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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: March 9th, 2009 - Part 1


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schestowitzCork Board With The GIMP < >.Mar 09 00:04
*kentma1 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Mar 09 00:12
schestowitzWishful thinking: Microsoft starts to play ball with standards < >Mar 09 00:30
schestowitzMonopoly abuse respawned: "Allowing Microsoft to control the FAT32 patent this way is allowing them to leverage their monopoly status." 09 00:39
schestowitzOpen source microbloggers you should follow < >. Very cool! I'm included there among some famous people.Mar 09 00:47
*silentivm has quit ("Leaving")Mar 09 00:51
schestowitzAfter 13,430 comments and 6,645 submissions I've nearly halted my participation in That site is heading the wrong way and it's dominated by people who game it.Mar 09 00:54
schestowitzPessimistic perspective: U.S. Schools: Not Ready For Linux < >. Linux is ready for them, but they are not ready for change. Maybe when their budgets runs short (bar EDGI).Mar 09 00:59
MinceRgnMar 09 01:04
schestowitz"In other words: Microsoft gets already paid for Linux..." 09 01:18
*neighborlee has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Mar 09 01:22
*_Hicham_ (n=hicham@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 01:53
_Hicham_Hi all!Mar 09 01:53
_Hicham_No nobody is in here?Mar 09 01:56
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 01:58
_Hicham_wowMar 09 02:00
_Hicham_everybody is sleepingMar 09 02:00
zer0c00lonly half of the world sleepsMar 09 02:05
*zer0c00l has quit ("Leaving")Mar 09 02:13
*_Hicham_ (n=hicham@ has left #boycottnovellMar 09 03:16
balzaclart!Mar 09 03:32
*ushimitsudoki1 ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 03:55
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*heftycat (i=48b1879a@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 04:20
heftycatcan someone tell me what version of linux and what theme this is please!! 09 04:21
*heftycat has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Mar 09 05:08
*ushimitsudoki ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 05:45
*balzac_ ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 05:56
*ushimitsudoki1 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Mar 09 06:03
*balzac has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Mar 09 06:07
*mib_nct4yw (i=62eadf44@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 06:32
mib_nct4ywmibbitMar 09 06:32
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*Eruaran ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 06:34
*Eruaran has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 09 07:04
schestowitzhey.Mar 09 07:36
schestowitzWarren Buffett receives direct investments from the Gates Foundation which he's in: 09 07:50
*Eruaran ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 07:53
schestowitzOracle reaches for Virtual Iron < > "Speculation is growing that Oracle is close to acquiring Virtual Iron."Mar 09 07:53
EruaranhiMar 09 07:54
EruaranbrbMar 09 07:55
*Eruaran has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 09 07:55
*Eruaran ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 07:55
EruaranThats better...Mar 09 07:55
EruaranQuassel doesn't change your colours unless you restart itMar 09 07:56
schestowitzI see..... what's up anyway?Mar 09 07:56
EruaranNot much... long weekendMar 09 07:56
EruaranWas a public holiday todayMar 09 07:57
EruaranI installed the latest alpha of Kubuntu 9.04Mar 09 07:57
EruaranOver all, for an alpha, its not bad at allMar 09 07:58
EruaranI think I'll just keep itMar 09 07:59
EruaranIt appears to be stable enough for daily useMar 09 08:00
schestowitzI wonder about FF 3.1Mar 09 08:00
schestowitzThe issue is, many extensions are not yet compatible with itMar 09 08:00
schestowitzSign of the times: (Cebit Sees Big Drop in Visitor Numbers)Mar 09 08:01
Eruaranoh... when I mouse over that link I get a preview... niceMar 09 08:01
EruaranOne of the major suppliers here in Australia is closing some of its officesMar 09 08:03
EruaranIngram MicroMar 09 08:03
EruaranDoesn't affect us thoughMar 09 08:04
schestowitzMaybe affects positively (if they compete directly)?Mar 09 08:05
schestowitzI guess Vista was a big boon after all....Mar 09 08:05
schestowitzIDC[hill] was wrongMar 09 08:06
schestowitz 09 08:06
EruaranI'm really liking KDE 4.2Mar 09 08:07
schestowitz 09 08:08
EruaranK3B looks so old now with everything else on my desktop being KDE4Mar 09 08:12
schestowitzThe developer is paid by Mandriva for Nepomuk   nowMar 09 08:16
schestowitzIs K3D not Plasmafied?Mar 09 08:16
EruaranNo... waiting for the KDE4 versionMar 09 08:17
EruaranUsing the KDE3 version atmMar 09 08:17
schestowitz 09 08:37
*Eruaran has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 09 08:37
schestowitzEconomist calculates optimum term of copyright: 14 years! "He's presenting it in Berlin this week, but it's already online." 09 08:41
schestowitz"The article confusingly uses the term "intellectual property", treating it as a synonym for "patents". This term spreads confusion every time it is used." 09 08:52
*Eruaran ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 10:12
schestowitzPalin Says Another Great Depression is Possible < >Mar 09 10:16
*Eruaran has quit (" - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.")Mar 09 10:19
*Eruaran ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 10:19
*Eruaran has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 09 10:23
*Eruaran ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 10:24
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*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 10:28
*Eruaran ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 10:28
oiaohmI think the big problem for MS people to get there heads around is that Windows did not require to be better than it competors to take market domiance.Mar 09 10:35
MinceRgeekingsMar 09 10:35
oiaohmLot of current day MS people talk like Apple people of old.Mar 09 10:35
oiaohmHi MinceRMar 09 10:35
schestowitzApple will suffer a lotMar 09 10:36
schestowitzI don't quite imagine people buying high-end Macs and even iPods for premium pricesMar 09 10:37
oiaohmThink back to when Apple had like 80 to 90 percent market share.Mar 09 10:37
oiaohmAnd dos appeared.Mar 09 10:37
oiaohmHistory repeats itself.Mar 09 10:38
*Eruaran has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 09 10:38
*Eruaran ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 10:39
schestowitzoiaohm: only this time Apple won't riseMar 09 10:40
schestowitzIt'll be commodity software.Mar 09 10:40
schestowitzPeople will reuse existing or old PCs. By "people" I mean not people's whose work is based on computers.Mar 09 10:40
oiaohmMS vs Open Source is the same battle as Apple vs MS a long time ago.Mar 09 10:41
