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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: January 28th, 2009


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schestowitzCriminal History Check: 28 00:05
schestowitz 28 00:06
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 28 00:12
*GoblinRFD ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 28 00:29
GoblinRFDHello all!Jan 28 00:29
schestowitzHey, wbJan 28 00:32
*MuNdaY (n=NUNYA@ has joined #boycottnovellJan 28 00:40
*MuNdaY (n=NUNYA@ has left #boycottnovellJan 28 00:45
GoblinRFDsorry got distracted...Jan 28 00:49
GoblinRFDhow are you?Jan 28 00:49
schestowitzI'm OK, not much in BN thoughJan 28 00:50
GoblinRFDapparently I am you and you are me.  It was a recent accusation on the MSwatch site.Jan 28 00:50
GoblinRFDalong with an allegation that my wife was a man.Jan 28 00:50
amarsh04obligatory Monty Python quote: "I'm Brian and so is my wife"Jan 28 00:51
GoblinRFDlolJan 28 00:51
GoblinRFD"Hommage???? thats disgusting......"Jan 28 00:51
schestowitz:-SJan 28 00:51
GoblinRFDsorry....Jan 28 00:51
GoblinRFDmonty python fan hereJan 28 00:51
GoblinRFDIve got a new love.....Jan 28 00:53
GoblinRFDAROSJan 28 00:53
GoblinRFDbeen testing it for a while.Jan 28 00:53
schestowitzStill running?Jan 28 00:53
GoblinRFDyepJan 28 00:53
schestowitzI haven't heard about it for a yearJan 28 00:53
GoblinRFDbuild 1.0Jan 28 00:53
GoblinRFDbrought a tear to my eye....reminded me of my a500 daysJan 28 00:53
GoblinRFDin a updated sort of way.Jan 28 00:54
GoblinRFDits got a liveCD buildJan 28 00:54
GoblinRFDIve also been very impressed with a Saturn EMU called YabauseJan 28 00:55
schestowitzWhat apps does it have?Jan 28 00:55
GoblinRFDno sound support yet (on liveCD) however Im led to believe the nightly build does.Jan 28 00:55
GoblinRFDbasic web access thru form entry though and some rendering issuesJan 28 00:56
GoblinRFD68k emu, through UAEJan 28 00:56
GoblinRFDNVIDIA support (although limited)Jan 28 00:56
GoblinRFDbest of all............Jan 28 00:56
schestowitz2d?Jan 28 00:56
GoblinRFDyes + 3d and it has a ported DoomJan 28 00:57
GoblinRFDand I believe they have ported Mame aswell.Jan 28 00:57
schestowitzTories for FOSS? 28 00:57
GoblinRFDbut best of all:Jan 28 00:57
GoblinRFDRAM disk!Jan 28 00:57
schestowitz[just posted 30 secs ago)Jan 28 00:57
GoblinRFDwow takes me back.....Jan 28 00:58
GoblinRFDill check out the linkJan 28 00:58
schestowitzRAM disk would be the same as any live cd no?Jan 28 00:58
GoblinRFDram disk as in the old A500 ram disk where memory is mounted effectively as another drive to read from and write to.Jan 28 01:00
GoblinRFDbtw download is 50meg (liveCD)Jan 28 01:01
GoblinRFDas you can imagine, its a quick loader....Jan 28 01:01
GoblinRFDRoy, in regards to your article, lets hope the tories are actually genuinely looking at open source and not using it as a lever to get a discount from MS.Jan 28 01:02
*_paco_ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Jan 28 01:02
schestowitzGoblinRFD: yes, I know.Jan 28 01:02
GoblinRFDI think if the tories could make a large proprietary purchase and save alot of taxpayers money, that would give them something over labour.Jan 28 01:03
GoblinRFDHaving said that, if they went Open Source, thats alot of money left in the kitty to refurbish their second homes.Jan 28 01:03
*_paco_ (n=jesus@unaffiliated/paco/x-456320) has joined #boycottnovellJan 28 01:04
schestowitzGoblinRFD: yes, the bewildered flock (us) can't have a say, can't we?Jan 28 01:06
schestowitzWe just vote for a face.Jan 28 01:07
GoblinRFDI hope you dont mind Roy, Ive posted the computerworld article on MSwatch: 28 01:08
schestowitzI don't feed Joe and haven't read him for a while.Jan 28 01:09
GoblinRFDI dont mind posting on that site, I think regardless of what intentions are at play, I think the audience it reaches is quite suitable...Jan 28 01:14
GoblinRFDsince I believe MSwatch is a more approachable site than the sometimes tech savvy zdnet, and I think your average user is more likely to read MSwatchJan 28 01:15
schestowitzYou could contribte to BNJan 28 01:15
schestowitzwe have more readers, tooJan 28 01:15
