy the price difference?Dec 21 15:36
kentmaBut there's an aspire for 378 which looks goodDec 21 15:36
schestowitzThat's the leading one.Dec 21 15:37
kentmaI don't know, the Windows version has a bigger SSD as wellDec 21 15:37
kentma80g versus 40gDec 21 15:37
kentmaStill, I'm in on my N800 this morning.. With pidgin.Dec 21 15:38
kentmaI'm amazed at home much the maemo repository has grown.Dec 21 15:39
kentmaThere're so many apps for the N800 and n810, it's extraordinaryDec 21 15:39
schestowitzWait, but why is the Linux version more expensive?Dec 21 15:40
schestowitzIt's worth investigating because Microsoft i playing  distryDec 21 15:40
schestowitzThis is not exactly new.Dec 21 15:40
kentmaI don't know, and worse, it even has the smaller drive, too.Dec 21 15:40
_doug 21 15:40
schestowitzSo ASUS may then say that people don't Linux.Dec 21 15:40
schestowitz[maybe cause it's made more expensive and hobbled]Dec 21 15:41
kentmaYou have to pay a premium for the linux version, now.   It stinks of corruption.Dec 21 15:41
schestowitzMicrosoft pressured ASUS a while ago and if they totally sold out, then it needs to be said.Dec 21 15:41
schestowitzThe corruption occurred a while ago.. a form of kickbacks, IMHO.Dec 21 15:42
kentmaCertain, the prices are rising fast for the asus machines, and getting the linux ones is becoming yet more difficult.  It might be at the distributor leve, though.Dec 21 15:42
schestowitzThey raise if for Intel and MicrosoftDec 21 15:43
schestowitzWith Linux they targeted low end.Dec 21 15:43
schestowitzAs they go upwards with the specs, they punish Linux and pay more to Microsoft's partner, Intel.Dec 21 15:43
_dougBitTorrent used to 'hack' military satellite - only in the movies ..Dec 21 15:44
_doug 21 15:44
kentmaIt's daft, because the performance of windows on high end machines is not better than linux on low end machines.Dec 21 15:44
_doug'hacking' in the movies, is painfull to watch ...Dec 21 15:44
kentmahacking?Dec 21 15:46
_doug 21 15:47
_dougmost cring.worthy dude ..Dec 21 15:48
schestowitzcracking?Dec 21 15:48
schestowitzThe media daemonises changing of source code.Dec 21 15:48
schestowitzHacking is a bad thing too now.Dec 21 15:48
kentmaAh, I see what you mean, yes, it's awful.Dec 21 15:48
schestowitz"Why don'y you just use binaries?"Dec 21 15:48
_dougappariently he manages by rotating cubes on screen, without having to type in block letters :]Dec 21 15:49
_dougwhat a load of crock$Dec 21 15:49
kentmaHeheDec 21 15:49
_dougI've got a zero-day sploit :oDec 21 15:50
kentmaIf you ever watched the pretty awful film speed, you'd see that creating a super car mostly involves splashing some grease on your face and taking off your shirt.Dec 21 15:50
kentmaSorry, I mean fast and furiousDec 21 15:50
_dougsee video #2, rotating 3-d flow chaRTS, STILL NO NEED TO TYPE IN TEXT ..Dec 21 15:50
kentmaAh, he's using 7gl languagesDec 21 15:51
kentmaHeheDec 21 15:51
_dougFrom the 'HACKING FOR DUMMIES' school of programming ..Dec 21 15:52
kentmaIs he fat, eating crap fast foo dand drinking high sugar soda pops?Dec 21 15:54
_doug 21 15:54
_douga real hack would make for a boring movie ..Dec 21 15:55
*kentma goes to lookDec 21 15:55
schestowitzkentma: 21 16:03
kentmaHmm, perhahps I'll just stick with the aceer machine, then.Dec 21 16:06
kentmaAcer.Dec 21 16:06
kentmaThe pc world article was quite interesting.  I rather liked tron, and wargames was always something of a favourite... "This corn is raw" etc...Dec 21 16:07
schestowitzI should really try to avoid the IDG networks.Dec 21 16:07
schestowitzLike PC World..Dec 21 16:07
schestowitzThere's too much agenda there, usually done through selection of editors.Dec 21 16:08
kentmaOh, yeah, well, they're advertising funded, aren't they?Dec 21 16:08
schestowitzYes, and they are paid to do whitepapers. Microsoft is a big customer.Dec 21 16:09
kentmaI'm sure that MS is, yes.  Stil l lots of money to spend...Dec 21 16:10
schestowitzAV vendors sez malware will increase :-) 21 16:10
schestowitzIt's not "to spend"Dec 21 16:11
schestowitzTo Microsoft, it's "to invest"Dec 21 16:11
schestowitzTo corrupt the media is not "to spend". it's to promote interestsDec 21 16:11
_doug 21 16:12
schestowitzLatest spin watch: 21 16:12
schestowitz"Listen to this week's edition of the "Weekly Radio Spin," the Center for Media and Democracy's audio report on the stories behind the news. This week, we look at the Pentagon's PR slush fund, the U.S. auto industry's positioning and Europe's worst lobbyists. In "Six Degrees of Spin and Fakin'," what the coal industry, Iraqi Health Ministry and Barry McCaffrey have in common."Dec 21 16:13