oiaohmJust with different players in the game.Mar 09 10:41
MinceRyeah, let's just equate Open Source to MS.Mar 09 10:42
MinceR:>Mar 09 10:42
oiaohmThe method of attack is even the same.Mar 09 10:43
oiaohmMS provide cheep product to lot of system builders .Mar 09 10:43
oiaohmOpen source is providing cheep product to a lot of system builder.Mar 09 10:43
schestowitzit's not working like thisMar 09 10:43
oiaohmIts a simple undercutting game.Mar 09 10:43
schestowitzFree software economics is differentMar 09 10:44
*Eruaran ponders weather or not to download MintMar 09 10:44
schestowitzYou can't compare battles of companiesMar 09 10:44
schestowitz 09 10:44
oiaohmMethods that work really don't change.Mar 09 10:45
oiaohmOpensource will win for the same basic reasons MS won against Apple.Mar 09 10:45
schestowitzCrime?Mar 09 10:46
oiaohmA mixture of Cost and Function.Mar 09 10:46
schestowitzYou have to look back at how Microsoft 'won'Mar 09 10:46
schestowitzI recommend this < > as a starting pointMar 09 10:46
EruaranMicrosoft is still trying to "win" the same way nowMar 09 10:47
EruaranBut times have changedMar 09 10:47
oiaohmCrime bit cememted there location.   Did not give them there location in the first place.Mar 09 10:48
schestowitzTheft did?Mar 09 10:49
oiaohmcp/m vs dos.  Both did the simpler things dos was cheep.   Apple vs dos,   Dos could do a lot of the functions business required cheeper.Mar 09 10:49
oiaohmCost and Function without them MS would have never been able to get anything.Mar 09 10:49
MinceRwhat wasn't cheaper than apple anyway?Mar 09 10:50
MinceRi doubt plain ol' cp/m was expensiveMar 09 10:50
oiaohmcp/m was expenive about a 1500 USD licence per machine.Mar 09 10:50
EruaranLinux Mint 6 KDE RC1 is looking good. They have done KDE4 versions of their nice Minty apps and their choice of popular apps might be a winner with Joe Average. Might download it and start offering it to customers soon.Mar 09 10:50
oiaohmAfter cp/m shot self in foot on price they had already lost too much market to Dos to recover.Mar 09 10:51
oiaohmMS has forgot price got them there market share.  And price is starting to take it away.Mar 09 10:51
EruaranDOS on IBM PC's at the time were cheaper than ones with CP/M... If I remember correctly CP/M was available with an IBM PC for around $250 while DOS was under $100.Mar 09 10:52
schestowitzoiaohm: this is not the complete storyMar 09 10:52
EruaranBut it really wasnt the 1980's that cemented thingsMar 09 10:53
schestowitzYou're also forgetting the generation after DOSMar 09 10:53
schestowitzDR-DOS tooMar 09 10:53
oiaohmI know its not the complete story schestowitzMar 09 10:53
schestowitzThen the crimes against OS/2Mar 09 10:53
EruaranPeople forget there were a number of highly successful non-IBM platforms in the 80'sMar 09 10:53
oiaohmWithout crime effects the base rules of the market return to play schestowitzMar 09 10:53
EruaranApple ][, Macintosh, C64, Amiga...Mar 09 10:53
oiaohmBase rules of cost vs features.Mar 09 10:54
schestowitzFUD tooMar 09 10:54
schestowitzMicrosoft encouraged thisMar 09 10:54
oiaohmThose base rules have returned MS has not changed to cope.Mar 09 10:54
schestowitzI doubt there are effective laws.Mar 09 10:54
EruaranA number of things went Microsoft's way in the late 80's and early 90's that wont be repeated againMar 09 10:54
oiaohmReally EruaranMar 09 10:55
EruaranyesMar 09 10:55
oiaohmGiven enough time history always repeats in some form.Mar 09 10:55
EruaranThe environment that helped Microsoft cement its monopoly will not repeat again, for Microsoft.Mar 09 10:55
oiaohmRemember the some form bit.Mar 09 10:56
oiaohmSame environment like effects may appear for opensource or someone elsee.Mar 09 10:56
oiaohmMS has a platform shift from Servers to Desktops.Mar 09 10:57
oiaohmThat gave them there chance.Mar 09 10:57
oiaohmhas/hadMar 09 10:57
oiaohmCurrent day platform shift is from different OS's doing different segments to a Single OS doing everything.Mar 09 10:57
oiaohmWho is on top and who is on bottom after these shifts is never for sure.Mar 09 10:58
EruaranI remember Commodore completely screwed themselves. I remember Apple floundered without Steve Jobs. The PC market began to emerge as "the" common platform of choice and Microsoft took full advandage of their position in that market. Disruption is happening again right now, but Microsoft isn't the beneficiary this time. It is the operating system most favored in the new embedded markets that has the brightest future.Mar 09 10:59
oiaohmSo you can see what I am talking about Eruaran history is repeating it self just with a new set of winners and losses.Mar 09 11:00
EruaranThe operating system that is most ubiquitous on multiple hardware platforms has the best chance in a new global market where no single hardware platform dominates entirely.Mar 09 11:00
Eruaranoiaohm: yes, I should clarify that I meant the set of circumstances that favored Microsoft will not repeat... someone else will benefitMar 09 11:02
oiaohmBest laugh I got out of Linux Hater followers.  Is the idea that netbooks had to show up in web surveys.Mar 09 11:02
Eruaranbut yeah similar disruption from below, different winnersMar 09 11:02
oiaohmIts funny how much MS is coping the Apple of old.Mar 09 11:03
oiaohmWe are top so we can charge what we like point of view.  The very thing that stuffed Apple.Mar 09 11:04
oiaohmAll CEO of companies really should be forced to take a required history class in why businesses fail.Mar 09 11:05
EruaranFolks inside Apple thought they were finished when the Amiga hit the streets.Mar 09 11:05
oiaohmAmiga also shot themselfs in the foot.Mar 09 11:06
EruaranYes.Mar 09 11:06
oiaohmThey did not see how important business market was.Mar 09 11:06
oiaohmAnd focused on the home market.Mar 09 11:06
oiaohmBusiness normally sets home use.Mar 09 11:06
oiaohmAt the time computers had not been around long enough for Amiga to know better.Mar 09 11:07
EruaranNow, what non-Microsoft operating system can you think of today where big businesses have vested interests in its success ?Mar 09 11:09
oiaohmLinux is lead.  There are a few other edge ones that might jump up and shock the crude out of everyone.Mar 09 11:10
schestowitzIt's being disrupted by perversion of lawsMar 09 11:11
oiaohmLinux is not 100 percent technically ready to take over either.Mar 09 11:12
oiaohmIts too complex still to manage like 20 machines.Mar 09 11:12
oiaohmSolutions to that are appearing.Mar 09 11:13
oiaohmDisruption by bending of laws is one problem.  There are technical problems as well.Mar 09 11:15
oiaohmWere Linux tech problems don't come into play its done very well.Mar 09 11:16
*tacone1 ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 11:22
tacone1schestowitz: there ?Mar 09 11:22
schestowitzYes.Mar 09 11:23
schestowitzWhat's up?Mar 09 11:23