GoblinRFDId be happy to although your readers expect a more indepth view than I think I could accomodate.  If you disagree, Id love to contribute.Jan 28 01:16
schestowitzmost people just don't commentJan 28 01:17
schestowitzusuallt it means consentJan 28 01:17
GoblinRFDi think so.  I also think you suffer from the George Galloway syndrome, in that potential trolls know you are well researched and wont comment for fear of looking foolishJan 28 01:18
GoblinRFDotherwise I think you would have seen the like of Andre Da Costa popping up now and then (IMO)Jan 28 01:19
schestowitzGeorge Galloway syndrome?Jan 28 01:19
GoblinRFDHe is very well researched and he is able to bring down propaganda and untruthfulness very easily, its a term used to describe someone who others fear to challenge for fear of them making fools of themselves.Jan 28 01:20
GoblinRFDlet us not forget George v US Senate.  He completely destroyed their argument publically.Jan 28 01:21
GoblinRFDmuch to the delight of the press.Jan 28 01:21
GoblinRFDI wasnt implying any political alliegance with George and you btw, just your manner of debate and research.Jan 28 01:22
schestowitzThanks.Jan 28 01:24
schestowitzI do watch a lot of political stuff, but I don't write about it.Jan 28 01:25
GoblinRFDan interesting article (IMO) trying to say ignore alternatives to Windows 7.  Its quite clever since it references KDE in an attempt to deceive people into thinking its balanced(IMO) 28 01:25
schestowitzThom.Jan 28 01:25
schestowitzHe's a Vista/Mcirosoft slutJan 28 01:25
schestowitzJust ignore it.Jan 28 01:25
GoblinRFDHe's also on openbytes: 28 01:26
schestowitzI'm not the only one considering dumping his site (others may have already done as they preached). He turned it into a MSfestJan 28 01:26
schestowitzWho, Thom?Jan 28 01:26
schestowitzThom also did a lot of KDE slamming about 2 years ago. It started a riotJan 28 01:27
GoblinRFDYeah, I did an article about it.  IMO he uses a KDE reference as a cover to really say "If you read about an alternative to Windows 7, the people who are saying it dont really want to use it and simply have a do as I say not as I do attitude"Jan 28 01:28
GoblinRFDin reference to Linux.Jan 28 01:29
GoblinRFDand I think it strange how Andre linked to his post so happily.Jan 28 01:29
GoblinRFDIMO is a very bad attempt to hide the intended message of the post.Jan 28 01:30
GoblinRFDthats also linked on MSwatch.Jan 28 01:30
GoblinRFDIf I still could be bothered to run Lord of the Shills, this comment from NORTHERNGEEK would definately win:Jan 28 01:32
GoblinRFD"I completely agree with Rich, the Zune could do incredibly well in the UK with the right decision making, I had the marketplace over here for a year or so and now my US bank account has closed I can't wait for them to release it here."Jan 28 01:32
schestowitzThe Microsoft bloggers are very waryJan 28 01:32
schestowitzSome of them might soon lose their jobs tooJan 28 01:32
schestowitzThey prepare fallbackJan 28 01:32
schestowitzThey also post excessively in defense of Microsoft and systematic denial of its apparent weaknessesJan 28 01:33
schestowitzSee Seattle PI and Todd Bishop... even Mary JF.  They are like marketing people these days, not reporters.Jan 28 01:33
GoblinRFDOr this is part of a post from a user called Krenshaw, who wants to share his vision of the future:Jan 28 01:33
GoblinRFD"scenario: on the street with your mobile and download a video from skymarket/Zune service, walk into your sync enabled car and the video starts playing through your car speakers automatically, drive home, take up your Zune and step out your car and the video starts playing through your Zune, walk into your house and turn on your TV and hit the Zune button to connect to the service and hit the button "play current" and the videoJan 28 01:34
GoblinRFDstarts playing on your TV, you sit back and enjoy."Jan 28 01:34
GoblinRFDHe didnt like it when I compared his fantasy to 1983, or used the term Zune World Order.Jan 28 01:34
GoblinRFDHe may have a perverted vision of the future but he does deserve credit for the amount of times he manages to put the word Zune into his post.Jan 28 01:36
schestowitzZune =DRMJan 28 01:36
schestowitzIt's a failed WinCE device from ToshibaJan 28 01:36