schestowitzThis one might make FP: 21 16:14
schestowitz "We have only limited volunteer labour, and the maintenance burden is getting increasingly complex. Hence this will be the last significant release of the 5.8.x series."Dec 21 16:17
schestowitz_doug: your buddy Robert got caught with his hands in the cookie jar: 21 16:18
schestowitzThis one almost made it..... 21 16:20
_dougTop 10 Most Overhyped Tech Products ..Dec 21 16:21
_doug 21 16:21
_dougRobert ?Dec 21 16:21
_dougmedia whore$Dec 21 16:22
schestowitzRob-herDec 21 16:22
schestowitzDecent list there in Yahoo.Dec 21 16:23
*neighborlee (i=neighbor@unaffiliated/neighborlee) has joined #boycottnovellDec 21 16:33
schestowitz""He is one of the most highly regarded members of the Linux and open source community and is known as the first North American kernel developer." Is Freedom a dirty word? 21 16:34
_douggtg ..Dec 21 16:52
*_doug has quit ()Dec 21 16:52
kentmaC u l8rDec 21 16:53
*kentma ( has left #boycottnovellDec 21 16:53
schestowitzBush shoe protester has been beaten, Iraqi judge says < >Dec 21 16:58
schestowitz"Yesterday, an Egyptian man offered his 20-year-old daughter to Zaidi as a bride. Cobblers from Turkey to Lebanon have claimed the shoes were made in their factories."Dec 21 16:59
schestowitz"Hundreds of protesters in Iraq have rallied to the journalist's cause and demanded his release."Dec 21 16:59
schestowitz"The journalist's lawyer said more than 1,000 lawyers had offered to defend him. University students gathered in Falluja on Wednesday to show their support for him, raising their shoes and throwing rocks at US soldiers, who reportedly opened fire above the crowd. Protesters said one student was injured."Dec 21 17:00
zoobab 21 17:01
schestowitz"Obama continues to support making ethanol for cars from corn, a practice which feeds cars at the expense of feeding people." 21 17:01
schestowitz"150,000 Haitians protested to demand the return of their elected President Aristide, who was kidnaped by US agents and taken to exile." < >Dec 21 17:02
schestowitzNew ugly details about potential licensing of OOXML patents: 21 17:19
schestowitzbblDec 21 17:19
trmancoLinux netbook market share dwindling down: 21 17:30
zoobab24C3: EU-EPLA and Community Patent: Software Patents reloadedDec 21 17:38
zoobab 21 17:39
*_doug (n=configna@unaffiliated/confignak) has joined #boycottnovellDec 21 18:53
_dougschest ??Dec 21 18:53
*_doug (n=configna@unaffiliated/confignak) has left #boycottnovellDec 21 19:01
neighborleeinteresting they keep  bringing up RAND(Z), when googling finds nothing on it, not only that but the wwwc considering it at one time, but after considerable reistance from many sources, abandoned this strategy in order to aim for royalty free licensing instead: " Providing really free software for a standard that incorporates RAND components therefore is a proDec 21 19:06
neighborleeblem for the free and open source community. "Dec 21 19:06
neighborlee < brought up here again, last post.Dec 21 19:08
*_doug (n=configna@unaffiliated/confignak) has joined #boycottnovellDec 21 19:41
_dougschest ?? anyone ??? any of you lurkers ??Dec 21 19:49
schestowitzbrbDec 21 19:50
schestowitzjust got bckDec 21 19:50
_doughave to go .. see you tomorrow ...Dec 21 19:55
*_doug has quit ()Dec 21 19:56
schestowitzzoobab: good video, check out: 21 20:35
schestowitzMS press: "It seems to me that Mr. Softy is up to his old tricks again. The target this time is the OpenDocument standard, a free and open alternative to Microsoft's own Office formats for text documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and more. The standard's biggest proponent so far is Sun Microsystems (Nasdaq: JAVA) and its StarOffice/OpenOffice software packages"Dec 21 20:35
schestowitz"... I still think that both Sun and Novell have become pawns of the Monopoly, to replace SCO. Some of the articles Grouch has listed tend to support that view.[...] Novell may not Linux much either, althoughthey own SuSE. They did mach damage to SuSE by the patent deal with M$. I have wondered if they acquired SuSE to be able to kill it off at a suitable moment. Such things are not unknown in the corporate world."Dec 21 21:14
schestowitz 21 21:15
schestowitzCutting Research Threatens Progress, Lawmaker Says < >Dec 21 21:18
schestowitzReport: Former Vodafone chief to pull out of Yahoo CEO search < >Dec 21 21:23
schestowitzYouTube overtakes Yahoo, Microsoft in U.S. search < >Dec 21 21:25
schestowitzMicrosoft seems to be 'planting' advertsarticles... 21 21:27