tacone1did you gave a look to splashtop patents?Mar 09 11:24
schestowitzI haven't, no.Mar 09 11:24
schestowitzAny links?Mar 09 11:24
tacone1 09 11:24
tacone1 09 11:25
tacone1i wrote something here, but nothing really interesting: 09 11:25
tacone1my point is those patent could make splashtop the only bios operating system on the marketMar 09 11:26
tacone1beside dell workarounding the patents by embedding an additional cpuMar 09 11:26
schestowitzARM?Mar 09 11:27
tacone1rightMar 09 11:27
schestowitzIs that why they did this?Mar 09 11:27
schestowitzPatents?Mar 09 11:27
tacone1that's just my take.Mar 09 11:27
tacone1my guess.Mar 09 11:27
tacone1how can they otherwise load a bios OS while the main OS is loading without infringe splashtop patents ?Mar 09 11:27
schestowitzI see now.....Mar 09 11:29
schestowitzDo they intend to assert rights?Mar 09 11:29
tacone1what you thing ? am i simply crazy ?Mar 09 11:29
schestowitzThey could claim to be seeking a monopolyMar 09 11:29
tacone1right.Mar 09 11:30
schestowitzOr play defensively.Mar 09 11:30
tacone1i don't know anything. i just saw the patents on their homepage and gave a lookMar 09 11:30
tacone1i have no sources.Mar 09 11:30
tacone1the freaking patent system, makes you patent everything even if you don't want to be aggressive.Mar 09 11:30
tacone1thruth to be told, no one ever needs patents to defend. prior art is all it's needed.Mar 09 11:31
schestowitzhttp://www.freepatentsonline...Mar 09 11:31
schestowitzThere may not be prior art, but is it something that's hard to think of?Mar 09 11:31
schestowitzPatents are trophies to someMar 09 11:32
schestowitzLike Microsoft's "we have 10k patents" PRMar 09 11:32
schestowitzTo programmers too it's some source of pride like academic publicationMar 09 11:32
tacone1patents are powerMar 09 11:32
schestowitzWell, monopoly is powerMar 09 11:33
tacone1you sue M$ (for example) because they infringe your patent.Mar 09 11:33
schestowitzPatents are  a monopolyMar 09 11:33
tacone1they'll look at your business and found something that infringes some of their patentsMar 09 11:33
schestowitzThey get passed around tooMar 09 11:33
tacone1and then try to settleMar 09 11:33
schestowitzSo Microsoft's patent harvester (IV) claimed to have 'purchased' 20k monopoliesMar 09 11:33
tacone1well, now you know :)Mar 09 11:33
schestowitz"You can't do this and that"Mar 09 11:33
schestowitzThe US economy is collapsing do they create imaginary propertyMar 09 11:34
schestowitzChina laughs at itMar 09 11:34
schestowitzIt has its ownMar 09 11:34
schestowitzAnd it got burned by bad loans to the USMar 09 11:34
schestowitzMicrosoft thinks it can survive with patentsMar 09 11:34
schestowitzWhen was IV created?Mar 09 11:35
tacone1IV = ?Mar 09 11:35
schestowitzLet me check because it tells you when Gates decided that Microsoft's days are numberedMar 09 11:35
schestowitz 09 11:35
tacone1ahhhMar 09 11:35
schestowitzHa!!Mar 09 11:35
schestowitz200Mar 09 11:35
schestowitz2000Mar 09 11:35
schestowitzThat's around the time Gates had stepped downMar 09 11:36
schestowitzMicrosoft lost billiobsMar 09 11:36
schestowitzThe company had some savings, but the company was doomedMar 09 11:36
schestowitzHehe.Mar 09 11:36
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 11:36
schestowitzIn Wikipedia: "Genre Patent troll"Mar 09 11:36
schestowitzHehe.Mar 09 11:36
Omar87HiMar 09 11:36
schestowitzI know now that Wikipedia has no shame. it says the truth.Mar 09 11:36
schestowitzHi, Omar87 Mar 09 11:37
tacone1the Ms = next SCO predictionMar 09 11:37
schestowitzOMGMar 09 11:37
schestowitz1999: 09 11:37
tacone1?Mar 09 11:37
schestowitzSo the pyramid started at around the same timeMar 09 11:37
schestowitz1998: Microsoft lost $18 billiobMar 09 11:38
schestowitz1999: Gates Foundry is created (the bank accountMar 09 11:38
schestowitzGates spoke to his colleague Mhyrvold about addressing the problems with software profitability and patentsMar 09 11:38
schestowitzMhyrvold told the press recently that he had come up with IVMar 09 11:39
schestowitzThen, in 2000, IV was createdMar 09 11:39
tacone1he only lacks to run for the white houseMar 09 11:39
tacone1then he's done.Mar 09 11:39
schestowitzBeen harvesting 20,000 or so patents since, IIRC.Mar 09 11:39
oiaohmIssue with splashtop patents is they are open to prior art nuking.Mar 09 11:45
oiaohmcorebios did it first.Mar 09 11:45
oiaohmOr its old name LinuxbiosMar 09 11:46
schestowitztacone1: I'll link to your post laterMar 09 11:47
tacone1kMar 09 11:47
schestowitzoiaohm/ tacone1 : do you know anything about MS and patents between 2000 and 2003?Mar 09 12:02
*tacone ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 12:04
*tacone1 has quit ("Leaving.")Mar 09 12:04
*Omar871 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 12:08
*Omar87 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Mar 09 12:09
oiaohmNot done large patent research.Mar 09 12:12
oiaohmThe other annoying bit of patent law.  If you know about a patent and you code something that clashes with it.  Costs you more.Mar 09 12:13
*tacone ( has left #boycottnovellMar 09 12:29
*myRicky_cn (n=51qqhe@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 13:02
*myRicky_cn (n=51qqhe@ has left #boycottnovellMar 09 13:02
schestowitzRe: Gates Foundry: ""The danger isn't in what people do tell you — it's in what they don't," departing foundation CEO Patty Stonesifer warned in the 2007 annual report."Mar 09 13:26
EruaranindeedMar 09 13:27
*ushimitsudoki1 ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 13:30
*ushimitsudoki has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Mar 09 13:31
oiaohmNot exactly.Mar 09 13:34
oiaohmDanger also sometimes comes from people being wishful thinking.  There are cases were no answer is right.Mar 09 13:34
schestowitzEU funds Microsoft lobby group < >Mar 09 13:35
EruaranyeeshMar 09 13:36
EruaranSounds like Microsoft is looking to widen its use of the software it provided to the Australian Federal PoliceMar 09 13:39
EruaranIts good publicity...Mar 09 13:40
EruaranChild Exploitation Tracking System (CETS)Mar 09 13:40
Eruaran 09 13:41
oiaohmMost other countires police are going Linux.Mar 09 13:42
oiaohmNormal MS flood AustraliaMar 09 13:43
schestowitzYesMar 09 13:46
schestowitzAnd it's like EDGI in this caseMar 09 13:46
schestowitzDump software to be anti-competitiveMar 09 13:46
schestowitzClaims to be charitableMar 09 13:46
schestowitzClaim to protect kids or helping their educationMar 09 13:46
schestowitzThey did this in India tooMar 09 13:46
schestowitzAnd they honestly believe that what they do is right.Mar 09 13:47
oiaohmthere is a problem here.Mar 09 13:47
schestowitzIndoctrination frameworks enable self justification.Mar 09 13:47
oiaohmSame systems used to investage drug crimes could have been turned to child exploitation tracking.Mar 09 13:48
oiaohmSo effectively CETS makes our online police less all rounders.Mar 09 13:48