schestowitzIt has Wi-Fi, so Microsoft 'invented "squirting"Jan 28 01:36
schestowitzThat's what it calls tossing DRM-laden stuff over Wi-FiJan 28 01:37
GoblinRFDId love to have been at a New Years eve party that had a Zune as its jukebox.Jan 28 01:37
schestowitzLOlJan 28 01:37
GoblinRFDthat would have been a barrel of laughsJan 28 01:37
schestowitzLove or hate?Jan 28 01:37
schestowitzOnly if you connect to update it.Jan 28 01:37
schestowitzOr synch or whatever..Jan 28 01:37
GoblinRFDheres another classic from Krenshaw.  He said this when refering to the DRM-free catalogue that Apple has released, keep in mind this guy is pimping Zune when he says: (in relation to Apple)Jan 28 01:40
GoblinRFD"my point was that they made a scheme to milk more money out of your pockets."Jan 28 01:40
GoblinRFDWell thank the lord for Microsoft.  They would never dream of doing such a horrible thing, would they?Jan 28 01:41
schestowitzMicrosoft is a huge fan of DRMJan 28 01:49
schestowitzLet me show you somethingJan 28 01:49
schestowitzIt will be published one day when I find the time.......Jan 28 01:49
schestowitz 28 01:49
GoblinRFDchecking now!Jan 28 01:49
schestowitzMaybe you can help us out and pull the relevant text from the PDF so as to have concrete evidence as text?Jan 28 01:50
schestowitzThis actually has OCRJan 28 01:51
GoblinRFDIll have a look.  Im not sure if Ive mentioned this before Roy, but DRM type issues are an area of expertise since I was one of the people who managed a disassembly of z80 code and a patch around for the horrible lens lock on the spectrum so many years ago.Jan 28 01:52
GoblinRFDafter that, I was interested in Amiga copy protection and at the time that moved into Macrovision, and even onto the Magicom where I wrote several little programs for the SNES in relation to the DSP chip which caused so much issue with a magicom.Jan 28 01:54
*r0ver (n=r0ver@ has left #boycottnovellJan 28 01:54
schestowitzApple and MS are like Democrats and Republicans (order here does not matter). They represent the same elite interests (e.g. Hollywood) but they have different faces/identitiesJan 28 01:57
GoblinRFDWhat Ive read so far is quite frightening.  Its almost like an IT version of a document from Area 51Jan 28 01:58
GoblinRFD"We Win" "We Tie" "We lose" - All eventualities planned for.  I take it you cant say where you got this document?Jan 28 02:00
schestowitzIt's from an antitrust trialJan 28 02:01
schestowitzWe're not exactly supposed to have it.Jan 28 02:01
GoblinRFDah yes.  Ive just noticed the stampJan 28 02:02
schestowitzWe've made some very big front pagers thanks to theseJan 28 02:02
schestowitzTraffic doubled this month in BN... up to about 8 million hitsJan 28 02:02
GoblinRFDlol, makes my 80 a day look a little silly.Jan 28 02:04
schestowitzHeh. Cool. Just been added to someone's blogroll...Jan 28 02:04
schestowitz    * Ars TechnicaJan 28 02:04
schestowitz    * Boycott NovellJan 28 02:04
schestowitz    * DistroWatch.comJan 28 02:04
schestowitz    * GroklawJan 28 02:04
schestowitz    * Linus’s blog (yes, that Linus.)Jan 28 02:04
schestowitz    * SlashdotJan 28 02:04
GoblinRFD:)Jan 28 02:04
schestowitzFrom (One among the 6 Linus ites... next to Linus, Groklaw. /....)Jan 28 02:05
schestowitz*"Linux sites"Jan 28 02:05
*kapipi has quit (Remote closed the connection)Jan 28 02:05
GoblinRFDyouve had most of our staff reading your site aswell.  Infact two people have removed OpenSUSE from home PCs because of your site.Jan 28 02:06
schestowitz*LOL* "Hello to our NSA friends! Devrimci Sol steganography Aceh Merdeka Al-Fatah plutonium mouvement Al Qaeda lead azide EFF napalm conspiracy CNRT Nellis Range hijack LTTE"Jan 28 02:06
schestowitzbenJIman will be delightedJan 28 02:06
GoblinRFDthey just didnt know the background of Novell/Microsoft...Jan 28 02:06
schestowitzYou mean, the "peace"...the "good for business"... "inter-nope-rability"?Jan 28 02:07
amarsh04schestowitz, you left out the Alan Cox regular statement "Hello Echelon"Jan 28 02:07
schestowitzPeople are told what "centres of power"  (in the media) tell them.Jan 28 02:08
