From “Microsoft Religion” to “Mono Religion”
- Dr. Roy Schestowitz
- 2009-04-24 16:33:18 UTC
- Modified: 2009-04-24 16:33:18 UTC
If Mono is a religion, does it make us infidels?

They just won't listen
mentioned Microsoft's "Jihad" talk (the term it uses a lot internally,
even Bill Gates). The Microsoft ecosystem is said to be working very closely together and some call it
"the Microsoft movement" (a term which is usually used in private conversations). Others even call it a/the "Microsoft religion", so the following
new post hit a certain nerve.
Is Mono a religion or a technology?
I blogged a response to an attack on Gnote yesterday, essentially reitterating my views that Mono is not a safe technology when building Free Software.
Now, I did expect many to disagree strongly with me, and I'm fine with that. What I'm not fine with is the continued personal attacks of the Mono camp against all that oppose it, including myself, the Gnote developers and someone we all owe a lot to, Richard Stallman.
It ought to be added that at least one person in the Mono team is on Microsoft's payroll.
"Linux is a cult that captures the best-and-brightest kids."
--Jim Gray (Microsoft Research)
Ed Landaveri
2009-04-24 19:43:21
How come this fanatics close their eyes and deny mono dangers seeing Tom Tom the whole MS history && ten years of Microsoft attack to GNU/Linux && FLOSS! The answer: they chose to because the obey orders from their masters because of their hidden agenda to destroy GNU/Linux and FLOSS! Since they CAN'T produce anything superior they want to take it over anyhow! History (even though they try to rewrite it) show us the leopard NEVER will change its spots!
Thus the reason of personals attacks against whoever dissents! Just keep up the good work &7 keep on educating people regarding this. If you silence FREEDOM is doomed! That's what they want! For anyone who forgets the past: "If you don't want them to extinguish you, do NOT let them embrace you"!
"If ain't GNU GPLv3 ain't Free Libre Open Source"
Roy Schestowitz
2009-04-24 19:54:59
2009-04-24 21:43:44