schestowitzAll rounder for the Microsoft monopoly :-DMar 09 13:50
EruaranYes Microsoft "donated" the softwareMar 09 13:52
Balroghello everyoneMar 09 13:55
EruaranhiMar 09 13:55
schestowitzEruaran: like a man 'donates' his spermMar 09 13:56
*Eruaran suddenly sees lots of little BillG's running around... its a nightmareMar 09 13:57
schestowitzMS Gotta spread the MS-DNAMar 09 13:57
schestowitzEruaran: Gates is a politician nowMar 09 13:58
EruaranNow ?Mar 09 13:58
schestowitzHe's lobbying all over the place, as predicated. The 'retirement' bit was a turn to more valuable services to MicrosoftMar 09 13:58
schestowitzEruaran: yes, now. All the timeMar 09 13:58
schestowitzHis daddy is still involved too, as alwaysMar 09 13:58
schestowitzClearing barrierMar 09 13:58
schestowitzYesterday: 09 13:59
schestowitzWe wrote about him quite a lot in BN recently. Microsoft is a broader political animal than most people realisedMar 09 13:59
schestowitzI am still yearning for an answer to the question, how did Microsoft manage to legalise sw patents in Aussie?Mar 09 14:00
EruaranFree trade agreement with the USMar 09 14:00
EruaranLaws had to be 'smoothed out' if you know what I meanMar 09 14:01
EruaransynchronisedMar 09 14:01
MinceRyeah, got to apply those 'investments' to the rest of the "free world"Mar 09 14:03
MinceRif we let the megacorps get away with these things for long, soon they'll streamline this processMar 09 14:04
oiaohmThere has been no legal case in Australia over software patents.Mar 09 14:04
oiaohmWith the way Australian law works until then you can never be sure that they can be applied.Mar 09 14:05
schestowitzHA!Mar 09 14:06
schestowitzNAFTAMar 09 14:06
schestowitzOne of the biggest scams of the decade.Mar 09 14:06
schestowitzBut the press kept quite about it. Amazing, isn't it? Like the ACTA, hush-hush mmmmmmmkay?Mar 09 14:06
MinceRand what about WIPO?Mar 09 14:06
schestowitzWIPO is corrupt tooMar 09 14:06
schestowitzCreated to serve those who need 'protection'Mar 09 14:07
schestowitzWho funds WIPO?Mar 09 14:07
MinceRthe UN, i guessMar 09 14:07
schestowitzEruaran: in the EU they now call it harmonisationMar 09 14:07
EruaranyesMar 09 14:07
schestowitzMicrosoft uses the US whore (cronie), Charles McCreevy.Mar 09 14:07
schestowitzHe also serves the US MAFIAA on the face it it (the copyrights cartel). There are others in this 'cast;.Mar 09 14:08
schestowitzMinceR: worry not.Mar 09 14:08
MinceRwhy?Mar 09 14:09
schestowitzThe US is such a wonderful economy (ask Friedman or Greespan), so why wouldn't the EU want to 'harmonise'?Mar 09 14:09
schestowitz*GreenspanMar 09 14:09
schestowitz"Come and join... be 'equally' messed up" Mar 09 14:09
MinceRand the EU might just do that happilyMar 09 14:10
schestowitz"Or we'll come and liberate you with our freedom and democracy"Mar 09 14:10
MinceRespecially if they can avoid having to inform the citizensMar 09 14:10
schestowitz   > MinceR: and the EU might just do that happilyMar 09 14:10
schestowitzMinceR: Hungary tooMar 09 14:10
MinceRespecially hungaryMar 09 14:10
schestowitzThey just need insiders in govt.Mar 09 14:10
MinceRor bribesMar 09 14:10
schestowitzSome are Microsoft employeesMar 09 14:11
schestowitzI'll show you something.Mar 09 14:11
MinceRthey already have people willingly serving microsoft hereMar 09 14:11
EruaranReminds me of a journalist in the middle east when the US was bombing Baghdad, as he watched the city being bombed he said, "ah, democracy ?"Mar 09 14:11
schestowitzI've myself lost track of the EU MS cronies: 09 14:11
schestowitzFigel is a HUGE MS crony.Mar 09 14:11
oiaohm  Australian patent system.  Goverment money sink.Mar 09 14:12
schestowitzThey recently held their magical "innovation day"Mar 09 14:12
schestowitzLobbying orgy disguised as a day to celebrate "innovation"Mar 09 14:12
schestowitzoiaohm: no, no... JOBSMar 09 14:13
schestowitzCreate jobsMar 09 14:13
schestowitzMake more banksMar 09 14:13
schestowitzMore bureaucracyMar 09 14:13
schestowitzHave engineers write down ideas.Mar 09 14:13
schestowitzAnd THEN write some codeMar 09 14:13
schestowitzBUT!Mar 09 14:13
schestowitzBefore they write code they must review 7 million US patents and many others that got filed in other placesMar 09 14:14
schestowitzAlso: they must thoroughly understand patent lawMar 09 14:14
schestowitzThey should hire a lawyerMar 09 14:14
schestowitzYay! More jobs!! Lawyers.Mar 09 14:14
schestowitzAnd the lawyers themselves have fun making money by talking to each other in front of a well-paid man with a gavelMar 09 14:14
oiaohmNo read the page I showed schestowitzMar 09 14:15
schestowitz"Did you or did you not know that PROGRA~1 was an INNOVA~1?" asked Your HonourMar 09 14:15
schestowitzoiaohm: OKMar 09 14:15
oiaohmIf they have not processed your patent claim yet after 5 years has passed you have to start paying.Mar 09 14:15
oiaohmYep they do nothing and if you want the patent you have to pay.Mar 09 14:16
schestowitzoiaohm: yes, that would solve the world's problems :-)Mar 09 14:16
oiaohmWe do not send out reminders for maintenance fee payments << Nasty one there too.Mar 09 14:16
oiaohmYou miss our maintenance fee you prior application become prior art nuking your next application.Mar 09 14:17
oiaohmYes Australia has one f the most evil patent systems in the world to work with.Mar 09 14:17
schestowitzPeople lose real property (house, car) and these people worry about imaginary one. :-SMar 09 14:17
schestowitz 09 14:18
oiaohmThere is anti dreamed up patents in Australian patent law.Mar 09 14:20
oiaohmItem that you are patenting must exist in some form.   If it don't you are stuffed so badly it not funny.Mar 09 14:21
schestowitzExist as in code?Mar 09 14:21
schestowitzImplmentation?Mar 09 14:21
schestowitzOr be a physical device of some sort?Mar 09 14:21
oiaohm  innovation class covers software max of 8 years.Mar 09 14:25
oiaohmStandard device releated patent has 20 years.Mar 09 14:25
schestowitzResearch have shown this to be harmful to innovationMar 09 14:26
schestowitzIt's also adverse to economic sense.Mar 09 14:26
schestowitzI'm watching a FFII thread now with the subject: e: [Softwarepatents] Burn all swpatMar 09 14:26
schestowitzSW patents are all that Microsoft has left a few years down the line, revenue-wiseMar 09 14:27
schestowitzoiaohm: these pages are filled with solicitor propaganda language, e.g. "Innovation Patent"Mar 09 14:27
oiaohmInnovation patent does not require patent search before granting.Mar 09 14:28
schestowitzIt's repeated many times (like hypnosis) saying "nice rich man"... "nice rich man"... "nice rich man"Mar 09 14:28
oiaohmBut if you need to enforce patent on someone you have to do the patent search before you can.Mar 09 14:28
oiaohmIe you cannot legally threaten someone with a innovation patent until the extra steps are done.Mar 09 14:29
oiaohmIf you do you void it.Mar 09 14:29