GoblinRFDand can I add (for Mr Michaels in particular) that these two individuals are of sound mind.  Both have doctorates and work on an intellectual plane far higher than me.Jan 28 02:08
schestowitzamarsh04: where?Jan 28 02:08
schestowitzGoblinRFD: re: michaels, I got..Jan 28 02:08
amarsh04"Hello to our NSA friends"Jan 28 02:08
schestowitz"An interesting Gordon Michaels."Jan 28 02:08
schestowitz 28 02:09
schestowitz"There' s no real information at the loser's supposed home page. "Jan 28 02:09
GoblinRFDlolJan 28 02:09
schestowitz" Especially nothing technical, other than the apparent contradiction of him  loving "standards" and middleware but hating html, css and javascript.  The  rest is pure fluff and harassment.  "Jan 28 02:09
GoblinRFDis that confirmed to be the same one as that who trolls your site?Jan 28 02:10
schestowitzYesJan 28 02:10
GoblinRFDlolJan 28 02:10
schestowitzHe links to it (the latter page)Jan 28 02:10
schestowitzNot the criminals dbJan 28 02:10
schestowitz "He's got a LOL moment in the "photography" section too.  He " I don't have the  lens shown in that pic, but I couldn't find one with just the body."  A guy  who loves photography can't take of his camera?  These guys think they are  funny."Jan 28 02:11
schestowitzCould be one of the $AgentsJan 28 02:11
*_paco_ has quit ("I ♥ Elive")Jan 28 02:47
*GoblinRFD has quit (Remote closed the connection)Jan 28 03:02
*balzac ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 28 03:29
balzachelloJan 28 03:29
balzacanyone awake in here?Jan 28 03:29
amarsh04yes balzacJan 28 03:43
balzachi amarsh04Jan 28 03:44
balzaca boat-load of links posted on BN todayJan 28 03:44
balzaclots of good newsJan 28 03:44
amarsh04yes, although I notice too much of the "we can't support linux because it would be more expensive than being microsoft's lap dogs"Jan 28 03:45
amarsh04I'd just like the schools and other educational institutions to offer programs like OOo / Firefox / Abiword on their ms-win installs and allow linux installsJan 28 03:47
balzacwell, companies which only assess the next quarter's gains or losses may be rightJan 28 03:47
balzacMicrosoft can find a way to hurt those companies, have people fired. It's like Soviet Russia. Watch your mouth and don't make waves.Jan 28 03:48
balzacIt's a good thing Microsoft is feeling the pain in the economy, though I don't celebrate the job losses for individuals.Jan 28 03:49
balzacI've been waiting for Microsoft to take a nose-dive for so many years.Jan 28 03:49
balzacEveryone wins when tyranny loses.Jan 28 03:49
amarsh04yes, I'd like some more of the ms practices "outed"Jan 28 03:54
balzacAs they say - think of the children!Jan 28 03:55
balzacI hate to see inquisitive minds stifled by proprietary software and "intellectual property" totalitarianismJan 28 03:56
balzacMicrosoft's financial collapse is good for everyone.Jan 28 03:56
amarsh04yes, my grand-daughter loves tuxracer and frozen bubbleJan 28 03:56
amarsh04tuxpaint tooJan 28 03:57
balzacI use GIMPJan 28 03:57
balzacI played tuxracer once or twiceJan 28 03:58
amarsh04fast enough even with a radeon 9600 using free driversJan 28 03:59
balzacYou know, teh gaming scene is going to heat up as Microsoft withers.Jan 28 03:59
balzacMicrosoft subsidizes hardware manufacturers who stifle free software driver developers.Jan 28 04:00
balzacWith Microsoft's revenue drying up, we'll see faster games on GNU/LinuxJan 28 04:00
balzacThat will cause major upheaval in the gaming business.Jan 28 04:00
amarsh04I need to install videotrans on a faster pc... took a while to re-encode h.264 video to dvd formatJan 28 04:01
balzacIt's been a while since I treated myself to a hot-rod desktop computer.Jan 28 04:01
balzacI've got a junky Acer with a 14 inch screen and a nice little eee 901Jan 28 04:02
balzacI'm going to get a new full-size notebook next, and then I'll build a monster desktop rig after that.Jan 28 04:02
amarsh04I'm still running a PII-266 that turns 11 in MayJan 28 04:03
balzacwowJan 28 04:03
balzacancientJan 28 04:03
balzacmy first x86 machine was 166mhzJan 28 04:03
balzacit was still about 5x faster than the old apple machines in my houseJan 28 04:03
amarsh04286-10 then 386dx-16 then 386sx-20 then pii-266Jan 28 04:04
balzacIt had windows 95, I think. Photoshop 3 had just come out with layers.Jan 28 04:04