schestowitzTim Anderson also writes for the Grauniad: ... pro-Microsoft, as usual..Dec 21 21:39
neighborleenasty ;)Dec 21 21:47
neighborleeboth are losing massive ground to wii anyway LOLDec 21 21:48
neighborleeno contestDec 21 21:48
schestowitzYes, but Microsoft doesn't mention the "W" wordDec 21 21:48
neighborleemy friend just got her own wii/wiifit and is loving well as her new wii game starwars: force unleashedDec 21 21:48
neighborleeheh I dont doubt itDec 21 21:49
schestowitzMS: "We do well" you: "compared to who?" MS: "Gotta go!"Dec 21 21:49
neighborleeroflDec 21 21:49
schestowitzThey lose BILLIONS!!Dec 21 21:49
schestowitz7 billions at last countDec 21 21:50
neighborleegezDec 21 21:50
schestowitzZune too, but not as muchDec 21 21:51
schestowitzWindows Mobile must have lost billions too and new rumours suggest that Microsoft will try to 'Zunify' this dying O/S.Dec 21 21:51
schestowitz 21 21:52
neighborleego bama!Dec 21 21:52
schestowitzOh mama!Dec 21 21:53
neighborleelolDec 21 21:53
schestowitzMOG promotes MS EEE (against ODF): "Ah, the Christmas spirit of "peace on earth, goodwill to men" must be wafting over Redmond, Washington."Dec 21 22:14
schestowitzMicrosoft fights with crisis < >Dec 21 22:20
schestowitzWhat to make of this site? I was never sure.. In Ten Years: Microsoft < >Dec 21 22:22
schestowitzPJ's has been gone for almost 2 weeks. She disconnected herself (members only)... 21 22:31
*mib_v5d1yd (i=4ab85d8b@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellDec 21 22:34
*mib_v5d1yd has quit (Client Quit)Dec 21 22:35
schestowitzInformationWeek (Microsoft friend) to Microsoft's 'rescue': 21 22:38
trmancoIs Cloud Computing Vaporware?: 21 22:43
schestowitzWhat is cloud?Dec 21 22:44
schestowitzHaha. Ovum. I like them in general.Dec 21 22:45
MinceRMorph Ovum!Dec 21 22:45
schestowitz:-) They are usually quite honest, like 451 GroupDec 21 22:46
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 21 23:22
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*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 21 23:51
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*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 21 23:57
schestowitz"Think that the RIAA is getting sensible? Think again: it's just getting clever: [...] Yup, it's that old favourite: three strikes and you're out..." < >Dec 21 23:58

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GNU/Linux Share Doubled in the United States of America (USA) in the Past 12 Months
Or so says statCounter
Even in North Korea (Democratic People's Republic Of Korea) Google Said to Dominate, Microsoft Around 1%
Google at 93.26%
[Meme] The Red Bait (Embrace... Extinguish)
They set centos on fire, then offer a (de facto) proprietary substitute for a fee
Shooting the Messenger to Spite the Message
segment of a Noam Chomsky talk
[Video] Boston Area Assange Defense (Yesterday)
It was published only hours ago
Guinea: Windows Down From 99.3% to 2.7% 'Market Share'
Guinea is not a small country
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Monday, July 15, 2024
IRC logs for Monday, July 15, 2024
What's Meant by "Antenna Abuse" (Gemini)
syndication is not a monopoly in Gemini and if one doesn't condone political censorship, then one can create one's own syndication service/capsule
Microsoft Layoffs and Entire Unit Termination: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
What an announcement to make just before Independence Day
Links 16/07/2024: Old Computer Challenge and One Page Dungeon Contest
Links for the day
Microsoft Falls Further and Closer Towards 10% (Windows "Market Share") in Kuwait
more countries entering the "single-digit Windows" (under 10%) club
Gemini Links 15/07/2024: Antenna's Pro-Hamas Bias Revisited and Old Computer Challenge
Links for the day
[Video] Julian Assange, Over One Decade Ago, Cautioning About What the Internet Had Truly Become
video is not new
Homage to Malta
Malta is probably easy for Microsoft to bribe
IRC at 16
Logging has been used for us and against us
In Malta, Android/Linux Has Overtaken Microsoft Windows (According to statCounter)
statCounter milestone?
Links 15/07/2024: China’s Economic Problems, Boeing Under Fire
Links for the day
500 Days' Uptime Very Soon
Good luck doing that with Windows...
Windows Falls Below 20% in Tunisia
A month ago we wrote about GNU/Linux in Tunisia
Links 15/07/2024: Google Wants Wiz and Why "Sports Ruin Everything"
Links for the day
Gemini Links 15/07/2024: Old Computer Challenge and Sending Files via NNCP
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Sunday, July 14, 2024
IRC logs for Sunday, July 14, 2024