oiaohmThis is the difference between USA software patents and Australian ones.Mar 09 14:30
oiaohmUSA you can threat a person with them before a patent search and other confilting matterials search has been done.Mar 09 14:31
oiaohmAloso innovation patents are basically worthless.Mar 09 14:33
schestowitzExcellent article from Groklaw: 09 14:36
*oiaohm has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 09 14:37
schestowitzThe US market keeps steady todayMar 09 14:45
schestowitzI hope that PJ is back to posting to Groklaw on a regular basis. She has done a lot more than usual over the past week (News Picks included), but all her RSS feeds are eternally frozen.Mar 09 14:55
*mib_3fryqt (i=44e625da@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 15:03
*mib_3fryqt has quit (Client Quit)Mar 09 15:03
schestowitzI hear of more new trouble from IDC/IDG.Mar 09 15:08
schestowitzThey annoy their clients now. I hear the same about their conferences, e.g. LinuxWorld. You will hopefully forgive me for not being their fan. 09 15:09
*Eruaran has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 09 15:27
balzac_ttp:// 09 15:31
balzac_ 09 15:31
balzac_ 09 15:32
schestowitzSUSE is uploading.Mar 09 15:41
*balzac_ is now known as balzacMar 09 15:58
*neighborlee (n=neighbor@unaffiliated/neighborlee) has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 16:02
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 16:09
Balrogsuse...uploading????Mar 09 16:34
schestowitzSee the video and the BN linkMar 09 16:35
*trmanco_ ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 16:37
*gdb ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 17:01
twitterHmph, it seems that Google made a mistake.  The 52 week low for M$FT is  14.87 not the 13.31 they published last Friday, unless today's value is mistaken.Mar 09 17:12
twitterThe day is young, they might get there today.Mar 09 17:13
*trmanco_ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Mar 09 17:29
schestowitzYes, I noticed that.Mar 09 17:33
*toros (n=toros@ubuntu/member/toros) has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 17:34
toroshiMar 09 17:34
schestowitzHi, toros Mar 09 17:48
schestowitzI am reasonably happy with this current version < > which addresses all the requests from the viewers. There is room for improvement, but I thought you might want to read through it first. We need them as text with cross-linkage at some stage.Mar 09 18:02
torostoday I argued a little with a Novell-employee :)Mar 09 18:03
torosbecause of my article about opensuseMar 09 18:03
toroshe didn't like it... ;)Mar 09 18:03
Balrogtoros: url?Mar 09 18:03
torosIt's in HungarianMar 09 18:04
Balrogoh. :/Mar 09 18:04
torosbut here is it: 09 18:04
torosyou can check the linksMar 09 18:05
torosthe linked pages are all in english, so you can figure out, what is it about...Mar 09 18:07
schestowitzOh Oh. Scottish hospitals laid low by malware infection < >Mar 09 18:09
schestowitzWindows is going totally out of control.Mar 09 18:09
schestowitzAnd it's killing people.Mar 09 18:09
*zer0c00l has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 09 18:12
*mod (i=[U2FsdGV@unaffiliated/jyg) has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 18:13
tessier_Why are we not getting better mileage out of anti-Windows security FUD?Mar 09 18:13
tessier_Just this morning I got a spam email and two spam IM's from different friends who were infected by malware.Mar 09 18:13
*mod (i=[U2FsdGV@unaffiliated/jyg) has left #boycottnovellMar 09 18:14
twitterbecause WE and other PR people police the press.  It's not a W32 virus it's a "computer" virus, all OS are equal, etc, etc.Mar 09 18:14
twitterAdvertising money goes a long wayMar 09 18:14
twitterReality is obvious to anyone who bothers to try anything but Winblows.Mar 09 18:14
schestowitzMicrosoft's legalised corruption (lob‌bying) disguised as "innovation": 09 18:15
twitterThe OEM lock hurts too.  "If free software was really so wonderful, OEMs would sell and recommend it."  ha.Mar 09 18:15
schestowitztessier: tell them it's worse than they are told. In April 2008 I read that 40% of the PCs (Windows) are infectedMar 09 18:15
twitterAll Windows PCs are infected.Mar 09 18:16
schestowitzNot all.Mar 09 18:16
schestowitzSome are not connected to the Net ;-)Mar 09 18:16
twitterThey run Windows, don't they?Mar 09 18:16
twitterIt is malware on it's own.Mar 09 18:17
torosWindows is not a malware, it's more like a weapon...Mar 09 18:17
toroscontrolling the PCs is like controlling the worldMar 09 18:17
twitterPractically, you can't tell if any given Windows computer is infected or just suffering from the usual performance issues, so you might as well assume it is infected.Mar 09 18:18
schestowitzYahoo has this WarrenB interviewMar 09 18:18
schestowitzThe public looting takes its tollMar 09 18:18
schestowitzThe business community protests as well.Mar 09 18:18
schestowitzIt's like a rich man trying to throw the contents of his wallet at the fire, hoping it'll extinguish it.Mar 09 18:19
twitterYes, too late they realize that their assets are valueless outside of a cooperative society.Mar 09 18:19
schestowitzIt's an agonising thing to watchMar 09 18:19
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 18:19
schestowitzObama or McCain, whoever was to be elected was in serious mudMar 09 18:19
schestowitzHad Obama not approved, he's be burned at the stake for causing the Greatest DepressiinMar 09 18:19
schestowitzNot he's just buying time and making it worse.Mar 09 18:19
schestowitzSo he'll be slammed laterMar 09 18:19
schestowitzI saw it on TV that they blackmailed senators or whatever into signing to approve the looting (stimulus)Mar 09 18:20
twitterThere's not much that can be done.  Imaginary assets have concentrated wealth.  Savings are gone and the wealthy will fall with everyone else.Mar 09 18:20
schestowitztwitter: Windows is not malware (I think), but for a fact it is spyware, by defintionMar 09 18:20
twitterGWB threatened martial law if people did not sign.Mar 09 18:20
schestowitzThis behaviour cannot even be disabledMar 09 18:20
schestowitzOnce it's installed on a connected PC, mother ship owns your binariesMar 09 18:21
schestowitzForget about changing this or blocking itMar 09 18:21
twitterWindows is malware because it does things against the user's will and restricts what the user can do.Mar 09 18:21
schestowitzIt's alll in the EULA by the way. They can do anything they want to your h/wMar 09 18:21
MinceR(offtopic) 09 18:21
twitterThis is true even if you are not connected to the net.Mar 09 18:21
schestowitzYesMar 09 18:22
twitterAll non free software violates your ability to do what you want with your computer and it does so by design.Mar 09 18:22
MinceRthat's to a different degree than in the case of winblows, thoughMar 09 18:23
schestowitz"Works with the shelves you have at home"Mar 09 18:23
schestowitzTelemarketing comes to mind..Mar 09 18:23