balzacI wasted some  good years using windows.Jan 28 04:04
amarsh04this pii-266 has dual boot with w95osr2... I had fun finding a working realtek 8139 ethernet driver and radeon 9200se video driver for w95seJan 28 04:05
balzacI'm running windows on virtualbox so I can test my websites in IE6, IE7, and IE8Jan 28 04:05
amarsh04sb live!5.1 sound card driver wasn't so difficult in w95osr2 - couldn't get a similar card to work in xpJan 28 04:06
amarsh04I might try that some dayJan 28 04:06
balzacI won't be installing or running any software on the windows virtual machines, just refreshing web pages.Jan 28 04:06
amarsh04for web under w95osr2, mozilla seamonkey's latest release works fineJan 28 04:07
balzacI want to quit using proprietary software, but I still have to verify my websites in M$ browsers.Jan 28 04:07
amarsh04I should shut down this pc for a while... it's over 40 C outside and no airconditioning hereJan 28 04:08
balzacwhere?Jan 28 04:08
amarsh04Adelaide, South AustraliaJan 28 04:08
balzacit's cold up here in brooklyn NYJan 28 04:09
balzacnice chatting with you amarsh04Jan 28 04:09
amarsh04maximum today was 45.5 C (114 F)Jan 28 04:09
balzacwowJan 28 04:09
amarsh04and you also, have a good nightJan 28 04:09
balzacok, ttylJan 28 04:09
amarsh04bye...Jan 28 04:09
*balzac ( has left #boycottnovell ("Ex-Chat")Jan 28 04:09
*amarsh04 has quit (Remote closed the connection)Jan 28 04:10
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellJan 28 05:51
Omar87Hi allJan 28 06:34
*amarsh04 ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 28 06:44
*macabe_ has quit (Remote closed the connection)Jan 28 06:48
*macabe_ ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 28 06:48
*kapipi (n=tor@ has joined #boycottnovellJan 28 07:01
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 28 07:14
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*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 28 07:45
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schestowitzHey, Omar87 Jan 28 08:37
schestowitzPDF Takes Honors as Top Archive Format < >Jan 28 08:57
schestowitzHigher education needs a national computing cloud < >Jan 28 09:04
MinceRr4wrJan 28 09:05
schestowitzYahoo! welcomes! new! CEO! with! $303 million! loss! < >Jan 28 09:06
MinceRthe best Register headlines are the Yahoo! onesJan 28 09:07
schestowitzTime to axe Microsoft's Zune < >Jan 28 09:07
MinceRs/'s Zune//Jan 28 09:07
MinceRthere, fixed that for them.Jan 28 09:08
schestowitzThey'll get govt protectionJan 28 09:10
schestowitz "Not only are some of the most non-trusted companies in America blatantly trying to buy off Congress, but they're using our bailout money to do it."Jan 28 09:11
schestowitzThey make me sick.Jan 28 09:11
schestowitzApple threatens Palm chomp < >. Add Apple to the list of axing.Jan 28 09:13
schestowitzThey are so vain that they are willing to sue or extort competition rather than cvompete.Jan 28 09:13
schestowitz"Applecrosoft" 28 09:14
amarsh04today was Adelaide's 3rd hottest day since records began in 1881 - 45.7 CJan 28 09:31
MinceRi'd expect apple to infringe on some patents tooJan 28 09:31
MinceRall-out patent war? :>Jan 28 09:31
MinceRit would be funny if the big bastards got into a fight and only IBM remainedJan 28 09:31
schestowitzamarsh04: global warming?Jan 28 09:34
amarsh04something like that... had 10 years' worth of average rainfall in the last 11 yearsJan 28 09:35
schestowitz  "Contrary to widespread worries, Bush did not pardon war criminals. This means they can be prosecuted in US courts. Will Obama have the guts and the conscience to do so? "Jan 28 09:52
schestowitzAre We Civilized Enough to Hold Our Leaders Accountable for War Crimes? The World Is Watching < >Jan 28 09:53
schestowitz "The "Justice" Department is trying to protect Bush's illegal spying from a lawsuit by concealing the evidence that the plaintiffs were specifically spied on."Jan 28 09:53
schestowitzThere's too much OLPD revisionism these days. Reporters totally neglect to mention the vicious and well-documented attacks from Intel and Microsoft. They spent a fortune to make the project fail.Jan 28 10:07