twitterthe other degrees of violation are the goal of non free software.Mar 09 18:23
twitteranother benefit of "Book" - public libraries.  People can pool their money and share books, how cool is that?Mar 09 18:24
*mib_e7ycb6 (i=54457cdb@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 18:24
schestowitz"Scottish hospitals laid low by malware infection - now, what on earth could the operating system be there? " 09 18:24
twitterThey index them by subject and author, much like Napster did, and it's all legal and society approves of it!Mar 09 18:24
schestowitzDid The Register not state this was Windows???Mar 09 18:25
schestowitzAn L of a recession – reform is the way out < >Mar 09 18:26
twitterlooking at Register article, "no match for Windows"Mar 09 18:26
schestowitz"The US is dragging its feet over the financial sector. The European Union is doing the same, as well as failing to adopt policies that could shield it from an increasingly probable speculative attack. And judging by the state of preparations, the forthcoming Group of 20 summit is going to be a disaster."Mar 09 18:26
twitter"Conficker worm" mentioned, not Microsoft or Windows.Mar 09 18:27
schestowitztwitter: The Register signed some deal with Microsoft some years agoMar 09 18:27
schestowitzA friend tells me that The Register was /very/ different prior to it.Mar 09 18:27
twitterthe name makes the article look technical, without providing information.Mar 09 18:27
schestowitzI only  started reading The Register around 2004 or 2005, so I don't know.Mar 09 18:27
twitterYes, the Register is no longer "biting the hand that feeds IT"Mar 09 18:27
schestowitzExactly.Mar 09 18:27
schestowitzSame with IDGMar 09 18:27
schestowitzI heard bad things todayMar 09 18:28
schestowitzA friend of mine works with themMar 09 18:28
schestowitzSome weeks ago IDG also sacked some FOSS editorsMar 09 18:28
schestowitzIn an ugly fashion for all I can tellMar 09 18:28
schestowitzI heard bad things about how they treat people when organising expos like LinuxWorldMar 09 18:28
twitterRegister has even declined since 2005, look at this as an example 09 18:28
schestowitzIDG is IDC...Mar 09 18:28
schestowitzNeedless to day, IDC and Microsoft are chumsMar 09 18:29
twitterthey used to have balls.Mar 09 18:29
schestowitzComes brings lots more smoking guns.Mar 09 18:29
twitterNow they are like any other part of the Wintel press.Mar 09 18:29
schestowitzAshlee Vance left themMar 09 18:29
schestowitzHe covered FOSSMar 09 18:29
schestowitzHe's with the NYT nowMar 09 18:29
schestowitzThey have some writers in the Register now who are friends of MicrosoftMar 09 18:30
schestowitzTim Prichard (??spelling) is  pro-UNIX and Linux thoughMar 09 18:30
schestowitzThey seem to have hired him at the end of last yearMar 09 18:30
twitterLooking at The Herald source article for Scottish Hospital Windows problems, no mention of microsoft or windowsMar 09 18:30
schestowitzLisa left them on the face of itMar 09 18:30
schestowitzShe covered lots of FOSS stuffMar 09 18:30
twitterI hardly ever bother with the Register anymore.Mar 09 18:31
schestowitzGavin Clarke pisses off FOSS people. He's a friend of Mary Jo Foley now and he's provokingMar 09 18:31
twitterYou collect better news at BN.Mar 09 18:31
schestowitzThe Inquirer is OKMar 09 18:31
schestowitzBut Charlie doesn't write much anymoreMar 09 18:31
schestowitzThey provoke Linux and Apple peopleMar 09 18:32
*kentma has quit ("Leaving.")Mar 09 18:32
schestowitzEspecially Nick, the editorMar 09 18:32
twitterThe one in 100 articles that either the Register or Inquirer writes will find it's way into BN.Mar 09 18:32
schestowitzThe foudner of the Register and Inquirer retired from both over a year agoMar 09 18:32
twitterIt showsMar 09 18:32
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 18:33
schestowitzCriminals don't self-register: Survey: Lobbyists reluctant to sign up to register < >Mar 09 18:34
schestowitzCan they be sent to exile instead?Mar 09 18:34
twitterLooking at the Slashdot Firehose, I see our friend David Gerard and I are doing well with the M$ Iceland story. and 09 18:36
twitterI like my story better, of course.Mar 09 18:36
*gdb ( has left #boycottnovellMar 09 18:36
twitterShorter, to the point and gets the global picture in at the same time.  Just the same, I'll be happy if any link hits the front page.Mar 09 18:37
schestowitzI hope it makes it in.Mar 09 18:38
schestowitzI checked it this morning.Mar 09 18:38
schestowitzThe hard language ('hard') makes it hard to enter /,.Mar 09 18:38
*neighborlee has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Mar 09 18:40
twitterYeah, I emailed a software guy in Iceland but he was unaware of the issue.Mar 09 18:40
twitterI'd have liked to find a better article.  I'll look some more now.  :)Mar 09 18:41
schestowitzThere are three Microsoft shills who seem likely to 'pull a marbux on OASIS': Alex Brown <>; Jesper Lund Stocholm <>; . I've seen very little evidence so far, but marbux keeps track of jelliffe. Add Microsoft's Doug (the one who pretty much defrauded Malaysia) to this list...Mar 09 18:41
schestowitzMicrosoft will try to throw the table on a Microsoft/Office-independent file formatMar 09 18:42
schestowitzIt's a matter of life or death to Microsoft and those cronies who bet their career on it, so let's keep our eyes openMar 09 18:42
schestowitzSigns of change coming from India amid deep recession: A request to sign the FOSS Manifesto < >Mar 09 18:43
*neighborlee (n=neighbor@unaffiliated/neighborlee) has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 18:44
*easy ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 18:44
*mib_e7ycb6 (i=54457cdb@gateway/web/ajax/ has left #boycottnovellMar 09 18:44
twitterUgh, " There was an upside to the financial crisis. The experience of Iceland had “focused the mind somewhat” on the fact that it was better for Ireland to be at the heart of the European Union rather than the margins. A majority of Irish voters might now vote ‘Yes’ in a second referendum on the controversial Lisbon Treaty on greater EU efficiency that they rejected last year, much to the embarrassment of the government."Mar 09 18:46
twitter 09 18:47
*easy has quit (Client Quit)Mar 09 18:48
*easy ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 18:48
*mib_nnvswu (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 18:48
*mib_nnvswu has quit (Client Quit)Mar 09 18:48
schestowitzLisbon treaty is a sham.Mar 09 18:50
schestowitz 09 18:50
schestowitzCareful what press you read, twitter Mar 09 18:50
trmancolisbon?Mar 09 18:51
schestowitzIt could represent elite interests: 09 18:51
trmancoschestowitz, Error establishing a database connectionMar 09 18:51
trmancooopsMar 09 18:51
schestowitz:-oMar 09 18:51
trmancoI didn't mean to break itMar 09 18:51
schestowitzRefreshMar 09 18:51
trmancoit is working againMar 09 18:51
schestowitzWe still get some hiccupsMar 09 18:51
schestowitzThis loses some readership, so doesn't get the message across.Mar 09 18:52
trmancooh, that lisbonMar 09 18:52
twitterYes, I've heard bad things about Lisbond treaty, that's why I shared the link.Mar 09 18:52
twitterHere's an advertiser's view of the M$/Razorfish fiasco 09 18:53
schestowitzPriceless: Microsoft is not so sure that XP will beat Vista7 (with a 3-processes limit): 09 18:54
schestowitzGNU/Linux is _so_influencing this marketMar 09 18:54
schestowitzMicrosoft not only pressures OEMs there but it also gives Windows _away_... virtually for freeMar 09 18:54
schestowitztwitter: word of the street is that MS will sell RazorfishMar 09 18:55
schestowitzThey  went the wrong wayMar 09 18:55
schestowitzMicrosoft could use the cashMar 09 18:55
schestowitzThe acuisition didn't work outMar 09 18:55
schestowitzThe CEO of Aqantine (spelling!) quite MS some months agoMar 09 18:56
schestowitzRazorfish moved to Apache (from IIS)Mar 09 18:56
schestowitzAnd it loses employees rapidlyMar 09 18:56
twitterAnother Vista failure, 09 18:56
schestowitztwitter: I think he updated this postMar 09 18:56
schestowitzHe didn't have the HTTP header the last time, IIRCMar 09 18:57
schestowitzI could be wrongMar 09 18:57
schestowitzBut he saw the BN post where trmanco did his analysis.Mar 09 18:57
twitter$1B DRAM maker files for bankruptcy after computer makers stocked up for Vista sales that never came.Mar 09 18:57
schestowitzHere: 09 18:57
schestowitztrmanco did his 'examination'Mar 09 18:58
schestowitzWow. That's a big Vista no-noMar 09 18:58
schestowitzShow me your Wow. "Wow, CompUSA went bankrupt trying to sell Vista.."Mar 09 18:59
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 09 19:03
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 19:04
schestowitztwitter: any protests where you live? I saw photos the other day (from Atlanta though, IIRC)?Mar 09 19:04
twitterWow, Circuit City, Wow DSG, Wow every OEM, vendor and retailer who cooperated with M$'s plans to thwart user demand has suffered.Mar 09 19:05
twitterHave not looked for protests.Mar 09 19:05
twitterDid not know about AtlantaMar 09 19:05
schestowitzThe question is, when does it become unbearable to change legislationMar 09 19:05
schestowitzI read that in the US there is apathyMar 09 19:05
schestowitzIn France they already take it to the streetsMar 09 19:05
schestowitzEurope is considered very open in that regardMar 09 19:06
schestowitzI wonder if US reluctance to organise is imposed by fearMar 09 19:06
twitterMuch fear.Mar 09 19:06
schestowitzReally?Mar 09 19:06
schestowitzOf what?Mar 09 19:06
twitterBut fear washes away when you lose your house.Mar 09 19:06
twitterFear of losing your job.Mar 09 19:06
schestowitzI read about protesters being flagged "terrorists"Mar 09 19:07
schestowitzEven pro-peace protesters/activistsMar 09 19:07
twitterYes, but that too is washing away as the magnitude of the meltdown becomes obvious.Mar 09 19:07
schestowitzThis means that they can be locked up without much evidence or warrant, no?Mar 09 19:07
schestowitzTechnically anyway]Mar 09 19:07
twitterProtesters were locked up at the Dem and Republican conventions ... before the protestsMar 09 19:07
twitterChange is in the air.Mar 09 19:08
schestowitzObama must withdraw these laws ASAPMar 09 19:08
schestowitzI doubt he has timeMar 09 19:08
schestowitzThe priorities changedMar 09 19:08
schestowitzLocking Bush and Cheney up is the last thing on their mindMar 09 19:08
twitterObama is defending wiretaps and other basic violations.Mar 09 19:08
schestowitzLet alone a tedious process of changing lawsMar 09 19:08
schestowitzRestoring laws rather!Mar 09 19:08
schestowitz:-)Mar 09 19:08
twitterI've heard of protests in Boston and squatters in Miami.Mar 09 19:09
schestowitzThis could really bite later on when people want to voice their disagreementMar 09 19:09
twitterThey protest foreclosuresMar 09 19:09
schestowitzBoston would make sense.Mar 09 19:09
schestowitzMiami is a surpriseMar 09 19:09
schestowitzI have family there, too.Mar 09 19:09
schestowitzI hear it's pretty roughMar 09 19:10
schestowitzPensioners too lose their lifelineMar 09 19:10
schestowitzRoblimo..Mar 09 19:10
twitterIt's not so much of a protest in Miami as it is an organized move to put people in houses that sit empty.Mar 09 19:10
schestowitzBoston has always been very liberalMar 09 19:10
schestowitzHome of GNU as well..Mar 09 19:10
neighborleewell id not count obama out quite yet,afterall stem cell resarch is offically back online ;)Mar 09 19:10
schestowitz 09 19:11
schestowitz└─(19:11 $)─> ping stem researchMar 09 19:11
schestowitzping: unknown host stemMar 09 19:11
twitterObama is ending the Iraq war and doing a few other good things, but his justice department is toeing the bush line on wiretaps.Mar 09 19:11
schestowitzneighborlee: it's offlineMar 09 19:11
neighborlee?Mar 09 19:11
neighborleeI just watched him  sign a new bill into law ;)Mar 09 19:12
schestowitztwitter: he's not ending itMar 09 19:12
neighborleereversing bush admin laws,,Mar 09 19:12
schestowitzIt's pretense.Mar 09 19:12
schestowitzThey just move people aboutMar 09 19:12
schestowitzPRMar 09 19:12
neighborleetime will tell ? ;)Mar 09 19:12
schestowitzThey also increase presence in other colonies where they don't belongMar 09 19:12
twitterwell, gotta go for a while.  keep up the good work!Mar 09 19:12
*DontTaseMeBro (i=4859cded@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 19:16
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*DontTaseMeBro (i=4859cded@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 19:16
schestowitzWanna see why USPTO is kaput? Read this: 09 19:16
DontTaseMeBroyoMar 09 19:16
schestowitzYo, what's up?Mar 09 19:17
DontTaseMeBrojust chillinMar 09 19:18
PetoKrauswaitMar 09 19:18
PetoKrausis that patent for making someone annoying quiet?Mar 09 19:18
schestowitz"distraction-free meeting event"Mar 09 19:19
PetoKrausi've got prior artMar 09 19:19
schestowitzI think I saw it in /. yesterdayMar 09 19:19
schestowitztheop submitted itMar 09 19:19
PetoKrausi shouted "shut up you miserable piece of shit" at a classmateMar 09 19:19
PetoKrausand the lecture was indeed distraction-free afterwardsMar 09 19:19
schestowitzDid you get ...wlel...Mar 09 19:19
PetoKrauswlel?Mar 09 19:20
schestowitzPetoKraus: Same with this guy: 09 19:20
schestowitz*wellMar 09 19:20
PetoKrausyeahMar 09 19:20
PetoKraus:DMar 09 19:20
schestowitzHe made them all quietMar 09 19:20
schestowitzJust the sound of eggs slatteringMar 09 19:20
schestowitz*splatteringMar 09 19:20
PetoKraushe was the only person on-topic in the whole hall thoughMar 09 19:21
PetoKrausthey had to remove him so he's not distractedMar 09 19:21
*VidiVici (i=50c95aa5@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 19:22
*VidiVici has quit (Client Quit)Mar 09 19:23