MinceRare those "war criminals" the ones kept at Guantanamo?Jan 28 10:13
schestowitzIsn't Obama closing these facilities?Jan 28 10:14
MinceRyes, in a yearJan 28 10:21
MinceRbut i wonder howJan 28 10:21
MinceRperhaps accidents will happen to the people kept thereJan 28 10:21
schestowitz*grumbles* Writers miss the boat on very important issues and they don't know what ethics are... Why schools should exclusively use free software < > - It's a matter of education, not convenience.Jan 28 10:22
schestowitzSchools should not only teach with FOSS, they should also teach ethicsJan 28 10:22
MinceRit's a matter of both, actuallyJan 28 10:23
schestowitzThe whole system there is based on briberyJan 28 10:23
MinceReducation is more important, of courseJan 28 10:23
schestowitzBut they don't call it bribery. It's just an accepted form of money exahnge.Jan 28 10:23
schestowitz*Exchange.  They have an arrangement where a company assumed it to be a right -- not merely an opportunity -- to milk taxpayers' money.Jan 28 10:24
schestowitzI fear that exposing those who are bribed if the latest one can do in the name of change. Blaming the "shadow" cast by business  (the government) is a futile attempt to plays right into the hands of those private tyrannies that bribeJan 28 10:25
schestowitz*LOL* "And that brings us to a story submitted by Joe Reda, concerning a nameless economics professor at an unknown university supposedly forcing students to destroy all their notes at the end of the semester, officially to avoid having such notes fall into the hands of future students. "Jan 28 10:29
schestowitz (RIAA Found To Have Sued Yet Another Woman Without A Computer)Jan 28 10:32
*kapipi has quit (Remote closed the connection)Jan 28 10:37
schestowitzMicrosoft is the bestest company out there: 28 11:11
schestowitzDo you trust this man? "I accidentally deleted all email since December 18th, 2008." < >Jan 28 11:26
schestowitzSay goodnight, Geode < >. The criminals from Intel are still evading justice in the EU...... 28 11:29
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellJan 28 11:36
schestowitzMcNealy: Benefits of open source can&#39;t be ignored - --> "Server Error in '/' Application. ...Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.1433; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.1433"Jan 28 11:52
schestowitz"SWISS chip maker STMicroelectronics has axed 4,500 jobs worldwide after it posted a $366 million loss." <<  >>Jan 28 12:12
schestowitzYahoo puppet: Bartz open to search deal with Microsoft  < >Jan 28 12:21
schestowitzMicrosoft gets close to its anti-FOSS puppets: Coverity Expands Microsoft Capabilities in Coverity Prevent < c>Jan 28 12:24
schestowitzMicrosoft cronies try to force the government to use Microsoft: 28 12:44
schestowitz "Facing a fresh attack from European regulators ..."Jan 28 12:57
schestowitzIt's NOT facing an attack... no more than a criminal faces an "attack" from a policeman that's chasing him.Jan 28 12:58
PetoKrausoh goshJan 28 13:11
PetoKrausbloody retarded are our science support faculty adminsJan 28 13:11
schestowitzMore BS from Microsoft's fan press: "Will Bill Gates be remembered more for philanthropy than software?" How about his crimes (with convictions)? They are airbrushing history and treat criminals like heroesJan 28 13:33
schestowitzIf Yahoo does better than expected, then why sell out? 28 13:35
*r0ver (n=r0ver@ has joined #boycottnovellJan 28 13:36
schestowitzLeadership in a Time of Crisis < >Jan 28 13:40
kentmaIt might be quicker and easier to find crisis in a time of leadership :-)Jan 28 13:50
schestowitzOr make one be.Jan 28 13:52
schestowitzSocieties offer more consent when pressured. In WW1 there was the first case of propaganda in the US, which turns a pacifistic population into a strongly anti-German population that would better serve the interests of those who are at the topJan 28 13:53
kentmaAlso, for WW2, HMG ran an exceptionally well managed campaign in the media for pro-UK/anti-Axis messages.Jan 28 14:14
schestowitzPropaganda is always acceptable, as long as it serves "Us"Jan 28 14:18
kentmaIndeed.  I think the HMG campaign was possible the first open-media based campaign on the planet, sort of "early marketing".Jan 28 14:29