*Wojciech (i=4fbe235a@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 09 19:24
WojciechhelloMar 09 19:25
WojciechI have one question about translation of your article i.d 09 19:25
Wojciechcan I translate it into Polish and publish it on popular Polish linux portal?Mar 09 19:26
trmancoping schestowitzMar 09 19:27
schestowitzACKMar 09 19:27
schestowitzHi, WojciechMar 09 19:27
WojciechhiMar 09 19:27
schestowitzYes, of course you canMar 09 19:27
Wojciechthank you very muchMar 09 19:27
schestowitzI'm pretty much treating lots of the site as GPL (the text)Mar 09 19:27
schestowitzA link back would be nice, but not neededMar 09 19:27
Wojciechthe portal is jakilinux.orgMar 09 19:27
schestowitzI know the siteMar 09 19:28
schestowitzI think I linked to it beforeMar 09 19:28
Wojciechof course I will mention you as the authorMar 09 19:28
Wojciech:)Mar 09 19:28
schestowitzCool, thanls.Mar 09 19:28
schestowitz*ksMar 09 19:28
schestowitzPetoKraus: who, the egg thrower?Mar 09 19:28
schestowitzIt's like Russian journalist. You have to focus on good news.Mar 09 19:29
schestowitz*journalismMar 09 19:29
Wojciechbye, thanks :DMar 09 19:29
schestowitzSpeaking of which, someone from the gym though I was Slovak yesterday,.Mar 09 19:29
schestowitzNo idea why. I didn't ask.Mar 09 19:29
*Wojciech (i=4fbe235a@gateway/web/ajax/ has left #boycottnovellMar 09 19:29
schestowitzLooking like Dream Linux improved a lot since 2.2: Dream Linux 3.5 - Results and Summary <,100... >Mar 09 19:30
trmancoI gave a peak today at the wine appdb website (code)Mar 09 19:32
PetoKrausschestowitz: did he see your surname?Mar 09 19:33
PetoKrausand where are you at? aren't you in manchaster?Mar 09 19:33
MinceRanother ballnux advertisement on /. >> 09 19:34
MinceR(it's owned by xandros)Mar 09 19:34

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More DEI (or Similar) Layoffs on the Way, According to Microsoft Team Leader
What happened shortly before Independence Day wasn't the end of it, apparently
[Meme] Many Volunteers Now Realise the "Open" in "OpenSUSE" or "openSUSE" Was Labour-Mining
Back to coding, packaging and testing, slaves
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Tuesday, July 16, 2024
IRC logs for Tuesday, July 16, 2024
[Meme] Ein Factory
A choice between "masters" (or "master race") is a false choice that results in mass exploitation and ultimately eradication (when there's little left to exploit)
Links 17/07/2024: Open Source Initiative Lies and Dark Net Thoughts
Links for the day
Media Distorting Truth to Promote Ignorance
online media is rapidly collapsing
Android Rises to New Highs of Almost 80% in Cameroon
How many dozens of nations will see Windows at under 10% this coming winter?
Links 16/07/2024: TikTok Ban in Europe and Yandex Split
Links for the day
Gemini Links 16/07/2024: On Packrafting and on Trump Shot
Links for the day
[Meme] Firefox Users Who Think They Know Better Than Mozilla
Enjoy Firebook
Firefox Used to Have About Half the Market in Switzerland, But It Doesn't Stand a Chance Anymore (Chrome Surging This Summer)
Mozilla has managed to alienate some of the biggest fans of Firefox
Microsoft's Biggest Losses Are in Europe This Summer
Microsoft's ability to milk a relatively rich Europe is fast diminishing
How to Make Software Suck and Discriminate Against People at the Same Time
ageism glorified
Bing Was at 2.6% in Russia When LLM Hype Started. Now It's Down to 0.8% (for 3 Months in a Row Already)
The sharp fall of Bing may mean that exiting the Russian market won't matter to anybody
[Meme] Microsoft Seems to be Failing to Comply With WARN Act (by Refusing to Announce Mass Layoffs as They Happen)
since when does Microsoft obey the law anyway?
Microsoft Layoffs Are Still Too Frequent to Keep Abreast of and Properly (or Exhaustively) Classify
The "HR" department knows what's happening, but whistleblowers from there are rare
Bahamas Joined the "5% Windows" Club
statCounter only traces back about 1 in 20 Web requests to Windows
Links 16/07/2024: Salesforce Layoffs and Microsoft's DMARC Fail
Links for the day
Antenna Abuse and Gemini Abuse (Self-hosting Perils)
Perhaps all this junk is a sign of Gemini growing up
Possibly Worse Than Bribes: US Politicians and Lawmakers Who Are Microsoft Shareholders
They will keep bailing out Microsoft to bail themselves out
The Software Freedom Conservancy Folks Don't Even Believe in Free Speech and They Act As Imposters (Also in the Trademark Arena/Sense)
Software Freedom Conservancy was already establishing a reputation for itself as a G(I)AFAM censor/gatekeeper
Djibouti Enters the Windows "10% Club" (Windows Was 99% in 2010)
In Africa in general Microsoft lost control
GNU/Linux Share Doubled in the United States of America (USA) in the Past 12 Months
Or so says statCounter
Even in North Korea (Democratic People's Republic Of Korea) Google Said to Dominate, Microsoft Around 1%
Google at 93.26%
[Meme] The Red Bait (Embrace... Extinguish)
They set centos on fire, then offer a (de facto) proprietary substitute for a fee
Shooting the Messenger to Spite the Message
segment of a Noam Chomsky talk
[Video] Boston Area Assange Defense (Yesterday)
It was published only hours ago
Guinea: Windows Down From 99.3% to 2.7% 'Market Share'
Guinea is not a small country
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Monday, July 15, 2024
IRC logs for Monday, July 15, 2024
What's Meant by "Antenna Abuse" (Gemini)
syndication is not a monopoly in Gemini and if one doesn't condone political censorship, then one can create one's own syndication service/capsule
Microsoft Layoffs and Entire Unit Termination: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
What an announcement to make just before Independence Day
Links 16/07/2024: Old Computer Challenge and One Page Dungeon Contest
Links for the day
Microsoft Falls Further and Closer Towards 10% (Windows "Market Share") in Kuwait
more countries entering the "single-digit Windows" (under 10%) club
Gemini Links 15/07/2024: Antenna's Pro-Hamas Bias Revisited and Old Computer Challenge
Links for the day
[Video] Julian Assange, Over One Decade Ago, Cautioning About What the Internet Had Truly Become
video is not new
Homage to Malta
Malta is probably easy for Microsoft to bribe
IRC at 16
Logging has been used for us and against us
In Malta, Android/Linux Has Overtaken Microsoft Windows (According to statCounter)
statCounter milestone?
Links 15/07/2024: China’s Economic Problems, Boeing Under Fire
Links for the day
500 Days' Uptime Very Soon
Good luck doing that with Windows...
Windows Falls Below 20% in Tunisia
A month ago we wrote about GNU/Linux in Tunisia
Links 15/07/2024: Google Wants Wiz and Why "Sports Ruin Everything"
Links for the day
Gemini Links 15/07/2024: Old Computer Challenge and Sending Files via NNCP
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Sunday, July 14, 2024
IRC logs for Sunday, July 14, 2024