schestowitzBenevolent lies?Jan 28 14:30
*DarkUranium ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 28 14:31
trmancoOops- > 28 14:39
trmancoDid I break any hearts with this?Jan 28 14:40
schestowitz*LOL*Jan 28 14:42
trmanco:-pJan 28 14:42
schestowitzMicrosoft is totally collapsing todayJan 28 14:43
schestowitzI have many posts coming (to BN)Jan 28 14:43
trmancookJan 28 14:45
*r0ver (n=r0ver@ has left #boycottnovellJan 28 15:28
*conley ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 28 16:31
*jpangamarca (i=c8001d3b@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellJan 28 17:19
schestowitz " Now if only we could start a bidding war between the Government and the Conservatives..."Jan 28 17:34
schestowitzI saw lots of articles about it yesterday. Maybe they want a better MOU bargain.Jan 28 17:34
*jpangamarca has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Jan 28 17:52
*amarsh04 has quit (Remote closed the connection)Jan 28 17:57
*r0ver (n=r0ver@ has joined #boycottnovellJan 28 18:10
*zer0c00l has quit (Remote closed the connection)Jan 28 18:17
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellJan 28 18:22
*PeterKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 28 18:22
PeterKraus 28 18:28
*schestowitz looksJan 28 18:29
schestowitzAIG?Jan 28 18:29
schestowitzOr the vhap?Jan 28 18:30
schestowitz*chap.Jan 28 18:30
PeterKrauswellJan 28 18:31
PeterKrausif you just compare the two sentencesJan 28 18:31
PeterKraus4y v 15yJan 28 18:31
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Jan 28 18:38
*PeterKraus is now known as PetoKrausJan 28 18:40
schestowitzHow old is this?Jan 28 18:41
schestowitzDid the AIG thing happen just now? Because I reckon many such frauds will be coming soon.Jan 28 18:42
PetoKrausno ideaJan 28 18:48
*DarkUranium is now known as Guest27595Jan 28 18:51
*DarkPlutonium ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 28 18:51
*Guest27595 has quit (Connection timed out)Jan 28 19:08
*nick|here (i=e7bd07df@unaffiliated/nickhere/x-000000001) has left #boycottnovell ("pai pai")Jan 28 19:25
*zer0c00l has quit ("Leaving")Jan 28 20:16
schestowitz"On Monday there were over 65,000  job cuts announced - just that one day."Jan 28 20:16
conleyhow many job cuts total?  I'm can't find a good sourceJan 28 20:24
conleywe are not talking about ms...rightJan 28 20:30
schestowitzMaybe over 10000Jan 28 20:30
schestowitzIt's impossible to know or measure.Jan 28 20:30
schestowitzOh, wait..Jan 28 20:30
schestowitzNo,the number was US job market, AFAIKJan 28 20:30
schestowitzThis is a valuable exhibit to use whenever the subject of Dell and Microsoft pressure comes up: (will post it as full text with commentary tomorrow)Jan 28 21:24
schestowitz"Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich, who was impeached and faces a federal investigation into charges he tried to sell the former Senate seat of President Barack Obama, has hired a public relations firm." 28 21:26
schestowitz"ProPublica notes that "the Bush administration's 'war on terror' -- including its controversial policies on detentions, interrogations and warrantless wiretapping -- were all underpinned by legal memoranda." 28 21:28
schestowitzBruised SAP cuts 3,000 jobs as profit disappoints < >Jan 28 21:29
schestowitz "A man who was criticised in the comments section of his own blog cannot sue for defamation because he did not delete the comment when he discovered it, the High Court has said. The Court said that the man consented to the comment's publication."Jan 28 21:37
*DarkPlutonium is now known as DarkUraniumJan 28 21:43
trmanco 28 21:58
schestowitzThey could seek the opinion of people who have been in FOSS for longerJan 28 22:01
schestowitzJust because he's rich doesn't mean he knows better (the same goes for Pearly Gates)Jan 28 22:02
trmancoFSF expert funds for Jammie Thomas v RIAA: 28 22:03
trmancoHe use to be a Debian dev back in 1990-1991Jan 28 22:04
schestowitzShuttleworth? Developer?Jan 28 22:06
schestowitz1991 Debian.. that's early..Jan 28 22:06
schestowitzBut Debian is 15 years oldJan 28 22:06
trmanco 28 22:10
trmanco"He was a developer of the Debian operating system in the 1990s, and in 2004 funded the development of Ubuntu,..."Jan 28 22:11
schestowitzIan Murdock didn't have it thenJan 28 22:11
schestowitz "Debian was first announced on 16 August 1993 by Ian Murdock.[13] Murdock initially called the system "the Debian Linux Release".["Jan 28 22:12
schestowitzOh............Jan 28 22:12
schestowitz1990s would be true, but not 1990-91Jan 28 22:12
trmancomy badJan 28 22:12
trmancoI'm a little sleepy that's allJan 28 22:13
trmancoomgJan 28 22:15
trmanconew browserJan 28 22:15
trmancowritten in BN ExpressJan 28 22:15
trmancoVB*Jan 28 22:16
trmanco 28 22:16
schestowitz"The Alliance for Lobbying Transparency (ALT) is an alliance of civil society groups concerned about the growing influence of professional lobbying on Government decision-making and life in the UK. " 28 22:16
schestowitzThey should just ban all forms of pro-$$ lobbiesJan 28 22:16
schestowitzBN :-p got me excited for a moment.Jan 28 22:17
schestowitz 28 22:17
schestowitz (Fears rise for national offices as Danish PTO lays off 35)Jan 28 22:18
trmancotypo :-PJan 28 22:19
trmancothe VBN keys are close to each otherJan 28 22:20
schestowitzMaking a browser is easyJan 28 22:21
schestowitzAll the piece are out thereJan 28 22:21
schestowitzMany browsers (almost 100) must already exist, but some just never get much exposure or dev effort that's sustainedJan 28 22:21
trmancoI wonder what rendering engine it usesJan 28 22:23
schestowitzIt's interchangeable in some casesJan 28 22:23
schestowitzLike KonquerorJan 28 22:24
schestowitzAnother fun one is PX09280: Comes exhibits of interest: Dell, Red Hat ("I don't have a penguin in my basement") <PENGUIN-BASEMENT>: 28 22:28
schestowitz14 posts in BN so far today. I think I once did close to 20 in one dayJan 28 22:31
*kapipi (n=tor@ has joined #boycottnovellJan 28 22:39
*DarkUranium has quit ("Leaving")Jan 28 22:40
schestowitzThe Comes case produced this set of E-mails which shows how Microsoft reacted to Dell's GNU/Linux: (I also put it in Digg: )Jan 28 22:42
schestowitzThird US Gov't Worker Pleads to Passport Snooping < >Jan 28 22:43
schestowitzAOL to Lay off 10 Percent of Staff < >. AOL had just 7000 employees???????/Jan 28 22:50
MinceRgnJan 28 23:20
*PeterKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 28 23:20
schestowitzIntel thinks the law does not apply to it: 28 23:28
schestowitzIntel could really use some good toppling from China, which would also mean cheap chipsJan 28 23:28
schestowitz "An Android Market application has become the center of a fire storm of controversy after users accused it of wiping data from memory cards and spamming contacts. "Jan 28 23:33
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Jan 28 23:36
schestowitz "Arrington says that his job is not fun anymore and he details threats he received last summer on his life and his family. The threats forced Arrington to spend over $2,000 a day to protect himself, his family and employees. Security experts called the threats serious."Jan 28 23:37
schestowitz 28 23:38
*PeterKraus is now known as PetoKrausJan 28 23:39
schestowitzWindows user (in ZDNet's 'linux' blog) describes GNOME/KDE as "Linux user interface groups"Jan 28 23:42
*neighborlee ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 28 23:49
neighborleeschestowitz, interesting day ;)..was talking to friend about why mono is risk and latre he told me why he also now doesn't use apps it depends on and why he removed mono from ubuntu as well ;)) <wow, what a great day> ;))Jan 28 23:50
neighborleeThomasEgi> looks like some internal MS mails have this "we contribute but we keep the right to sue you" < that says it a result he removed mono,,this from someone that was still using it...interesting days ahead for mono I"d say :)Jan 28 23:50
schestowitzHey, neighborlee Jan 28 23:54
neighborleehiJan 28 23:54
schestowitzWhich E-mails are these?Jan 28 23:54
schestowitzI covered some more of these. Mono via Comes vs Microsoft.Jan 28 23:55
schestowitzWe'll need to set up an updates index at some stage, re: Mono problems. We have about 200 posts about this.Jan 28 23:55
schestowitzGood lad!  UK will not legislate on piracy < >Jan 28 23:58

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